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Mx Female Life in the Kennels (Smut With a Smattering of Plot and Lots of Worldbuilding) [Currently Craving Fantasy and Sci-Fi]


Jul 8, 2024
I am looking for women who wish to explore a patriarchal dystopia. Women, even the handful who manage to maintain positions of prominence, are second-class citizens: they cannot own property, have a maximum wage imposed upon them to limit their earning potential, and have very few legal protections. The women who can afford to rent live in small, single-room apartments with few amenities, outdoor showers, and communal bathrooms; their doors do not lock, and they might be paid a visit by their landlord, or a man who has taken a fancy to them, at any time. For those who cannot afford to rent, and those who were not fortunate enough for a man to take them into his home, there are the kennels: squalid hostels where women are crammed into cheap bunks, allowed few possessions, and have most of their pay docked for the privilege of living there. The denizens of the kennels, colloquially called "strays," are marked with an ear tag to identify them, which remains with them their whole life. To be a woman in this world is to live a life of helplessness and desperation, with the only hope for escape being to earn and keep the affection of a man.

I am looking for partners who are willing to explore life for a woman in this world. There will be dark themes aplenty, and the best outcomes still put you at the mercy of a man, albeit one who cares about you. I am looking to tell stories where women survive the dystopia, not overcome or overthrow it. I also like partners who are willing to discuss worldbuilding: I want to hear your ideas for scenarios, laws, and so on that might exist in the world, whether your character(s) encounter them or not. I've got two plots in mind, though I'm open to suggestions for more, and I may add additional prompts later.

I have a few different ideas for how the dystopia might be themed, depending on which genre appeals to you best.

Female Inferiority

Incest (Mother/Daughter or Sister/Sister)

The forces of good lost not with a bang, but a whimper. A great war between the noble races and the monsters raged for centuries, with neither side claiming a decisive victory. Instead, the kingdoms of both sides were broken, their lands and economies ravaged by a war that it seemed would never end. No treaties were signed, no armistice was won: instead, both sides simply ran out of energy and supplies to keep fighting. However, with exhaustion came complacency. The first sightings of monsters on the border sparked fear of another invasion, but the reality was only partially true: they were refugees, not soldiers. The noble races thought that they could simply accept the monsters in, and that their kindness would show them the light. They were wrong. With the monsters came their culture: cruel and patriarchal. It started with a handful of rape accusations which went uninvestigated, for fear of provoking another war. Then, more monsters came across the border. Before the queens of the noble races knew what was happening, large, monstrous enclaves had developed in their kingdoms: entire cities were defacto colonized by the monsters they had invited in. There are too many of them to fight now, so the noble races must instead learn to live with, or even embrace, the ways of their new neighbors.

For this prompt, you might be a woman living in a village or city overrun by monsters, dealing with the reality that they do not see women as people. You try to scratch out a living, but the monsters set laws and customs as they see fit, virtually unopposed. You might also play a noblewoman, or even a queen, attempting diplomacy with the monstrous enclaves, only to find that they expect you to abide by their customs while you visit their homes. Feel free to request specific monster types, but I'm quite fond of orcs, goblins, beastmen, minotaurs, and lizardfolk.

In a distant kingdom, in a forgotten age, a prince took the throne after his mother passed. While this might not sound particularly momentous, this kingdom had been matriarchal for time immemorial, and queens had ruled the land for countless generations. However, the prince was his mother's only living heir, and the women of the land thought of his rule as an abomination. So they rose up, and after a bloody civil war were brought to heel by the new king. In the wake of this uprising, a series of strict laws were imposed on the women of the land to prevent such a travesty from ever occurring again. First, only women registered by the newly-established Guild of Flowers would be allowed to carry weapons or learn magic. Second, all registered women would need to answer to a guild-appointed Master, who would ensure that their talents were being used for the good of the kingdom. Third, that women licensed by the guild wear enchanted cuffs on their wrists and ankles, and an enchanted collar around their throat, which could be used to restrain them by their Master in the event they attempted to rebel. And fourth, that any woman caught violating these rules would be exiled to The Halls of Gruesome Torment - a wretched dungeon full of powerful monsters with a proclivity for female flesh - with no gear to protect themselves with. A great many women gave up their weapons and swore off practicing magic to avoid having to conform to these laws, but some saw adventuring as their only option, and so swallowed their pride and applied to the Guild of Flowers.

In this prompt, you will play one or more female adventurers who finds herself subordinate to a Guild Master, who sends her on adventures that are likely to result in her capture and rape by various monsters. We can discuss using a system for this prompt if you are interested, but I'm mostly just looking for some fantasy fun. When not on adventures, your character(s) will explore a kingdom that is slowly becoming more patriarchal over time, with her liberties and dignity slowly being stripped from her. I'm not looking for a story where the system is completely overthrown, though I'm not against the idea of your character(s) finding a way to escape elsewhere, if you're looking for a happy ending.

I am not a fan of D&D, so if I were to run this using a system, it would either be using Burning Wheel, or Worlds Without Number.
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