Mx Female The Mana wars.

Apr 9, 2024
Well this is my first time posting here so I'll make my introduction brief. My name is Grayson, a twenty something male from the far north. Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance, even if through this message its only you who has the chance to know me as of now. I'm new to this website but not so much to roleplaying as a whole so you don't need to worry about me being inexperienced. I will warn those of you reading as I do with any potential partner, I am dyslexic but with the beauty of google I can usually work around it to both our joy.

Now then enough about myself let me introduce you to the wonderful world I've built and continue to build. for your lovely consideration the lovely world of Epetia.
Many moons ago, the world was entrenched in magic; it saturated every facet of life for every species, from humans to goblins, from the mountain folk of Illum to the water-fairing people of Ishra. Magic was so ingrained in society that no one batted an eye when powerful mages started hoarding their power. Until the first skirmishes started, most common folk had never seen the utter destruction and terror that followed a mage attack. By the end of the first months, the number of refugees had gone from a measly ten thousand to nearly 400 thousand as entire kingdoms were wiped from the map due to the warmongering of mages and their armies; any who submitted fell under the rain of these wicked mage lords, and any who didn't were burned, frozen, blow to pieces, or drown.

For 200 years, those cursed mage lords ruled the land with an iron fist that crushed anyone who stood in their way. By the time the war ended, the mages had killed off anyone who exhibited magical aptitude. Many of those who wished to cultivate their powers in an attempt to dethrone these vile mages were found and subsequently killed, or worse, turned into animals and forced to fight. This led the common man to fear magic and any who could wield its power; children were torn from their families and forced to weather the embrace of nature; even among the wealthy, money could only stop the raging masses for so long before even they were forced from their homes as well. Many did not survive this trial, and those who did often became mercenaries, much like your common brothel worker. They sold their body to the highest bidder; many more died as they weren't willing to embrace the gift they had been born with, in fear it may cost them their living; those who used their powers found much success and much misfortune. In truth, very few mages exist today, and those who do live in small communities made up of other mages. This is where you, a budding young mage, how will your powers grow and how will you choose to use them?
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