Mx Any in search of our own nirvana. [story-driven plots with some smut]


Aug 24, 2022
United States



「Life shouldn't be an eternity of waiting.」

Ya-hallo, name's Shaoye, pleasure to meet you. I tend to go by any pronouns, and I have over a decade's worth of RP experience! I read a lot, I watch a lot, and I take a lot of inspiration from those interests into my writing. Looking to make some friends and get some roleplays rolling, so let's dive right into the good stuff!

About Me
  • I prefer to use drawn faceclaims, and would like my partner to be able to do the same as well, but if you really do prefer real life faceclaims instead, maybe I can accommodate.
  • This thread is, of course, predicated on me playing male characters, but I'm honestly comfortable playing any gender as desired. As far as gender pairings go, I'm open to any kind, including MxF and MxNB as far as what's relevant to this thread. While I do have the least experience with MxM, it is something that I'm curious about exploring more, if anyone is interested.
  • I enjoy OOC talk! Feel free to chat me up at your leisure if you'd like.
  • On the topic of talking to each other, definitely feel free to contribute your ideas and stuff you wanna do in our brainstorming sessions. Don't wanna feel like I'm just talking to myself, you know?
  • I write at a lazy-lit level; I tend to write a bare minimum of two paragraphs, and I'd like my partners to be able to do the same as well. Depending on the scene at hand and how invested I am, I can of course write way more than that though. At my most powerful, I like to fancy myself this side of advanced lit as well. Still, you know what they say, quality over quantity.
  • As far as post frequency goes, I probably won't be the fastest in the world. I work full time and my motivation tends to come and go, so I certainly can't promise consistent posts on a daily basis, probably little more than a handful a week, but I'll definitely try my best to remain active as can be. I'll be available to talk OOC just about every day though, if you ever wanna just chat.
  • That said, I'm ghost friendly. It happens, I really do get it. If you ever feel like wanting to come back after an extended absence, feel free to shoot me up and we can pick up where we left off or cook up something brand new!
  • As the title implies, I'm looking to do some RPs with a focus on story over smut, but don't worry, we'll definitely involve smut where we can too. Not sure about an exact ratio, maybe 70/30 for story to smut? Can be adjusted depending on how well we gel.
  • I prefer to RP on-site, mostly through PMs, though I can perhaps be talked into doing a thread if you really want!
  • If you're interested in cooking up an RP with me, feel free to just shoot me a message!

Original Prompts
Here, I'll be outlining some plots and general prompts that I have in mind. Also, if you're interested in any specific plot but also had some ideas for your own twist on them, feel free to let me know! I like to consider myself flexible and adaptable, so go nuts.

In this anachronistic fantasy world, two influential superpowers -- the empire in the West known as Wysteria and the republic in the East known as Taizo -- coexist in a rocky yet overall peaceful relationship with each other. Though the two nations hold a heated rivalry with each other in regards to political power and expansion, they also maintain mutual interests in continental security and economic growth. The cultural exchanges and trades have also led to both nations' citizens enjoying an appreciation of the world outside their respective homes, though immigration has remained rather low, meaning that the sight of visiting foreigners in either country tends to be a rarity and a cause of interest.

For this setting, I have a few plot ideas in mind. In both scenarios, Muse A is meant to be a female, while Muse B can be portrayed as any gender.

1. In her home land of Wysteria, Muse A is seen as a bit of a local hero, whether in the form of an independent agent or a famous member of an adventurer's guild, who works outside yet alongside the law to bring all sorts of criminals to justice, from petty bandits and power-hungry warriors to political subversives and everything in between. However, one particularly dangerous criminal continues to elude her grasp. Maybe this criminal has killed a loved one of the heroine's, or is otherwise uniquely able to destroy the stability of the world. Either way, our heroine is so driven to bring this criminal to justice that even when they flee to Taizo for one reason or another, she wastes no time chasing them into this new foreign land.

This is where Muse B comes in, a native resident of Taizo who knows their way around. Through one way or another, they bump into the heroine, and end up tagging along with her as a guide to help her navigate through this new, unfamiliar land, while also helping her in taking down this supposed foreign criminal. Along the way, the two of them will develop a close bond with each other that goes beyond mere acquaintances, as their perilous journey leads them into greater danger than they could have imagined.

2. As the tensions between Wysteria and Taizo threaten to reach a flash point if unaddressed, both countries elect to send diplomats to each other's countries to smooth relations with each other, putting a more active role into promoting an intercultural exchange and in order to get a better understanding of each state's priorities and interests. Muse A is one such diplomat, sent from Wysteria to Taizo, working closely with the royal courts to keep the peace and learn everything she can about this new culture. Accompanying her every step of the way is Muse B, assigned as her interpreter, her bodyguard, or anything else in between, working tirelessly to make sure the diplomat doesn't get herself into trouble, among other things.

This plot is pretty open-ended, with potential to either be a serious drama about brewing political tensions, or a more light-hearted slice of life affair focusing on learning about this new culture.

For both of these plots, we can also do an inverse for them and have them follow a Taizo character venturing into the land of Wysteria.

In this setting, you will be assuming the role of Muse A, and you're free to play them as any gender you'd like. Likewise, I'll be taking the role of Muse B here.

The year is 2100, the dawn of a new century. Though humanity has made great leaps in technology, it has also regressed socially and culturally. Social anxieties of the past half-century have only gone from bad to worse. It is a place where its citizens have the privilege to change and affix their bodies as they please with any manner of prosthetics and augmentations, yet are powerless against their oligarchic rulers. A place where your life, in one way or another, is beholden to parties who rule over you without impunity, from the corporations up in their high towers to the corrupt law enforcement officers who get away with killing you if you so much as look at them wrong.

In this world, the common citizen doesn't rely on police or other public servants to solve their day to day concerns and troubles, such had those departments become riddled with corruption. Rather, a privatized organization known as the Fixers, comprised of operatives of many disciplines and skills who can be contracted to do whatever the client wishes within reason, from detective work to bodyguard duty and everything in between, were always on the call to serve the public interest.

Muse A is one such Fixer, and they're one of the best around. For that reason, on a day like any other, Muse B -- a mysterious yet alluring figure -- suddenly approaches them with a peculiar job offer. A trail of serial kidnappings had apparently been taking place for a month now right under everyone's noses, gone largely ignored and perhaps even deliberately covered up. Intrigued by the case laid by their doorstep, the intrepid Fixer agrees to look into it, but it isn't long before it becomes clear the mysterious benefactor knows more about the case and is closer to it than they're letting on for whatever reason. Thus, they must wrestle with their uneasy relationship with their contractor as they carry out their investigation, which will lead them into a giant web of conspiracy and intrigue that they might not be fully prepared to face.

In a universe filled to the brim with heroes and villains of all sorts of backgrounds and abilities, where impossibly advanced science exists within the same space as magic, the world has seen it all by now. Alien invasions, demons from dark dimensions, dastardly masterminds with grand plans of world domination, you name it. And yet, without fail, the many heroes have always managed to band together to protect the world from these external threats, working under the banner of the Coalition of Heroes, or simply the Coalition for short.

In this setting, you are free to play either muse, and they can be whichever gender you'd like.

Muse A is a mid to low ranking hero within the Coalition of Heroes who has a bit of a complicated relationship with Muse B, a super-skilled thief and one of the young hero's most recurring villains. Or maybe simply "rival" was the better descriptor, for the thief always made sure not to harm innocent civilians while on a job. Indeed, despite the two of them always ending up at odds with each other, neither of them had any true enmity for the other. Every time they'd bump into each other, the dynamic between them played out like a show on repeat; the mischievous thief would always try to tempt the hero into joining them and throwing away those pesky moral scruples, while the righteous hero would always insist to the so-called villain that it wasn't too late to renounce their thieving ways and use their skills for good. The villain had even long since found out the hero's real identity, but promised to keep their secret intact as a gesture of honest respect. Their relationship had remained static like this for a while now, until a chance encounter changed everything.

It was all so sudden and out of nowhere. On a night like any other, the hero was hoping to enjoy a peaceful evening after a hard day's work, until they began to hear an urgent banging on their door. Opening it, it was none other than the thief, battered and beaten, who could only look desperately yet frankly in their greatest rival's eyes. They were in deep trouble, they needed desperate help, and they had nowhere else to go.

How did the poor outlaw end up like that, and how far was the hero willing to go to protect their most heated rival? How many people were they willing to fight to protect them, and how much were they willing to sacrifice to make sure that villain could turn over a new leaf?

In this fantasy world of great scientific advancement that lives in co-existence with magic, the kingdom of Pavonis exists as one of the major pillars of the charted world, often at the forefront of innovating technology, exporting various goods to the many other nations it has forged relationships with, and maintaining a strong, robust military for maximum security.

Within the borders of Pavonis, Hyperion Military Academy is known to be one of the most prestigious post-secondary schools in the nation. Despite its name, many of its graduates do not actually go on to join the military, but the school does provide its students with life skills and combat experience necessary for a wide assortment of other jobs such as contract adventurers, local or state law enforcement, combat instruction, engineering, and so on. Though long seen as a fraternity club for the wealthy elites, a newly implemented equity program has ensured students of more modest backgrounds to be admitted based on their performance and aptitude in order to make the playing floor more even.

Enter Class 4, the newest class created for these students of less noble origins, though it doesn't take much to notice that they're notably segregated from the rest of the school. Still, while they're here, they may as well get the most out of this supposed prestige education. Much like the rest of the school's student body, [...]

Over the course of their school year, Squad A will come to learn about who they want to be and forge deep bonds with each other, while also touring the country on various field exercise trips to hone their skills and broaden their understanding of their worlds. Along the way however, whispers from the various people they meet both at school and around the country spell rumors of heating tensions between other countries, until an impending war becomes more and more likely with each passing day. And maybe, just maybe, Squad A will have the rotten luck of being the only ones who can stop the war before it happens.

This is another plot in which I'm thinking could potentially be an interesting polyamorous plot, but I'd also be open to juggling two separate relationships between our four characters as well. If there are any takers interested in this plot but would much rather only play one character, something can be arranged as well with minor tweaks to the plot. To that end, the overarching war story can also potentially be dropped in favor of a more light-hearted scenario.

For fandoms, I don't really have anything concrete in mind as far as plots go aside from some vague ideas for some characters, but I'd definitely be up for some brainstorming. Listed below are some characters I'm looking to either play as or against. Looking for primarily canon x OC pairings, with some exceptions. Not too experienced with doubling, would take some convincing depending on the characters in question. Also potentially open to AUs as well.

Big comic reader here, not that I'd consider myself an all-around expert. Willing to play around with continuity and interpretations as needed.


  • Illyana Rasputin (Magik)
  • Gwen Stacy (Spider-Woman)
  • Felicia Hardy (Black Cat)
  • Cindy Moon (Silk)
OC x OC Prompts

  • Spider-Verse - Something akin to a multiversal adventure following two members of the Spider Society, or maybe constructing a Spidersona or two and an original world for them to live in.

Just like with Marvel, I've read my fair share of the comics.


  • Kara Zor-El (Supergirl)
  • Dinah Lance (Black Canary)
  • Barbara Gordon
  • Stephanie Brown

Well, I guess that about covers it. If any of this interests you, send a PM my way and we can get to talking shop!
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