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Closed Lust Demon Hunting (World of Darkness, HTR 5E)

Closed - no longer seeking

Caramel Cooper

Sweet Dreams
Nov 7, 2019
Hello sweetlings!

I’m looking to run a short-ish, self-contained scenario for 3 to 4 players on the forum using the rules of Hunter: The Reckoning (5th Edition). It uses similar dice mechanics to Vampire: The Masquerade, both part of the World of Darkness franchise.

I’ve run games in other systems and have looked into HTR for quite some time, but this would be my first time actually running it. Below is a pitch for a scenario, but I’m open to suggestions in case you’re interested in the system but not this particular scenario. Some homebrew content will also be involved, including demons as the main supernatural threat.

System. You play as human Hunters in the modern world, each gifted with an Edge that gives you the necessary advantage against threats beyond the natural, whether yours is assets you own or people you know, talents that exceed the mundane, or even a subtle supernatural power or a magic artifact. You don’t necessarily need to know the system in advance, and I can provide you with step-by-step character creation instructions.

Lust Demons. The demons you hunt are similar to vampires in that they feed on humans, but rather than drinking blood, they drain their victim’s feeling of pleasure during sexual intercourse, leaving them emotionally impaired. It follows that the tried-and-true modus operandi of such demons across the globe appears to be sex slave trafficking, which seems essential to their survival. Unlike vampires, demons are spirits possessing human bodies and you’re afraid they might be doing so with the victim’s mind still trapped in the body, fully aware of its surroundings. You’re also quite confident that demons have no problem with sunlight and could therefore be integrated in the daily lives of society in ways that vampires cannot.

Scenario. You’ve pinpointed the location of a powerful demon to a private party at a luxurious mansion by a lake, an idyllic place in the middle of the woods. You’ve pulled some favors from your contacts and have managed to get yourselves proper invitations so that those of you who wish can enter the party as guests, while others might have different means of infiltration. Although you don’t even know who the demon is or what other threats you might have to face, you’re quite convinced this is your one and only chance to get close enough.

Requirements & Content Warning
  • Post at least a paragraph at a time, preferably more, and at least a couple of times per week (though with notice of absence, exceptions are perfectly fine).
  • Roughly 60% story, 40% smut.
  • All characters must be 18 or older.
  • Non-con. Main kinks include forced sex, bondage, domination, and other forms of forced BDSM (mostly NPCs as victims, but potentially PCs, too—at the player’s consent, of course).
  • At least some PCs should be Female or Non-Binary (of any body type). I’m not looking for an all-Male group, but some Males in the mix are always welcome! Your real-life gender doesn’t matter.
  • Focus will be on FxF, FxNB, FxM, NBxNB, and NBxM pairings (of various body types). I prefer not to role-play M/M pairings, at least not in much detail.
Let me know in this thread if you’re interested or if you have any questions!
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Thinking of a character who is an unfortunate cop who is tormented by a vampire that enjoys messing with him and fucking him. He does not know who to turn to as he even tried shooting the vampire and it did not work, so he tried hard to learn how to take out supernatural creatures and separate the myth from the things that worked.
Sounds good for a backstory and a source for the character's motive! For the scenario I have in mind, your Hunters already have some experience with dealing with the supernatural and have likely done some hunts together, too. With that in mind, maybe your cop hasn't heard from the vampire in a while and has since discovered a way to kill one, just waiting for the next opportunity, or maybe he's been meeting with the vampire regularly despite knowing how to kill one and just hasn't been able to get himself to do the deed. Resolving that would be beyond the scope of the scenario, though!

Couple more players and we can get things going.
This sounds interesting. I will be able to put together a hunter for this!
Sweet! Three players is enough, but there's one more spot which we can reserve for the aforementioned friend of @mainman (unless it's one of the others above?). Otherwise we can take one more player in. I'll start setting up an OOC thread, which might take a day or two complete.
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