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NBx Female Monster Girls And A Monk


Jun 21, 2015
So, someone PMed with a pretty fun idea, but it would appear that they're looking for a male character to be the main one, rather than a futa. (Which, you know, best of luck to them in finding someone who's interested!)

The gist of the idea is that said main character is a D&D style Monk (the kung fu kind of Monk, punches and no armor; not church monk) is hunting down curvaceous and well-breasted monster ladies, for, you know. Reasons. :p
With potential for encounters with ordinary humanoids as well.

If anyone is interested in being the NPCs and the world and such for this idea, lemme know! I'd be happy to write up more character details. I'd also be happy doing this as a D&D 5E game, or just freeform, or whatever, really.
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