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Not Alone (Gumdrop x LadyDark)


Mar 16, 2012
Sasebo, Japan
"God, fucking damnit, you fucking- get in the damn car!"

Akira groaned as he was shoved into the backseat of a car he was used to being on the floor of. He grabbed his head and winced when he felt something wet. He looked at his hand and looked a bit more confused than concerned. His fingers were stained red and he wasn't really sure why. "Wh-"

"Shut the fuck up, you will tell them that you fell in the kitchen while cleaning," the man said, his face kind of blurry as Akira looked up to figure out the voice. "Basically what happened anyway," he mumbled.

Akira groaned again and let his head hit the floor of the far as he tried to make the world stop spinning and get rid of that horrible ringing. So he had fallen when he was cleaning? Is that where the red came from?

The man quickly got him to the hospital and pulled him out of the car. His grip was firm, but the soft smile and caring gestures distracted just about everyone from how hard he was gripping Akira's arm. He gently sat the man down in a wheelchair and helped wheel him into the room when the nurses called. It was clear the man would not be leaving Akira's side like the good and doting boyfriend he was pretending to be.

Akira just continued to look at the semi-blurry faces around him and tried to figure out where they were exactly. He was eventually unloaded into a room and much to the man's annoyance he was dragged out of the room to do some paper work, assuring that Akira would be fine and a doctor would be in shortly. They could even see him through the windowed wall, he would be fine. Akira watched as the man left with a nurse and then closed his eyes for a moment. God, he wished the room would stop spinning. How did he get here again? Why was his head hurting?
Dr. Jacobs was just finishing up with a patient and was about to head for his break when a nurse caught him.

"Doctor, a patient just came in with a head injury and you were his last acting doctor... I know it's almost your break time but would you mind having a look? Poor thing looks really out of it," the nurse said.

The doctor looked up from his paperwork and then down to his watch and sighed. "Sure... I'll be a few minutes. Get some blood samples from him to start and run the normal tests," he said, taking the chart from her and starting to pull up the patient's file on the computer. The name didn't look familiar to him, so he checked his last notes to see if he could remember anything.

After about ten minutes, Dr. Jacobs got up from his desk and left the room, heading down the hall to the exam rooms off of emergency. He stopped at the door with his patient's file and then slowly entered the room, looking at the file and not the patient just yet.

"Hello, Akira... So I was told yo- O-Oh! Why don't they ever tell me?" he mumbled under his breath quickly and moved closer to check over his patient, very gently inspecting the gash before stepping back. "Ok, Akira... How many fingers do you see, buddy?" He held up three fingers before the man's glossy and unfocused eyes.

As he looked at the young man, he started to remember him a bit. It was almost a year ago that he treated the same man, who hadn't been very vocal back then. After his vision test, he moved to start gently cleaning his wound. "I'm sorry if this hurts. I'll try to be careful."
Akira had his eyes closed before he heard someone joining the room with him, maybe it was the man from before? He opened his eyes and glanced over. No...a doctor. He followed him pretty easily though when he was asked about how many fingers he tried to focus and shook his head, "three...four?" he questioned, he wasn't sure how many the other was showing, one of the fingers looked a little off but he wasn't sure why.

"No, please... I'm sorry, I'll be better, please," he murmured and tried to move away from the doctor's hands. A bit of pleading was in his voice with just a hint of fear. He closed his eyes again, trying to help his eyes readjust to the harsh hospital lights. At least the room stopped spinning. Now his head just hurt, mostly in the spot that the doctor was touching. "I won't be bad, I promise," he murmured again, once more trying to pull away from the doctor's hands.

He was slow about his movement, almost like he was expecting to be pulled back and forced to do whatever it is he thought the doctor was trying to do to him.
The doctor was taken aback by the man's reaction and stepped back to give him some space. "No, I'm not going to hurt you. You have a nasty cut on your head that I need to clean," he assured the frightened man. He realized that the man's reaction indicated that this was not just an accident, as his "boyfriend" had suggested on the paperwork.

The doctor approached the man again, gently touching his arm and reassuring him that he wouldn't cause any harm. "I'm sorry, I know this will hurt, but I have to clean it. Try to stay still, and I'll work as quickly as I can," he said, trying to calm the man down. With soothing words, he carefully cleaned the wound, promising that everything would be alright and that the man was safe.

After cleaning the wound, the doctor observed that it was not severe enough to require stitches, but the man's behavior indicated a possible concussion. He gestured to the nurse outside the room for assistance and then closed the blinds. He helped the man, Akira, to lie down and held his hand to help him relax. When the nurse arrived, he instructed her to lock the door. "This was no accident, and I want the police notified as quietly as possible," the doctor told the nurse with a concerned frown. "That man isn't allowed near the patient, but we also don't want him to just leave."
Akira looked at the doctor for a moment as he spoke. Well...he was a doctor. He flinched as the man touched his arm but he let the other clean the wound. Now and then he would wince but stayed quiet as the doctor cleaned him up and fixed what was needed. He had relaxed for the most part until the doctor closed the blinds to the room. His heart started to race, though he wasn't entirely sure why. This man was a doctor, he was here to help. Why would he feel like he was going to be hurt?

Then the door was locked and his heart raced even faster. He didn't want to be in a locked room, he didn't want to be in a room like this. Then the doctor was talking about how this wasn't an accident. What? What did he mean it wasn't an accident, that's what the man had said that brought him here. "I-" he started, "I fell in the kitchen," he stated. He hadn't said that to the doctor yet, maybe that was the problem. "I fell in the kitchen and hit my head, I'm fine," he said, trying to calm his racing heart.

The man had taken notice of the blinds being shut and the door being shut and he moved over immediately. This was not good. He tried the door and found it locked and frowned. Fuck. His eyes glanced at the blinds and then toward the way they had come in. He could always get another one... yeah, another one. The man quickly, but calmly headed out of the hospital. He didn't need to risk his neck any further than he already had. He should have just let the little shit deal with the injury himself rather than bring him to the hospital. But he had paid good money for the little thing and he didn't want him up and dying on him. But now he was going to be out money anyway. Fucking damnit.
Tristan turns to Akira when he tries to speak and moves back over to him. He can see that Akira is getting agitated and scared again.

"No, you don't need to defend him. This wasn't an accident. You couldn't have gotten this wound by simply falling," Tristan says softly as he takes Akira's hand, feeling his quick pulse. "You need to relax, calm down. That's it," Tristan continues, crouching a bit to be eye level with Akira and smiling softly.

"You are safe now. He won't hurt you again, I promise," Tristan reassures Akira. He then asks the nurse to bring a mild painkiller shot to take the edge off for Akira, as they wait for his lab results.

Tristan records their conversation on his phone and asks Akira if he knows the name of the man who was hurting him and how long he was with him. As the nurse returns with the small needle, Tristan lets her in and walks to Akira again.
Akira looked even more confused when the doctor said that this couldn't happen by accident, but that's what the man had said...

There was more shaking of Akira's head as the conversation went on. No, he didn't know his name or how long he was with him. He flinched at the needle though ultimately allowed the other to inject whatever she was injecting. Honestly, it was a bit strange, he didn't remember much of anything before he was in the car. Bits and pieces, all rather blurry. "He told me I fell in the kitchen. I slipped or something, I guess and he took me here," he claimed. "I don't know why I was in his kitchen or who he is, I assume I must know him. Maybe I live there?" he questioned, frowning a bit. That didn't sound quite right, but also did at the same time.
The nurse smiled softly and ran her fingers through his hair. "It's ok, honey. It'll help with the pain, just a small pinch," she said as she gently emptied the needle into his arm and rubbed it softly to take the sting away. She then stepped aside for the doctor to look him over again.

"I'm not sure anything this man says is true, son," the doctor said with a small frown. "And it seems this bump has caused some mild amnesia. We'll have to keep watch over you for a few days." He looked the young man in the eyes. "Akira, I need you to think. Did this man... Did he touch you at all? Maybe where you didn't want him to."

The nurse left again only to return right away. "He got away, doctor. The man is gone," she reported. She glanced back out to the main hall and nodded to someone. "This way, officers. You may see him when the doctor allows." She closed the door to let Dr. Jacobs finish his exam of the young man.

"Akira, I am going to look you over for other injuries," Dr. Jacobs said. "If you want me to stop at any point, please let me know." He stood by him again and helped the young man sit up and steady himself, then reached for his shirt slowly. "I'm just having a look. Does it hurt anywhere else?"
Akira frowned as well, unsure how he felt about all of this but let it be for now. "Touch me? I- I don't think so..." he stated.

As the nurse stated that the man was gone, he did have to admit that had him thinking the doctor might be telling the truth about the man. After all, why leave if he had done nothing wrong? He nibbled on his lip and then looked back over to the doctor. He nodded slowly and sat up, letting the doctor lift his shirt. "No, nowhere else hurts," he said, and though that was true his body spoke of another truth. His front was fine a few knicks here or there, but his back... his back was littered with scars some a bit deeper than others. One rather new, though it was still healed, it was clear it had only happened a few days ago, still slightly red and irritated from the shirt.
The doctor nods as he gets to examine him more thoroughly than before. “That’s ok, I'll run an assault kit just to be safe, maybe we can identify your captor from something he…” Tristan froze as he saw the man’s back and the numerous injuries upon it, his eyes going wide and his face going pale. “Y- You said nothing… Hurts… Not even your back, are you positive?” He gently looked over the marks as his nurse silently took pictures of the wounds and had to blink a few times to clear her eyes of tears.

Dr. Jacobs eventually stepped aside to allow the nurse to take more photos for the police and got some supplies to start treating his wounds, if they were lucky, he could avoid any permanent scars. He starts to clean and bandage the wounds and rubs a healing cream on the older ones to try and help them lessen. “Akira, can you tell me your full name? Or if you have any family, maybe we can call them for you…” Once done with his back, they help him slip into a hospital gown and have him lie down again. “You don't look to be in any immediate danger and your vitals are good, I'm sure you're exhausted and would like to take a nap. You can sleep here, the nurse will sit with you… You are safe here Akira, no one will harm you here” He smiles and gently rubs the man’s arm.
Akira frowned when the other mentioned an assault kit. He wanted to say no, he should say no, right? He nibbled on his lip when the other stopped talking and then asked him about hurting again. He shook his head, "no, nothing hurts. I mean, my head did, but now it's fine," he said. He glanced over to see the nurse taking pictures and moved a bit. He did not like this. He was constantly trying to hide himself from the pictures and most definitely was looking uncomfortable the whole time.

He sat still when the doctor finally went back to do his job and then questioned him about his name and if he had family. ", I don't," he said, looking away a bit. He did, a brother and a niece but they weren't exactly on speaking terms at the moment so there was no reason to get him involved. He nodded when he was told he could sleep and that he was safe. He wasn't sure how safe he felt at the moment, but he supposed it was a hospital.
Dr. Jacobs could see how uncomfortable Akira was about the photos, but unless he said stop, they needed these photos for the police. He steps closer again takes the young man's hand and squeezes it softly to try and make him feel a bit better. “I'm sorry, but the photos will help the police charge the man who did this to you… And if you really don't want something done, just say so, you're in charge here Akira” He finishes up his cleaning and bandaging of his back and writes down the information he gave. “Ok… Mr. Nakamura, Nurse Anna will stay with you while you rest, you can ask her for anything while go and see your labs and get you the medicine you need. I will also be updating the police on your condition so please take the time to rest…”

Tristan leaves the room once again and goes to put a call in for a rush on his labs before looking for the police. “Officers… The young man, Mr. Nakamura, was brought in by a man claiming to be his boyfriend with a head injury and later found to also have several whip wounds on his back…” He looks down at his notes with a sigh “You can't speak with him at the moment as the injury to his head has caused him mild amnesia over the last few days… I will let you know once you're able to get a statement from him, and security has been informed to give you the footage of the man he came in with”

The policemen took notes and one left to find security to get the footage while the other moved to take a seat outside Akira’s room to stand guard. Dr. Jacobs went to check up on his other patients and wait for Akira’s labs to return, so much for his early night.
"I don't-" he stopped and bit his lip. Something inside him was screaming not to object. Bad things happened when he objected. He gripped the bedsheets under him and chewed on his lip a little more, "I don't want any of this," he said, his voice small. Akira felt like he was tensing and getting ready for the other foot to drop. The doctor was right though, if it wasn't some kind of accident then the man should be brought in, but Akira only felt fear in his heart at that idea.

He nodded when he was told to rest and that the nurse would watch over him. Slowly he slid down into the bed and curled into himself. He closed his eyes and attempted to sleep. It didn't go well. He kept waking at every little sound, and the hospital had plenty of those. Or sometimes there were vague dreams of him being hurt and he'd wake up then. That was the latest one, a bad dream of being taken by someone and thrown in a van. Was it a dream or a memory? He couldn't really tell.
Anna looked at Akria as he made a soft-spoken statement, and a frown crossed her face. She lifted her hand to gently touch his and rubbed it gently.

"I know, sweetheart. No one ever wants this, but you are safe now, and we won't let that man near you again. Just try to rest. We should be able to move you to a quiet room shortly," she said reassuringly. She stayed with him and tried to help him calm down enough to sleep, but it was clear that the noises of the ER were scaring him.

Tristan had gone to get some sleep after filling the cops in. He had to be back on shift in a few hours and wanted to be refreshed. He was woken up several hours later by another nurse with Akira's lab results and an update from the police. They hadn't found the man yet, so the patient would still have a guard on him.

"Thanks," he said as he slowly woke up and rubbed his face. He then went to the small employee bathroom and got himself cleaned up, grabbing a quick ten-minute shower before dressing in clean scrubs. He stopped by the nurse's station on his way to see Mr. Nakamura, telling them to get a private room ready for the young man.

"High priority. He's an assault victim. You know the protocols," he instructed the nurse.

Tristan walked into the room as he saw Akira wake up, looking startled and scared.

"It's just me, Dr. Jacobs. Do you remember me from last night?" he asked, thinking he had scared him by coming into the room. He looked at him for a moment, trying to see what he was thinking.

"Have you remembered anything yet?"
Akira frowned when the nurse misconstrued his words. He didn’t want the police involved, he didn’t want the pictures, he didn’t want an assault kit, he didn’t want all of this. Still he kept quiet. Worried if he corrected her she might snap at him…or worse.

His breathing was a little be labored as he tried to calm himself, jumping when he heard Dr. Jacobs voice. He nodded, before shaking his head slowly when he was asked if he remembered anything. “Just dreams…” he whispered and slowly moved to pull his legs up and cuddle himself.

“Can I go now?” he asked, wondering if he was free to leave. He had survived the night, that meant he wasn’t concussed anymore, right? He felt fine now, if a bit tired.
Dr. Jacobs sits down near the patient with a soft smile. "We're still waiting on some test results, and the police are keeping an eye on you. They need to find out more about you and the man you were with to see if anyone else was involved," he explains. "Most of your tests came back normal, which is good. However, we did find traces of drugs in your system. Do you remember taking any drugs willingly?" He lists a few street drugs and sedatives found in the system, suggesting they were given to keep the man 'compliant.'

Tristan smiles back gently and takes a calming breath. "I understand this is all overwhelming. But, considering your memory loss and the circumstances that brought you here, it would be risky to let you leave without a plan in place. If something were to happen, we'd be held accountable," he explains. "After a few days, we should be able to place you in temporary care until you're well enough to take care of yourself. Let's start there. Perhaps you can tell me about these dreams," he suggests, taking out a personal recorder and placing it on the counter. "I'll record everything so you can listen to it later to jog your memory. A copy will also be given to the police."

Dr. Jacobs takes out a notepad and suggests starting with the basics like the patient's name. "What else can you tell me?" he asks, looking at the clock. "They should be bringing your food soon. I requested a chicken dish, assuming it would suit your tastes."
Akira nodded along but he didn't really say anything. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to. When the doctor mentioned drugs though he thought back before shaking his head. He didn't remember taking any drugs period, willingly or not. "I don't do drugs," he said. Though he did take something in those dreams he had...

"I-" he started, "you..." he bit his lip as the notepad and recorder came out. The doctor made sense...but he didn't- no, he needed to not have the police involved. he wasn't sure why he felt that way, everyone made sense when they mentioned talking to the police, at least logically they made sense. He still felt like the man that dropped him here hadn't done anything he hadn't deserved or perhaps not anything at all, though him running honestly made him kind of question that. "You said," he started again. Why did he feel like arguing with the doctor was a bad thing? Like he was going to get hurt if he argued. "you said that- that I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to," he finally got out. He felt himself bracing for and eruption of anger.

The doctor continued to talk about the basics and he supposed that wasn't bad to give so he gave them. His name, age, birthday, how tall he was, what year it was, things like that. He could answer those questions but when it came to where he was living or where he had been for the past 6 months, he didn't know. He found he couldn't answer. The memories were just gone. No matter how hard he tried. He still refused to tell him about the dreams though. Akira gave a shrug when it came to the chicken. He didn't really have a preference either way. It sounded fine.
Tristan paused and looked at the young man for a moment then nodded slightly “Yes… Yes, I did say that to you didn't I” He stops the recorder after that and sets his notepad down as well. “Ok Mr. Nakamura… I'm sorry that I can't let you leave the hospital yet, but we can stop the questioning and other testing if that is what you want… We were just trying to help get you some justice and answers, I'm terribly sorry if we made you uncomfortable” He rubs his neck and sighs softly “It's obvious to me Mr. Nakamura that you were taken against your will, drugged and abused. You were injured by your captor to the point that you lost a good chunk of your memories… I know I said you didn't have to do what didn't want to” He takes a seat “You see if we release you and you are taken again or hurt, or happen to hurt someone else, that will be on us, on me…”

He stands at a knock on the door and goes to get his tray of food, bringing it over to him to set on the table by the bed. “Listen… This will only be for a few days… Then they will look for a safe place to send you” He takes his seat again and runs a hand through his hair as he thinks then looks at Akira again. “Tell you this… I'm set as an emergency housing location if you'd like, I can house you until you're back on your feet and my place is large so you'd have your own room and bathroom” He rests his hands on his lap “I know it's not what you want, and I'm very sorry, but this is what I can offer you”
Akira tensed further waiting, but the anger never came. He glanced over to the doctor and nodded when it was said they could stop. He felt a bit relieved by that knowledge even if the next part was rough to hear. He was…taken and abused? He frowned a bit, that- were they not nightmares but memories? It sort of aligned with what those dreams were about. At least the taken part. The abuse…it still, that didn’t sound right, but maybe- he shook his head again, not agreeing with the doctor about how he saw it. Something inside kept telling him to not engage in that way. It was the only way to stay safe.

Then the doctor took his word back, well a little. Akira let out a soft sigh, he supposed that was fair. He didn’t want anyone else to get in trouble for something that was his doing. He jumped at the knock on the door before looking at the food and grabbing the tray as the doctor sat down again. He started to nibble at his food. He set his fork down at the offer and thought about it for a moment, “I- I suppose that’s not a horrible offer,” he finally said, glancing over to the doctor and giving a small smile.
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