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Mx Female My all new, completely original request thread!


May 19, 2022
Since I already have a fandom thread, and I’ve repurposed my other original requests thread, I thought I’d start a brand new one with completely brand new plots! So have a look and feel free to message me if you see something you like! :)

I tend to like to keep things short and sweet since you're going to be searching through a lot of these looking for "the one", so let's get down to business?

I'm looking for someone who can reply once a day on average minimum or more. My responses tend to be in the 300-900+ word range but can be longer when necessary, no one liners please. If you ghost, don't bother messaging me.

Here is my f list: F-list - Warning

Now, onto the plots!
So, this story contains TWO male protagonists, the demon and the retired soldier. The demon is for smut, the soldier is for romance!… and then later, smut. :)

Your character is a nun at a struggling orphanage that is getting hit hard by a famine. Food is scarce, and things are getting desperate. But that's when a strange man came with a strange offer… give him a kiss, and he would make sure the orphanage had food in the morning. She is skeptical of his offer, but he looks like he has money, and it's just a kiss, right?…

To her surprise, the next morning carts arrive to the orphanage loaded with food, enough to feed everyone for two weeks! It's a miracle!… no one else knows about the man or the deal she made, but she figures no one else needs to know, they wouldn't understand… two weeks later, as food is running out again, the man shows up once again, offering more food… but now he wants more than just a kiss.

Basically the story would be a slow corruption kinda thing, with your character being hesitant at first, but secretly part of her enjoys it, as she's never experienced that kind of pleasure before. We can have all sorts of other drama going on too… dealing with bandits, illness, repairs needing done… and of course, there’s our soldier!

Or at least, she (correctly) thinks he’s a soldier. He lives in a house a short distance from the orphanage, outside of town, but close enough that he makes regular visits to buy supplies… coincidentally passing by the orphanage on his way. He’s the definition of the strong silent type… your character and the other nuns know basically nothing about him, but despite their vow of celibacy, it’s common for them to find reasons to be around him whenever he drops by… and why does he drop by you ask?

Well, perhaps he’s lonely in that empty old house… whatever his reasons, he frequently checks in with the nuns to see if anything needs doing. Back garden needs dug up? He’s there. Leak in the roof? He’ll get the ladder and have it fixed in no time. He refuses to take any payment, and when times have been tough and money short, he’s even been known to make fairly generous donations… although he asks the sisters to keep that to themselves. Where he gets the money from is a mystery.

What’s this? Another nun plot? With a soldier too? Yes, this one is very similar to my demon/nun/soldier plot I list above. For those who want less smut and more romance, this might be the story for you.

Read the plot above, subtract the demon, and you’ve got the basic setup. However instead of a famine threatening the orphanage, it’s raiders. Evil men who strike in the dead of night, intent on taking everything of value they can… and likely, violate the nuns. Before things can get too violent however, our brave soldier arrives! But instead of his usual, mild mannered self, there is something far darker about him. He starts killing the bandits one by one, demonstrating incredible skill and ferocity. Soon all that remains of the threat is a pile of corpses… with no one hurt but the soldier himself, having taken a crossbow bolt to the shoulder. The nuns of course are eager to treat their hero’s wound, however he seems reluctant to let them see what lay under the black robe he always wears…

Your character is evil… but it’s not really her fault. Her parents were evil, their parents were evil, she was raised around nobles who were also evil… she didn’t really have a chance to be anything else. She was fairly sheltered from the realities of what her subjects were going through, her parents always keeping her from wondering too far from the castle unless accompanied by a small army of guards, and NEVER outside the upper class district the other rich and powerful people called home.

Given that she doesn’t like being closely supervised (she hates being told what to do), she usually sticks to the castle and it’s surrounding grounds. One of her favourite hobbies is to go down to the kings personal dungeon, where only the most important prisoners are kept, and have a little fun with them. What she considers “fun” will be up to you. Maybe she just likes taunting them? Maybe she makes them do tricks for her amusement? Maybe she tortures them? Maybe, on occasion, she even fucks one of them? Completely at your discretion.

Usually these VIP prisoners are nobles caught scheming against her family, high ranking military that disobeyed orders, or just did something to annoy a member of the royal family enough that a quick whipping didn’t seem adequate punishment. For these individuals, even death was too lenient a punishment… they were to spend the rest of their days in a dank dungeon, never to see the light of day again.

Usually new prisoners are rare, as you need to fuck up REALLY bad to get the kings attention. But recently, someone new and interesting has been sent to the dungeon… the commander of a rebel group that had been causing trouble for quite some time, killing high ranking military personnel, pillaging military strongholds and freeing small vassal states from her fathers control with peasants he recruited and trained himself. He is apparently quite fearsome, and your character is interested in seeing the man responsible for causing so much trouble.

At first she just wants to have a little fun with him, but the more time she spends with him, the more curious she becomes. He begins to tell her what things are like outside the little bubble she was raised in, the pain and suffering her people are going through… and she begins to feel… pity for them, and for the commander himself. She starts to question things, to doubt what she’s been told. She also starts to find herself strangely attracted to the commander, the more she gets to know him, the more she wants to help him somehow…

That’s the main outline of the plot! As for things we could incorporate, age gap is certainly a possibility. Or maybe the princess finds she likes being dominated by a big, powerful man? Plenty of options. I’m happy to hear any suggestions you might have!

This plot takes place in a futuristic/sci-fi setting. I’m fine with your character being human, but I’d REALLY prefer it if they were alien… makes things more interesting. :) Also, just because he is your characters assistant doesn’t mean he can’t be dominant in the bedroom… he’s a real AI with preferences of his own, so unless specifically programmed to like/dislike certain things, he’ll have completely unique desires of his own. :)

Anyways, your character is a highly skilled assassin, and although they kill people for a living, they aren’t COMPLETELY heartless. They aren’t going to kill some kid just because some asshole is offering to pay her to do it, but if that asshole wants another asshole killed? She’s the killer you want to hire.

She works alone, maybe she has a handler that finds jobs for her, but out on a mission? She flies solo. She doesn’t trust people, learned the hard way that trust can get you killed… that said, she isn’t completely without companionship. She, like many others, has a robot that serves as her assistant. She gets shot? He’s there to patch her up. She needs a spotter while she snipes? He’s there to help. He is a genuine AI, able to think, learn, and act of his own free will… with one little exception. She can insert any rules she wants into his programming, and he cannot under any circumstances break those rules. It’s far easier to trust a person when you can literally hack their brain and make them do whatever you want, and it doesn’t hurt that he was pre-programmed to care for his owners well-being.

He is the only person she truly trusts, he has had his loyalties tested time and time again, and he has never failed her, not once. He’s not only helpful, he’s also great company. He doesn’t judge her for the work she does, always treats her with kindness (even when he gets frustrated with her on occasion), he’s the perfect partner, and her best friend… and after one mission, he becomes much more than a friend…

So, that’s the plot! Tons of flexibility here. For one, he’s your robot, so you decide how he looks. Make him as robotic or as realistically human as you’d like. Decide what special skills he is programmed to have, what special upgrades he’s been given, completely up to you. You can have a blender pop out of his chest for making margaritas if you’d like. :)

I think at first, he shouldn’t be programmed for pleasure or have the “equipment” for sex. She didn’t buy him with the intention of having sex with him, that part of their relationship is brand new, so she is unprepared. That said, if the next day after their first romantic night together she wants to get some “upgrades” installed, well, there would be plenty available for her to buy. She’s not the first person to fuck their robot, in fact many people buy them with that sole purpose in mind. :) On the up side, this means you also pick his dick size! Whether you want the biggest model they’ve got, or something more average, that’s completely up to you… just nothing under 6 inches… that’s my only limit as far as physical characteristics.

One thing about this particular story, we’re going to have to discuss a few things first. They have a pre-established relationship before we start the story. We can of course improv plenty of stuff, but I don’t want to go into things completely blind. OOC chat about what our characters should and shouldn’t know about one another by now will be a regular occurrence until enough is established to make it unnecessary.
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