Mx Female Snow's Shadowrun Craving


Ghost from the past
Sep 23, 2020

Okay, so this started out as a general Cyberpunk request thread but has quickly become all about finding someone who'd be interested in letting me run a Shadowrun story.​

What am I looking for?

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I want to play Adam Case, an Ork from the Redmond Barrens. He's young and I would want to play him as he gets his start in the world of running the shadows. I'm thinking that he puts out word that he's looking for someone also trying to get started and that's how he meets your character.

Ideally I'd love to play against an elf and there are a few reasons for this...

In the world of Shadowrun Orks are stereotyped as being big, dumb, dangerous, savages who'll rape, kill, and eat you. Elves are stereotyped as hot hippies who think they're better than everyone else. Both are actively discriminated against for almost exact opposite reasons. This is an aspect I'd love to explore as they come together and a romance begins.

I am also up for GMing the jobs that they complete together and have LOADS for them to do but the interpersonal stuff wont suffer as a result of the work they're doing. I think the interpersonal stuff will actually have a huge impact on how the jobs go and will create a bigger sense of risk since they're not just teammates but also lovers.

I can play a number of characters including NPC teammates that they pick up along the way.

I'm really hoping for this to start with them really at a beginner level and having to build themselves up. It would be amazing to write this long enough for them to become legendary runners but I think starting at the very beginning is where the most fun is. The struggle, the need to think around problems, becoming as adaptable as they have to be. The stakes are just higher, you know? Anyway, later I'll work on some kind of writing sample and maybe even post a full character bio for Adam Case. More to come.

Name: Adam Case
Age: 22
Race: Ork
Background: Adam Case was born in the chaotic slums of the Redmond Barrens, one of Seattle's most notorious districts. Raised by a single mother, Adam never knew his father, who was likely another victim of the Barrens' brutal streets. His mother never spoke of his father, and Adam never asked. Life was a daily struggle, and Adam quickly learned that survival depended on strength, cunning, and loyalty to those few you could trust.

Adam's mother worked long hours at a Stuffer Shack, making minimum wage, often working the overnight shift. She brought home what little food she could from work, much of it likely stolen to ensure they had enough to eat. Despite her grueling schedule, she was determined to provide for her son in any way possible. Her shifts constantly changed and her bosses were always asking more, promising a lot, and never really delivering. The one time she tried to stand up for herself she was fired on the spot and spent weeks trying to find a new job. During this time, Adam has no idea how she earned money. They had to move to a squat and their safety was worse than ever.

In their constant struggle to make ends meet, Adam and his mother would sometimes break into construction sites to steal fiber-optic cables. They would pawn these cables for extra money, a dangerous but necessary endeavor that taught Adam the skills of stealth and quick thinking from a young age.

Discrimination against Orks kept Adam out of the local schools, depriving him of a formal education. However, his mother was determined that he wouldn't be left behind. She spent what little extra money she had on books, teaching Adam herself during the rare moments they had together. Through her efforts, Adam developed a basic but solid foundation in reading, writing, and critical thinking, instilling in him a love for knowledge despite their harsh circumstances. Soon she turned his education over to him, allowing him to pirate e-books and learn about any topic that interested him. His knowledge started to grow, his mother reminding him that it didn't matter how much the trid told him that all Orks were stupid brutes, he could prove them wrong by simply holding his head up high and filling it with the knowledge they wanted to deprive him of.

By the age of 12, Adam was already running with a small gang, the "Barrens Brawlers," consisting mostly of other young Orks and trolls. It was a choice made in order to protect him and his mother. Every inch of Redmond, every corner and every block was claimed by one or more gangs. To live unaffiliated was suicide especially for Orks. He earned a reputation for his brute strength and knack for ending fights with a single, decisive blow. Despite his intimidating exterior, Adam had a sharp mind and a keen sense of street smarts, which helped him rise quickly within the gang's ranks. His heart was never entirely in it, as he was constantly looking for a way out. The corps didn't want him for anything other than maybe janitorial work. At best, going legit would mean being a wage slave, forced to do anything his bosses asked of him or he would be terminated without a second thought. It wasn't viable...

Adam's life took a significant turn when he witnessed the murder of his best friend and gang brother, Jax, during a botched deal with a local crime syndicate. This event planted the seeds of change in Adam. He realized that he didn't want to be just another street hood doomed to an early grave. He wanted more out of life – power, respect, and the means to protect those he cared about.

With no choice but to change his fate, Adam started training harder, honing his combat skills and learning everything he could about the world beyond the Barrens. However, fixers in the underworld wanted nothing to do with a young, inexperienced Ork, forcing him to take jobs from organized crime.
  • Vory V Zakone: The Russian Mafia, known for their ruthless efficiency, took a chance on Adam, valuing his toughness and resilience. They employed him for high-risk jobs that required brute force and a reliable presence. The work was dangerous, poorly paid, and filled with ever-present racism, but it provided Adam with valuable experience and connections.
  • Ancients: Despite being primarily an elven gang, the Ancients occasionally employed Adam for his muscle and street smarts. They used him for tasks requiring intimidation and physical enforcement. Working with the Ancients exposed Adam to different aspects of the criminal underworld, further broadening his skill set and reputation.
Recently, Adam did something that significantly impressed the Ancients. During a tense standoff with the Halloweeners, a violent gang known for their pyromania and chaos, Adam's quick thinking and bravery turned the tide in favor of the Ancients. He managed to defuse a potentially deadly situation by intercepting and disarming a bomb planted by the Halloweeners that was part of a revenge plot against the Ancients' leadership, earning a certain level of respect and admiration of the gang. In recognition of his actions, the Ancients gifted Adam a sleek, customized motorcycle, a symbol of their appreciation and a sign of his rising status.

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Really hoping to find someone who'd like me to GM some Shadowrun stuff for them!
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