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Profile name turning grey?


Nov 14, 2023
United Kingdom
I'm aware your name is grey at first, until you have made a certain number of posts, yes?

Any reason why somebody's name would turn grey after being a member for some time and still multiple having posts on the site?
You must maintain 3+ posts or you will return to gray. If the account in question is having issues, let me know and I can go in and reset it.
Not mine, it's ok but thank you. I just noticed someone I had been PM'ing who I hadn't heard from for a while, their name turned grey.

Strange then because the person definitely still has at least a dozen forum posts. But yeah was just curious.
i have noticed this too, and either they have withdrawn their account (although that is pretty obvious), or they’ve been inactive for so and so long (i think - that is the only reasonable explanation i have come up with)
Sometimes people also delete their introduction threads which I believe temporarily strips their membership until they make a new intro thread due to how its coded.
IIRC this can also happen when someone changes their email and doesn't re-verify it.
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