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Swingers in-game Thread

Name: Narrator
Location: Living Room
Tagged: Open, All

The AirBnB house was picked specifically because it was large and had several guest rooms. The kitchen and living room area had drinks and snacks but the couples that were gathered were not there to hang out solely - no, this was to be a swingers event, a partner swap. The rules were loose but within most Swingers Circles and the couplings could take place anywhere in the house or the pool area outside.

The guest rooms had all had numbers placed on them - 1, 2, 3, etc - which matched up with the large printed cards. After an hour of socializing and mingling, getting to know each other and having some drinks to loosen stiff nerves, the men were separated from the women and given cards. Each card had a number (matching a room number) but also a twin-card. The twin cards were then, at random, given out to the women and determined who their partners were for the evening. The women were also able to swap cards if they wanted, to prevent the off chance that they got paired with their own husband or partner.

The corresponding room number would allow the new couples privacy should they wish to explore things in the comfort of a room,, though no area of the house was off limits other than another persons numbered room.

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Tagged: [/b]
Name: Peter Simon
Location: Living Room
Tagged: Open, Card Holder 1

Peter had kissed his wife before getting in line to grab a card. They had done some research into fun ideas of how to pair people and this was one of them. The corresponding theme for the party was Lady Luck - letting the gods decide who paired with who.

As part of the host couple, Peter had been assigned Card #1 which also reserved him the rights to the larger master bedroom of the house. He wasn't entirely sure if he was going to use the bedroom, but it also depending on the lady he was paired with.

He had already met several wonderful couples and had it been up to him, he would have picked them all. But this was the first time he and his wife were branching out into lands unknown and not together. He adjusted his button-down shirt and made eye contact with his wife in her stunning cocktail dress. Any man would be lucky to be paired with her.

Then he turned his attention back to the group of women as they talked among themselves, wondering which woman would step forward with the matching #1 card.
Name: Matt Brown
Location: Living Room
Tagged: Open, Card Holder 6

Matt looked down at his lucky number 6 and then back up. It was hard not for his eyes to be drawn to his wife, in her stunning red dress. He was very tempted to nix this idea and take her back to their hotel instead. He had certainly not planned on sleeping with some one else on the honeymoon with his wife. His new wife. He swallowed the lump in his throat and hoped she would still be his wife in the morning.

He took another sip from the glass of whiskey he held before setting it down. He didn't want to get whiskey dick nor did he want to get drunk. It was just enough to take the edge off for him. The idea of swinging, of partner swapping, was still so new to him and as much as a turn on as it was, it was also still nerve wracking. He had been with his now-wife for so long he had forgotten how to flirt so he had liked the atmosphere upon arriving. It felt more like a party, a social gathering, then an 'I am here to fuck your wife' sort of thing.

But now they were getting down to business. From the hour of mingling, he had seen people of all ages and was curious to see who he would be paired with - and who would pair with his wife, saying she didn't wander off with her partner until after he had gotten his partner.
Name: Luna

Location: Living Room

Tagged: Matt Brown @ToWriteAndWander (Mentioning Marty @LeaT )
Female card Holder 3 (for Orlando)


Luna and Orlando had been among the last to arrive at the location. It had been Orlando who had found the ad for a swingers event, something they had never tried before but as Luna had stated when he proposed they'd go there on vacation it might be just what she needed to be fully rested, relaxed and prepared to take on the world. He had chuckled at her statement and called her his little rock starlet.

They were now having drinks and listened as the rules were explained. They were quite simple but did not involve keys, as more amateurish events often did. No this was well organised and planned. The men were all given a card with a specific room number on it, which Luna assumed would be their rooms for the entire event. The women were then randomly given cards with matching numbers. This ritual was, as far as Luna could understand, be repeated every day before dinner, ensuring that every man got to be with every woman. At least she assumed that was the idea.

Having scanned the room as she had entered, hand in hand with Orlando, there were a few guys there she certainly hoped to be paired off with, and a few women as well. She had always been partial to redheads and so spent some time talking to the very chesty woman who had introduced herself as Marty, not even trying too hard to not let her eyes take in those glorious mature breasts. It was a swinger event after all and they all knew why they were there, to have sex. There was in Luna's mind no reason to pretend otherwise.

She sipped her Brandy Alexander, which did not quite hold up to Orlando's version but still was more than ok, and made a few suggestive comments to Marty about the two of them becoming "close friends".

When the women were dealt their cards she drew number six wondering which of the guys held the corresponding card.

Orlando had, just like his partner, taken in the room and also just like Luna had appreciated what he saw. He was perhaps not as into redheads as she was but couldn't deny that Marty had a certain ... something ... about her, something almost animalistic and he was sure she was one hell of a fuck if one only allowed that inner animal to run free.

When the men were taken aside and given cards he was handed card number three which came with a decent sized room with an ocean view and a bed that would certainly more than do for the activities it was meant for, other than sleeping that was.
Name: Matt Brown
Location: Living Room
Tagged: Open, Luna, Card Holder 6

Matts eyes met those of a woman about his age standing opposite him and he saw she held the matching card to his. His eyes widened for a brief moment and he glanced over at his wife, who seemed to be making a show of her pick. She held her card tight to her body and seemed to be making eye contact with every guy despite already knowing who she was being paired with. Always a tease, she seemed to be having no qualms about swinging on their honeymoon.

Matt saw people starting to move together, pairing up with their cardholders. There was no real rule to how you approached your partner for the evening. He licked his suddenly dry lips and moved towards Luna. He gave her a quick once over before smiling at her and extending his hand, clearly both nervous and awkward about how to introduce himself despite being much taller than the more petite woman in front of him. He had not spoken to her during the socializing hour.

"Hello, partner?" He says, trying to think of something witty to say but failing so gave up on it. He'd never dated a person of color before. Well, there had been a Filipino in HS, but his dating history wasn't very extensive. But the woman in front of him was also certainly...edgy? She couldn't look more different than his own wife. She had an almost punk look to her, at least her hair style, though everyone was dressed elegantly for the evening. "I'm Matt...looks like you pulled my card."
Name: Collin

Location: The Wet Bar
Tagged: Card Holder 4.

Collin and Lacy had arrived early, and made sure to explore and enjoy the house together. Collin had just finished pumping a large load down Lacy's throat in his assigned room when they heard other cars pulling in to the driveway. Lacy smiled and swallowed the creamy load and wiped her mouth before they went downstairs. They were dressed casually, Collin in a simple black t-shirt stretched over his bearlike frame, and a pair of jeans, while Lacy, who had been excited by the large back yard pool with a privacy fence was dressed in a bikini and mesh waist wrap.

They greeted the other couples, and then split off, Collin giving Lacy a playful pat on her ass. "Don't have too much fun love." he called after her as she picked up a corona, and went out to the pool. Holding onto his assigned card, the number "4" he made his way over to a well stocked wet bar and drawing on his time as a bouncer and bar tending in college he began to mix and open drinks for the party while he waited to see just who might draw or trade for his number.

Making a whiskey sour he took a sip as he surveyed the room. It seemed a few new "couples" had already been formed. It was interesting to observe the different dynamics. He and Lacy were no strangers to this type of event, and a few of the others seemed like veterans, or at least sure of themselves, but a few others looked much more unsure of exactly what they were getting themselves into.
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Name: Luna

Location: Living Room

Tagged: Matt Brown @ToWriteAndWander


"Well hello to you too ... partner," Luna responded and tilted her face upwards to look into the eyes of the rather burly male who walked up to her holding the corresponding card.
He was tall and clearly muscular. In fact he reminded her very much of literally every sports jock she had known through out high school and college, the stereotypical one that really only got by on a sports scholarship. But this wasn't Married at First Sight. She was going to fuck him and he was going to fuck her as much as they pleased for the next 24 hours.

She glanced over at the blonde in the red dress clutching her card close to her body and nodded at her. She didn't know why really, maybe it was a signal to Matt's wife that she would take good care of him. She also glanced at Orlando who was still waiting to find his partner for the next 24 hours and smiled. As per their agreement she would later tell him all about what sex with Matt Brown was like, just as he would tell her all about whichever of the women had drawn his card.

For the evening she had dressed up in something a little less alternative than her normal outfits, a skin tight, short black tube dress. The only other thing she wore were her black leather high heel pumps. Her make up and hair was pretty much what it always was though and it was obvious that her partner had probably never met a woman like her in real life before.
"You want to go to your room for some privacy," she asked, once again glancing at his wife.
"Or do you want to get started right here?"
Name: Marty Smith

Location: Living Room

Tagged: @Colonel_Liam Collin Keogh and @TheLadyIsAVamp Jessica Richmond

Marty sat on her husband's lap as if she were reluctant to join into the sexual debauchery, but that couldn't be further from the truth. She was more than eager, and quite experienced at this sort of game, but she liked to play it on her own terms. She was putting a fresh application of lipstick on her full lips as she contemplated her choices for the evening. The bear of a man who had greeted them had piqued her interest, so very primal and capable of doing things to her few men had the strength. He wasn't simply athletic, he was a beast and she was in a primal mood. Of course that might have been stoked by her deep kiss she had given his wife. It had started simple enough but then the distinctive taste of fresh cum on her lips had been too inviting to pass up. She had practically tongued the woman's tonsils, but only to whet her appetite for a fresh load.

But instead of showing her hand too quickly, she instead waited for her husband to find a partner. Or more precisely, for his partner to find him. "Oh aren't you in luck, Robert loves redheads." She practically purred at the young redhead holding her husband's card in her hand. Her eyes following the attractive curves, reminding her of her younger self. But there wasn't jealousy in her eyes, it was more like a hunger. "Don't you Robert?" She said as she turned to her husband, not yet releasing his hand.

She had a feeling by the way the girl held her husband's card in her hand that she might be having first time jitters. "Well before you start humping my husband, let's have a drink." She said casually, hoping to break the ice a little but not really asking either. "You want a drink don't you darling?" She said, her tongue accentuating the last word, it was a purely rhetorical question, it was clear he had little say in the matter.

"First time?" She asked, the young redhead, not bothering to introduce herself. "Don't feel you simply have to accept the card you're dealt dear." She said in clear earshot of her husband, as if she were offering life advice. "You can shop around." She said, as her eyes appraised the bear behind the bar and she licked her lips. Noticing a sloe gin bottle she asked him for a sloe gin fizz. It was light on alcohol content, just a little social lubricant, Marty wanted to keep her wits about her.

"God you got great breasts." She said, turning back to her new found friend. "It's a shame to keep them covered, May I?" She said, looking Jessica straight in the eyes and giving her the sort of warm smile that might reassure a stranger enough to let her pull her top down.
Name: Jessica Richmond

Location: Living Room

Tagged: @LeaT and @Colonel_Liam

Jess walked hand in hand with her husband and shot him a warm smile as they walked into the living room. The pair appeared to be the very image of marital harmony despite the events they were about to take part in.

The redhead had always been open-minded about sex for as long as she could remember. The problem was, her situation hadn't permitted much of it until now. After a series of wild relationships and passionate flings that burned as brightly as her crimson hair, Jess had met Will and embarked on a whirlwind romance that would end with them getting married a few months later on a beach in Italy. She'd been fully immersed in good sex and romantic highs at the time, and it was only now that they'd been together for three years that she'd realised their sex life was growing predictable and dull.

And so here they were, attending their first swingers' event. The realisation that they were actually here, actually doing this, was as nerve-wracking as it was exhilarating.

They'd picked their cards and were heading toward the bar to try and find their partners when Jess spotted her. Vibrant red hair, large breasts, a sultry face and curvy body - whoever she was, she was beautiful. Jess offered her a smile as she approached, then looked to the woman's husband. They were an older pair, and it seemed that he was the one she would be set up with first. The muscular Adonis behind the bar would have been more fun, but they say an older man has more experience, so perhaps this would work in her favour.

A little shiver ran down her back at the way the other woman pronounced the word 'darling'. She let go of her husband's hand and moved to stand beside Marty, giving her a playful little smirk. "Two redheads sharing a drink together? I'm not sure our husbands are ready for that. All the more reason to do it" She said, taking the seat beside Marty. Jess had spent enough time playing the wild child before she got married to know when another woman was checking her out. The way Marty's eyes appraised her body was all too familiar. Jess had been bisexual since she was a teenager, and had gone through her fair share of female flings. Marriage had put a stop to that.

"Is that obvious?" Jess chuckled in response to the other woman's question. "Yes, this is our first time doing something like this, but don't get the wrong idea, we're both keen to get involved. Knowing I can shop around, though...that's intriguing. I wonder if the thing I want to shop for will end up being available..."

Jess winked at Marty and ordered a vodka soda from the bar. She gave him a flirtatious look as she thanked him before turning back to Marty. A knowing smile formed on her lips as the other woman asked to see her breasts. She appreciated Marty's boldness. The other redhead wasn't afraid to say what she wanted, and that confidence was extremely attractive.

"They are feeling a little constrained right now" She agreed with a tone of mock thoughtfulness. "And they do like to be free...tell you what, if I can free yours, you can free mine" She said, looking into Marty's eyes and placing her hands on the other redhead's chest. "Maybe you should come and sit on my lap rather than your husband's while we're at it, hmm?"
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Name: Collin

Location: The Wet Bar
Tagged: @TheLadyIsAVamp as Jessica, @LeaT as Marty

Collin was happily serving out drinks when the older redhead, Marty, who had hungrily kissed his wife earlier, took a seat on her husbands lap by the bar and was soon joined by another stunner, Jessica. He could feel both women eyeing him up and he certainly returned their gazes as he served them their drinks, his fingers brushing theirs as he served them, but he stayed silent as they spoke. The two seemed quite playful with one another, daring one another and pushing themselves to get more and more into the spirit of the party and he hardly wanted to interrupt them, as he enjoyed the show. The demand for drinks was reduced for the moment as the two redheads pushed the boundaries further and further, leaving Collin to sip his drink and flit his eyes between the two redheads, eager to see their game to the end.
Name: Fiona Heller

Location: Living Room



Fiona and Gill Heller had taken to occupy a corner of the greeting room upon arrival. Having shed her knee length coat, Fiona wore a mauve, short dress with lacing down the front that showed off her smooth, tattooed thighs. The soft stretchy material of her dress made it ideal for quick dressing and undressing, especially with the underwear that she wasn't wearing. Drinks in hand, the pair of them smiled and greeted pleasantly the other couples mingling about the space, all the while playing a private little game amongst themselves.

"Hmm yes, definitely want her," Fiona murmured to her husband, eying the redheaded woman with sparkling blue eyes who had introduced herself as Marty. Another woman with deeper red hair caught her eye as well. "That one looks like your type, don't you think?"

Gill agreed without particularly looking. His gaze was following the black woman, blatantly checking out her ass in the skimpy black dress that just covered it. Fiona followed his eyeline to her and commented, "She's definitely not wearing underwear beneath that," while watching her husband's reaction.

Standing behind her, Gill gave his wife's ass a squeeze. "You would know," he retorted. She smiled devilishly and reached behind to give his dick a squeeze through his pants.

In the years since they had begun attending swinging meetups like this, the Hellers had developed this little game. Though Fiona certainly appreciated the male counterparts in attendance, the women were always more fun to look at. Both of them had to admit that this was a remarkably attractive collection too.

"I think it's time we join the fun," Fiona said at last, giving her husband's crotch one last appreciative pat. She knew that if she spent much longer fondling his erection, she'd soon be straddling it herself. That was by no means a poor outcome, but it was hardly in the spirit of the event. She pulled his face to hers and kissed his lips, then whispered, "Whoever you end up fucking, I want to hear it." He chuckled in response, knowing well his wife's proclivities.

Leaving her husband to claim his room and his first partner, Fiona went off exploring the house. The first room she wandered into looked to be a study, large bookshelves along the walls and several leather lounging chairs filling up the space.
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Name: Briana Caldera and Fernando

Location: Livingroom

Tagged: @


as Peter Simon, Open


For Briana it had been an day of preparations. Her light workout and restricted diet both intended to sharpen her figure. Of course she had to go out for a full wax as she wasn't about to fumble such a thing doing it herself. Then finally it was back home for a shower and shaving her toned legs so they would be clean and silky smooth for any questing hand to enjoy.

Then nearly naked she moved about their shared bathroom, fixing her hair and doing up her makeup. The latter she didn't spend as much time on as other girls did - either she had it or she didn't. All that sculpting and shading wasn't for her. Besides, just a little bit of sweat and all that started to unravel. Never mind anything else that might get on her face.

That thought made her grin as she looked over at Fernando. And she envied him his simplicity. Shower, deodorant, cologne, some simple clothes and he was ready. With his cheesy flashing smile, his dark good looks and well-developed musculature. Idlily she wondered at the double standard here but shoved that aside to struggle into her clothes. It was nearing time and she didn't want to make Mr Simplicity wait for her to finally get into her dress.

Which dress was a long smooth green number which hung off one shoulder, all the better to support her enhanced breasts. It was tight through the hips, all the better to lift her enhanced ass. It had an opening across the front of her chest to better display both her skin and to show off her large breasts. It also carried a high slit on one side, to allow her thighs to flash. And if it suggested ease of getting a hand up high on her, so much the better.

A pair of four inch heels completed her outfit, and along with her clutch she was ready to go. With her enforced baby-bird wobble with the damned heels on gravel, Fernando's elbow gave her something to lean on as they made their way to the car. Pleasant banter was made in the car, but Briana could feel the anticipation rising between the two of them. She even thought she could see Fernando's snake coiling in his linen trousers, no doubt stirring at the thought of getting into something strange. She was tempted to reach over and give it some encouragement, but thought it better not to wreck. Besides, it wasn't her he was anticipating.

Looking at the world speeding by the car's side window she reflected on this. Their hottest lusts were spurred not by each other but by connection with others. This wouldn't be their first swinger's party, and would only be their last if they finally parted ways. She wasn't sure if that was healthy or not. Probably not.

Once at the house, it only seemed polite to check in with the hosts and get the lay of the land. So with her man holding on to the crook of her elbow, the hard charging and eager woman led her just as eager husband on to their next new experience.

"You must be our host, Peter. I am Briana and this is my husband Fernando. Thank you so much for setting this up and the invitation!" She extended an arm to shake by way of invitation. "Are there any ground rules? Anything we should know before getting into it? And I guess numbers are going to be chosen?" Her head swiveled side to side, teased hair moving with her.

Name: Matt Brown
Location: Living Room
Tagged: (Open) Luna, Card Holder 6 @MsBloom

Matt blushed at her offer to get down to 'business' right there in the living room, in front of everyone. While he could see the appeal to doing that, he wasn't ready for such an open act without his wife involved. He also wasn't sure if he'd be able to perform with so many people watching. He'd never even had a threesome, so had no idea what it was like being watched while fucking some one else let alone in front of such a large group.

He loved the outfit Luna was in. Something about that sort form hugging dress always did something for him. Its why his wife was always happy to wear the sort of dress she was in tonight. But tonight was about exploring and having fun. He did step a little bit closer to her and gently placed his hands on her waist, feeling her firm, toned body beneath the fabric of her dress. Up close, he still couldn't tell if she had anything on under the dress.

"I appreciate the offer...but I think I'd rather enjoy you in some privacy first." He responds with a smile, looking down at the top of her cleavage with their current closeness. "But I'd be ok if you wanted to make a bit here first, dance a little?"

Music was playing and while it was no club, it was loud - partially to help cover up certain noises and provide a bit of audio privacy in the living room - and certainly the sort of music a couple could get close to bump and grind to.
Name: Luna

Location: Living Room

Tagged: Matt Brown @ToWriteAndWander


Luna nodded but with a certain air of disappointment to his request that they first get it on in private. She had hoped to give a little show for Orlando, and also for the two redheads by the bar, and also, of course, his wife.
"I'm no much of a dancer though. My music teacher in high school always used to say that there are two kinds of music lovers, those who play and those who dance, and well ... I play so."
She could of course sense his disappointment and how her statement could be perceived as a rejection of sorts, which it was in no way meant as. She just wanted to save herself, and him, from the embarrassment of cliché bumping and grinding, which in her mind was just foreplay anyway.
"How about we get a couple more drinks," she suggested and finished the last of her Brandy Alexander and holding the glass up in a way to suggest she wanted a refill at Orlando who nodded and went to the bar.
"No worries. Tonight he is nothing but my bartender," she said and as the two arrived at the bar she asked her assigned partner what he wanted to drink, while at the same time posing with her back against the bar, her left foot up against the wooden panelling of the counter and her chest pushed out.

She had never really been all that self-conscious about her breasts but in the company of the other women present at the party she could almost be considered flat-chested. It was boobs galore all around, and it seemed non of the women minded putting them on display either.
Name: Orlando

Location: Living Room/Bar

Tagged: Open/Female Card holder #3

It was hard not to let his eyes wander among all the exquisite female bodies trying to figure out which of the held the corresponding car to his. He mingled a bit but didn't pry into who was holding which card. Instead he had simply stuck his into the waist of his dark purple suit pants with the number clearly showing. This would achieve two things, he thought, the first being that whichever of the women had the corresponding card would approach him when she was ready for it, the other was that it would draw the women's eyes to his crotch where they would see a suggestive bulge. He was perhaps not in the top 1% but at 9 1/2" he was well above average.

Seeing Luna wave her empty glass he gave her a nod and walked over to the bar where he showed off a bit while mixing her a new one.
"And what are you lovely ladies having then," he asked the group of women in front of the bar.
"Something classic like a GT, a cosmopolitan perhaps, or something more daring like a Sex on the Beach or an Orgasm?"
He shot them his most charming smile and winked at them. He certainly hoped one of them held cars #3.
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Name: Matt Brown
Location: Living Room
Tagged: (Open) Luna, Card Holder 6 @MsBloom

Matt followed her over to the bar but waved away the offer of a drink. He had never been big into drinking and really didn't want to get drunk tonight. He'd already had a fortifying drink or two over the last hour and the last thing he wanted to do was get sick or 'unable to perform' due to drinking too much. He did sidle up next to her, though, leaning on the bar top while looking at her.

He found that he didn't really want to see who his wife left with. He also wanted to focus more on Luna than those around them. With his back to the room it was a lot easier to make it seem like it was just the two of them. He hadn't been in the dating game in a long time and this very much felt like that.

"I must admit that this is my first time...swinging. I'm a little nervous but alcohol is the last thing I need right now." He admits to her, eyes once more drawn down to her cleavage. He was more of an overall package type of guy. His wife had mentioned getting breast enhancements once and he had quickly shot the idea down, loving her the way she was already.
Name: Luna

Location: Living Room

Tagged: Matt Brown @ToWriteAndWander


"Ours too," Luna said and sipped her drink through a straw, her charcoal gray lips closed seductively around it.
She couldn't help but notice that Matt did his best to avoid looking at his wife and also that he had said it was his first time swinging and wondered if that meant his wife had some experience.

It was also clear to her that he didn't seem entirely comfortable with the idea of swinging. Or maybe he was just nervous about the whole thing with some of the other couples there seeming to be quite experienced with it.

"To be honest alcohol isn't exactly my preferred intoxicant either but it's a bit more socially accepted than pot so ..." she trailed off and sipped her drink again, hoping Matt would pick up on the suggestion in the way she formed her lips around the straw, how she took quite a bit more than needed to drink into her mouth as well.

She usually didn't like to brag but when it came to fellatio she did consider herself something of an expert. Practice does after all make perfect, as they say.

Name: Marty Smith

Location: Living Room

Tagged: @Colonel_Liam Collin Keogh and @TheLadyIsAVamp Jessica Richmond

"Not from you, but your husband looks a little...frightened." Marty gave Jessica a warm smile as she explained that it was her husband's look that made her think it was their first time. "I have a feeling you are more than ready for tonight." She didn't want to come out and say her fellow red head looked hungry, but that was the vibe she got from her. As Jessica wondered aloud about availability, Marty opened her arms wide as if inviting the younger woman's eyes to follow her curves as she did much the same. "You never know if you don't go for it now do you my dear?" She easily slipped into the elder wise woman for her young new friend. Yes, she knew that look quite well.

As Jessica flirted with the bartender as she waited for her drink she leaned in as well. "What I'd really love is a shot of what your wife was having before we got here." Her smile was enthusiastic and her eyes were bright as she let that thought sink on on the bear of a man. Her tongue curling along her plump lips as the drinks were served.

Marty pushed her tits into Jessica's hands and giggled as she gave her thoughtful consent to being exposed to a room full of horny men and women. "That sounds fair." She said with delight. "But I think you should be in Robert's lap, he has your number after all." She said, placing her hands over Jessica's and pressing them deeper into her large breasts through the soft fuzzy sweater she was wearing. It was obvious she had no bra underneath.

Marty slid down off of her husband's lap and pulled Jessica from her stool. "If anything of mine is going into your lap, it will be my face." She said, her eyes offering promise of a unforgettable experience. She then tossed her own numbered card next to her glass, the one that happened to match that of the bartender, as if she hadn't noticed it already.

"Up you go now, that's a good girl." She told Jessica, Marty's husband more than eager to have the younger woman on his lap. She then began to tease Jessica's dress straps down off her shoulder. One finger slipped under the dark material, and she caressed the soft skin of the younger woman up and down its length. Each stroke bringing it further off her shoulder. When one breast began to look ready to spill out of the the dark cup, she stopped, kissed Jessica on the lips, head turning as she sucked on the girl's lower lip, pulling it outward until she let go. She then began to play with the other strap until both large pale boobs looked ready to escape their dark prison.

Marty paused and took a deep breath, looking around at the suddenly rather busy bar. She was almost certain if Jessica took a deep breath her tit flesh would explode out of that dress. "I do believe I am not the only one to want to enjoy your assets." She giggled again and nodded at her husband who took Jessica's arms in his hands, just above the elbow. He was a little confining, but not overtly so, she could break free if she were determined. He then began to bounce his knee, her big breasts bouncing in a mesmerizing rhythm, ready to spill out completely.
Name: Collin


Location: The Wet Bar
Tagged: @TheLadyIsAVamp as Jessica, @LeaT as Marty @MsBloom as Orlando

He was enjoying his role of bartender, as more and more of the guests congregated around the bar to watch the little show between the two vixens. Mixing Orlando the proposed "sex on the beach" he handed it to the handsome man, but kept his eyes on Marty and Jessica as they progressed further and further. When Marty lay down the card to match his on the bar, Collin growled in satisfaction. Her quip about getting a drink like Lacy's had excited him, as he was confident she didn't want a corona. At least not JUST a corona.

When Marty husband had taken Jessica onto his lap, leaving Marty unsupervised, at least for the moment, Collin decided he had had enough of just being an observer. Stepping around the bar, he took Marty's waist in his big bear like hands and pulled her onto his own lap, handling her like was a feather. He didn't interrupt the show directly, wanting to see how Jessica would react to her predicament and if she would get her own turn to strip down the older redhead.

That said, he did get something of a sneak preview. Kissing at Marty's neck from behind, he whispered in her ear. "When you're done here, I'm sure you can mix your own drink." he said suggestively, while a big hand slid across her belly, and under the fold of her sweater, not letting it separate, but pushing it just enough that his fingers cold trail over her skin and move to cup a nice full breast before he began to tease the nipple that crowned in.
Name: Will Richmond
Location: Living Room
Tag: @Island Gwen (Briana)


Will's preperation ritual for the swinger's event had been almost as intense as his wife's. Both of them took great care of their health and physical appearances, having the luxury of both time and money to do so. The pair had eaten even more strictly than usual in the weeks running up to the event, keeping processed foods out of their diet altogether and getting as much exercise in as possible. Whereas Jess favoured overall fitness and had spent hours swimming laps in the pool, Will's attention had turned to weightlifting. Ever since his teenage years, the gym had been his drug of choice. Whenever he was stressed or anxious he'd work out, developing a toned and muscular physique while most of his friends developed little more than liver problems. He'd never been the type to drink and wallow in misery. When he drank, he did so to enjoy himself. There was nothing productive to be gained from drinking to escape life's problems. A real man faced his problems head on.

And so, with the swingers event looming, Will had increased his weights and beaten his personal best for reps. If he was going to be swapping partners with other people, he wanted to look his best. Vanity aside, he also wanted to feel confident, and nothing made him feel more certain of himself than maintaining his fitness.

He'd dressed smartly for the event without looking too formal, opting for black boots, straight cut jeans and a white shirt with an expensive obsidian waistcoat. Simple but refined. A look that said he knew how to dress without looking like he'd turned up for a board meeting. He carried himself with the air of a man at ease with himself as he and Jess entered the house, but as his wife openly flirted with another redhead at the bar, Will felt himself growing uncertain. Before they'd gotten married, Jess had seized upon any excuse to lock lips with another woman. It had been sexy at first, but after a while it had grown tiresome. Now she was well on-track to go down that road with Marcy. He noticed the hungry way the two women looked at each other and began to feel increasingly as if he was no longer needed here. He'd seemingly become invisible to his own wife and Marcy seemed to have eyes only for Jess and the rugged barman, who he offered a nod to before excusing himself from the proceedings. Third-wheeling wasn't his thing. Why stand around like a spare part watching his wife have all the fun when his own fun was awaiting him somewhere in this house?

He looked down at the card in his hand. Briana. That was the name of his swap. It was time to find her.
Name: Jessica Richmond
Location: Living Room

Jess didn't even need to glance at her husband to imagine the look Marty was referring to. "Oh, don't worry about him" She said, dropping her voice to a mischievous and conspiratorial tone. "He gets a bit uneasy when I flirt openly with other women. He'll stand there for a bit looking sheepish and then wander off, I'm sure."

The older woman's recognition of her readiness for this event gave Jess a welcome sense of reassurance. The younger redhead was far from bashful and had never been left wanting for sexual confidence. She knew she was desirable. It wasn't vanity to admit as much. It was simply a fact learned from years of experience. She'd been driving men - and some women - crazy without even trying since she was a teen. When she did try, she usually went home with the person she wanted. That had all slowed down now that she was married, but her confidence hadn't. Ever since she became sexually active, Jess had been a force of nature in the bedroom. She knew what she wanted and anyone who couldn't keep up with her stamina and high sex drive soon found themselves left behind. Life was too short for bad sex, and Jess was hoping she'd find someone here who thrived off passionate, rough sex in the same way she did.

"I couldn't have put it better myself" Jess smirked, eyeing Marty up and down as the other woman spread her arms. "We all know what we're here for. We should all pursue what we want while have the chance." Her eyes fixed on Marty's for a moment before casting a glance toward the barman. "I see you've already made progress on that yourself...he's one hell of a pick. If we weren't restricted to cards there'd probably be a line of women queuing up for him by now."

Jess watched in amusement as Marty engaged in verbal foreplay with the barman. She admired the older woman's thirst. Too many people in life didn't know what they wanted or were afraid to go after it, but Marty had no such qualms. It was like looking at an older version of herself. In a way, Marty's pure sexual confidence reassured Jess that she'd made the right decision coming here. She was in like-minded company, and that alone told her she belonged here.

Hey eyes travelled down to Marty's chest as the other woman pushed her breasts forward. To say Marty had an incredible pair of breasts would be a considerable understatement. Her fingers closed down over the soft orbs, slowly squeezing them as her thumbs rubbed across Marty's nipples. She offered the other woman a knowing smile as she felt the little nubs hardening beneath Marty's top. No words needed to be spoken in that moment. It was obvious that both women were enjoying this escalation in their flirting.

Jess allowed herself to be guided off her stool and onto Marty's husband's lap. Her eyes stayed fixed on the other redhead, only flicking away for a moment to notice that her husband had, as expected, moved away. Anticipation bubbled up inside her as Marty teased the straps of her dress down, each caress of the other woman's fingers against her soft skin sending an excited little tingle across Jessica's body. She hadn't been touched by anyone other than her husband in a long time. She'd almost forgotten how thrilling it was to feel foreign skin against her own. Her own hands went to Marty's top, slowly prying it open. She ran the backs of her fingers against the curves of the other redhead's breasts before opening her top a little more until finally Marty's large breasts were exposed to her gaze.

"I'm sure he's not the only one. These girls have been drawing stares since I hit puberty" Jess chuckled. She cupped Marty's breasts from beneath, caressing them with a sensual touch as her thumbs teased the other woman's nipples. A moment later her own breasts popped free from their flimsy constraints. "But I think your hands are the ones that should be on them for now, don't you?"

Name: Marty Smith

Location: Living Room

Tagged: @Colonel_Liam Collin Keogh and @TheLadyIsAVamp Jessica Richmond possibly @MsBloom as Luna and @ToWriteAndWander as Matt

Marty was having a ball with Jessica (though she still hadn't introduced herself) and moaned softly as the younger woman caressed her breasts through the soft material of her top. Her breasts were very sensitive, she loved that they got so much attention, and her nipples hardened almost immediately. They were large and easily felt through the material. Fuck she was getting hot and the night had barely started.

She passively allowed the barman to pull her into his lap while managing to ignore him, at least with her words and eyes. But she did nestle her soft bottom on his lap and aligned the cleft of her ass with the hardness of his cock. Her eyelids lowered and she gave Jessica a warm glowing smile as a big strong hand cupped her large breast, slipping inside uninvited but hardly unwelcome. With Jessica sliding into Robert's lap, it gave her a small height advantage as the barman was built much more solidly than her husband. Now she had one breast being caressed in the flesh by a strong male hand, and the other teased through her top by a gentle feminine touch. The contrast was driving her wild and her hips rocked, caressing the thick cock beneath her.

Marty clapped like a giddy schoolgirl when the younger woman's boobs popped free in a veritable avalanche of breast. Jessica kept her part of the bargain as well, exposing Marty's right boob to anyone who cared to see them while the barman kept one to himself.

"I bet." Marty said, matter of factually as Jessica talked about the stares her breasts received. She didn't need to be invited twice. She leaned forward, her ass pressing back into the barman's belly and her hot cunt grinding against stiff cock. Her hands cupped both breasts and she pressed her face into the cleavage as if washing her face in a basin. She kissed and tongued the delicious young breasts, her mouth seeking out the nipples as she juggled them with a soft touch. She practically dove into them, her lips sucking, her tongue licking as she explored and enjoyed the other woman's firm young tit flesh. She bounced on barman's lap as she suckled and ground her clit against his bulge. She knew exactly what she was doing and was loving every moment of it.
Name: Collin

Location: The Wet Bar
Tagged: @TheLadyIsAVamp as Jessica, @LeaT as Marty @MsBloom as Orlando

It seemed things were not going to wait for couples to pair off and head to someplace private as many swingers parties might have done, but Collin was happy to participate in this group action. Marty's breast, now exposed was heavenly to grope and play with. A nipple, standing on the pale mound, almost as red as her hair stood proud and he teased it mercilessly, while his thick finger dug into the pliant flesh of her breast.

His other arm wrapped around her waist, and kept her pressed close to his lap, even as she leaned in to motorboat Jessica. Though Marty was not verbally acknowledging him anymore, her body was still teasing him back, and he ground his hard cock against her lovely shaped ass through the fabric of their respective pants. The free hand moved down her belly, seeking out other buttons and fastenings, eager to see Marty fully naked.

Glancing up, he locked eyes with her husband, a twinkle in his eye as he explored the mans wife for his own pleasure.
Name: Matt Brown
Location: Living Room
Tagged: (Open) Luna, Card Holder 6 @MsBloom

Matt was oblivious to the more amorous couples not waiting for the privacy of a room to start in their fun.

His eyes trailed the motion of her lips on the straw. She was certainly putting on a show. He stood up from the bar and slid his hand over her stomach before resting it on her hip, pressing himself closer to her. "I think things are past being socially acceptable. Last I checked, fucking some one elses wife was still frowned upon."

He licked his lips and boldly slid his hand up to cup her breast through her dress, giving it a gentle squeeze. He wasn't opposed to some PDA of course. "Is that okay? I think I want to kiss you..." He finishes, sliding his other hand to rest on her other hip as he stepped closer still, their bodies almost touching as he slowly felt her up.

With their height difference, he found himself having to lean down more then he would when kissing his own wife. But he wasn't thinking about her right then, eyes focused on Lunas lips as he leaned down to kiss them.
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