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Fx Female Sweet Innocence: An Escort Service for the Ultra Rich (soft femdom or lighter fun)


Oct 21, 2023
This thread is for a very specific F/F idea I've had a major craving for lately. I am aiming to do this with as many people who are interested, so if you and I have already discussed setting this up, I am still interested, don't worry. It's just that I really enjoy hearing different people's takes on the same idea. Below I will keep this thread very simple because the general vibe and limits/tastes will be given by my character within the story. My hopes are not particularly high, but hey, who knows! Here goes nothing.

It is essentially bondage forward, but also very innocent/cute and lighter in tone at the same time.

Here's the short pitch -
Sweet Innocence is an escort service for the ultra rich. They provide fetish services, and special requests to those who struggle to fulfil them in their normal lives, and have the cash to pay for it. Unfortunately, prostitution is not legal, and Sweet Innocence, being as successful as they are, did not get that way by cutting corners with the law, so they have very strict rules regarding what is allowed. Still, they are extremely successful and also extremely discrete. The perfect service for someone like her.

Her name is Jasmine Sinclair and she is a fashion industry success. She inherited a business and made it explode in a very short time. Now she's 30 and mostly retired, living alone in her massive penthouse apartment. She's 5'9" and in fantastic shape. She keeps up with her business with just 1 monthly meeting and occasionally she models her own clothing and other beauty products at special events. She's a very cheerful and excitable person, but she has only discovered her obsession with being bound and gagged in the last couple years and likes to keep it discreet so far. Hence, when she discovered Sweet Innocence it was a match made in heaven. She is a regular client due to her rather innocent and yet kinky tastes.

There are a couple ways this might go, though I'm open to hearing any suggestions if you have an alternative idea.

The first idea is you (whoever you are) play the person who shows up, and for the first weekend it's all business and fun, but (potentially) they both enjoy it so much that they discuss things, and it becomes a regular event. My favorite theme is that your girl angles to get more out of it - maybe a new apartment in the same building for free? Maybe a new car? Maybe a monthly allowance? Etc. So it is like a sugar momma scenario, but it needn't go this way.

The second options is that you play a character who 'accidentally' sees Jasmine's request as she's submitting it to the Sweet Innocence website. She might take advantage of this for her own gain, or she might suggest that Jasmine might find it much better to do this with someone who isn't getting paid and could therefore come and go as she pleased. This would make things much more intimate (even if Jasmine is somewhat asexual). Perhaps this is her accountant, or a company employee, or just an acquaintance who finds the idea of having a filthy rich woman bound and gagged while she enjoys the luxury living conditions rather appealing.

I have the first couple of posts mostly written out for it, in order to be clear about what my character wants, and so I will provide the first post in the spoiler below. If you're interested, we can discuss, but you are also free to simply respond to this first post and jump right in.

Jasmine Sinclair was just cresting 30 years old, but she looked damn good for 30. A lovely dark skinned exotic beauty who had inherited a small fortune from her parents who died in a plane crash. Since then, though, she'd proven the doubters wrong by working her ass off and making smart business choices. Struggling to overcome racism and sexism, she'd built the business from a worth of five or so million dollars to closer to 10 billion dollars in the fashion industry. She often enjoyed being the model who walked to show off their creations, very keen on strutting her stuff in front of others. She had gotten to the point where she no longer really needed to work, so she semi-retired, only going to special events and a monthly meeting to keep herself in the 'know.'

This gave her too much free time and over the past year she'd developed a private taste for something more strange. She had a serious building obsession with being tied up very tightly for long periods of time. Days at a time even. Someone at a party had mentioned a special service for people in the upper class called Sweet Innocence. This was essentially an escort service that offered some fetish fulfillment at a fair price. They were very reputable, and kept things within the law. No sexual acts were allowed, by law, as that was technically prostitution, but they would offer bondage and teasing up to a specific limit.

This was perfect for Jasmine. All she wanted was the bondage. She didn't want sex, or things too overt or heavily BDSM. She just wanted to be nearly totally helpless and left that way while the rigger simply left her that way while going about ordinary life. It was......oddly thrilling and innocent at the same time. Her nipples perked up at the thought, showing visibly through her tightly closed pale pink robe. She'd used the service many times over the last year, but today she wanted something very specific.

She picked up the phone and dialed, "Yes, Jasmine Sinclair is the name on the account 32432." She said and the cheerful voice on the other end acknowledged.

"The whole weekend, starting this evening. She may make herself at home and sleep in any of the bedrooms. Food is catered. She need only show up." Jasmine said with a twinge of excitement in her voice. The order was made and she hung up.

She moved to the sofa in the massive living room of her huge penthouse apartment. On the coffee table sat several rolls of bondage tape and a tablet that had many pictures uploaded as examples of what she wanted this time. She sat down and scrolled through them as she waited for whoever Sweet Innocence sent over this time.

Jasmine Sinclair was the billionaire heiress who had inherited a multimillion dollar company at the age of 18, and had taken it and turned it into a multibillion dollar company in the fashion and beauty industry. Now she was 30, and all but retired from the corporate life, essentially just showing up to model from time to time and a monthly meeting to take care of business.

This had left her to discover herself. In the process she'd realized very early on that she was incredibly excited by being completely helpless. Not....fucked.....but really just bound and gagged and totally helpless. The thing that got her the absolute most excited was someone simply tying her up and leaving her that way while that person casually went about life, acting like this was totally normal. Talking to her as if she wasn't bound, expecting her to keep up while hopping about, casual touching of sensitive parts just to remind her that she couldn't stop hands from just casually brushing her boobs as if they had dust on them, or giving her ass a light, friendly pat just because, or as a way to end a sentence. That kind of casual interaction while she was utterly, impossibly helpless was just the best thing in the world. She didn't even need to get off, just blush and squirm.

And that's how she discovered the exquisite Sweet Innocence - the service that catered exactly to your every specific request. She'd used them dozens of times and was very popular because she always paid very well. Today, Jasmine was in her office for the first time in more than three weeks. Business was going well so she wasn't busy, just answering some emails and when she was finished, she pulled up her web browser and went to Sweet Innocence's website to make a request. She included several images she'd found online and a description of what she really wanted for the escort to read in advance to prepare.

Attached Reference Images:
gif of gag

Description (please be as detailed as possible to avoid confusion):

I want you to wrap me in tape like these images. As tight as I can stand. And once you're finished, I want you to simply act normal, explore the apartment, make yourself at home, get comfortable, and talk to me as if I can respond. Make me go with you trying to hop along, ask me to do things like get you something or join you for a meal I can't eat, or whatever. But no matter what, no matter how whiny I get you absolutely refuse to remove any tape until Sunday night at midnight. You can add more and tighten things if they loosen, but outright refuse to let me out.

You may touch, of course, but just light things please. Pats on the ass regularly, a good health swat randomly but not painfully! Brush off my boobs as if they need to be cleared of dust and give them a bounce just to, you know, 'adjust things'. The occasional grope is also ok. I don't intend for you to be totally hands free, but it's the casual, gentle reminders that I can't stop you from doing it that really excite me. Something about someone simply living in my home and refusing to let me out while they just act normal is very exciting.

I will provide the tape and other items, and all meals and any other luxuries will be paid for.

Offer: $25,000 not including expenses.

Jasmine's cell phone rang just before she had a chance to click 'submit' and she got up, not even thinking twice about leaving her laptop open as she moved to the privacy of the large, attached bathroom to speak to whoever was calling, leaving her laptop open and easily accessible.

Feel free to PM with any questions, or if you like, simply respond to one of these posts and I'll respond if I like it, or reach out ooc to discuss.

And if you're interested in my more general tastes, including more specific limits and other ideas, then you can always look at my other F/F thread, which you can find here.
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