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Fx Male Looking for a non-con rp <3


Jul 14, 2024
About Me
Hi hi! I’m Issy, I’m looking to do a story involving a non-con smut plot line. I have a character named Maria who I would be playing. She can be set in any time period that fits but she was written for the Victorian period. I prefer we talk a bit ooc before diving in so we can establish what kind of plot we’re gonna have. I also like building rapport with the people I rp with, we don’t have to be like buddies but I like chatting ooc when crazy stuff happens in the thread or if I have ideas.

In my personal life I am in the kink community and I do think that carries over into my character's roles in rps. I’m not the biggest fan of just plain sex, I like dynamics to be going on between the characters. I usually play roles on the right side of the slash.

I don’t like being super strict on word counts, I try to match generally what you send but some scenes require shorter responses. I generally write anywhere between 200-600 words per reply depending on the scene we’re in. I try not to care too much about it and instead focus on the plot but I 100% will still be apologizing if my replies are on the shorter end. But if you’re really particular about matching down to the character, I think we’re looking for different things there.

I used to RP a lot when I was a teen, then I took a big gap for 5-ish years. I’ve only recently gotten back into it as of summer 2024. I’m still getting back into the swing of things a bit so I may not know more niche lingo.

About the character
She’s the daughter of a wealthy doctor who runs a shady side business selling addictive drugs, and in some plot lines we've had him be a sex trafficker. Maria knows her father is sketchy but not the extent of it. She wants to be a doctor herself, but given the era she’s more of a hobbiest. If we did go a historical route, I’m pretty flexible on accuracy. It’s more for vibes than anything.

She overall has a good heart and is trying to make the world a better place. She can be a bit naive due to her upbringing being sheltered. She also can be a little spoiled and demanding. When she’s annoyed she can give off spoiled princess vibes.

In sex scenes I am super into corruption so I usually start Maria off as very sheltered sexually and shy towards it. For non con this is fun because it just gets to rip that bandaid off. I usually make her physically very slutty despite her mental and emotional shyness towards it. She can be very split from how she behaves sexually when she’s just being herself vs when she’s actually pushed into a sexual space. It’s kind of like opening a Pandora's box of repressed sexual needs for her.

She also can be a bit defiant depending on how we set it up. Ive written scenes where we've leaned into her more good-hearted nature so she was more of a doormat, but also scenes where we've leaned into the fear and she's fought back fearing for her life.

About the Non-con/Smut to plot balance
I prefer it to be plain and simple. I’m not super into blackmailing or coercion. I’d rather the character on top simply want her and force her to take it.

I’m happy to have that scene set in many different ways, it can be related to the character and set up some kind of trap or trick for her. Or it could be a random coincidence, run in, or kidnapping. I’m really open to lots of different ways for us to get there. But we can figure those details out OOC before we start.

I would rather we have some kind of plot line going alongside the smut. Smut is fun and all but I think the dynamics of a fun plotline make it even hotter. It doesn't have to be mostly plot as I know myself to enjoy writing a lot of smut, but I like some angle there.

Thank you!
If you read all that, thank you! Please feel free to reach out if you think we’d work well together. <3
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