Mx Female Caught in the Rain / At the Lighthouse


Jul 23, 2024
Arcadia Bay was a quiet town, nothing crazy ever happened here. A perfectly normal small town along the coast where the fine folks went about their day. It was where renown author, Arthur Sterling grew up. Before his pen took him to L.A, New York, France, Italy, around the world...he was just a boy here in this small town. He's now turning 40, and he needs to decide what comes next. First he needs to decide why it is he came back to Arcadia after all this time. Was it his recent divorce? Was it that he seeks retirement? Or is it because of the dreams he keeps getting, that he cannot remember come morning.

Arcadia was built around the crabbing community years ago, but now business has nearly dried up. The Lighthouse overlooking the town used to be essential, but now it grows old...and dark. Full of memory. It now stands as a tourist attraction, an Air BnB as it is. Arthur rented it for a few months, here he stays and overlooks his childhood, looking out at the ocean and battling his own mental unrest. Then there was a storm, one he had never seen before. Taking shelter in his lighthouse, he gets a knock at the door. Two girls, their car broken down in the storm, cell phones dead. Too far from town, Arthur takes them in. Provides shelter for the night. And another...and another. One girl is a huge fan, and they spend hours talking and talking, the other grows fascinated in his books. Reading page after page of his work to pass the time. Before long, they become trapped during the storm for what feels like forever until all 3 of their troubles pasts become calm and they're each ready to move on.

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