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Lust Demon Hunting

Caramel Cooper

Sweet Dreams
Nov 7, 2019
OOC Thread
Character Thread
Recruitment Thread

Three days earlier…
Following an opportunity initially received as text messages from someone named Doll, three unlikely allies met each other in the basement of an abandoned building. Dave had been given assurances that his personal demons wouldn’t bother him for some time, but that wasn’t going to last unless he was willing to put his life on the line to make it happen, and perhaps help other victims along the way. Carmen had been told by her hunter coach that she can trust this “Doll”, who then informed her that the gangsters she was involved with had demons in their midst, and gave her enough details on how to fight them to convince her that this mission would be worth the risk. Karen, on the other hand, had been given a chance to find her daughters, and needed no further convincing.

Once the hunters had gathered, Doll contacted them again and shared details about the mission. In three days, there would be a private party at a remote location, a luxurious mansion by a lake in the middle of a large forest. The hosts and the invited guests were representatives of various tech companies, and Doll knew that they were all involved in a global conspiracy involving sex slave trafficking. Even more importantly, Doll had been keeping track of demons who were orchestrating the operation from the shadows, and while she’d never gotten very close to them, she had sometimes been able to tell where some of the key players were going to be. This was one of those times: there was going to be a demon at the party with connections to the demons that tormented Dave, the demons that Carmen sought to avenge, and the demons that had kidnapped Karen’s adult daughters.

Three days was all that the newly formed cell of Hunters had to prepare for the task. In the meantime, they continued to receive messages from Doll, sometimes signed off as Dolores, to help them out in the endeavor. She had acquired cover identities for the Hunters as representatives of an obscure tech company called Obsidian and had made it look like it had secret connections to the others, so that the Hunters could enter the party without raising suspicion.

Information provided by Doll:
  • The number of people at the location is unconfirmed, but it seems there will be other guests from at least five different tech companies, likely one or two representatives from each.
  • Recent satellite photos of the location show nothing else of interest within several miles, though it’s hard to tell whether or not the pictures have been altered. There's a small lake, about half a mile (800 m) at its widest, a dense forest that surrounds it and the mansion entirely, and a three-mile (5 km) dirt road leading to the mansion from the closest main road. The ground floor of the mansion appears to be roughly 8000 sq. ft. (740 m²) in size, though its floor plans are unavailable.
What you already know about demons:
  • Spirits that possess living humans.
  • Can sometimes take forms that are too horrifying to remember.
  • While outside a host body, a demon appears as a formless black substance that can fly, like shadow, smoke, or even liquid. Any details are hazy to you, even if you’ve seen it before. (Or maybe you only think it looks like that because you’ve seen it on Supernatural.)
  • Under normal circumstances, the host body can be harmed and killed just like a regular human, forcing the demon out of it, but sometimes the spirit can enter a different host before it vanishes.
  • Sometimes demons use supernatural powers that make it more difficult to harm their human host.
  • The kind of demon you’ve encountered feeds on lust and takes it by force if it has to. Their victims are left emotionally impaired, temporarily or permanently.

How have each of you prepared for the upcoming mission during the three days? Describe in one post (preferably in past tense, third person) what you’ve tried to achieve (eg. seeking information about demons, the people involved, or the location, or the type of gear you’ve tried to acquire) and how you’ve gone about doing so (eg. reading books, browsing the web, contacting people, or scouting the location from a distance), and we’ll roll to see how well you succeeded. We’ll get into proper moment-to-moment roleplaying once we start to approach the location.
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Dave went on his regular patrol route, planning to take extra shifts before leaving on a mission. Work was the same. After walking his beat and greeting some of the regular shop owners, Dave sat down for coffee and donuts at a regular coffee house and checked on police reports as he read more about the occult. "What the hell are those thing in town as well?" Dave muttered and put on his reading glasses and read the papers.

Dave got a radio call for backup, quickly finished his coffee, and rushed off. It was Jeff and Anderson, 2 other policemen who were ambushed in an alley and were left unconscious. The sergeant requested the other officers to search the area for the assailant and possible suspects. It was a lot more walking and talking to the people on the streets but none have seen anything suspicious.

Finally, Dave's shift ended and he had to go to a medical checkup at the hospital for his injuries a few weeks back. Dave was also assaulted as well and he could remember an inhumanly strong lady, forcing him on the wall and disarming him. She proceeded to pull down his pants and gave him a blow job. Dave recalled that this was a common occurrence and she would ambush him occasionally just to mess with him.

Dave met his doctor and collected his report. His bruises and sprains were all better now, and nothing was broken. Dave went home to read up more about various tech companies just to be more familiar with the industry to play his role better. He was mainly a patrolman and never did much undercover work.

[Intelligence + Tech - 0 success
Intelligence + Streetwise - 2 successes + 1 crit
Manipulation + Occult + "Beautiful" - 2 successes]
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Karen didn't accept the cover identity that was given to her by Dolores. She was never a technical person. She always struggled with using Windows and never used to understand advanced technologies. Instead, she decided to enter the mansion in Hooker's disguise. It could give her a better field to gather more information. Her doctor advised her to stay in bed due to her advanced pregnancy stage, but she couldn't listen to him.

She took her dog for a walk and did the shopping. Karen put on weight during her pregnancy, so she had to buy some new clothes.
In the evening, she stood in front of the mirror. Her face was covered by makeup to hide wrinkles. She bought a new pink dress for the party. Karen felt herself a little too old to wear such things, but the safety of her children was her greatest priority.

A middle-aged lady in a vulgar pink dress prepared her outfit to look perfect and entered the gathering. Her dress could hide her stretch marks, cellulite, and veins on her thighs. She looked like an old hooker. Karen wore a pair of golden high heels and smiled toward her dog.
"Comone Angel, We have a job to do!" A white pitbull followed her steps, and they left her house.
Carmen went for extra training at the gym, followed by a few rounds of sparing with men. "What can I wear?" Carmen muttered as she looked in her closet and most of her clothes are all black. "Maybe I should get some new clothes..."

Carmen cleaned up and was planning to go out, but went past her armory and decided to do some gun maintenance and go to the range instead. She was easily distracted, and shooting calms her down.
Present Day
After a three-hour drive from the city, the Hunters arrived at the mansion at six in the afternoon. The dirt road that took them from the nearby main road was in very good condition but didn’t seem to be openly monitored, so it was easy enough for Carmen to stash some weapons nearby and for Karen to send Angel to hide in the woods. Closer to the mansion, however, the Hunters could see some security cameras looking at the road from among the trees on both sides.

The road ended at a sizable motor court by the right side wall of the mansion where two very fancy-looking cars were parked already with a few people engaged in a conversation next to them. There were also two closed garage doors visible: a double-sized one that led into the mansion, and a smaller one on the back wall of a small, single-apartment building in front of the mansion. Now that the Hunters could see the location with their own eyes and not just rely on the information that Dolores had from satellite pictures, they could see that the mansion and the small apartment building both had two stories and were made out of light-brown stone.


In reference to this picture, the road and the motor court where you arrived is behind the small apartment building to the right. Also imagine more and bigger trees to the left and right of the mansion. See map below for details.

From the motor court, other than the garage doors, there was one small side entrance to the back of the mansion, and a metal gate between the mansion and the apartment building that led from the parking area to the front of the mansion. The side entrance was guarded by a man in a black suit, while a female guard was standing near the other three people who were talking to each other.

As the Hunters parked their car near the other two, one of the three people, a woman with very short, blonde hair and big glasses, turned to face them, but continued to talk to the other two people who appeared to be a middle-aged man in a suit and a woman in a black dress. The couple, it seemed, closed the door to their car and walked towards the gate, and the blonde receptionist focused her attention on the Hunters.


Include some description of what you’re wearing if you didn’t already and what items you have on you, as long as it makes sense for your character. Make sure to include a brief description of your Artifact (Karen) and your object of focus (for Dave’s Thwart the Unnatural) if you have them on you. It looks like security is tight, so it’s likely you’ll be searched. Also let me know if you want to have something hidden in your car, though there’s a risk that it’ll be searched, too. You can also have a stash of stuff in the woods near the mansion, but you don’t need to decide what’s in it yet.


Karen came closer toward the blonde lady. She smiled towards the receptionist and guards. The makeup on her face was able to hide her middle age. She came forward and let the guards check the insides of her bag. She only had inside a bottle of water, makeup brushes and tools, and a pack of painkillers. Karen took no weapons.

She was dressed like a completely shameless call girl. Only her short pink dress covered her body. She didn't even put on a bra. Guardians could check her bag, but they were not able to find anything suspicious or dangerous. Her holy jewellery was hidden well under her dress. It was easily visible for others that a female had pierced nipples, but no one could suspect that her jewellery was something more than just a normal piercing.

Hello, I am probably not expected on a guest list. A customer called my escort agency, and I have finally arrived.

Karen put her business card into the receptionist's hand so she could confirm the fact she came from a night club.

I hope you will let me enter the party. Your guests are probably waiting, and my time is very expensive. It would be sad to disappoint your guests...

A hooker smiled and moved a few steps forward mansion.
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Dave put on his brown suit with dark brown elbow patches. As Dave was mostly in uniform (as the city provided it) Dave did not need to shop for clothes, and they were all from more than 10 years ago. Dave did not carry anything special - a Swiss army knife was in his pocket and 2 pens, one black and one red in his shirt pocket. He was still wearing an old watch which he uses for duty. As Dave wanted to look the part of a tech person, Dave put on his glasses and combed his white hair to look like an office person in his mind. (sort of like Superman thinking that humans wear glasses and are clumsy)

Dave followed behind Karen, looking around at the location of the cameras and checking out what the guards were armed with. Dave was provided a fancy name card, so he showed it at the parking and looked towards the entrance. It was a nice and fancy house and Dave does not go to such events but was looking forward to the free food and drinks.
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Carmen in her black dress stepped out of the car, and she adjusted her black boots with some ornate chrome buckles. The boots had much metal in them and concealed the knife inside, which she could always bring up the plane as well. "This place looked well secured, wonder what is here?" Carmen muttered looking at all the cameras and guards.

She looked around, trying to scan for the locations of where all the other weapons were hidden by Doll, just in case a firefight happened. Carmen looked at the windows, and still judging the possibility to crashing through them to escape, she was planning an exit if things gone bad.
The receptionist looked at something on her phone while the female guard searched Karen, finding nothing suspicious.

“We do have you on the list, as a companion of the Obsidian representatives,” the receptionist said and then looked at Dave and Carmen, “You must be them. New additions are always welcome! Most guests are yet to arrive, but everyone should be here within the hour.” The receptionist wasn’t expecting anyone to arrive unannounced, but Dolores had made sure to give Karen a valid reason to be at the party as well. It seemed that bringing companions to the party was common practice.

The guard did a quick search on Dave and Carmen, and took the knife out of Dave’s pocket. If there were any phones or anything else with a camera on it, she took those, too. “I’m afraid we can’t allow any weapons on the premises. You can have it back when you leave.”

There were no more cars arriving on the road for now, at least within the few hundred feet that was visible among the forest from the parking area. The blonde receptionist gestured to the three guests, the undercover Hunters, to follow the other two guests through the gate that would take them to the mansion’s front entrance. Once all three Hunters had started walking, the receptionist followed behind.

As they walked, Carmen could get a look at the doors and windows on this side of the mansion. There were quite a few of them on the first floor (marked on the map below) and even more windows on the second floor (not marked on the map for now, but they are mostly above the 1st floor windows).

So far, the only cameras the Hunters had seen had been by the road outside, placed among the trees to get a good look at who was arriving by road. (Roll Wits + Awareness for Dave to look for cameras and other hidden things outside the mansion.)

The Hunters followed the two other guests through the gate to the front yard and then towards the front entrance, and the receptionist followed behind.

“We’ve read good things about you,” the receptionist said to Dave and Carmen as they walked, and it wasn’t very clear what she was referring to. Dolores had mentioned that she’d put a lot of detail in the cover identities and had presumably faked connections to the conspiracy that was involved. The receptionist added, “It’s good to finally meet you in person. You can call me Sarah.” (You can choose fake names for yourselves or you can let me decide.)

Dave started to recall things he’d read or heard about regarding conspiracies involving sex slave trafficking. New members of such conspiracies were often accepted to the inner circles only if they made illegal donations, usually in the form of a captured slave. It was likely that Dolores had fabricated such donations in Dave and Carmen’s cover stories to get them invited to the party. (You can later roll to see if you remember details about your cover story, if/when it becomes relevant.)

Lust demon known weaknesses
  • Under normal circumstances, the host body can be harmed and killed just like a regular human, forcing the demon out of it, but sometimes the spirit can enter a different host before it vanishes.
  • The spirit of a demon can be compelled out of its host body by reciting certain holy words (high Willpower helps with this).
  • While a demon is in its demonic form, which some people call a Visage, it can’t leave the host body as a spirit, but is more difficult to harm. If the demon is killed in its Visage form, it’s gone for good.
  • A circle outlined with seven glyphs of certain holy symbols can trap a demon in place and force it into its Visage. Must be drawn or carved on a flat surface. (Success depends on the quality of the glyphs, requiring a test, and how powerful the demon is.)


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With a careful look around, Dave was pretty sure there were no cameras anywhere on the mansion’s exterior, or even looking out of the windows. If there were any, they’d have to be so well hidden that they wouldn’t have very good coverage. More likely was that the people here didn’t want to risk any surveillance footage getting hacked or otherwise used as evidence, so they had opted to only have cameras monitoring the road and not the mansion itself.
When the guards took Dave's tool from his pocket, Dave shrugged. "I'm a maker as well, I tend to keep a handy tool in case I need to do a small physical fix... This one is special, I've had this for a long time, so keep it well..."

Dave looked at the Receptionist following behind him and decided to have a conversation so that it would not be so weird if he continue to scan the place for cameras and other security devices. "Hey, by the way, this is such a big house, I'm a big fan of architecture and botanics, do you happen to know more about the house design and why some of the plants here were chosen? Are these local plants?"

Dave noticed that there were no cameras inside, which may also mean there may be more security which could be a good thing.

After the reception introduced herself as Sarah, Dave addressed her by her name to be more personable and build a rapport. "I'm Peter, and I'm always working, so I'm really looking forward to meet others, anyone else interesting in the guest list, Sarah? Where is everyone else?"
Carmen was surprised at the size of the mansion. She was just trying to map out an escape strategy and see if there was actual roof access or other visible window, and the possible guards that she may encounter. When Sarah introduced herself, Carmen smiled and nodded, "I'm Gwen, nice to meet you..."

Carmen was not a very social person and was relieved that Dave was doing the talking so that she can be alone and not interact with anyone. Going to any party was probably the last thing she would want to do. But she did not see other cars of guests so she was also a little on the edge, just in case this may be an ambush and was watching for any signs of an ambush or snipers on the roofs.
Karen's nerves were frayed. Her thoughts kept drifting back to her daughters, no matter how hard she tried to focus on the task at hand.

Karen's eyes flitted from one face to another, taking in their steely expressions.

With a calm she didn't quite feel, she broke the silence, "It's high time we enter the party and eat something!"
Her voice carried a hint of impatience.
“We, umm… don’t stay in one place for very long,” Sarah replied to Dave, “I’m afraid I don’t know much about the plants, or the building, but I’ve always wanted to have a place of my own to shape into my own vision! Maybe one day…”

The receptionist seemed pleasantly surprised by the conversation, as if she didn’t have many opportunities for casual small talk. The way to the front entrance was short, however, and this opportunity didn’t last very long, either.

Past the front entrance, there was a hallway and then stairs up to the left and right, but Sarah gestured the group directly ahead into the mansion’s great hall, where the two guests they had followed were already standing. In the middle, there was a large glass table covered in cups and bowls of various snacks and a few bottles of different kinds of alcohol. The wall on the opposite side of the great hall was made of glass and had a clear view of a pool at the back of the mansion. Someone was swimming in the pool. On the right side wall was a lit fireplace covered by a glass window.

Between two black leather couches was an armchair of the same fashion. In it slouched a man dressed in black with tinted glasses and a goatee, and on his lap sat a young woman in gothic make-up, wearing a black dress. Her pale skin was in stark contrast to everything else about them. Sarah nodded towards them and said quietly to the Hunters, “Our honored guest, Terek Ward and his companion.”

Another woman, blonde like Sarah but with thicker curves and longer hair, entered the room from the back left and caught Sarah’s attention immediately. “Ah, Emma is here,” Sarah said and then added to the Hunters, “Help yourselves to the snacks while we wait for other guests to arrive.” Then she walked to Emma and began to converse with her quietly, the two of them standing in front of the leftmost one of the wall windows between the great hall and the pool.

Great Hall
  • Carmen, Dave, Karen
  • Sarah and Emma talking to each other
  • The two guests who the Hunters followed here from the parking area
  • Terek Ward and his companion sitting in an armchair
  • There’s someone swimming in the pool



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"Don't stay in a place for long... means security not custom and complex. Security cameras facing outside, like the drug houses, mean they want to have a lookout for cops coming, but they also want to make sure anything shady done inside is not recorded." Dave muttered to himself and looked for Carmen and Karen to relay the information he had so far, possibly sending messages to Doll as well.

Dave went over to politely greet the man in the armchair. "Peter here, what a gracious host of a splendid party." Dave decided to mingle with various guests and he was great at doing small talk and people seemed to love him most of the time.

Dave walked to the windows to scan around, looking for any cameras or more security. Dave also walked around and greeted the guests, looking at everyone and trying to see if there was anyone he had seen in any of the wanted files. Dave also talked to the guests and asked about the food as he was also all about the food, and wanted to plan enough room in his stomach to try everything good.

"Damn it, no cameras, I can't find out who is this Emma person..." Dave muttered and moved over to try to listen in to the conversations.
From his contacts in law enforcement, Dave had heard of someone called “Mr Ward” who seemed to be profiting a lot from companies related to one of the largest sex slave trafficking conspiracies, but there had never been enough evidence to actually tie him into the crimes. However, there had also not been any mention of a Terek Ward, so Dave wasn’t sure if this honored guest that Sarah had pointed out was related to the Mr Ward he’d heard about.
Carmen heard the information from Dave and continued scanning for exits. There was a pool outside and that is another possible escape route. It was a party with guests, and Carmen's anxiety is increasing and she quickly went over to get some drinks to calm her nerves. Carmen does not like socializing and tries her best to avoid conversations, she was just hoping that the hosts are not the kind that tries to make everyone participate in conversations, and from the looks of it, she was lucky.

After a drink, Carmen decides to check out the toilets and continued her scan for security and she looked around to see if there was anyone armed. She hates guns.
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