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Mx Any Something Wicked [HP 1x1 Search]


May 7, 2019
Hello. It's been a while since I was consistently active on Blue Moon, but now I'd like to search for some new partners here. I'm primarily searching for Harry Potter-based stories.

To summarize, I'm a late-twenties female who plays both male and female characters, seeking story-based roleplay with patient, creative people. If that sounds like you, feel free to jump right to adding me on Discord at vol.demort β€” I'd be happy to hear from you!

Important Things
⋉ I'm pretty busy IRL. I strive for at least one reply per week, but this could be more or less depending on real-life workload. Feel free to check in OOC if it's been more than a week.
⋉ Creativity is key. Plotting, sharing inspiration, and coming up with new twists is just as fun as the actual roleplay to me, so I'd like a collaborative partner.
⋉ Discord, PM, thread... maybe e-mail, though I'd recommend also using one of the first two to keep in touch OOC.
⋉ Please at least give a glance at my F-List; I'd be happy to take a look at your kinks and limits before we begin plotting, too. Respect is huge!
⋉ Being friendly is great, being creepy isn't. I'm happy to chat, but I'm not here to cyber.

No Thank You
⋉ Rape/nonconsensual
⋉ Basic, run-of-the-mill, slice of life, meet-and-fuck
⋉ Cheating/adultery
⋉ First person, self-inserts, cybering, kink chat
⋉ Non-sentient beasts/animals
⋉ Characters under 16; all will be aged up if not already 16+

Harry Potter
⋉ Hermione/Draco
⋉ Hermione/Viktor
⋉ Hermione/Ron
⋉ Hermione/Harry
⋉ Hermione/Harry/Ron
⋉ Hermione/Theodore
⋉ Ginny/Harry
⋉ Ginny/Dean/Seamus
⋉ Ginny/Draco
⋉ Luna/Neville
⋉ Luna/Fred/George
⋉ Lily/James
⋉ Lily/James/Sirius
⋉ Lily/James/Sirius/Remus
⋉ Sirius/Remus
⋉ Fleur/Bill
⋉ OC/Dudley
⋉ OC/Hagrid
⋉ OC/Fred and/or George

I have plots for quite a few of these, so please feel free to ask or suggest your own. If you're asking for canon/OC, please be ready to double.

I can't wait to hear from you all!
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