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On the Road Again (Promethean X Empress)


Jul 23, 2024
Joel Harper was a 36 year old truck driver, a childhood friend of Michael Hawk, son of Lincoln, the father-son duo who operated a cross-country trucking business. When Joel got his girlfriend pregnant, Mike got him a job working on the road. The relationship...didnt work out, being a father, didnt work out. The road became less of a means of survival, and more of an escape. Joel got to the stage of his life where he couldnt sit still for too long. He needed to be free. He continuously sent money every month to his pregnant girlfriend, and future ex girlfriend, he continued to send money and letters as she raised their daughter...alone. Years had passed, 18 years in fact, and Joel was still here on the road. His truck was nicer now, he had a small bed in the back, a microwave, of course a cooler, and a shelf with a small collection of pictures of his daughter he requested over the years. It wasnt the nicest rig on the market, not one that came with a shower, those were still out of his budget, but he made it work. A man and his truck, for a while he had a dog, Butkus. However, age caught up to the poor Pit, now he leaves Joel with a picture beside his bed.

He never quite understood where things went wrong with him and his daughter's mother. They were high school sweethearts, they were in love, they got pregnant...maybe him being away for weeks at a time for work pulled them apart. Either way, this was his life now. He'd drive, he'd sleep, he'd drive, he'd sleep. Finding a place to shower every few nights. Life on the road wasnt so bad, certainly wasnt hard on him, he enjoyed it in many ways actually. But still, every now and then he'd remember what he had, what he might have had, what he might still have....if only....

His whole life seemed to suddenly brake when his ex contacted him out of the blue, his little girl was going to college. An expensive college...and so far away....
She wanted him to come pick her up and drive her across the country, all the way to bright and sunny California. He was torn, on one hand it was a hell yes opportunity, but on the other hand...he was nervous. Plagued with guilt. Does she hate him? Does she blame him? Does she know anything about him? He had no idea, but ultimately, he knew he had to do it. He needed to know his daughter, he missed 18 years, he couldnt pass up these 7 days.

After finishing his load in North Dakota, he makes his way back to his hometown in West Virginia, remembering the roads well as he drives the cab of his truck through the spirally mountain roads through the summer morning sky before pulling up at their house. Well, it wasnt his house anymore, he gave that up long ago. His long dirty blonde hair was combed clean back underneath a green trucker cap. Blue jeans held by a black belt under an all black tshirt that hugged his sculpted chest and muscular arms well. Approaching slowly, he stands there for a moment before knocking at the door. The knock was the hardest part....

She answered....

She was still as beautiful as the day he left, her hair, her eyes, still the same woman he fell in love with all those years ago, but before he could allow himself to be awestruck, behind her stood his daughter. Nearly a spitting image of her. He took a moment of silence, trying to form words and hold back the emotions as he faced his little girl...all grown up.

" look just like your mother...I...Its nice to meet you, proper, im Joel...your father" he says cautiously, fighting with himself to get the words out as he takes off his hat and holds it to his chest. What happened next all happened too fast, looking back on it all, these 7 days were going to be the best days of his life, and it all began right there. He fired the truck up, before helping her load her backs into the back, stuffing them under the bed. He guided her up and into his truck before closing the door. Letting her take it all in for a moment before facing her mother. Not saying what he wishes he would say, he merely nods and turns towards the truck before getting in. Their journey begins....
Juliette Harper Neal what is the spitting image of her mother with gorgeous red hair and porcelain skin. She was pretty much raised by a single mom though she knew she had a father she never knew him.
Juliette who mainly went by Julie or Jewels and even sometimes Harper with her close friends. She worked her ass off to get into a good school in California and even got herself a full ride scholarship in biology most people thought she would be going for modeling with her looks but the girl had brains and beauty. The only problem was getting there her mom couldn’t take off work since she was doing her best to help provide her with extra money so she could have a good start to university especially since she knew her daughter worked so hard to get where she was. Even though her father sent money and she was a hard-working woman herself she didn’t want her daughter to want for anything and luckily her father was not a deadbeat even though in Juliette’s eyes she never got to know him. He sent letters and money and Ashley Kuromi she got to see the letters but the older she caught he was just someone who sent money and letters he wasn’t there to raise her.

When she was getting ready to head off to her first semester of university her mother dropped a massive bomb. Her estranged father would be picking her up and taking her even though she would protest to high heaven and threaten to hitchhike her mother put her foot down and said just try to be nice.

She was all grown up and didn’t know this man. Standing behind your mother with her arms crossed she looked like she didn’t care and was more upset at her mother for doing this. She had her bags packed with everything she would need for university. She would hug her mother and whisper something to her before turning to the man who was her father.

“So you’re the guy?” She said before even a proper hello. “I know of you. I am not calling you dad.” Her mother would elbow her and tell her to be nice as she rolled her doe brown eyes. At least she wasn’t screaming obscenities at him but she would have to tolerate this to get her university and her mother didn’t tell her she had to talk to him the entire way. “Well it looks like you’re my ride Joel. Don’t worry you can dump me again at University once I get there you don’t deal with me anymore I’m sure you can like be here as much as I don’t either.” Juliette had a habit of being very outspoken as he helped her unload her things into the truck she would hug her mother tight and would not want to let go and they had their own tearful goodbye. She was traumatic and take her on this journey not the guy who left her mom to go trucking even though he help them out with the house and money he wasn’t there with the time and she had no idea who he really was. Normally she would put up more of a fight but her mother told her this was the only way she was getting to University and she had to take it especially since she cannot takeoff work for that long and the fact that this was a free ride and don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

She would hop into the trunk and buckle up but she wasn’t very conversational. She was dress pretty simply with jeans and a long denim colored button up shirt especially for someone who looked like her she could’ve worn less but He could see how good of a job her mother did at raising her so she was going to get tough person to get to know especially since he missed out on 18 years of her life.

The first hour was pretty quiet, getting through town and back on the open road was narrated by only the sound of the truck. Once on the highway and the wind starts blowing, cars start zooming around, did Joel reach out and turn on the radio to break the silence. He was personally fond of this 80's station, flipping it on he looks over at Juliette, trying to find something to ask her. "So what kind of music do you like...?" he asks tuning in on his station, adjusting the volume just a little too loud before returning both hands to the wheel. It was a black cab with gold rims, a little silver Hawk on the nose of the cab. The front seats were clean for the most part, except for a nearly overflowing trash can behind Julliete's seat. Joel's cupholder always had his large mug in it. Usually filled with coffee, or when he's parked for night, whisky. But at the moment it had just some ice water. Beside it was a little pack of jerky, always hoarding snacks on the road. Behind his seat was a plastic cabinet with paper plates, red solo cups, plastic utensils, jerky, chips, cans of beans, cans of fruits, some pudding, peanut butter, bread, and of course popcorn, all the essentials. In the cooler in the back he always kept a few frozen microwaveable meals and cold drinks mostly. His protein stash was bagged with his snacks, and his occasional fresh fruits were placed on top.

It was mid afternoon, and they had just crossed the border of their home state, truly beginning their adventure together. "Are you Hungry?" Joel asks, knowing all good drives start with a good meal, and besides, he needed some coffee. About twenty minuets later, they pull over at this grease hole stop. A Trucker stop with greasy foods, hot coffee, expensive gas, and all the snacks one might want. "Out here on the road, you know, places like this...its like home to us. Might be a bit, rough, for some. But to us, its comfort. A good place to get some sleep, or a shower too. We'll be stopping at a few places like this along the way, but for now im absolutely starving and this place has some amazing waffles..." He says before opening the door for her.

The place is bustling with big hairy greasy men, bearded and covered in plaid and stained shirts. Jeans with bellies hanging out. Trucker caps. The waitresses were sassy, and the cooks were dangerous with their spatulas. Joel walks in before taking his hat off and leading Julliette towards the dinner, finding two open stools. Behind them a Jukebox seems to play nothing but Styx as they look over the menu. "I'll have uhh....Chicken n Waffles please, with a biscuit on the side, light on the gravy. And black coffee, please" Joel says to the busty blonde waitress, smackin her lips as she chews her bubblegum, pulling a pen out of her large hair before jotting down their order. "And, whatever she's having" Joel says nudging towards Juliette as the waitress looks at her with her pen ready.
The ride itself was pretty painless though she just wasn’t much of a talker as she looked out the window she had half of mine to put in her AirPods and ignore him but her mother told her to at least be nice and this was her being nice not tuning him out and ignoring him like he was dead. Juliette didn’t know him and her mother said this was her father. That’s all she knew about him and the letter she sent me she was younger but the older she got he just wasn’t around and he was pretty much just someone her mother talked about. When he turned on the radio she rolled her eyes it was old style music and she just tuned it out that was until he decided to ask her a question and he could tell with the way she hopped that she wasn’t really into answering it but she was trying. “Not this kind of music. If I want music I can put in my AirPods. You know you don’t have to talk to me. at least no you’re not a part of my mother’s imagination now. I honestly thought she made you up.” Juliette was snarky and she had every reason to be her father suddenly in her life now what the hell is this supposed to mean?

She mostly looked out the window and kept fussing with her iPhone playing games and just being antisocial. He turned up the music on the radio and she huffed Ashley focus more on candy crush as she played candy crush and even turned up the volume on that to try and combat the annoying music on the radio. He missed out on a huge chunk of her life and now she was giving him the quintessential teenage girl angsty treatment.

Luckily she didn’t notice the clutter in his truck or the snacks and even though she was hungry she wasn’t gonna say anything she figured I would stop by convenient store and she grab something and she would survive this trip across the country and once he dropped her off she wouldn’t have to think of him ever again. She almost ignored him when he asked her if she was hungry and it took her a minute to register what he even asked. “Just stop by a 7-Eleven or a convenient store I’ll be fine. I can pick up something really quick like a salad.” That was her answer she figured they would stop at a convenient store not a restaurant especially since she thought he would want to get her to the college as soon as possible and get rid of her. But he started talking about truckstops and where they would eat she shot him a look up are you serious?

“Can’t we find some other place to eat greasy food does not work well with me do we have to stop here?” Juliette didn’t want to eat here and it looked rough and it wouldn’t be someplace she would’ve stopped on her own and if she could’ve driven herself to university she would have but she had too much stuff and the only good thing her father was doing was giving her easy transport for everything she needed. “Can’t we just got a hotel or something I’ll even pay for it I’m not showering over here what if I catch something? I don’t wanna get like a foot fungus before I go to university how old that look?” She was a bit spoiled and he could tell that his ex girlfriend probably overindulged their daughter but she couldn’t help it and a part of it was her acting out especially since she had no idea how to treat Joel. They had stopped here and it looked like they weren’t going anywhere else she would have to tolerate the food and maybe they would have something edible she would follow him inside but keep herself quiet she definitely looked like she didn’t belong.

Crossing her arms out of her chest she took a seat next to him and she picked up the menu and wasn’t sure what to order since this is something she wouldn’t even think about eating normally. “You no that’s not a healthy meal at all do you guys have tea and possibly a salad? I’ll take a Caesar salad with an orange juice if you don’t have tea and wheat toast and butter hopefully salt free butter if you have it.” Her order was pretty healthy but she was trying not to go to crazy since he had no idea what they had available as she looked up at the waitress. She wasn’t sure what the waitress would say but it was something she still was shocked that her sperm donor was ordering something so unhealthy was this really her father?
It was quite a charming meal, sharing it with his daughter. With little conversation, and lots of silent judgment from her, they ate in relative peace. But before finishing his meal, Joel looks up and catches the Jukebox playing a familiar song. "Yo, is this? This is! No way. Havent heard this song in ages" He says to himself mostly as his words bounced off of his daughter.

More Than a Feeling By Boston playing on the jukebox.

"You know, your mom and I actually saw this band together. We were both teens, and we caught a ride with this friend of mine and his girlfriend, drove a few towns over in his dad's station wagon. Your mom used to love this band, i bought her this album for her birthday and we'd sit and listen to it on her dad's stereo for hours. This was like our song, back then"

He says joyfully, with excitement he hadnt felt in years. Looking back at his daughter, he felt taken back. Like he was looking at her mom, all those years ago. Crazy how fast time went by. Her unamused facial expression starting to bring down his smile, the spark in his eyes starting to fade as he goes back to his meal, forgetting the sudden rush of nostalgia.

Having gotten a coffee to go, he immediately pours it into his mug to go, and fires up the engine before taking his seat. Buckling up, he looks over at his daughter as she climbs into the truck and prepares their road. They had many hours and many miles left, but for now they just had to start moving and let the road do the rest.

Taking a sip of coffee, he kicks it into gear and the duo is back on the road again
For poor Joel the peace would not last long. She was able to get the meal she wanted which she was actually surprised that in a place like this they actually had salad it may not have been Michelin star but it was still a salad and something healthy. Juliette was a spitting image of her mother, but that’s where most of the similarities stopped for now since her personality seem to be complete opposite. She was quiet and pensive even if she looked like an exact replica of a younger version of her mother whereas her mom was more chatty than she was. The most he was doing was talking at her whereas she was doing her best to try to ignore him but now he was talking about music and a favorite song and trying to sound hip she rolled her eyes.

“Apparently this may have been your song but apparently it wasn’t good enough for you to stick around was it? Do you think I really care? I’m happy you have some good memories with her at least she has that I just wish she moved on at least give me a stepdad or something. Are used to be excited about getting to know you with the letters but…. those letters turned into pretty much just a piece of paper as I got older. How the hell did she force you into saying yes to driving me to school?” At least now she was talking but it probably wasn’t kind of talking he was hoping for. At least she was keeping her voice down for only him to hear because if she really wanted to go she could probably end up yelling at him but for now she would focus on her food and not even give him the proper eye contact to even chat.

“At at least one of us is happy…… This place at least probably doesn’t card I could use a glass or wine right now…” The last part she muttered under her breath even though she wasn’t a drinker on occasion she did borrow her mom‘s wine but not enough to mess up her academics only enough to calm her down or relax her.

She was at least able to finish her meal without holding a proper conversation with him and when she’s all get a cup of coffee she get herself a to go cup of hot chocolate and wished she could spike it at least that would make this drive less painful. She had no idea how he would take her outburst and if he yelled at her she would completely understand but then it stalled and happiness in his face she just couldn’t get behind not after he decided to take to the road and leave her and her mother what good was money and letters when there wasn’t time and she didn’t even know who he was other than a sperm donor.

Once in the truck She wasn’t sure if she should put on her AirPods and ignore him but for now she was at least sit in her hot chocolate and trying to pretend he was just her chauffeur and hoped he wouldn’t try to make too much conversation because why would you wanna get to know her now that she was growing up he missed out on so many things and she was angry but could he actually blame her? It at least seemed like her mom tried to talk about him but the older she got she didn’t really care about it anymore. To her he was a stranger in her eyes but then she finally broke the silence.

“How do you even know I’m your daughter when you be happier to know that I’m not even have to put up with me it seems like you left conveniently so you probably had doubts and if I’m not your dad you could just leave me I’ll hitchhike my way to university. I’m sure someone will take pity on me.”
Joel's patience began wearing thin, he kept his cool inside, but now that she continues to pester, Joel had had enough.

"Not another word, young lady. I've sat through enough of your attitude, and you keep on pushing me. It stops right now. I am your father, like it or not, im doing this for the same reason i started doing this in the first place. For you and your mom. You may not like me, and thats okay, but im here and im doing this, so you better straighten up or be quiet"

His tone grows stern, and cold, but he keeps his eyes on the road, hands on the wheel...

Miles would pass by, they wouldn't stop until night. Finding a truck stop a few miles away from the next town they could stop at for breakfast. Pulling into the rest stop, he puts the truck in park before getting out and stretching. This stop unfortunately didnt have a place to shower, but after using the restroom, Joel was able to move his body around after being seated all day. The stars were shinning, but the moon was hidden behind dark storm clouds, this would certainly damped their drive in the morning. Having tome to change clothes, Joel swaps for grey sweatpants and a loose hoody top.

Returning to his truck, Joel gets in anf loops his seatbelt through his door handle as a security mechanism, something he pickdd up on the road. After Juliette got in, he did the same on her side. Showing Juliette the bed in the back, he remains seated up front. "Make yourself comfortable, if you can. I'll sleep here tonight, get some sleep, kiddo" he says before lowering his hat over his eyes and crossing his hans on his chest. Slowly drifting off to sleep...
“Young lady? On what authority do you have even go there?” Juliette snapped back. What did he expect from her? Did he expect her to be happy and run to him and go oh father I’ve missed you so much I’m glad you’re finally home! She rolled her eyes so far back into her head she thought she saw the back of her skull. When he told her how she kept pushing him the next words out of her mouth were something very cold.

“You left us and didn’t even visit! Letters don’t fucking count! I don’t know why Mom didn’t remarry oh wait she was never married in the first place you never married her! And here I am hoping by some stroke of luck there was a mistake and you aren’t even my father we don’t even look alike. Aren’t you curious? Don’t you have doubts? I do! But if that’s how you want it I won’t talk to you the entire ride just get me where I’m going I don’t even know why Mom begged me to go with you. Don’t worry you won’t have to talk to me or acknowledge me I have my own money I’ll buy my own food and once you drop me off you can pretend I’m dead! I was The only kid without a dad how do you think I felt? You can just come back and jump to my life now that I’m 18 and expect me to welcome you back easily!” She was trying not to yell but he could tell she was really upset. Juliette was getting red in the face as she was trying to hold back her emotions.

After her outburst again she would go completely silent and wouldn’t even peep. She would even put on her AirPods and look out the window they were honestly to complete strangers in the car at this point. In her eyes all he did was reminisce about her mother and sons that they liked. Not only that but now he was treating her like a child but he didn’t raise her so she didn’t see him as an authority figure.

As he put miles between him and her home and all that she knew as they had to her university she was so quiet. When they finally stop she would hop out and stretch herself but she wouldn’t talk to him. What did he expect he tried to pull authority on her and she was trying dear God she was trying but it was so hard dealing with someone she had no idea who he was other than her mother saying this is your father and he’ll take you to school that was not allowed to go on. To be fair her mother didn’t really talk too much about him other than say that he wrote letters and he knew who she was but what good was that when she didn’t know him?

At least stop allowed her to change into something more comfortable. She chose a pair of black sweatpants and a black top. After washing her face she left her hair down and she hopped back in the truck. He told her to make herself comfortable after showing her what to do and she would hop in the back without even a good night. Juliette hid under the covers with her iPhone that she would text back-and-forth with her mother before actually calling her and he would hear one side of the conversation.

“You know I had a job all through high school and I saved up money I could’ve paid for someone to take me why do you make him come?….No…. it’s also why did you do this to me I could probably have a better time hitchhiking…… he’s trying to act like a father he didn’t even raise me or you sure I’m his please God tell me you made a mistake…. i’m tolerating him Mom. He’s treating me like a kid…… how can you expect me to treat him like a father when I don’t see him as one? He didn’t even marry your mom I’m surprise he came back it probably wouldn’t easier for him to pretend I wasn’t born he has pictures of me here isn’t that strange? How do you know he’s really my dad he has lots of my kid photos….” He would hear her half and her mom started talking for a very long time and his daughter was silent on the other end for a good seven minutes.

“Fine! Only for you I’m trying not for him this is not for him Mom. You said be nice you didn’t say I have to have conversations or get to know him he’s just my ride to University I’m only doing this as a favor to you Mom. He’s a trucker he probably has kids all over the place I’m sure he’ll forget about me once he drops me off it’ll be best for all of us if he does. I love you mom! You better come visit me especially since I know parents day will happen probably about a month or two once I settle in you have to come see me it won’t be the same without your mom I promise I’ll do my best. Love you! Goodnight!” He was able to hear once I have a conversation and his daughter was still not warming up to him but that was a casualty he probably knew he would have been on the road so much and popping up when she has just barely turned into an adult. At least from the way it sounded her mom was trying to get her to give them a chance and at least he was learning he was just as stubborn as her mother so much more vocal and opinionated. Once she was off the phone she went silent and actually went to sleep but Liz had an idea that she wasn’t going to be very chatty to him when she woke up.
Sleeping without an alarm had always been Joel's preference. His body wakes him up when he needs to be awake. And until then, he sleeps sound as a rock. As still as a rock too, waking up in the same position he fell asleep in. Crossed arms, hat over his eyes, but now he removes his hat and drags his hands through his hair before looking back at Juliett still in bed.

He looks for several long moments while thinking back on her behavior last night,.and that phone call she made. Getting up, he takes off his shirt and steps outside before stretching and absorbing the new day's sunlight. Day 2 begins and Joel refreshes himself in the bathroom sink at the rest stop. Definitely hoping the next truck stop has a shower. Returning to the truck, he changes clothes and starts the engine making sure Julliette clicks her seatbelt before they head on down the road.

Just a few miles away, in between towns, was this lonely little gas station and attached was a donut shop. They would pull over there and refil on gas, drinks, and grabbing a dozen donuts before hitting the road. With a mug of coffee by his side, a blueberry glazed donut in his hand, and his daughter's silence echoing in the vehicle, the pair drive off on the second day of their drive. After his donut, Joel gazes over at a Julliette who still appears to be giving him the cold shouler. With one hand he reaches over and flicks on the radio, finding his favorite 80s station they drive off listening to several Kenny Loggins songs before the DJ changed it up
Juliette slept as well as she could even though it was a truck bed she at least managed to get some shut eye. Sleeping in later than she should have her father woke up before she did and when she did she would get herself ready and change it to short denim shorts and a sky blue T-shirt. It was comfortable and she even pulled her auburn hair up into a high ponytail.

Even though she had not had a shower yet she wanted to clean clothes and she had more than enough with her. Once in the front seat she didn’t even say good morning she at least gave him a nod to let him know if she knew he existed but she wasn’t going to give him her voice. She was so much like her mother especially when she was angry. The cold shoulder and the silent treatment was something he would be used to from his ex and now he was getting the same exact from his daughter.

The silence was deafening but when he turned on the radio what she did was take out her AirPods and iPhone as she went to him out like a teenager would pretending he wasn’t there. When they got to the donut shop she would follow his lead but get herself a bagel and a coffee even though she didn’t like it and wanted tea instead but she didn’t argue. Food was food. Quietly she ate as he turned on the radio and she kept to herself he was going to have to deal with her somewhere or another but right now at least she was quiet and playing with her phone and that was probably the most peace he would get for a while especially since she didn’t come off as very angry at him and could he really blame her?

He has not been in her life for years and her mom practically raised her. The only thing in common was a name. Question would be how would he deal with her?
The miles went by like water under the bridge, the road unfolded under the music from the radio as he attempted to hide the silence that weighed heavily on the atmosphere of the cab. He paid several glances over at her, yet none were met with even a smile in return. Still he drove on until noon brought them to lunch. Taking a detour, they approach a bigger city now, they pull over once again. Taking up several spots at a gas station before filling up his tank and parking off to the side. Together they walk down a few streets until they find a strip of shops, entertainment and food. An outdoor strip mall, people walking up and down in most directions, voices buzzing, Joel does his best to keep by Juliette's side as they traverse the crowd.

He slowly walks through the strip, peeking his head into a few windows of a few stores, nothing catching his eye as he looks over to see if anything catches Juliette's interest. She's probably too old now for Build-A-Bear or Barbies, but he still wanted to buy her something. By the time they made it to the food area Joel was starving, looking around food trucks to parked in a row, and people were lined up. Keeping an eye on Juliette as they made their food choices, Joel stands in the ever-long line for a BBQ truck, fancying himself a pulled pork sandwich and some cornbread before finding a seat at a table under a thin umbrella top offering little shade. As Juliette sits down across from him at the table top, Joel cracks open his can of coke before trying to make conversation. "Ever been to one of these outlet malls before? A bit different than your standard mall, kinda nice being outside, dont you think?" He says before taking another bite of food. "Nice to have these food trucks too"

As they finish up their shopping, their eating, and their poor excuses of small talk, they walk back to the truck and fire up the engine before setting off.
The radio helped the silence though Juliette kept her AirPods in. Watching the road he didn’t get a chance to make eye contact. She was getting hungry but said nothing as he had them pull into a bigger town or small city. She saw strip shops and food and even as she like around nothing caught her full attention though she would occasionally stop to look at clothing but nothing caught her eye enough to physically enter a shop.

When Joel chose a bbq truck Juliette picked something simple and found one with a burger even if she would’ve wanted something less greasy it was the less of other evils and had lettuce, onions and tomatoes. She took a seat with her food and bottle of water still as tight lipped as she was in the truck. “No and outside has bugs. It’s different alright…” at least she answered but she still avoided looking at him. It was easy to see that she kept long grudges. “My mom never liked food trucks. She said it as hard to tell which ones were up to code. This is the first time I’m trying one. You don’t think I’ll get sick right?” Drinking het water she ate her burger and surprisingly finished it along with her side of shell fries.

Getting up she followed him back to the truck and got settled buckling herself in, “How long of a drive do we have? How much longer? I’m sure you’re counting down the days until you get rid of me for good. Don’t worry. I got a full ride to this school. I won’t call you for help.” Juliette reassured him even if he didn’t ask. She was still cold as ice but at least she was talking though it may not have been conversation he was craving from her.
Her attitude was no more charming than it was the day before, still she found ways to push his buttons. But he stayed silent at first, until she made her last comment. As soon as they made it to the truck, before getting in, Joel looked around the parking lot to see no one around. With one hand he grabs Juliette by her arm and with his other he guides her flat against the side of his truck, holding her still gently before turning her over and striking her butt with his palms. Repeatedly he spanks her. Before scolding her and her poor attitude.

After each cheek had been spanked he opens the car door and lets her in before closing it and taking his seat. They drove on for another few hours until after dark when Joel finally came across a truck stop. Fortunately, this one had a shower installed. There was a vending machine for cheap soaps, but Joel always keeps a shower kit on hand. Making his way to the shower, he strips down in the empty room, letting the lukewarm and sometimes cold water refresh him of his road grime and stress. Once cleaned up, he walks shirtless to his truck wearing grey sweatpants before taking his seat, locking up he begins to nod off, but his body keeps him from deep sleep. Something gnaws at him. Something inside stirs. The hat over his eyes isnt enough and he begins to think and think, yet his mind keeps coming back to Julliette. Despite her snotty attitude, she looks just like her mother in many ways. She truly had grown into a beautiful woman ..

He grows restless and his mind continues to think about the mother and daughter until the rabbit hole of thoughts makes him unexpectedly rock hard. Even at her age, Julliette's mom looked good. Really good. His mind imagines his hands roaming her body, traveling over each curve, undressing her slowly, grinding his hips against her rear as his kisses her neck from behind. Then as he turns her around, he's shocked to see that it wasnt her, it was Juliette.

He takes off his hat and looks up at his mirror to peek back and see Julliette laying in his bed, she looked asleep, but wasnt making much noise. He tugs down his pants and reveals his cock, thick and cut, he springs freely before gripping it firmly. He strokes up and down slowly. He lets out a soft moan as he jerks his cock, his mind filled with images of his ex girlfriend and him having sex, but everytime he sees her face, its Julliette. Looking back at her, he lets himself imagine ..more. The way her ass felt in his hands, the way her curves mimicked her mother. He stroked himself faster before moaning out softly
Juliette wasn’t expecting the man who claimed to be her father and the one her mom said was her father to get physical with her. He stopped at the truck stop pulling her out and with no one in sight he turned her to face the truck and spanked her like she was being punished. “What the fuck you suck pervert!?!?” She yelled at him even though it hurt and when he let her go she made it even more if a point to glare at him with disgust and anger. He even scolded her but what he got out of her was a not so surprising explosive: “I HATE YOU!” Before she’d get back in the truck and give him the silent treatment for the next few hours.

When they finally got to the be y area Juliette was happy to get a shower and pretend her father was just a driver and ignore him. It wasn’t the Hilton, but she really needed a shower and she took her time and washed her hair as she changed into her black sweatpants and black tank top. Still quiet she left her auburn hair down and climbed into bed.
AirPods in as she fiddled with her phone not paying attention to what her father was doing as long as he left her alone. There was no way she’d look at him the same after he spanked her like that! He knew she had a strong resolve for ignoring him and what he did by blasting music. At least what he was doing was going unnoticed and ignored as she fell asleep not even saying goodnight to him. At least she wouldn’t see it or complain but the question would be if he let het sleep peacefully or climb on next to her and grind against the ass he spanked as she slept? From behind she looked exactly like a younger version of his ex girlfriend.
Her body was soft, tender, and very very tantalizing to the man that looks over her with a rock hard cock. He moves closer, letting his eyes expand as his hands slide the covers off of her, revealing her body as he quietly runs his palms over her tight rear. She smelled amazing, good enough to spread open and eat, but...she was his daughter. He backed away. Judgement kicking in and he withdrew himself. She did her best to be the farthest thing from being his daughter, but in the end, she was.

He would wake up the next morning before she did. Spending a few minutes outside doing some light exercising before starting the day. By the time she woke up he would be finishing up and heading towards the showers. Afterwards, he fired up the engine, and when she was ready they drove on down the unfolding roads. Nearly an hour later they stopped and he got himself a mug full of coffee and a biscuit for breakfast.

Still she opposed him, still she continues her ceaseless stand off. Yet still he tries. "I was thinking, maybe when we get a bit more west, we can turn south and see the grand canyon. Ever been there before? Could be fun" he says as they return to the truck. Pausing for a moment before his hand moved to the radio and messed around with this Bluetooth thing he kept hearing about. "Here why dont you connect and play some of your music. Im sure your ears need a break from those plastic earbuds in there"
As she lay in the bed she hope she would wake up and maybe this nightmare will be. She did not want to be here and neither did he. Even though he said he would drive her to University do you have no idea why he even agreed to it. She felt his hands on her and it made her feel disgusting. He was older than her mother! It was a good thing he backed away leaving her alone. She at least to get some sleep but she had no idea what the morning would hold.

He woke before Juliette and when she did she would get herself ready and brush your teeth and put on something easy and put back in her AirPods. She wouldn’t mention what he did but she would make sure to put some distance between them. The ride itself was still quiet until she saw his mouth moving and took out one airpod to look over at him to see what he had to say. “Never been. I don’t travel much I like heavy-metal I highly doubt you’ll like what I’m listening to.” At least she was talking to him even though it was monotone and she was keeping herself distant in the passenger seat. “If I put on my music you can’t complain you offered to remember that.” She was still cold but at least she was talking. It was easy for her to mess the Bluetooth before she picked a SONG and started playing it.
Much to his surprise, his daughter didnt land too far from him on the musical wheel. "Iron Maiden?" Well, well guess we have something in common. Never knew you like Dad Metal. Iron Maiden is right up on in there with the greats. I was young once too, you know. I used to party. Bruce Dickinson rocks. All the best came out in the 70s, sure the 80's peaked, but the 70's, man you just had to have been there. Just before Iron Maiden, this other lil band came out down in Australia. They were quiet for a few years, but in '79 they blew up on the charts. AC/DC. Also known as Kings of Riff. They had the sound, man. After Black Sabbath, ACDC took over my life. Not quite Metal, but they had the blues in their riffs that carried them...whew...50 years And they still have that same hard rock sound, Incredible." He carries on with a big smile

"Look at me go, music used to be a big passion of mine. You know, back in high school I used to play guitar...yeah that never went anywhere. When'd you get put onto the greats? Have you discovered Dio yet? The Satanic Pipes of Metal himself" He asks before turning up the music. "You really got hear metal live, its completely different. You dont hear the music, you feel the vibration speak to your soul. The gut-busting drums, the face melting guitars...there I go again, whoops" He says tapping along on his steering wheel and banging his head slightly, but not too much to distract him from driving.
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