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Mind Control?


Jan 28, 2009
I read something about "Soft" mind control in a thread. This had me worry that something may or may not have changed about BlueMoon's policy on said kink.

Is mind control a limited or not allowed kink?

I've just read the rules again and searched the forums but I cannot find if its not allowed or has any restrictions upon it.

Wishing to follow the sites rules and to comply with them, but also know the status of said kink would someone able able to tell me if there are any rules upon said kink?

Please and thank you in advance.
I don't think there's anything against mind control in the rules. The only concern(s) I think of are that it's non-consensual in an RP context (i.e. the character is being forced to do something) which is not any different than any other non-con scenes, which are played out explicitly on this forum in quite heavy quantities, or that you use mind-control without the other writers consent (i.e. you're godmoding) which is more of an inter-personal issue than it really is a site rule issue. I'd be mildly shocked if mind control was, in any way, a site-rule issue at any point.
We do not have any rules restricting such role play in the IC/written form.

I believe there was a point in the past where there was language stating concern with such type of role play that could bleed over into real life situations, wanting to prohibit aggressive OOC abuse/exploitation issues, but that was specific to OOC.

Writing stories around such IC is permitted.
I believe there was a point in the past where there was language stating concern with such type of role play that could bleed over into real life situations, wanting to prohibit aggressive OOC abuse/exploitation issues, but that was specific to OOC.

This is interesting, but I'm a little lost to what it means. Would people use mind-control as a way to 'try and mind-control their RP partner' or something to that effect?
It means writing about it is fine, but we do not support trying to be manipulative OOC. There have been members in the past that took things or tried to take things that were meant for IC dynamics and tried to carry it over OOC. This is a writing site, not a RL match making service.
Interesting. And strange. :) But I suppose not the strangest thing I've seen. Thank you for clarifying!
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