Mx F or NB Looking for RP partners, Fandoms and Pairings inside(updated 8/20/2024)


Dec 7, 2009

I am just looking to get back into RPing a little as I found it a fun creative outlet. I do tend to enjoy more story driven and long term RP's involving a little smut. I enjoy both slow burn as well as fast chemistry. I am comfortable writing a minimum of two paragraphs, but I will always prefer quality over quantity. As long as I have something to work with I'm fine. Currently, I only play male Characters and am looking to play against female or futa characters. I tend to enjoy playing dominant characters, but I am willing to switch with the right idea. My favorite settings tend to be fantasy, modern fantasy, and present day. Romance, intrigue and Action do a lot to peak my interest.

(Desired roles on left)
Brother x Older Sister
Best Friends(M x F, Futa)
Angel x Demon
Angel/human x human/Angel
Dragon x Dragon
(Willing to try other fantasy creatures against one another, Werewolf x Fae, Vampire x Elf etc.)

Fandoms: (for fandoms I prefer to use settings and OC's as opposed to Canon characters.)
Avatar the last Airbender/ Legend of Korra
The Ripple system(book series)
Gravity Falls

If any of what you see interests you or you believe you might have an interesting idea that would be up my alley I'd really enjoy discussing it, so please feel free to DM me with any idea's or suggestions. I'd love to build an exciting story together. If you have any curiosities about my specific Likes or limits My f-list is in my signature.

Fangs in the Fairie Court:
In a kingdom where ancient magic and supernatural beings coexist, a delicate balance is threatened by forbidden love and impending war. The Fae Prince, second in line to the throne, has always been close to his vampire knight, a woman whose clan was exiled from the greater vampire society and accepted as nobility by the Fae. Bound by a childhood connection, they have grown up side by side, with the prince's enchanted blood being how the vampire knight sustains herself. He had been born with an allergic reaction to most blood, but when the her father and mother the nobility of her clan of 20 or so vampires met with the Fae family to discuss term for asylum the two children met. The girl telling the child prince of her issue he invited her to bite him, which she did to find out that Fae blood did not trigger her allergic reaction. The young prince requesting that the family be allowed to stay so he could play with his new friend was granted his request, and as kids he continued to let her bite him only feeling a small tickle, But as they grow older, their bond deepens into something more that neither of them dares to acknowledge openly due to the strict social standings. Her feedings are done silently from the wrist or upper arm and neither of them acknowledge it any longer out of embarrasment.

All these years later, the exiled vampire clan faces a difficult choice as the very society that once banished them offers a chance for redemption in exchange for betraying the Fae kingdom. With war on the horizon and their emotions threatening to unravel everything they've built, the vampire knight must decide where her loyalties lie. Will she stand by the prince she has sworn to protect, even if it means defying her own kind? And will the proud, yet humble, Fae prince risk everything to embrace the love that has begun to awaken for his long time companion.(While this is made with a Fae x Vampire pairing in mind, because I just that would be a fun pairing I don't see often. This can be changed and discussed like any of my idea's)

Whispers in the Pines(Dipper x Pacifica) - this is one of my very few Canon x Canon pairings, but I think it could really be fun. The characters would get aged up to 18+ for the purposes of the roleplay.
Gideon Gleeful has unearthed an ancient device known as the "Talon of Terrors," which grants him dominion over Gravity Falls' supernatural creatures. With this device, Gideon unleashes chaos, commanding monsters to terrorize the town and enforce his control.
When Pacifica Northwest learns of Gideon's plan, she urgently seeks the Pine twins' help. Dipper Pine, overwhelmed by his current responsibilities, declines the request. However, Mabel Pine, determined to protect her beloved town, heads to Gravity Falls alone, ready to take action.
Realizing his mistake when mabel goes missing, Dipper eventually follows Mabel's trail to Gravity Falls. Dipper in his pursuit of Mabel crosses paths with the person that summoned them there, Pacifica Northwest who said Mabel never arrived and has been fighting back Gideons forces on her own. As they fight back Gideons forces finding cryptic clues romantic tension begins to build as they see each other in a new light.

My Faevorite Servant
As a young fae prince, MC was captured by soldiers from YC kingdom in secret during a conflict. To avoid political ramifications and potential retribution, the royal court decided to keep Fiva's true identity a secret. He was raised in the palace under the guise of a servant, for YC a young princess at the time. The two grow up together and develop a special dynamic so much so that when he comes of age he is trained as a knight to be her exclusive guard in addition to his servant duties. MC would also be forced to wear a magical iron collar that severely inhibits his magic which only the princess's parents have access to. Over time they begin to develop feelings for each other, but are aware of their social standings and are committed to not act upon them, but how will she react when her parents tell her the truth. (This does not have to be a Fae x human pairing, any humanoid creature will do. I do intend for this setting to be high fantasy romance, and political intrigue)

By your grace I am saved:
MC has been YC's guardian angel for the last 10 years. He's watched you make mistakes, learn, love, laugh and cry from the other side of the veil between the physical and the spiritual. While he could never directly contact you or protect you from anything on the other side of the veil it was his duty to ensure nothing supernatural happened to attack you from his side of the veil. What he was never trained for was if someone launched an attack on the other side of the veil, to protect you he crosses to the other side to stop whatever the sinister being was attempting, but there is no way to get back. On this side he has to come to grips with all of these new emotions that were so dulled before and figure out how a spiritual being crossed the veil and why they were after you. ( This one is intended for Angel x human, but it can really be Angel x (fantasy creature as well).

Holy Matrimony:
Angels and demons tired of the war have tried to set down their pride to find a way to co-exist, and the easiest way to begin to bridge the divide is of course an arranged marriage between a seraphim's son and the daughter of a high-ranking general in the demon's army(or possibly the ruler of hell itself, or even a current high ranking general, lots of viable options). However, there are members on both sides who have no desire to see this last and will do what they can to preserve the status quo.

Just one secret between friends(M x Futa):
MC and YC have been friends since middle school. You always played together, you watched out for one another, and you shared so much time together your other friends told MC that the two of you should just go out, and here you were at a resort that your parents had gotten the two of you for graduation. However when MC confesses, she seems nervous when you finally work up the courage to ask her out like there's something she doesn't want to tell you, but you're still hoping for a positive response. (This can also be translated to a fantasy setting with races other than human).

In a world where a sinister organization known as "The Genesis Syndicate" operates in the shadows, they have begun a horrifying project: splicing human and Pokémon DNA to create Anthro Pokémon for their own twisted purposes. This malevolent group engages in human experimentation, drug trafficking, and murder, driven solely by greed and a lust for power. MC will be an early experiment, and will be saved by a very small group of previously escaped poke'mon hybrids led by a jaded officer Jenny think small task force. The story would proceed with them looking to take down the team rocket-esque organization along with YC. I was thinking YC could either be saved alongside mine or already be a part of the task force that helps save him and helps him acclimate to this new form. I would also not mind an Anthro x trainer pairing instead of Anthro x Anthro.

I am definitely willing to discuss specifics and make changes if there's interest in the general plot. I'd really love to see this idea flourish with someone who'd be interested in building this idea out further.

The Awakening of a Dom:
You and you're younger brother(MC) have decided you're tired of living in the suburbs with your parents and since you're both now going to the same College maybe if you split the rent you can afford a place in the city together you've both always gotten along and, with scholarships and student loans it should be pretty doable. After the arduous task of moving in you're relaxing and watching a bad movie b movie. It's funny right until a scene where the heroine is bound and teased relentlessly to the point of instantly becoming subservient to the man. You go to look at your brother to make a joke about how unrealistic, but he seems glued to the television the scene was giving you a funny feeling as well. You wonder what it would be like to be bound. However, you are more curious about what your brother is thinking. When you tap his shoulder to get his attention he snaps back to himself, but there's something in his eyes when he looks at you and a strange tension. You go to bed not soon after that the thoughts in the back of your mind. Two weeks later, while settling into your new routine, you find a collar on the kitchen counter and your brother sitting in the living room, with the TV off. The sight of the collar makes you question what it means for your relationship and the unspoken tension that has grown between you. Will you accept the invitation to this forbidden relationship? (M x F, or Futa), (may be open to this with other pairings)

Fallen Radiance:
MC a once-powerful angel, is cast out of the Celestial Court for defying a divine decree. His intervention to thwart a forbidden ritual by dark sorcerers caused a celestial rift, leading to his fall from grace. Now his divine powers diminished and cast into a vibrant world teeming with elves, kemonomimi, vampires, and other magical beings, MC struggles to adapt to his new reality. Joining forces with a native of this world YC my character intends to find the dark sorcerers that caused the rift stop them, and get back to his home world.
(This idea is a very rough one, it still needs a lot of world building, but because it's so raw I felt it could be fun to world build with someone so I'm putting it out here.)

I am open to suggestions and new idea's.
If you made it this far, thank you for your time ^^.
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