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Fx Male Hades and Persephone in modern, supernatural setting


Я Баба Яга, переварил?
May 29, 2023
Things to remember

About me
  • Multi paragraph to novella length posts, the least I'll post is two paragraphs, depending on the scene.
  • There will be MxF romance, with me playing female characters. I am looking for someone to play male roles, regardless of your own gender identity
  • I pay close attention to detail when writing, I love to be detailed and bring the scene to life.
  • I am hiatus and break friendly - even if you're gone for months, I'll be on board when you come back.
  • OOC chatting is extremely important to me.
  • I have very little limits when it comes to subjects in writing and am open-minded.
  • I am obsessed with aesthetic and use images for roleplay whenever I can. Let me know ahead of time if this is something that doesn't interest you.
  • I am a SUCKER for a slowburn - I hate rushing things.
  • I'm big on world and character building, including side characters with some nuance to them, and so forth. I'm a big team player as well, so I'll need your help with some things!
  • I will always be ready to make compromises with you. I don't expect us to like the same things, but I am happy to meet somewhere in the middle with you.
My expectations
  • I expect similar effort in posting to my own - which means I have a high preference for advanced writers.
  • Willingness to plan with me - it's exhausting to be the only one running the show.
  • Let me know if you want me to change something in my post - I will not get mad, I promise. It's never been a problem for me to go back and do some changes to my post in order for you to have a response that may suit a better outcome in the situation.
  • Always share your ideas and desires with me! I really appreciate it when a partner comes to me saying "Hey, I really want to do a specific scene, something like..." Always be specific about it.
  • Open-mindedness, willingness to try out crazy things with me in writing.
  • Most important of all - have fun with me. That's the whole point! Please don't feel pressured about anything.

I have a plot concept idea for the modern day gods of Olympus setting, but our deities are in fact supernatural creatures: fae, shapeshifters, vampires, demons, angels and others. They coexist with human society in secrecy, but they also function under factions that are pretty much operating like political wings. There are conflicts of interest and even actual conflicts that lead to violent outbursts.

As to what Hades is in this universe (vampire, demon, or some other supernatural creature that you can come up with) is entirely up to you. I would love the idea of him being this bad boy-ish type, misunderstood anti-hero type. He keeps up the rough exterior, but of course, the romantic trope of finding the one person that brings back life into one’s dead garden is something I want to explore. Hades, one that knew death, violence, cold and darkness in his day to day basis meets someone filled who is the physical representation of that one beautiful warm, sunny day during the cold winter.

However, he is someone who is not a part of any faction. He would be considered in a “neutral” political spectrum, while he is just looking after his own interest, as well as the interests of his own clan. Even if Zeus is considered the main authority of the supernatural society, Hades only entertains it but is notorious for doing things his own way. He is a necessary evil in the supernatural society.

Something strange had happened two decades ago with the fae and nymphs, which resulted with Demeter’s illness, and Zeus’ sudden desire to shun her from the council, but it’s not something the rest of the faction members agreed with and that had been the reason why so much tension had rocked the supernatural society. Nobody knew exactly what happened, but it is all tied to a certain “human”. An orphan girl who is struggling in life, feeling like something is not quite right… And that is indeed my character, Persephone.

Zeus had been assigning people to find this girl among the mortals for the last decade without telling anyone why. However, one fateful night, Hades would sense a strange presence he had never really been familiar with, only to track down where these sensations are coming from, only to capture Persephone. He knows that she is not a regular human, even showing some subtle signs, but Persephone is instead showing no knowledge of her nature and is in fact incredibly scared of him.

Curiosity gets the better of him, only to soon after find out that this has been the girl Zeus has been looking for over a decade. But Hades is Hades - Zeus holds no leverage over him and considering how adamant Zeus is to get her, Hades is even more certain he would not give him what he wants, which prompts an aggressive reaction out of Zeus and they’re basically being hounded by the Zeus’ minions, while the rest of the factions either support Zeus or just blatantly refuse to support such volatile reaction from Zeus, who gave no rhyme or reason as to why he wants Persephone so badly, and why Demeter seemed to have grown quiet.

Hades is pursuing his own interest with Persephone being his captive, things would develop as we go and Persephone will soon learn what she is progressively. As to what happens and what drama may unravel, it’s entirely up to us and I’m looking forward to discovering it!
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