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A Pale Moonlight (PrometheanXVixen)


Jul 23, 2024
The coast was long, and it spanned many many miles. A great kingdom was ruled over the continent, now only fragments remain after the crown was lost long ago in a war with outlanders. To the North lies the mighty Midoro, the white towers of the mountain hold. To the South, the lowlands of Parapa. But to the east lies another hold, beyond the great river, over the hills, and far away...Dregmor, and the black towers. With a vast dessert wasteland on one side, and an ever hungry swamp on the other, the Eastern hold lies safe from most attacking forces by natural means. Here, overlooking the gloomy mountains, lies the black towers of a once bright hold. Mounted at the central tower with a black glass circle in the center of the top, outlining the black glass circle is red, amber color glass running another thinner circle before stemming down half the length of the tower. The symbol of an eclipse.

A growing shadow in the east rises, their forces march across the lands, finding particular success in the south. The peoples of Parapa are nearly defeated, only their hope remains. And it dwindles. The East's only true challenge lies to the North, the people of the mountains are valiant. And the trek to war would be costly. Yet, for now the scopes of the Lord of Dregmor is set elsewhere...West. For along the long western coast lies a refuge. Mounted atop a cliff-side overlook, overseeing the waves and the beaches, a single solitary monastery is perched. Basking in the sun's glory, this house of healing as stood for thousands of years where generation after generation, orphans are taken to become healers and scholars of a lost art. Restoration. Some growing an attunement with mystical arts, crystal study, alchemy, things some call...magic. The House of Galathon, named after a legendary healer who they say once grew a tree from sapling by nearly touching the soil it was planted in. The house was neutral in the wars of Man. The North, The South, The Black Sails from beyond our shores, damn them all. Barbarians the houses of men are, war driven, greedy, they care not for richness of soil, only in their treasury.

From the Black Towers of Dregmor, in the central tower of Cirigol, atop a Ebony Throne crusted with Rubies, a young man sits and gazes out the dark window. The black mirror distorting distance and zooming in far and wide like a magnifying glass that sees miles away. From here, a silver haired man sits idly. His eyes darting back and forth as he gazes every detail of this...coastal monastery. Rumors have reached his ear of a healer there, a young girl with promising talents..perhaps she...would be the one. The scars burn, the sun must be reaching it's highest point. Even in his dark tower the sunlight sets his flesh ablaze. His curse grows tiresome. But perhaps she....

Summoning his Raven, he attaches an amulet. Silver chains around An amethyst. The wearer of the amulet would receive a message from him. The wearer would hear his voice. Feel his heart's intent. A summon. Flashes of his tower, perhaps even a gaze into his eye if the wearer if perceptive enough.




Great suffering.....

You can save them....

You can save me....



To My...


Only you.

The Raven departs Cirigol, flying day and night across the lands until it finds Galathon. Finding this young lady with the healing hands.....
The morning was bright, sunny and the sound of the waves from outside her window could be heard. Velre woke slowly, stretching as the rays of sun shone through just enough to wake her for the day. Getting up from bed, she would go toward the shared baths with the other women of the monastery, who were chattering about anything that could really be gossiped about as women tended to do. It ranged from complaints at certain jobs, to news of the fighting going on elsewhere. Velre paid little attention to this type of talk, catching it here and there, but war and such didn't interest her, mostly because it was a horrible thing that hurt her heart to have to see, since she usually saw the injured, and sick, so she saw plenty of it, and being the strongest healer here, meant she often got the most difficult tasks when it came to healing.

Once finished, she would put on her normal white robes with purple trim along the neckline, sleeves, and elbows. Around her waist as though to give a little definition to her well hidden body within the outfit, was a belt sinched around her slender waist allowing the fabric to fall over her wide hips and round rear before falling all the way to her ankles. Like other sisters, she was wearing simple slippers, nothing fancy, and her curly red hair bounced as she made her way down the halls to check on patients, as well as the infirmary to see if there was anything new for her to do.

Velre had been like most of the others who had resided here. An orphan, left at the monastery with no idea who she was or why she had been abandoned. And as with all the others, she trained in different magical arts until finally they found her calling, and a very powerful one that earned her much respect amongst all that lived here, and even those who didn't. She had not only some of the strongest healing abilities they had seen in years, but she had even gone so far as to bring a knight back to life after an injury that had ended his life. Of course, this had made her bedridden for the following day and she took a few extra days to recover, but she had managed it, and lived through it.

Nowadays they only called on her when it was something extreme, so for the time being, until she was called upon, she would look out over the beach and into the ocean, relaxing as she took everything one day at a time, content with her life. Sure there were times where she dreamt of leaving, of going to see the world, but she knew people needed her, and her powers were important, so she stayed.

Humming softly to herself, Velre sang softly where no one else would hear her, not too bad at it, but she didn't think she sounded all that good, maybe above average at best. Her bright blue eyes looked around the ocean, the waves washing on shore, ripples far out glittering beautifully thanks to the sun, making it a rather picturesque moment that she thought would have been fitting for a painter to capture.
As night would cover the coast, a fluttering would flap through the monastery as wings would carry a messenger Raven up to the window of Velre. Cracked slightly, allowing the refreshing evening air to roll in, the Raven pushes its way into her room. Delivering the Amulet onto yer pillow, the Raven mounts the windowsill, awaiting the girl to return to her chambers. When the door finally opens, the Raven gleams into her eyes before cawwing and flying away, leaving her with her trinket. The Amulet glows, the purple gem humming as she gets closer. A luring aura surrounding it, his voice, his thoughts still trapped within, just awaiting her acceptance.




Great suffering.....

You can save them....

You can save me....



To My...


Only you.

In Cirigol, Lord Mairon of Dregmor, sits upon his Ebony throne. His eyes pouring into the black window as it he scours the lands with it, looking out upon the armies mustering in the north. The towers glistening in starlight, the hammers clanking upon anvil, boots marching as their troops begin deployment to whatever strongholds they may yet keep. The Borders of Parapa in the south were wide, too wide, and far too thin. Nearly letting themselves become conquered.

His eyes now turn back towards...her. Velre, gazing as she bathed, as she tended her duties. Listening as she sat and reflected overlooking the waves. Now she was alone in her room, and before her was his invitation, surely she would put on the Amulet. Surely his message would sway her devotion to Galathon and lead her here, to him. And if she said no? Well, he had a backup plan.
When the day came to an end, Velre entered her room and closed the door behind her before noticing the crow, an unusual sight since she had not often seen them, let alone so close to the monastery, and in her room. But before she could really react, it flew off and she was left alone. It only took a moment for her to notice the trinket sitting on her pillow, and approaching, she was hesitant to pick it up.

"Did that crow bring this? I know they are notorious for taking shiny things, but usually they don't give them away like that… they would take it to a nest…" She mused to herself aloud as she gently picked up the necklace. "Maybe it happened to be here and saw the necklace and thought to take it? But if that's the case, who left it?" She looked around for a note or letter, something to tell her who sent it and why. However, there was nothing like that in her room, leaving her to wonder what to do about it. It wasn't uncommon to received gifts, especially Velre given the number of people she helped, but she didn't recall helping anyone who was wealthy enough to give her something this nice, at least not in a while.

Walking over to her mirror, she carefully put the necklace on to examine it, finding the amethyst fit very nicely with the purple trim on the dress. However the moment she heard the voice, and the words it said, she quickly pulled it off, started by the unexpected message initially. It was understandable she might be startled by the message left inside, but upon realizing it was not something that might control her, she put it back on and listened carefully to what was being said.

Of course the request for assistance was not lost on her, and healing people was her job, and a calling she loved, but going to the East was impossible. It was too dangerous, and she had duties here, she couldn't drop all of that for some unknown voice in a necklace. She was curious and tempted to, but logic won over and she removed the necklace, placing it on her simple wooden nightstand and leaving it there while she changed into a simple white nightgown, braiding her hair back and climbing into bed for the night.

The next morning she went about her normal routine, unable to forget about the necklace's words, but she still pushed through her normal morning tasks, assuring herself that whoever it was would find another healer to help them, likely one closer to the east where they apparently resided.

At the moment, she was tending to a group of orphans, sitting in a classroom on a rug on the floor, reading them a fantasy book. The children were all huddled around her, some leaning against her, others sitting near or on her lap as she read the story to them, making sure to pause and explain things if the children asked questions, but for the most part it was an easy day for her, and she seemed to be having a good day from the looks of things.
Mairon sat watching intently as the thoughts whirled through her mind, she was cautious, but perhaps she could be swayed....

For weeks now, a garrison of his forces marched West. Their journey felt much longer after facing the perils of the uninhabited lands separating the lowlands and the swamps, from there they cut north and held the road until finding the coast, following it they halted, and awaited until a Raven crowed on the night of their 36th day since they embarked. They were out of sight, but in range that during the night they could make their attack. The monastery was silent, The Houses of Galathon hummed softly with a calming nothingness, the closer the got the quieter the halls became as the echoes of chant and prayer went quiet. The soils beneath their feet grew cold, and the starlight began to shimmer off the black armor, rimmed with a crimson color. Nearly 60 men now stood in a arc shaped formation outside the open archway of the monastery. Four men began pouring of amber salts around the perimeter of the monastery. Just outside of every wall surrounding the building until their salts ran out. With an Arc created around the Stone and marble healing house, arrows were raised. A whisper carried to the arrow heads a bright ember, setting each arrow ablaze as they patiently awaited release. One Knight stood forth, kneeling against the amber salts as his lips uttered words in a foreign tongue. Fwoosh

A bright wave of fire igniting in the center of the salts, a wall of flames rising surrounding the monastery, the amber salts burning at a rate that would keep the fire alive for weeks. The flame walls burn bright, scorching anything close enough to it. Leaving all but the archway entrance blocked off, the knight rises and marches in with 20 swordsmen as they take defensive positions, hiding from sight, and shielding their heads from arrows. The fire wakes many who dwell within these safe halls. Many rushing outside to investigate before being met with towering flames. The headmaster of The houses of Galathon, Master Jaufre, marched outside with his sacred robes on and a book of incantations in his spell, immediately he kneels down and begins a prayer to counter the flames, but his powers were suddenly drained. His spirit and holy words were vaccumed into the flames as a forming shape began to grow in the center of the fire. Thus a shape steps forward, bathed in flame, a figure walks through the archway and approaches the headmaster. Standing over 6'4, a figure spreads black breath and radiates fear on those who gaze upon him. The flames of his body begin to cool, and a molten form is left, a massive rock of a man. With one hand it grabs Jaufre by the throat and holds him into the air. No voice can be heard, but within Jaufre's head a terrifying presence can be felt. It questions him, interrogates him, torturing his soul as his life drains from his body before his corpse is throw against the center fountain of the monastery. The crow flies forward, resting on the shoulder of this molten man before cawwing. The Knight seeming to be in charge of this operation steps forward...

"She is here, no?" he questions gazing at the molten figure.
"The crow will lead us on, if she is here, we shall have her with no resistance" He says with a bow before following the crow as it leads him and his 20 knights into the halls of this sacred place. All who stood in their way were slew, the sick were left to perish on their own, and at the end of their raid they stood at her door. Kicking it open, the girl was theirs for the taking. A bottle was taken from one of the knight's satchel and thrown at the floor of her room, filling it with a mist that rendered her body limp as a fish, sightless as a bat, and without any thought or feeling as they brought her outside and loaded her onto a wagon where the Knight would watch over her as her hibernation began. The Molten figure approaches, gazing on her helpless form. The knight turns and looks at him.

"She's alive, just as you predicted, My Lord. In perfect hibernation for her transfer. We shall deliver her to you alive, and unspoiled. With the utmost haste" He says with a bow before the molten form crumbles into dust. With a whistle, the knight signals to the archers to loose their arrows, sending rain of fire down over the monastery, setting all that remained ablaze. The walls of fire stood burning, closing off the archway as it kept whoever remained from getting out. Her open eyes were beautiful, or so the Raven must have thought as it rode most of the way home on the side of the wagon looking down at her. Night of the following day, they could still see the fire burning as they cut straight east, a road that would deliver them to their kingdom in 23 days....
With the attack coming in the night, Velre had been asleep like many of the others, the number of members awake at night being rather small. However, when the first sounds of distress started, shouts of a fire being carried through the monastery, Velre woke up feeling a little groggy, and got out of bed. She moved to the hall, opening it and grabbing the arm of a passing panicked man, inquiring to what was going on, to which he filled her in on the fire, but not much else, not until there was even more fearful calls at the Headmaster being killed, which certainly got Velre's attention as she released the man, closed the door behind herself, locking it out of habit, and went to her closet to get one of the identical outfits she had been wearing all her life on, the usual white and purple gown she wore every day, but she had three copies of it so she was wearing a clean one as she slipped out of her nightgown and into this outfit.

As she was getting on her slippers, Velre's door was kicked in and a figure she did not recognize entered her room making her back away from them. She had been planning on going to the orphans and getting them out through the hidden tunnels, but it seemed someone else had other plans for her, and she could only hope someone else had gotten to the children and took them to safety.

Before she could ask who they were or what was going on, the individual threw something on the floor of her simple room, the hard floor providing the perfect surface to break a bottle on. Before she could take any action to try and dissipate it or protect herself, Velre had fallen victim to the effects of the bottle's contents and she would lose all senses.

From there all she could do was hear and smell things, and the words coming from the entity that had taken her were terrifying if they were anything to go off of. They had taken Velre, but had they taken anyone else? She couldn't possibly know, she just hoped others in the monastery had gotten out and survived this.

Eventually Velre had no choice but to fall asleep, her body unwilling to move, and without being able to see, she just tried her best to sleep when she could, until finally, in the late morning, possibly early afternoon, she had her sight coming back, as well as her movement, although it was not as steady as she normally would. At the same time, it was immediately noticed that she had woken up, and she was put into shackles, albeit some nice ones and allowed out to take care of her bodily needs before being put back in the wagon, fed some food and water, and then they would dose her again, knocking her out until evening when they repeated the process.

The next day Velre would have the effects wear off, and as the went about doing her normal routine from the other day, she would struggle with her captor, pleading to not be drugged again, and that she would sit in the wagon, and be still. They of course didn't believe her at first, and it wasn't until the fourth or fifth day that they would actually show a little leniency and not dose her, but allow her to be awake, with the warning that if she tried to escape she would not be allowed to do so again until they arrive at their destination. Agreeing all too eagerly, Velre was just glad to not be under the effect of the drug again, not liking that she was dosed so often, and in such a way. But this allowed them to also give her a third meal instead of just the two when she woke up, which was preferred.

The traveling was long, drawn out, and ultimately boring, no one seeming too willing to talk to her as she sat shackled in the wagon until they arrive, all too aware they had gone east, and that likely the person who had given her the necklace had sent her for in the most violent way possible. However, upon arriving she was taken to a cell and put inside, the shackles removed, but now she was locked inside, although the accommodations weren't much different from the ones in her room in the monastery, since the place had been very simple and minimalistic to avoid the staff getting too used to luxuries, the Headmaster said it kept their members humble, and reminded them that they were just people like their patients.

Sitting in her cell, she waited, wondering how long it would be until someone would explain what was going on, or until she was taken to the one who wanted her, wishing now that she had come instead of having this person attack and kill probably many of the people she had grown to love as family. Having not had a bath in days, Velre was not looking nearly as lovely as she had before, her hair was a little messy and tangled, there was some dirt on her skin and dress, and eating with shackles had not been easy so there were stains on the once lovely gown, but at least it kept her from being too cold in the dungeon.
Under the cover of dark, with not even starlight peering through then small window she had barred at the top corner of her cell, two guards stand vigilantly beside her celldoor. Between them walks closer a hooded figure. A crimson red cloak, with all white fabric underneath. A slender and chiseled face under a baggy hood. Long silver hair flowing down over the chest of the hooded figure.

"Leave us" the hooded figure commands as the guards take their leave. Standing beside the cell door, the man looks over at the sleeping girl. His hand raises a key to quietly unlock the door. His steps were quiet, silent even. His body stands over her, casting a large shadow over the girl as the wall mounted torches flicker light in this dim room. He kneels down beside her, running his finger tips along her skin. So beautiful. He brushes the hair from her face before running his palms over her shoulders. Her curled legs sliding gently through his hands over her fabric. She was just as he had seen from afar....

After locking up and leaving her to rest, he commands the guards to bring her to his bath house first thing in the morning.

"And if she refuses to undress, tear her clothes off. I have already ordered a fresh set of clothes for her that I sized to fit perfectly. They would be waiting for her in the bath house when she arrives. She is to be alone, do you understand? Afterwards bring her to my hall...."

He continues to his guards before twirling his cloak as turns around and walks off. The dungeons were located at the bottom of Cirigol, the Black Tower. Windows were cut into each cell at the top of a single corner, where they could see daylight, or feel rain. Each cell being only a few feet underground.

As morning rose, Mairon in a sharp black robe with golden rims sits on his Throne. His hair nicely put up and his boots shined. He sits as a meal is brought before him, yet still his guest was preoccupied in the bathhouse. Upon her eventual arrival, he stands and bows at her presence before introducing himself.

"Greetings, I am Mairon, Lord of Dregmor, and Master of Cirigol. I would he honored if you would join me..." he says waving his arm towars the dining table layed out below the 3 steps leading up to his ebony throne
During her sleep, Velre was not resting too peacefully where she lay curled up, her face looking slightly distressed by her dreams, her mind of course going over some terrifying scenarios about what might be done to her here in this place. But even as he touched her sleeping form, she was too tired to wake given the strain of the traveling, only to arrive at this terrifying black tower and in a cell within the dungeon.

When waking in the morning, the guards only gave her enough time to wake and get the sleep pushed away before opening the cell and escorting her through the halls until she was out of the dungeon and brought to a room, revealing a bathhouse inside, to which she was informed that she was to bathe, and put on the outfit provided. Without arguing, Velre felt she could use the privacy and would take the offer of the bath, going in and getting into the water to wash herself, cleaning her hair and body from head to toe until she was perfectly clean like the first time he had seen her. Her hair when using the shampoo smelt beautiful, the gentle scent of something sweet, like honey, and sweet pea flowers could be smelt from her hair which was now once again back to their lovely soft and bouncy curls.

The outfit provided was far from what she had ever worn in her life, and was not something she would have ever worn, but fearing that she might be dragged out of here naked if she refused to wear it, she begrudgingly slipped the dress up her legs, the material tight, but giving just enough to allow her to get into the soft material of the dress, hugging her legs, hips, and ass in such a way that she was more aware of her body's curvy shape than she had ever been. It was as though someone had come and measured her body to make sure it fit her perfectly until it slid over her bust, lifting the soft mounds just a little. The only thing holding the dress up was the lace choker with gold chains as a sort of halter tip, keeping the dress up as she fastened and tied the laces around the back of her neck to keep it in place. Her legs were on full display, the slits going up so high she knew if she wasn't careful she might reveal more than just leg to someone.

Once finished and her legs were slipped into shoed provided, she was received appreciative looks from the guards, but they didn't say anything as they guided her away from the bathhouse and elsewhere in this massive structure, but it was obvious she was not being taken back to the dungeon.

Entering the hall, her eyes spotted the person before he spoke, and her bright blue eyes flicked from him to the meal he motioned to, requesting her presence for the meal.

She nodded in agreement, not about to deny him her company here, since it likely would mean being sent back to the dungeon without food, or so she would suspect given how he had taken her not coming to him when he requested her the first time.

Stepping around, she went to whatever chair he wanted her to sit in, knowing quite well how to behave with such an esteemed and intimidating figure, so her manners were currently on point, and while she was clearly tense, to the point that she was trying to not tremble, she would take a seat, looking over the food, but not daring to start eating until he had said they could, as manners dictated.

"I'm Velre. But I'm certain you were already aware of that." She wasn't about to be rude, at least not yet, maybe once she was not hungry, and being tempted by the morning meal, she might show a bit more stubbornness and backbone, but for the time being, she needed to gauge this man and get a feel for his temperament, and just how ruthless he might become with her if she didn't cooperate.
Guards take their post throughout the throne room, but Mairon raises his hand and dismisses them. All of them, until they are left alone. Taking a seat himself, he nods at her, giving her ease for permission to eat. "You poor thing, eat, eat. Relax, you're quite safe here. And welcome...Might I add" he says before beginning to eat. The wine poured in their glasses tasting extra delightful today. "I must say, you look quite marvelous in that dress. I knew you would, too. It was my sister's, but you look even better in it. She never did fit it quite well. In many ways, you look like her, although her hair was darker, and her eyes less....bright. You are very skilled, you know. Long have I heard your name throughout the lands, even above those you once served alongside. Long have I longed to meet you. Your presence here does my wonders, my lady. I have brought you here to make to you a proposition, but first...lets not discuss dealings during breakfast. Eat, go on. Then I shall show you the kingdom. A marvelous place it is" He says before continuing his own meal.

He was right, the kingdom truly was marvelous. It had quite the negative reputation. Tyranny, public executions, religious prosecutions, all of which were true, but there was beauty here too. Children playing in the streets, market places bustling, bakers kneading their dough, fabrics being spun, music echoing, it was a any other. It's dark walls, and clawed towers create a fearsome façade, but within the walls, it wasnt so bad. Or at least, if you look past the bodies strung from the outer walls, stone pillars built in public places with shackles attached, char marks around the base where wood, and flesh, had burned.

"Delicious..." Mairon states before standing up and walking towards the Moon shaped window on the outer wall of his tower. A stained-black glass to prevent light from entering his Throne room. The room being in the shape of an L. His throne sits atop 3 black steps, covered by a long Crimson-hue carpet entering the Throne room, one would enter on the bottom of the L, entering through an archway decorated with two statues, their armor was strange not the armor seen in these parts. Past that was the foot of the carpet, where one would turn and face the Throne in the very back. The window was at the intersection of the entrance and the carpet. In perfect line with the Throne allowing one to gaze out from their seated position. The dining table was positioned on the opposite wall of the entrance, crossing over the crimson carpet to access it.

Mairon walks to the window, folding his arms behind his back and sighs quietly as he looks over his subjects....or rather...his citizens...

"Come, look around, look at these fine folk, look at this beautiful city..." He says turning his head to face her, his eyes enlarging, his lips licked as her hips sway perfectly in the dress. Staring like a hungry wolf, he pulls his eyes from her and looks back out the window. "You truly look as though you belong here, but we've still much to discuss. Now is not the time, I have business to attend, and you've a belly to rest after that meal. Guards!" He calls before two men enter. "Escort this young lady to the tower balcony, let her feel the sun on her skin. Then show her our accommodations here in the tower Cirigol. Afterwards she is to return to Tonight, bring her to my chambers...." He turns to grab her hand, placing a soft kiss on it as his skin tingles at the touch, with a devious glare in his eyes, he takes a bow. " A good day to you, now. I shall see you tonight where we can discuss things further..." He says before dismissing them and sending her escorts with her on a tower tour. But, only the Tower. The gates into and out of the Tower were heavily guarded, the streets of Dregmor were off limits. As the knights escort her out of the Throne room, another company enters the room. A man robed all in red with his face covered, showing only his eyes, a burning violet, enters along with two bald and robed individuals, one garbed all in yellow, one in blue.

"Consorts, please..." Mairon says in the distance, tired of formality and the contstant bowing and kneeling of royalty. "So tell me..." his voice cuts off in the distance....

After the fall of dusk, footsteps echo down the hall as two knights approach Velre's cell. A different pair of assigned soldiers open the cell door and grab her by her wrists, pulling her to her feet and binding her wrists before taking a grip on her arm and pulling her as they travel to the top of the tower, and into Mairon's bedchamber. There, sits the Lord shirtless. Loose black fitting pants are all he wears as his skin grows pale, a scar burning bright on both his chest and back, a rune grows on his flesh, and claw-shaped lines burn like hot coal spreading from the Runes on his back and torso.....He seems to be in discomfort, but without explanation, the guards release her from their hold, freeing her from binds and exiting the room behind them. The Lord and his Lady...his servant....his prisoner, more accurately, now stand alone with guards just beyond the door.
Velre almost wanted to scoff at his words. In insisted that she eat, and relax, insisting that she was safe here? It was a cruel joke in her opinion, since in his presence was likely the most dangerous place to be at the moment. She looked down at the dress she wore, feeling that it was somewhat strange he would allow her to wear his sister's dress. Was it perhaps one she did not like, or was she no longer here and so she had no need of it. She didn't dare ask, instead, she began to eat, making sure to mind her manners while eating in the presence of this kingdom's ruler. She did find it strange that he had no one else in here with him, no advisors, servants, a concubine, or queen. Not wanting to go into such subjects, she ate the food, finding it much more delicious than anything she had ever had before in her life, and it took much effort to not go overboard in trying everything, since the meals in the monastery were simply, and not nearly as nice as what he had offered her.

Once finished, she did rise from her seat and looked out the window at the city, having heard rumors of it, and while quite a bit of it had clearly been true, other parts did surprised her, but in seeing the children running around it made her heart hurt and her hand came to touch where her heart was, a look of sadness crossing her eyes as she watched, wishing to ask about the fate of those in the monastery, but she didn't know if he would know, or even care to find out.

Then he dropped a shocking order to the guards and she turned quickly, her eyes wide with shock and fear at being told she was to be brought to his bedchambers that evening, her mind already having thought of such a fate, but she had reminded herself that he wanted her for her healing talents, not her body… or so she thought. But it was hard not to think he meant to do more than just talk business. But she didn't pull away from him when he took her hand, kissing it which sent a shiver up her spine, taking all of her self-control to not rub at the spot or back away from him. All the while she never said a word to him, not yet anyways, since he seemed to be a bit busy with things and would likely be getting plenty out of her come this evening.

Following the guards, Velre was relieved to be taken out of the room, although she did glance at the men who had shown up, wondering what that might have been about, but the guards were moving at a decent pace and not allowing her to linger as she was led out and given a rather forceful tour before being brought back to her cell, which now in the new dress, she was worried about getting it messy if she sat down or laid down in the cell, so instead she stood. Of course she was given meals, but the closer the evening came, the less she ate, and understandably so given how tense she was becoming. For a long while she paced around, constantly casting glances back at the small window in her cell, the day fading little by little until the guards arrived to bring her to the bedchambers of their ruler. It was the first time she had ever really struggled against them, but it was useless given that she was outnumbered, and before too long her wrists were bound and she was being pulled through the halls until she arrived at the room and was forced inside.

Upon entering the room, she didn't step forward, and actually took a step back to press her back to the door, glancing around the room and easily spotting the man, shirtless, and in only some black pants. However, the fear coursing through her veins slowly ebbed away as she noticed the scars, and her mind recalled the request for her to heal him. Was she wrong? Had she been worried about his intentions for no reason? Hesitantly she spproached, her foot falls soft as she looked at the wounds on him. "W-What are those? I… I can't say I've seen such an injury." She asked softly, her voice gentle, and sweet as she spoke to him for the first time since introducing herself to him that morning.
Fighting back a grunt needing to come out, Mairon muffles a moan as she approaches. " a long story. It curse" He breaks to moan again.
"When I was a boy, I was sent away from my home because the Runes brought great fear into my Father's heart. And for good reason..." He breaks again to bite his lip and moan into himself. "The sun leaves me burned, smoking like wood on a fire. These runes glow in the coming of night when moonlight fills the sky. Direct exposure can be..." his words trail off.

"In the shadows I am kept during the day, and at night I am a slave to pain I cannot escape. I used many herbs, potions, all manner of remedies, some worked better than others to ease my suffering and allowing me to sleep through it and awake raw and scarred. Now, now that I am a Lord..." he says louder, his pain in his voice. "I have access to more sophisticated manners of healing..." He says looking at her, standing to his feet and slowly moving towards her. His eyes gazing into hers and they glow bright. "My last healer denied me, and has left me in need of a new one. One who would join me here, royalty of a mighty kingdom. Access to all the comforts one might desire here in Cirigol. In my tower you, Velre, could have anything. In return, your services are desperately needed. Long have I watched, long have I marveled at your talents, not only could you perhaps ease my might be able to rid me of it. Join me, in the Tower of Cirigol you can live comfortably, safely, but not without labor. You're used to labor as it is, only now its...its..." he breaks to groan again before returning to his bed. Showing her the rune on his back with lines drawn reaching his shoulders, burning bright as they spread.

"Go on...demonstrate..." he gives his first command, allowing her no time to answer, as it was truly un-important to him in this moment.
Despite the situation and her reason for being brought here, she always hated seeing someone in pain, even if she was angry with them for their treatment of her, especially since she had spent so long in the dungeon. She approached cautiously to get a better look, and frowned at the runes in question. She knew little to nothing of runes, it had not been her area of expertise to remove curses, and while she could certainly heal him up to a point, she wasn't sure she could overpower the runes with her healing.

All his offers meant little to her as he mentioned providing her much, but then again, she had been living a nice, yet simple life, so she could not have known what she might have been missing out on when it came to the position he was offering her. "What do you mean? Your last healer denied you? They refused to heal you? Or something else? What happened to them?" She inquired, before watching him move over to his bed and seeming to decide that was where he would be for her to attempt healing him. "I would like to know..." She paused, knowing she probably shouldn't ask him anything, but she wanted to know, "...Did anyone at the monastery survive?" She asked as she approached him, and hearing his command she frowned, looking like she was tempted to tell him no, but she didn't want to find out what punishment she would get for denying him, likely death would be a mercy in comparison to what he would have done to her. She treaded carefully, and although she didn't want to sit near him on his bed, she did so, her hands coming up, pausing for only a second before touching a part of his skin that wasn't covered in the painful looking markings.

Her magic unlike others, didn't take words, just touching the subject and intense concentration, "Please try to not distract me while I heal, and don't allow anyone else to either." She said calmly as her eyes closed and she slowed her breathing, easing into a slow rhythm while her hands grew warm and glowed light blue on her palms, the magic centered on her hands and would stretch through and over him, the magic seeming to heal major wounds first, pushing back what it could while fixing the skin, and easing his pain as much as she could. She normally didn't have to use this much magic, but it was a unique condition, so she put a little more effort into it like she would a burn victim. She was putting quite a bit of effort into it, but not as much as she could, needing to test the runes he was afflicted by to see how her magic effected it, and if she would have to step up to something stronger, which would put her out of commission for a few days if she tried something that powerful right off the bat, and she didn't want to over do it if it was not as bad as she had thought. While healing him she would try to feel for the magic of the runes, since everything had a certain sense, it might better help her understand how to deal with it the next time, since she doubted he would let her go even if she did cure him, after all, why let a prisoner who can bring someone back to life be free.
Her questions have little affect on him as his pain grows. A small chuckle if anything comes out of him as he turns his head partially to the side so that the side of his eye can he seen glowing. "Your friends at the monastery..." he groans. "Tend to me, and i shall show you your friends" he proposes just before the humming of her healing hands take their affect. At first a sharp pain struck him, but it was quickly replaced with relief as it began to work and his pain subsided.

As she worked her talents, his body was rendered useless. Conflicted between pain and relief, contraction and relaxation. A burning heat, and a chilling heat that left his torso to collapse as soon as she was done. Breathing heavily on his bed. The shirtless man feels sweat running down his brow as he lay feeling weak, but with a growing rejuvenation.

Finding the strength to stand, he looks at her with a devilish grin. His eyes going over her body. "Very well, you have done your part. Now I'll own up to mine" he says before moving away from the bed. A small golden pitcher, filled to the brim with water lies on a tabel besides a large porcelain bowl.

"Come" he commands as he lifts the pitcher. Pouring the water in slowly as it swirls around the bowl. Setting it down he reaches for a candle stick, striking a match before lighting the candle. As she approaches he moves the candle to her mouth. "Make a wish...then blow"

As she speaks her wish and the candle flame is put out, he stabs the candle onto the bowl of water, creating an image on the waters reflection. "Look in, and you shall see what you wished for" he states as images of the House of Galathon appear. Her fellow healers, the children, even headmaster Jaufree. Everyone, alive and well.

"You seem confused, perhaps you remember things incorrectly....join me, Velre"
She had not been expecting him to show her what had become of them, at most she thought he would tell her of their fate, if he even bothered to uphold his word at all. Not knowing this man meant that she had no idea if he was a man of his word, but she wasn't about to tell him that to his face.

Instead, she focused on the healing, pushing away the burning heat that seemed to be ailing him, her own still a heat, but it was different, and comforting, offering relief from the pain until finally she had to stop herself, and looked over the runes, her breathing coming a little heavy, but that would return to normal as she assessed him with her hand once more, a light white light this time taking a subtle diagnosis of his condition and the progression of his curse, or more specifically how quickly it would be trying to come back, since it was not gone.

When he stood up, towering over her, she felt her stomach tighten, and her breath hitched in her chest, the look on his face not the kind appreciation for healing she was used to, but something more, something she could not quite decipher yet. It wasn't as though men did not look at her, or show their interest, some going so far as to request her as their wife, offering vast amounts of wealth to both Velre and the monastery, but each time they had been turned away politely, Velre not showing much interest in them, and the monastery knew her worth was far more than most could even hope to afford.

However, in seeing what he was doing, she did get up, and approached him, hesitant at first, but in realizing what he would be doing, she watched the bowl for a second, then when the candle was brought to her lips, her sparkling blue eyes flicked up to meet his gaze for just a second, then she would blow out the candle, her wish being quite clear as she wished to see the people of House of Galathon.

The image was far from what she had thought she would see, and she looked confused, shaking her head. Everyone seemed fine, apparently going about their day as though nothing had happened at all. Sure, it had been almost a month since the attack, but she had though there would be more chaos than this, but everything seemed to be fine.

"Are you doing this? Tricking me?" She asked as she took a step back, "I... I remember..." She began playing over the scene in her mind, of her waking up, getting one of the others to tell her what had happened, and the fire the man had mentioned. She had feared they were all dead, but even the headmaster who had been said to be dead was alive and well, meaning either he was showing her what she wanted to see, or it had not been real to begin with, and they had abducted her without harming anyone after all. "This is real? Not an illusion?" She asked, before approaching him at the statement for her to join him, "I... I thought I would be going back to my cell? I've finished healing you... Unless you will need healing again tonight?" She asked, trying to not get too close, hoping to at least be out of reach, but considering things, where could she go? She was in a place she didn't know, unfamiliar with how to get out, and even if she did, this was his city, she was likely to be caught if she tried to leave and probably punished severely if she attempted fleeing. She didn't even really stand a chance at getting out of his room without his permission, knowing there were guards on the other side of that door who would likely stop her and bring her back to him in seconds.
Her words of confusion made a devious light flicker in his mind, his eyes seemed true, but his heart knew the truth. What she was seeing was Galathon as it would have been, had she accepted his initiation in the first place. Yet here they were, he stands beside her before reaching for her hand. Holding it softly as his thumb brushes gently over her skin before moving her hand to his chest. He rests it there for a moment before moving his body closer to hers. His hand moving to her hips in a paralyzing hold. "Join me, here. need is great..."

He steps them closer to the bed where he gently lays her on her back. His hand now moving down her body, his nails hot against the fabric between their bodies. "My hunger is insatiable..."
He draws his hands to her shins, his palms sliding over her while gazing up into her eyes with the look of a beast ready to prey. His lips move closer to her skin, his breath hot against her flesh. Then he moves away, standing over her once more, breathing heavy. "Submit..." he growls in a low and hungry tone while removing her boots and placing soft kisses along the top of her feet before crawling his way over her. His hand rests on her stomach while his eyes roam her. Then it creeps over him again, agony. A growl overtakes him and he backs away off of her. Nearly dropping to his knees, he holds onto the bedframe for support as he walks over to the bowl of water, splashing it on his hot flesh. "Take a night to...think it over..." he says dismissing her back to her cell. The guards roughly escorting her as always, their touch far rougher than his, yet his heart somehow feels foul-er.

Morning would not come quickly, for either of them, he returned to his throne room and sat in the dark of his tower for hours, until the dim sunlight shined against his Moon Window. Mairon woke to the footsteps of his consorts marching down the halls.

"Ambassador of Ollotar, Midoro's head of treasury, Parapa's head of Treasury, my friends. What brings you here in such early hours?" Mairon greets the three who barge into his Throne room unannounced....
Having no idea what he had truly done, her mind was at ease for the time being, although if she ever heard about what really happened, she would likely become upset with him, not that he likely cared, and the chances of her hearing what had happened to the place were slim unless someone let it slip at the worst possible time.

Feeling his hand on hers, she was tempted to pull it away, but not wanting to suffer his wrath, she controlled herself and remained still, although he would feel the flinch of her body when he initially touched her hand and then her hip. Her hand rested on his chest for a moment, and he almost seemed so normal, someone reaching out for help, in need of her. But she had seen something else, something beneath that gentlemanly facade he had put on when talking with her. A predator not just stalking its prey, but playing with it before it devoured the poor thing. She couldn't help but feel like a bird stuck in a gilded cage, no place to go, no way of escape, and yet she was being somewhat cared for.

Her legs had not meant to move, but they were moving back, until finally she was at his bed and her heart hammered so hard that she could hear it in her ears. She didn't know why she allowed it, probably because she knew there would be no choice, he could take what he wanted, and he somewhat did as he had her laying on his bed, her red hair spilled out over the covers, black dress revealing a lot of leg, much more than before as he removed closer to her. His breath felt almost unnaturally hot, and she squirmed a little at his touch, a shiver going through her body. And while his lips kissed their way up her dainty feet, she watched with fascination and fear as the man moved up her body, his eyes all over her until the moment came to a halt, his pain returning, and for a second she had forgotten what he was doing, her mind going back to worrying for his pain as she sat up, reaching out as though to check on his wounds, but she paused at his words. She wanted to ask what he would do if she were to deny him, if her answer was no. She had no problem healing him, but clearly he wanted more than just her healing abilities, if what he had just been doing was anything to go off of.

Being manhandled back to the cell, she struggled to get the men's hands off her arms, glaring at them as she headed back, remembering the way back now that she had been to his room, but then again, this was her second trip back to her cell, so she was getting used to this walk.

Laying down, not caring if the dress were made a mess now, she tried to sleep, but her mind was busy. She thought over his offer, weighing the pros and cons. There were certainly more pros in this case, and the cons were terrifying since she didn't know what turning down his offer might entail, and already she had seen what he would do if she denied him what he desired. But did he really do those things? She couldn't be sure, but she doubted he had not attacked, she just wasn't sure what trick it was he was using to fool her.

Finally, hours later she got a little bit of sleep, but not likely as much as she wanted or needed given that healing sometimes took a lot out of her, and she had put a bit of strain on herself to heal him last night. Once awake, she would wait, suspecting he would call on her again when he had need of her, although she also suspected she would be expected to get washed up, and changed, unless he intended for her to wear the same clothing as yesterday, which could have been possible, but the man's mind was an unknown, so she could only guess what would happen today.
The hour of the sunset is the most tender. Bright streaks of fading light behind the increasingly dark clouds. The sun vanishing over the horizon as stars begin to twinkle. Yet while most would sit and admire the natural beauty of this time of day, Mairon would hide from it. Sealing himself to his private bath chamber. Here, running water would rise in a porcelain tub, warm and steamy, topped with bubbles as the naked lord sits with his back against the tub, and his arms up on the rim.

His muscular chest revealed as the water rests at the level of his rib cage. His pale flesh layered with his long hair resting on his shoulders and chest. With his eyes closed he waits as foot steps approached.

Two guards open the door and roughly nudge Velre into the chamber before closing the door behind them. She now stood before Mairon as he leisures in his tub.

"Strip..." he commands from behind the heavy steam filling the room. No light enters the bath chamber except for the row of candles lit along the wall. "Join me...." he says gesturing with one hand to the other end of his tub, barely big enough for 2 people.

His eyes ravaging her as her flesh is bare before him, her dirty dress now on the floor. He shifts his legs, arching his knees to allow her room to sit comfortably on her end. "Go on....bathe. " he commands watching intently as the water glistens over her perfect form, her breasts swaying gently, he watches with great hunger with one hand on the top of the tub wall and another under the bubbly water making a soft back and forth motion. "Now, my turn. Bathe me, Velre" he says moving both hands behind his head, flexing his muscles as his fingers lock and he relaxes under her touch
The day in the cell was almost maddening. She tried to look out her window a little, but it was difficult with her short height, and the guards were not people she wanted to converse with, so her day was long, boring, and more than once she had just conceded to taking a nap, all the while wondering about the day before, when he had made his offer, and pondered on what her answer would be.

Then she was taken out of the cell once more, being roughly handled as usual, guided through the halls, making twists and turns until she was at his bath and being shoved inside rather roughly. "Can't they be a little less rough with me." She asked him, "I don't need to be dragged around by my arms at all times. I can walk just fine." She hissed as she looked over at him, her words catching in her throat at seeing him in the bath and likely completely naked beneath the layer of bubbles.

The order to strip had her face heating up, a bright blush coming over her face, and while she did hesitate briefly, she did not want him getting up out of the bath to disrobe her himself, and she did not know if she could handle seeing this man naked yet. Although he was good looking, she tried to remind herself how she had been treated so far, and while this small moment of a nice bath and the meal yesterday had been nice, the rest of her experiences had not been so pleasant, and she clung to that as she stripped out of the outfit and with one arm covering her breasts and the other trying to hide her womanhood, she slipped into the bath, keeping as far on her end and away from him as possible.

Admittedly, the water felt nice, and she had not realized how tense her whole body was until the water coaxed some of the tension from her, but not all of it.

His command was met with a hesitant glance, not wanting to reveal herself to him anymore than she already had been forced to, but she carefully moved to begin washing herself, attempting to hide her body from his hungry gaze, able to feel how he took in every inch of her that was revealed above the water until she was clean, and she had thought he was finished. However, she was sorely mistaken as he ordered her to clean him, which startled her, but gritting her teeth she went to completing the task as quickly as she could, her eyes unable to meet his out of embarrassment and terror as she moved her hands over him with the sponge to clean the man, trying to not think of where her hands were touching, and telling herself it was just another patient, and that she had bathed patients in the past when she was a trainee. Sure it had been years since then, but it helped her to focus on something other than the way he watched her like a hawk with a songbird in its claws.
Her touch was gentle, yet firm. She washed him thoroughly, but she left one place untouched. As she pulled away from him, he grabbed onto her arms and pulled her close. His lips pressed against her ears as he growls softly into her, his tongue slithering behind his lips as if ready to devour her. His hand lands on top of hers, guiding her soft hand under the water, wrapping her soft fingers around his swollen cock. While hidden perfectly under the water, his length felt endless, his thickness almost too much for her hand to grab, as her finger tips could not touch. He moans as he guides her hand up and down his cock slowly, tightly, they stroke together before he releases, letting her pleasure him on her own. Up and down, up and down, his hands now moving to her hair, holding it behind her head and guiding her closer as his lips press into her neck. Her soft skin tasting so good as his tongue draws circles on her flesh as her hand races up and down his length. His other hand moves to grip one of her breasts, her soft mound fitting into his palms perfectly as he firmly squeezes, tugging her nipple with two fingers before rolling it gently.

Another moan travels into her ear as his stimulation grows, his cock now being tenderly milked with her hand, moments before release he pulls her hand off. Both his hands now move to her head, one holding her hair back, the other caresses her cheeks softly before gripping her throat and forcefully pushing her head under the water. Holding her under for several moments as his cock wriggles against her cheeks. He made sure she stayed under long enough to understand her assignment. If she wanted to breath, she's have to use his cock like a snorkel. Her survival means his pleasure. Pulling her up for air, he slid a finger between her lips as she fights for air.

"Submit..." he growls before pushing her under again, this time feeling his cock slip through her lips. Tightly her lips close around his thickness, her mouth so warm and wet, her tongue already at his service, he wonders how long she can hold her breath...

Her healing wasnt the only thing about her that proved to be magical, her tongue made quick work of his cock as his hips began bucking against her. His moaning become heavier, his hands pushing her head deeper as she took him down her throat. Pulling her up, he allowed one air break before she drowned under the water. Her lungs fighting for air as one hand moves to her throat and begins to grip tighter and tighter before forcing her under again. However, he didnt last much longer. As her lips tightened around him, her tongue slithering around his pulsating cock, his swollen tip burst open. Erupting waves of his hot semen, thick ropes firing deep into her stomach as her mouth fills with cum. His cock throbbing wildly like a buck as he gives into pleasure. After allowing her a few seconds to swallow, and lick him clean, he pulls her up for air one last time.

"Good girl..." he says with a grin, she passed the test, as he knew she would.

Gesturing with his head, he nods towards a towel off to the side of the tub "Dry off, and return to your cell..." He orders coldly, watching as she gets out. Her ass swaying with each step. "Leave your dress, you will sleep in your towel tonight..." he continues before hearing her exit.
His forwardness was beyond what she had expected, and the way he took control certainly frightened her into submission as he gripped her, pulling her close and so near to him that his lips were against her ear while his hand guided hers to his cock, an area she had purposely left alone since it was not for her to be cleaning, or so she had thought, but apparently he had other plans as he made her hand touch him, wrap around his cock and stroke it, needing to hold her hand closed around it otherwise she would have likely pulled her hand away at first. But in realizing that this wasn't that bad, she calmed her panicked mind and did as he wanted, her eyes diverted from him as she let her hand move on its own, his own hands seeming to become restless as he moved his hands over her body, and she squirmed against his touch, trying to avoid his hands fondling and playing with her. But it was no use, and the more he touched her skin, the more her mind did begin to submit, finding that what he was doing to her didn't feel as bad as she thought, even the tug on her nipples and the way he played with them had her breathing heavily, pondering if maybe this would not be too bad of an experience after all.

However she was dead wrong, and as he gripped her hair and held her head, the look in her eyes was confusion, and then her head was under the water, her body struggling, kicking and fighting to get back up for air while his cock pressed against her cheek. Eventually he let her back up for air and her eyes were red, coughing up some water and gasping for breath as he brought his fingers to her mouth, sliding them in all the while she takes in gulps of air before he forced her back under again, this time aware of what he wanted, and if she didn't comply, he would likely drown her, or keep it up until she gave him the release he wanted. She didn't hesitate this time to open her mouth, but being inexperienced, she gagged and still struggled to handle the length of him, her gagged gurgling struggles barely audible as he held her under and her mouth was used for his pleasure. It took her a moment to calm down before her tongue would do anything she could think of to hurry this along, licking, stroking with her mouth however she could, all the while being choked, gagged, and practically drown by him.

When she came up for air again, she coughed more, likely tears running down her face, not that anyone would notice since it all just looked like bath water, then she went back down again and with his bucking against her mouth, he would cum down her throat, an experience she never thought she would be subjected to as he poured himself down her throat and then into her mouth, making her clean him before she would be allowed back up.

The moment he let go of her, she pulled far away from him, coughing more, and gagging a little as she looked up at him, his praise meaning little to her as she looked at him with a mix of hate and fear. When offered the towel, she hurried out of the bath, none too gracefully rushing to the towel and wrapping it around herself while putting distance between the two of them. But his next order had her body shaking as she looked up at him in shock. "I-I'll... get sick..." She argued finally. "Even dry... it's going to be too cold for me... and what use to you will I be if I get sick and die!" She snapped, but not wanting to be sent without the towel, she just turned and headed out of the room, the tears in her eyes more noticeable since she had dried her face off. The guards as usual seemed to look her over, but said nothing, only amused smirks on their faces as they escorted her toward the cells and back to her own to shove her back inside, leaving her curled up on her bed, shivering and it was not likely just due to the cold from lack of clothing. She did not sleep well that night, and would look exhausted in the morning from her poor sleep that evening.
"Ambassador, you hail from the lands Midriik, you have a naval fleet that could conquer entire continents. This measly mountain hold shall not deter our aggressive expanse. The ports of Parapa shall soon raise your flag. With no trade throughout the land, Midoro will be left helpless and alone to fend for what they can before my army swallows what remains. You worry too much, there is no one to oppose us" Mairon speaks with a sharp tongue

"And what if Midoro sends a plea to the Federation beyond your reach, what if they seek to back the North and forcefully remove us from the land. What we are discussing is a siege, my men are not supposed to spill blood on foreign soil, if we keep trade routes closed and promote only our own we'll..." The Ambassador plees before being silenced with a wave of a hand.

"Leave that to me, no message shall be sent, as no ships are to leave without authorization through your naval blockade" Mairon adds

"This blockade, is" The ambassador adds

"I will make it legal..."
Mairon chuckles.

That night Mairon sneaks down to the dungeon, his guards are commanded to leave the block empty, no one left guarding the cell with Velre. Leaving behind only a few lit torches for warmth. Mairon steps quietly in front of the cell door and wraps his fingers around the bars before gazing into the cell. Seeing the girl wrapped tight in her towel. Without clothes, barefoot, ubcombed long hair, and no blanket. She is left helpless.

Standing before her, Mairon whispers out her name until her eyes can find him.

"Awake, Velre. My angel..."

"Awake" until finally their eyes lock

"Now, entertain me....One shall not deflower a lady of the cloth. I dare not challenge such rules. But if she were to deflower herself, if she offered herself willingly, then she would be rewarded royally" he says before disrobing his torso. Letting his smooth and chisled torso free as the warmth of the torches kisses his body. With his lower half covered beneath his pants, he stands and watches Velre closely.

"Remove the towel, and expose yourself to me..."

"Touch yourself"

"Show your lord your pleasure"

"Pleasure yourself for me"

"Only those who offer themselves can be embraced by the fires of my care"

He commands softly, tenderly as he breathes hot against the iron bars looking in at her. Her soft form just waiting to be feasted on
While curled up in the cell Velre had been asleep until she heard a voice calling her. At first she had not been aware of who it was, figuring it was just a dream, until she realized it was Marion himself who had come down to see her, and looking around, she saw no guards here, not that it was reassuring since she was still in the cell.

None the less, she listened to what he wanted, finding it to be so ridiculous. He spoke of not going against a rule of not deflowering a lady of the clothing, yet he had abducted her, made her strip and bathe him, touched her in a way no other man had been allowed to, and he was saying he would uphold the single rule that she would have to offer herself to him willingly, otherwise he wouldn't do such a brutish thing? She wasn't sure if she should believe it, but as he removed his shirt, she listened to what came next and was wondering what was going on with this man. One moment he was cold, cruel and uncaring, the next he was almost someone completely different.

She did not remove the towel, but she did get up from her spot in the cell, her body cold, sore, and she walked over to him, keeping the towel tightly wrapped around herself as she got close, but just far enough out of range that he would not be able to take the towel from her.

"You want me to offer myself to you?" She asked, figuring that was what he wanted when he mentioned wanting her to offer herself willingly. "I will do all that you ask, but I would like to make a request, since I have asked for nothing since arriving here." She spoke, her bright eyes seeming to glitter in the torch light. "Allow me the decency of being in a proper bed. Whether it be your own, or in a room that you would allow me to reside in other than here." She motioned behind her, "And I will accept your offer from before. I'll submit to the best of my ability. I'll be yours, but I would like to first experience a little of this care you speak of that you would give me for obeying you My Lord." She replied.

Honestly, she was worried about her offer, but being a prisoner, stuck here, at his mercy, she suspected things would resort to this, so why not get better treatment while she was at it, since apart from the meal, things had been better in the monastery in her opinion.

Slowly, and with caution, she stepped up, extending her hand out to touch the bare chest of the man, her hand small, a little cool from the lack of clothing, and real warmth like a fireplace, but her hand was still soft against his skin.

"Please My Lord, let me have this one little thing." She pleaded.
Interesting, most Interesting. Perhaps it was an act to trick him, perhaps it was out of fear, perhaps it was genuine. Her request made Mairon ponder for a brief moment before his hand rested on hers, atop his chest. Looking into her eyes he looks for the meaning behind her words and finds his answer. "So be it, My Lady" he says before putting his finger into the keyhole until a click sounds out and he pulls the cell door open before returning his finger to normal size and shape.

"Come with me..." he says grabbing onto her hand, walking her slowly from the dungeon before feeling a chill take over, the floor growing cold, and a nip against their flesh. As they approach the long staircase leading up to his chambers, he stops and takes her in his arms. Carrying her bridal style as he walks up each step.

"Here we are...mmm how lovely you looked in my bed..." he recalls as they enter his chambers. Locking the door behind them before he lays her gently on the bed. He kneels over her at first, eyes racing down her body, his finger tips lightly tracing over the towel before tugging on it gently.

"now my lady...entertain me..." he orders before moving away, pulling over a chair, taking a seat shirtless in front of the bed as she lay on display in front of him.
Uncertain of it he would actually allow it, Velre was stunned when his hand went to rest on the one touching his, a slight expression of relief washing over her as she managed a small nervous smile, hoping this was not some trick, or that he wouldn't just change his mind and make it even worse than what he had intended in the first place. But the door opened and she left the cell, her bare feet padding softly down the hallway as she followed him, vaguely remembering the way to his room now.

Being lift into his arms earned him a small startled squeak of surprise, not expecting something this intimate from him, and almost instinctively her arms had wrapped tightly to the towel, worried it might slip away and reveal more of herself than she had intended for the guards to ever see. She looked up at him in that moment, perplexed by his rather gentle nature in comparison to the incident with the bathtub, and the cell she had been kept in thus far.

Entering the bedroom, she also remembered what being on his bed had been like. It had been very soft for the brief moments he had her on it. Her body once lowered to the bed, sunk in on the bedding and feeling his eyes roaming over her, she knew there was no chance of her getting out of it now. He had fulfilled her request, and while she was shy, and didn't know what to do exactly, she would try her best to uphold her end of the agreement.

Unlike before where she would have tried to keep the towel on her body, she let him tug the single piece of protection she had away to reveal her pale, skin, the curve of her waist, hips, and legs as she lay on his bed. Her hands moved slowly down, not meaning to be a tease, but more nervous to be forced to play with herself, and having him watching her only made it worse, causing the virgin healer to blush brightly with embarrassment as her hands moved, starting at fondling her perky breasts, the nipples so sensitive that they took no time at all to become tight and stiff little nubs much like when he had pinched and rolled them in his own hands. Then her right hand left her breasts and slid down her flat stomach, over her mound, and finally between her legs, parting her lower lips to touch her clit, a small gasp leaving her lips at the sensation it caused deep inside her, her breathing becoming a soft panting at how sensitive the untouched area was.

"L-Like… this? My… Lord?" She managed to whimper, both verifying that he liked the show, but also asking for direction, not knowing him, she figured asking would let her know what he liked, and what he would enjoy seeing her do to herself before he decided to feel her body for himself.

"Thank you for allowing me to be in your bed. I could think of no better place to offer myself to you." She added, her eyes meeting his briefly, but she couldn't maintain the eye contact long, especially with what he was making her do to herself, her fingers touching, rubbing, and testing the waters without entering herself, because she had offered that to him, and her innocence was his to take, and she would not rob him of what she had promised him. With her words, she had effectively given him the permission he needed to deflower her at his leisure, all the while making her amuse him by making herself wet, likely to ready her for what was to come.
As she lay before him, exposed, vulnerable, like a feast he could not yet touch. His heart began thudding, his blood pumping, his eyes raced over each and every inch of her body. He bit down on his lips as she displayed herself, pleasured herself, gave in to her own touch. With a muffled moan, he rubs one hand down his pants, feeling movement beneath his fabric before she asks her question. His palm sliding up and down his length as he grows a tent.

"Yes, yes, just like that...." He says.

"Good, very good. Now turn over, look at me through the reflection in the headboard. Turn your rear towards me, now take both hands and spread yourself open. Those soft cheeks look so...delicious. Spread them. Good, good girl. If only i could sink my..." his words trail off as the chair makes a screech. Standing up, he nudges the chair behind him as he takes his hands to the rim of his pants....

"With one hand move underneath, between your legs and slide your fingers through your warmth, penetrate yourself slowly. Show me your fingers disappear inside of you..."

He moans again, this time as his pants hit the floor and his muscular legs cast them aside with a kick. From this angle, she cant see below his abs, but both of his hands now move in unison where his tent once was.

"Thats it...good girl...keep going...let me hear how good it feels...." He says lightly as he strokes himself firmly. Slowly he steps closer, closer, but not enough to grab her...just yet.

He moans again as his cock slides through his palms, his grip tight as he squeezes the base of his cock, letting his veins bulge out as a glistening bead of precum drips off his tip and lands in the softness of the carpet below.

"Dont stop...mmmm good girl. Now, turn over. Look me in the eyes as you rub yourself with one hand, penetrating yourself with the other. Let me hear how wet it is...oh let me see you give in. I can feel your heartbeat from here, your breath growing heavy, i can feel the need within you. Good, give in. Look me in the eyes, dont you stop. Dont you dare stop. Feel it. Need it. Thats it. Say my name when you need it most, and bathe in the sweet release of your own nectar"
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