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Ominous Interludes by the Dungeon Master Kat


Apr 17, 2015
New England, U.S.
I'm the forever dm for my dnd group and i enjoy esentially fucking with their characters and their heads :p And thus, the ominous interludes came to be. Basic prenise of these mini story snippets are they either pertain to past events related to a campaign, fill in blanks of player character backstories, give a bit of backstory to non-player characters they encounter, or act as a cutscene to show something happening elsewhere in the campaign that the player characters are unaware of. Regardless of the type of interlude, the fun part is thst it's information the players get to know and stew over, while the characters they play are completely oblivious. *evil dm laugh* each interlude also comes with a relevant picture (usually something off google or pinterest) enjoy!
Whispers In The Dark
(a past event for the first campaign i dmed)

The circular stone room was lit with the dim, flickering lights of torches. Four shrouded figures stood closely beside the large stone table in the center of this circular stone room, speaking in hushed whispers.

The shortest of the group, only half the height of the next shortest, in her rough voice, struggled the hardest to keep her voice low, and undetectable. "I don't understand it, if it's ok to meet here why do we whisper?"

The second tallest of the group, spoke in a firm but calm and quiet voice. "Because if one of them were to walk in while we were talking, and overhear what we were saying before we noticed them, we'd have even bigger problems." The group looked at four of the eight hallways, each looking towards the one they worry most about, North, South, East, and West, before turning back to the conversation at hand. The man brushed a strand of white hair behind his pointed ear, revealing his face for a brief moment, he held a stern yet wise expression, obviously well learned despite his apparent young age as an elf.

The tallest, and bulkiest, of the group, though obviously having the more booming voice, was able to keep his voice low. "This is an act of war you are talking about. As much as I'd like to take down those barbaric 'fighters'… well, going up against all four, it's- it's crazy."

The elf spoke again. "That is why we take out most of their strength before we face them. If we can surprise them, with me and Aoran's abilities, we should be able to lessen their numbers by… about 70%."

The short female spoke up again. "Won't they just be brought back by… their 'mages'?"

The man that had been addressed earlier as Aoran spoke up. "As long as my people are protected from battle, we can take care of that."

The elf looked among his three companions and asked. "So we are in agreement then?" The three others nodded with varying hesitancies. "Then we must not wait, the longer we do, the more likely they are to catch on. Rally your people, we begin at dawn." The group then dispersed, each member going to a different corner exit. Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest. The cleansing was about to begin.

One Last Prayer
(Interlude pertaining to a player character backstory)

This is probably it. The old man thought as he faced the great beast, a Displacer Packlord. He knew a beast of this strength would be too much for his young… well, young for a Dwarf, apprentice to even hope to take on. And though once upon a time he would have been able to defeat this beast… time was relentless, years stacked upon years weighed on his back and slowed his once agile movements. He had long wished to hang his hunters hood and retire… but young Tetekor, the boy had always looked to him with such faith, admiration and… confidence, confidence that his mentor could take on anything… defeat anything. How could he ever hope to tell his pupil he wanted to retire?

He supposed on this day, he would pay for that reluctance. But Heironeous be damned if he was going down without a fight. The mighty beast roared at a volume that shook the trees around it. It was hungry. The beast lashed out it's claws and the man was just able to put his shield between his body and the attack, but unable to hold his ground, was pushed back several feet as he skidded on the balls of his feet. As he righted himself he heard a voice call behind him. "Master Sylvir! Let me help! We can take it down together!"

A wry grin crossed Sylvir's face. I'm sorry Tetekor… He thought. This beast will not be the one taken down today. He then spoke without looking back. "You stay back! That's an order!" This firm hand in training had taught Tetekor how to know when to not argue. And this was one of those times.

Sylvir, with a mighty battle cry, lashed out with his trusty greatsword, leaving an impressive gash in the beast's shoulder, however, getting this close had consequences. Unable to get out of the way in time, the beast's maw clamped down on Sylvir's exposed side, cutting through his armor like it was paper, puncturing internal organs and severing arteries. The beast tossed Sylvir aside in it's rage and began advancing on the young dwarf who stared in horror at his mentor's defeat.

Sylvir lay motionless on the ground, unable to get up, he could only lie there as he felt the blood leaving his body, helpless. He could not protect what had become most important to him. A tear, something Tetekor had never seen from his master, left his eye as he stared at the darkening sky. He was left to think back over his life, decide for himself if he had lived it the way he'd meant to.

An orphan, raising himself on the streets, nothing to live for, taken in by the guildmaster of the renowned Handen van Justitie, trained in how to fight and how to care, he had forgotten that part over the years of heartlessly hunting down monsters. He'd told himself it was to protect people… but really… it had been to stave off his own self-hatred and boredom. Until that day he took out a Chimera 22 years ago… and on a whim agreed to mentor a young dwarf… the next 22 years had been the best he'd ever had. Half raising his apprentice and teaching him the life lessons he'd needed someone to teach him… it had been perfect.

And now, it was about to end. Sylvir gazed up into the evening sky as he heard Tetekor calling his name, begging him to get up… but he couldn't. All he could do was this. He stared up at the first star of the night to appear and with the last of his strength, he prayed.

Heironeous… I do not care if my time on this earth ends today. But I beseech you, let my apprentice… no… my son, live.

And as the final breath his lungs would take left his lips, lightning crashed down before the great beast, sending it running past Sylvir as his eyes closed with a content smile on his face, knowing his prayer had been answered.

A Friend's Concern

(Bit of backstory for a Non-Player Character)

The young human redheaded woman leaned against the doorway as her good friend and mentor packed his bags for another mission. "What is it this time? Didn't you just get back? Let someone else take it up and have a drink with your guild."

The man did not comment on the drinking and said. "Another monster's been seen around a town to the north, someone needs to kill it." The cold, unwavering indifference in his voice concerned the woman. "Sylvir…" She pushed herself up from leaning against the doorframe and approached the much older human.She gazed into his eyes for a long moment and asked. "Why do you fight?"

Sylvir raised a confused eyebrow. "What?"

The woman repeated herself. "Why did you become a monster hunter? What is it that you fight for?"

Sylvir looked at her steadily and repeated his well rehearsed phrase, with little emotion. "I do it to protect people."

The woman frowned, not buying it. "Do you?" She sighs. "Sylvir, Roice has a lot of faith in you. Heck, he'd readily give you the position of guild master if you had an ounce of passion behind what you do… You'd be an amazing guildmaster…"

Sylvir smirks a bit and ruffles the young, 18 year old's fiery locks. "Honestly Gretchen, I think you would make a better guildmaster than me, for those exact reasons."

Gretchen blinked in surprise and flustered a bit. "Me!? N-No, I'll never be able to become a guildmaster."

Sylvir chuckled lowly in amusement. "There is a saying. 'Those who believe they can't lead make the best leaders.' Plus, you are young, you will grow. I think one day this guild will be in great hands under your leadership. A person who fights in the name of Heironeous is more suited to running his guild than one that simply worships Heironeous and fights." He then turns and finishes packing his bag.

Gretchen sighed a bit but resumed her leaning, this time against the wall. "When do you think you'll be back?" She asked, and he gave the same answer he always gave, an unclear one.

"When my work is done." He then slung his bag over his shoulder and gave Gretchen a ghost of a smile. "Train well, maybe one day we can fight alongside each other…"

Gretchen sighed again but a smile tugged it's way to her face. "Safe Travels, may Heironeous guide your way home." Sylvir nodded and left, never to be seen by his guild again…

Almost 23 years later, Guildmaster Gretchen Lighten is helping a young trainee master his sword when a pain enters her heart, a tear falls down her cheek. She wipes it away in confusion but calls for the end of lessons for the day. That evening she opens the door to a young dwarf, bringing news of a long gone friend, Sylvir's, passing.

The Hunter In The Shadows

(An interlude that happens from someone outside of the Player Characters' awareness during the campaign)

The figure crept through the shadows, his clothing dark and his face shrouded. He stalked his prey, had stalked this prey for many weeks, ever since their investigation outpost had been upended. He stalked… but he could not strike. No. Not yet. That would raise too much suspicion. The investigators had done a good enough job of that by sloppily collecting most of their prey from the same source. And now he had to monitor… to ensure they could clean up this mess.

He watched as the group replaced some of their members, though the ones coming in didn't seem to be much better than the ones that left. Maybe they held some sort of unseen strength that he could not discern from a distance. He could never be too sure. Afterall, it was overconfidence in their abilities that had brought about their downfall. Luckily… the other guilds were inept enough to not even properly finish the job.

He followed the group from a distance as they made their way through the plains to the center of the island, this piqued his interest. So… they are going to the ruins… He thought as he followed the unsuspecting lambs, silent as night and invisible as the air. Fully there, but fully undetected. He was an expert in his field, a master of stealth and precision. He ached to make a move, to capture the unsuspecting prey, tie them up and strip them of all they know, before making the kill. Coat his hands in blood as he watches the light leave their eyes. Revelling in the power of the kill, as any good hunter should, and he was a master hunter.

He stalked them for two days and two nights, until, in the distance, he could see what now stood as the sad memory of what was once a glorious age for the guilds… until the traitor guilds chose to turn it ALL to ruin. He watched as morning dawned and the group began to stir, after a laughable attempt at hiding their carriage and animals, he followed them as they approached the desecrated meeting hall. He did not follow them inside however, no… too little space, too easy for them to notice him. He did not want to alert the prey that they were being followed… not yet… Instead, he followed them along the outside wall, his right eye glowing faintly red as he monitored them through the stone wall, his ears on them without their knowledge. He was grateful for this wand he had been given, the spell was unique, and under-used, but useful for listening in on a job like this.

From outside the walls the stalker listened, heard them try to befriend a zombie, run in fear of the symbol on the floor, try to befriend a stone creature of some sort, he was unsure about that one, and then have the protective seal over the table blow up in their faces. Are they really going to be such a threat? He thought to himself as he heard the grinding of the table sliding away to reveal the underground area of the ruins. Well… I suppose if they come to know anything they will be. He crouched and listened as they descended down the staircase, they searched around and found some writings and items from Zwaarden Va Lijden and Pembunuh Ciptaan. Sloppy work geniuses. He thought as he heard something that piqued his interest again. The halfling wizard was talking to the elf… sounds like they found an old map of the guilds. And she wanted to find Titulares De La Verdad. As they proceeded through the ruins, taking out traps or getting taken out by traps, they discussed going to Guild Master Oloris to have him tell them where the guild used to be.

A slow, sinister smirk rose to the shrouded man's face. So the little lambs were going to seek out the mighty Panther's help… Quildor Oloris… Guild Master of Magiers Verstand… and the header of the tirade lead to destroy the four guilds who he opposed… Master Swiftknife will want to hear about this…

And as the group finished their investigations of the ruins, the nameless hunter slipped from the scene and retreated, vanishing to inform his leader of what he had learned.

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