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Request: Fantasy-Romance,

Jul 14, 2024
Hello! This is my first request thread! I'm fairly new to the site, but have been roleplaying in forums since Gaia Online in 2004.

And I crave words. Dont we all? Za, za....

My Plot Proposal: A c-drama inspired roleplay (replace c-drama with an overly dramatic elven fiction and it's the same thing) about the romance between a painter with a secret and a demon-type character of some sort. I say 'Prince' in the title because I believe in a person being what they are, whether they have a title or not. MC (F, artist) is a long-time member of the court, though no one knows her that well (she keeps it that way). However, her secret allows her to make visual chronicles of events passed, like battles, accords, discoveries, the like. So the court has her employed full time. This does not make her a courtesan or maid, she's considered a servant of high regard, meaning paid, but that's as far as her status goes so long as the current crown finds her talent worth keeping around. So it's almost best that she's unimportant and makes no waves in the day to day life of the court and it's many, many inhabitants.

Enter YC (male, edgy, maybe scary but you know, ultimately good underneath all that) - who may be of higher standing and betrothed already, or perhaps they need information and discover her talent, or are simply a thief with aspirations of leading his own band of thieves and you took a job you couldn't swallow, etc. I'm open to building the story and plot together, I'm coming with just the basics and some ideas.

Environment I chose C-Drama/Fantasy for the aesthetics, some inspiration, and the expectations of the court that make any drama ridiculous for reasons that dont *have* to be reasons. I love nature, trees, flowers, rivers, waterfalls; so it can easily be a roleplay that fits in most fantasy settings, regardless of exact universe.

My Preferences I'm looking for someone who really wants to play this sort of story. I personally am ace/demi, so when I write, I often, often will write that way. Oblivious, confused, food-motivated.... So this isn't going to be smut-driven. Not smut-less, but that's not the point. And if you've seen a c-drama, you get me.

Other I do not require images of our characters, or layouts. I'd like to keep it to PMs because I am forum shy (it took me a week to make this thread finally). For more intimate preferences I'd like to discuss those in PMs rather than here.

My Sample

Gentle steps echoed in the hall before the sound of the door sliding open broke the silence of the rooms. With a candle lit, she made her way to the windows where she pulled on the cords and lifted the blinds to let in the natural light of the day. The rich hues of the wooden shelves with the shining scrolls organised smartly brought a smile to her petal pink lips. Light illuminated the scrolls depicting the blue hues of her office, the golden lotus gliding along the flow of a silver river beneath a moon. Stepping up a step to the inner offices, she unlocked the doors and let herself in. Here there were no windows, natural light having a way to change the colour of important papers or paints of time. Here the work was protected as she worked, away from where she received visitors in the more brightly lit office upfront. Her fingers traced the edges of a scroll she had been working on passed midnight, having been reluctant to leave it. Now, seeing where her lines had begun to falter, she was glad she had. With a soft sigh she decided tea and a small cake would do before she attempted to pick up her brush again. Between the shaking of her hand and the migraines, she truly wanted to just finish this scroll today. Despite her urgency to be finished and to rest though, she refused to finish it in haste and deliver poor quality. So, just a small cup of tea and cake. Then, back to the grind.
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