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Where your Shadow Falls

Dec 12, 2015
Chapter 1

The city in the distance was barren, devoid of all life, slowly being reclaimed by the desert sands.
Such a large contrast to what it was only a year ago. Kal stared without really feeling much at where his journey started.

The dry air blew past, catching his cloak “are you alright Kal?” Came a female voice, he looked over at the Orc female, his mate Shara.
his gaze returned to the dead city “I’m fine, just reliving old memories.” The Orc wore desert clothing like his, made for comfort in the unforgiving heat.

Her hand rested on his shoulder and she followed his gaze to the city. “Regret? I didn’t take you for one to let the past to gnaw at your bones.”
Kal couldn’t help but chuckle, her odd turns of phrase were still interesting to someone like him.

“Not really, just remembering, you know, how I got here? It’s been a year, so much has changed” he took her hand and kissed it. “It was for the better, it was just a rough start.” She moved to place her arm around his shoulders, she was a bit taller then him but it felt right.

“Come, let the past lie where it died, only trouble can come from stirring its remains.” The Orc woman pulled the human with her and he didn’t fight it, She was right.

They made their way back to the caravan, the sun was going down and they would all stop to camp for the night.
The wagons were pulled by large beasts with leathery skin, warriors guarded their few possessions and supplies.

Kal fell into his usual place next to Shara on the left side of the fourth wagon.
While they walked he pulled out his dagger and focused on the blade, it had become routine for him to learn magic while they traveled, Shara wasn’t just his mate but teacher as well. She was known as a Spellsword, a mage who could imbue their weapons with various powers and abilities, a rare skill and a powerful one that often gave great advantage on the battlefield.

Shara observed in silence, waiting to see if he would achieve the task she had set him, to focus his magic into his blade, which could result in different effects.
Kal had been trying for weeks, ever since he learned he could wield magic.

His brow furrowed as his energy started draining into the metal, it wasn’t the best focus but if it worked on mediocre material, it would be so much more powerful with a weapon that was made for his magic.

There was a red spark that jumped along the metal, Shara saw it and reach out with a finger to touch the blade, this turned out to be a mistake as the red spark jumped from the metal to her finger and she cried out in surprised pain, she jumped back and shook her hand wildly “by the Old gods! What was that Kal?!” Shara yelled, others in the caravan turned to watch with interest.

Kal shrugged “I did what you told me to, but why wasn’t there fire like with your blade?”
Shara had stuck her finger in her mouth to stop the pain in her finger “i can do fire because that is what my magic becomes, yours may be…whatever that was…”

The implications of such began to dawn on Kal, this was the first real progress he’d had in a while regarding magic, if he could use the power in a blade, all he would have to do was touch his opponents sword and ‘bam!’ It would work like a taser from his world! That was assuming he could put more power into it and retain his focus.

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