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𝕨𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕠𝕟 | Origami & commanderShepard


✨Addicted to the if-only's✨
Jun 18, 2024

𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶
𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮
𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻

closed between Origami & commanderShepard
“He’ll be here soon, Dr. Dumont.”

Grace nodded with a strained smiled on her lips without peeling her eyes away from the folder in front of her. The assistant stood awkwardly beside her, waiting for her to say something, making Grace sigh and with terrible difficulty she peeled her eyes away from James Howlett’s file to look at the younger woman who was clutching a few more files. She moved the small half moon glasses down her nose and flicked a hair strand behind her shoulders.


“Silverfox,” she managed to get out, “I’m sure Major Stryker will tell you the details, but I wanted to warn you, Victor didn’t kill her.”

Grace raised her brow and removed her glasses completely this time and placed them on top of the file in front of her as she turned in her chair. “I thought that was the whole reason for him coming here,” Grace nudged her head towards the file with her brows furrowed. “He believes her to be dead?”

The assistant nodded, “She was, but we managed to stabilize her at the location they found her at and revive her.” Grace groaned and turned away from the younger female and placed her face in her hands, rubbing her temples. It was bad enough the Major had her leading the Adamantium experiments, now she needed to keep this from the man too? What a bother. She ended up dismissing the female, ordering her to make sure everything was ready for the mutant that was on his way. Grace watched her leave her office, head still in her hands, and returned her attention to the file.

James, now Logan, was an interesting individual. His extreme healing abilities, as well as the ability to extract his bones into claws was fascinating and in all honestly she was quite excited to see him in person. She had only heard details from Stryker. But she wasn’t too sure how much of it was accurate, she would have to see for herself. She sighed while still resting her head in her hands, looking over the little details about Logan.

Like a curtain her blonde curly hair fell in front of her as her almost grey eyes slipped shut, enjoying the brief moment of silence behind closed doors.

She jumped at the beeping noise at her hip, her pager going off letting her know they needed her at Stryker’s office. With much reluctance she pushed herself to her feet, first grabbing her glasses which she placed back on her nose, followed by the file of papers.

Her heels clicked against the floor as she made her way down the hall of the facility somewhere in remote Canada. Alkali Lake had been her secondary home for several years. She had two private homes, one official residence being closer to Vancouver. Her second location was unknown to everyone but her, which was near Quinsam Lake. She felt like she needed a secret location in this type of work, she never knew what might happen.

The walk was short and she turned one last corner and found the office belonging to the Major and pushed the handle down, freezing slightly at the sight of the other male in the room with Stryker.
Standing with his back to the door was a well-muscled man with thick black hair. He had on a brown leather jacket, jeans, and heavy work boots that were scuffed and dirty. He was on the shorter side, but he made up for it with the width of his shoulders and even his neck, the corded muscles rippling as he turned his head slightly towards the opening door.

From that angle, his long sideburn was visible, not quite a mutton chop and not quite a beard, stretching along his strong jawline. His brow furrowed and his nostrils flared. Was he... smelling her?

"Ah, Doctor," Major Stryker said with his usual sly, greasy smile. It was easy to tell he was always manipulating everyone around him, but that was his gift. Even though you knew he had an agenda, he was hard to resist. A combination of his open confidence, charisma, dangerousness, and military rank. He wore his usual officer's uniform, though he preferred more tactical and less obvious attire.

Stryker stood up, gesturing to Grace with one hand, palm open. "Logan, this is Grace Dumont. She will be administering the procedure to you."

Logan turned with his whole body then, though still did not face her fully. He extended his hand to shake hers, raising one thick eyebrow in an expression of mild skepticism. "Nice to meet you," he said. His hand was surprisingly smooth, despite his gruff appearance and the fact that his file said he had been both a soldier and a lumberjack. Apparently his healing factor prevented calluses.
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Grace straightened her back and let a hand run over her white button-up and black pencil skirt, realizing she had forgotten her coat in her office. She looked down at his hand that was now just hanging in the air, waiting for her to grab it. “I should warn you,” she said changing her weight from one foot to the other, “in case you’re currently feeling any kind of pain or discomfort. I’m a neutralizer, so first touch can be slightly,” her cheeks turned a few shades of pink, “euphoric, almost.”

With that she grabbed his hand, ready to feel whatever he was feeling, but nothing happened. “Good to finally meet you,” she continued, quickly letting go of his hand. “I’m not sure how much Stryker has explained, but you’re going to be surveyed for the next few days, checking your general condition, your health and your psyche. I’ll be your main contact while you’re with us, and if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask.”

She looked over at Stryker, who was standing with his hands folded behind his back. “Anything else?” Grace asked taking off her glasses and hooking them into the collar of her blouse. Stryker shook his head and gave Logan a quick nod, “I’ll come check on you once you’ve gotten through most of the tests. Also, I’m terribly sorry about Kayla.”

So they were keeping him in the dark, she thought to herself. Offering Logan a small smile and nod, as in agreement with the Majors condolences. “You’re in good hands with Dr.Dumont.”

Grace exited the office, holding the door open for Logan. She studied him for a moment. He was rather handsome, in a scruffy, should probably steer clear of him way. He was a little taller than her, but not by much, his broad shoulders made him seem a lot bigger.

“I’ll show you where you’ll be staying, perhaps get you some more, uh, comfortable clothes?” She offered as friendly as she could. He would quickly get uncomfortable if he went through the prep in his current clothes. So it was by no means a jab at his appearance. Grace then turned and made her way back the way she had come from. The facility consisted of several wings underground, their northern wing was living quarters for all the laboratory staff, as well as the laboratories themselves. Which was where Grace spent most of her time.

“Due to the circumstances I’ve made sure your living area was close to mine, just in case. She walked up to a seamless door, which one would only know was there due to the small device on the wall. She walked up to it and pressed a few buttons, only to step aside for Logan. “Place your hand on that,” she said pointing at the screen of it. “This room will only be accessible to you and myself. And Stryker in case of an emergency, of course,” she added with a small smile.
Logan wondered what Grace meant when she said her touch could be euphoric. But he didn't have to wonder long, as she took his hand and shook it.

His skin warmed and desire built in his core. He frowned as an uncomfortable bulge pressed against his worn jeans.

He looked her over. Her form-fitting pencil skirt. Her blouse that flared between buttons, giving him easy glimpses of cleavage and her bra. Was she trying to be forward, or was he misinterpreting because of the... effects of her touch?

He grunted his thanks to Stryker as they left the office, and he followed Grace down the hall, listening to her talk about the security and his accommodations. As requested, he placed his hand on the scanner. While it hummed to life, he said, "What's wrong with my clothes?"
Grace stepped inside as the door opened for them, turning to face Logan as he asked about his clothes. She shook her head, "Oh absolutely nothing," her eyes drifting down to his waist and slightly further down, noticing his clear arousal. She had obviously had more of an effect on him than she expected. Usually she tried not to greet people, but in this case where they'd spend several days closely together it made sense to be cordial. He wasn't unpleasant to look at whatsoever, but she kept her work professional, especially with patients.

Grace licked her lips and then averted her eyes with a slight blush covering her cheeks. As neutral and friendly as she could, Grace explained her comment. "It's just that with the different exercises I'm going to expose you to, you might want to be more comfortable." She pointed at the dark grey sweat pants and a matching hoodie that were neatly folded on the bed.

"You can leave your clothes on the bed and I'll make sure it's cleaned and ready for you when you're done here." Grace diligently turned her back to him, giving him the privacy to change, but noticed the closet she was facing had a mirror on the outside of it's door, making it easy for her to get watch him. She had to force herself to look away but couldn't help but steal a few glances at him.
"That you're going to expose me to?" he echoed, tilting his head ever so slightly in a questioning gesture that made his hair fall over his forehead. "First you want to get me out of my clothes, and now you want to expose me. Doctor, if I didn't know any better, I would think you are flirting with me." His brow furrowed slightly as he said, "Trust me, you don't want to get close to me."

Then he obeyed her instructions as she stayed outside the room to give him privacy to change. He took his jacket off and unbuttoned the flannel shirt underneath. He was wearing a wifebeater beneath that, which did little to hide the corded muscles in his back and shoulders. He unbuckled his belt and removed his jeans, clad in black boxer briefs beneath. His legs looked just as toned as the rest of his body. What effect did his healing factor have on his metabolism? His body mass index might be very low indeed.

It didn't take Logan long to redress in the sweat pants and hoodie that were left for him. He stepped out into the hallway barefoot, having left his work boots beside the bed and his clothes folded on top of it. "Ready when you are," he muttered.
It was harder not to look than Grace expected. He was in incredible shape and she wasn’t sure what intrigued her more. His personality or the way he was built physically, not only his physique but the way his mutation worked. She broke into a small smile as his questioning tone. “Don’t worry, won’t work you like a horse into the ground,” she assured him. “Not supposed to flirt with my patients, they tend to get attached.”

Grace decided to ignore the comment about getting close to him, there was no point in saying anything else when she was in the position she was in. She wasn’t here to become friends with him, she was there to do her job, which was to figure out the best way to move on with the Adamantium plan.

The soft foot steps behind her warned her that Logan seemed to have finished changing. She turned to him as he declared himself ready. She nodded, “great. So as I mentioned, this will be your room. Dinner, lunch and breakfast will be served at decided times. Any food in between you’ll have to sort out yourself, but we have a fully accessible kitchen which is always available and stocked, if ever you need it.”

She began walking, looking over her shoulder, making sure he was following close behind. The corridor would lead them to a small room dedicated to gym equipment that were hooked up to computers. In the corner of the room a little doctors station was setup, needles, electrodes, vials. All of the sorts that she might need. Along with a small examination table which she pointed to, “Make yourself comfortable.” She then split from the direction and went over to a small sink to wash her hands and disinfect the area they were about to use. Grace then grabbed the stethoscope that was hanging on the wall, and draped it around her neck before joining Logan at the table, offering a small smile again and grabbed a pair of latex gloves sliding her hands into them and made sure they were on okay before motioning with her chin towards the zipper of his hoodie. “Unzip it.” She then pulled out a few electrode stickers and folded her hands in her lap as she waited for Logan to follow her orders.
Logan grunted in response to the Doc's comment about food. He had been in the army more than once, in the field, and behind enemy lines. Three square meals a day sounded like a banquet, and a regular schedule was normal for him.

He stuck behind her as she walked, showing him the facility. They didn't go far before they reached a gym with examination equipment. He figured the gym was to test physical limits and capabilities, while the examination equipment was for monitoring and physical check ups. He sat on the edge of the table, as instructed. When she told him to unzip the hoodie, though, he gave her a skeptical look.

"You just told me to put this on. It would have been easier for you to tell me not to redress at all." But he unzipped the grey sweatshirt and shrugged out of it, his biceps rippling with the movement as he twisted his arms back. Once it was free, he left it in a pile on the table behind him and rested his hands on either side of his legs.

"So what are we doing? What are you checking me for." He got the gist, but he wanted more specifics. He may have agreed to the procedure, but he still wanted to know about it. Even if he did have a weakness for pretty women in labcoats leaning over him.
Grace returned his look, “I never asked you to take it off, could have settled with you leaving it unzipped,” she countered his comment as she placed a small notebook and a pen in front of her at the ready before placing the earpieces of the stethoscope in her ears and held it up against his chest, listening to any inconsistencies and murmurs. She listened for a few minutes and wrote down some numbers. Then she stood up and reached behind him, leaning into him slightly and placed a gloved hand on his shoulder.

“Just any kind of irregularities in your heart and lungs. Not all mutants bodies are harmonious with Adamantium, so we want to make sure your body is healthy. Both inside and outside. Thus all the tests.” Grace placed the stethoscope just below his left shoulder blade, “Take a deep breath for me and hold it for a few seconds.”

She listened and moved the piece around a little. “Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Just because you look the way you do, doesn’t mean you’re organs, bones or even your brain,” she tapped his temple and sat back down in her chair and wrote down a few notes then turned to him and reached for his throat, gently placing her pinky and ring finger under his jaw. “Clench your jaw.” She ordered and pressed the rest of her fingers against his cheeks, feeling the jawbone move under them.

“Don’t want you to die on us, so we have to do a thorough examination of you,” she finally released him and found a small clipboard in a drawer and started checking off a few things on it. “Not scared of needles are you?”
Logan followed every instruction she gave him. He even did it silently this time. He had been called many things in his very long life, but never talkative. He listened to her explanations stoically, until he heard a word that Stryker had mentioned. "Adamantium. What is that? Stryker said he could make me indestructible, is that what will do it?"

As he asked his question, she continued her examination. He clenched his jaw for her as she poked and prodded him. "No, I'm not scared of needles," he said with a frown. He had bone claws come out of his hands and pierce his skin, needles were a walk in the park by comparison. He positioned his arm in a more accessible location for her. His veins rippled down his biceps and wrapped around his forearm, clearly visible.

As she worked, he took stock of the space again. He noted the different gym machines that were present, and the kind of exercises he would be expected to perform with them. He was no doctor, and had never had need of one, but he analyzed the medical equipment, too. He could barely guess at most of its functions. The rest of the room was clean and sterile. He didn't even see a speck of dust on anything, meaning it was either used regularly or someone cleaned it.
Grace licked her lips, as she grabbed a tourniquet and placed it on his arm, tightening it to ready him. “It is. It’s a man-made steel alloy that’s going to hopefully bond to your skeleton. We will basically melt it down and inject you with it while you’re in an ice bath, so it cools almost immediately as it coats your bones. Does that clear it up enough?” She asked as she pierced his skin with the needle, watching as his blood filled up a few vials. She pulled the needle out of him and discarded it. She sealed the vials and put them in a small case and closed it.

Then she moved onto the small electrodes and stuck them around his body. It gave her plenty of time to admire his physique up close. “You smoke and drink, correct?” It wasn’t much of a question, just a confirmation of his habits.

She stuck the last electrode on him and returned to face the brute, writing a few more things down on the clipboard she then rolled a machine over to him and hooked him up to it, ordering him to lay down. “This will only take around ten minutes, nothing major, probably even less.”

It was difficult for her not to look at him as he moved around on the medical table. She smiled slightly, turning on the machine as he finally got comfortable, watching as it whirred to life, gently buzzing and beeping every now and again, making her write down some numbers and notes.

“So far you seem to have a healthy heart. Despite your over the top consumption.”
The hardened man frowned at her explanation. "That sounds... painful. I may heal quickly, but it hurts every time, you know." But even as he responded, she continued with the examination, ever the clinical doctor.

"Yes," he replied gruffly to her question. "Excessively." It was true. He drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney, and he had done so for a century. It never seemed to bother him, though he had seen friends fall prey to the negative effects of smoking and alcohol.

He did as she instructed, swinging his legs up onto the table and lying back. His bare arms brushed the metal edge of the examination table, and he shivered once. His bare feet didn't even reach the end of the table. He was perhaps on the shorter side, but what he lacked in stature he made up for in many other ways, including sheer presence. He flexed his fingers, opening and closing his fists once. It was a habit from the claws of bone that he could summon there.

Looking up at Dr. Dumont, Logan emitted yet another grunt. "Heh. Benefits of constant organ regeneration, I suppose. And if you think that's impressive, you should see my other organs."
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