Mx F or NB The Homecoming (Incest RP)


Sep 18, 2021
Hello! You can call me Carl and I've been RPing for nearly two decades now, so you can consider me an old bean or a "boomer" as the fellow kids say. I enjoy writing smut, but I've always felt that just having an RP where you go from one smut scene to another just gets boring in the long run. So every RP I'm involved will need a hefty injection of either PLOT or just have really solid and likeable characters that will make me want to interact with them outside of sex. Characters, Plot and Smut, all key ingredients to make a solid and long lasting RP.
Ah yes, because I'm always and only looking for Long Term RPs.

The Homecoming
When MC was rather young, his parents had the biggest of falling outs. The divorced that ensued was horrible, with the custody battle over MC and his sister(s) ending with a compromise. MC ended up being taken by his father and moved across the country - he claimed it was because of work, but in reality... the man just wanted to be far away from his ex-wife to hurt her. MC spent the next decade with little to no contact with his mother and sister(s), growing up as a single child with a father who slowly turned into a bum.
Then one day it happened, MC's father died rather suddenly and Mc was left without a home. That was when he received a call, his mother was calling him back to their small hometown where he would be living her once again.

The RP has a pretty simple set-up. MC lived estranged from his mother and sisters since he was very little and now he returns to live with them. In case it wasn't obvious, I am looking for something involving plenty of incest, but you might convince me to play this out without incest and just involving ladies from the hometown. I am also looking for a partner who would be willing to play the rest of the family and the hometown, effectively taking on the GM role. The number of sisters MC would have can be something we can workshop together.

As for kinks: F-list - Warning

Shoot me a message if you're interested! <3
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