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ʟᴏɴɢ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ɴᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ  ღ  reverie. + father figure


♡  𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔦𝔣𝔲𝔩 𝔇𝔦𝔰𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯  ♡
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Aug 7, 2021


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Three weeks had passed since Amber had been foolish enough to have sex with a stranger. Three fucking weeks and her vagina was still sore when she tried to use it - still bleeding whenever she tried to put something bigger than a finger up there. She'd called the doctor last week to schedule an appointment just in case something was wrong, but now that she was waiting in the waiting room she couldn't help but wonder if this was stupid. What was she going to say? Hey, someone fucked me so hard I think they ripped my insides apart, please check? No. There was no way she was saying that. She could lie and say that she had a boyfriend and that he'd been. . . rougher than usual. No, that didn't sound very convincing either. Perhaps she should say that it had started bleeding out of the blue? Not that anyone would believe that.

Amber was scrolling mindlessly on her phone, not paying attention to the images on her screen or her surroundings when a nurse eventually called her name. She almost missed it. The nurse had to call her name three times before Amber registered that it was her name she was calling. She muttered a sorry as she followed the nurse down a long corridor. Amber couldn't remember the last time she'd been here, but it was probably over a year ago, maybe two. The nurse helped her get comfortable and started with the standard procedure. For some reason, it didn't feel scary at all to tell the nurse why she was there. She didn't provide the nurse with too many details, just that she'd been bleeding during intercourse. It wasn't a straight-out lie, but Amber hadn't exactly had sex with anyone since that rough night three weeks ago. She hadn't been raped, but considering how painful it had been, she might as well have been. Amber hadn't been properly wet, and he didn't have any lube - not exactly the best combination for someone with his size. Fresh blood had leaked out of her and her insides had burned for hours.

She had tried using her dildo a few times after that, but obviously, she kept ripping up a wound or something. It wasn't like she had to put things inside of her either, but if something was wrong, she'd like to know. The nurse left her alone after she was done taking the tests that she needed, and Amber fished out her phone again. She knew the doctor was always late, this wouldn't be any different.

Only it was.

When the door eventually opened, she looked up from her screen. The shock on her face could probably be seen from a mile away.
"Eric," she said out loud. It was not a greeting, just an observation. At first, she wondered what the fuck he was doing there, but then she noticed his white cloak and she reminded herself that he was a doctor. She just didn't think he'd be here. Of all the places she could run into him. . .

He hadn't changed much since the last time she'd seen him. How long had it been? Five years? Almost six? The last time she saw him was when Amber and her mom had moved out. She tried not to stare, but she just couldn't get over the initial shock of seeing him again. He hadn't changed much, but Amber certainly had. She was no longer a brunette and she most definitely was no longer a teenager. Her fashion style had changed a lot too, even though he might have a hard believing that considering her current outfit - a tank top and loose sweatpants. It wasn't like she was planning on attending a party after this appointment.

In fact, she wasn't sure she was sticking around for the appointment either, because Amber wasn't about to tell her former stepdad that someone had fucked her until she bled. She had still been a virgin the last time he saw her. It wasn't exactly a secret that she was sexually active now that she was older, but she didn't want to share any details with him.



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Dr. Eric Sullivan entered the hospital through the staff entrance, the dreary dawn sky giving way to the sterile corridors. The scent of antiseptic hung in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of coffee brewing in the distant break room. He navigated the labyrinthine hallways with practiced ease, mind already sifting through the cascade of responsibilities that awaited him, giving a few easy and casual greetings to the voices of people he had been working with for years but barely spoken to, his hand scrolling on his phone as he glanced over recent staff emails. This was a man who was a consummate professional, and he looked the part, the clean-cut older man who bore a dignity and confidence that came with expertise in his field. It also did not hurt that it was coupled with the familiar white coat of a doctor, and the name tag that reassured his patients that he knew exactly what he was doing. A small frown touched his face as he came across the message that a member of his department, Olivia Rodriguez, was out sick and he would have to pick up her caseload for the day. What an absolute pain in his proverbial ass. But, with a sigh he dropped by his office to offload his satchel, went by the scrub sink to perform thorough handwashing before seeing anybody, and proceeded to begin working through the backlog.

First on the list was Jasmine Carter, neatly typed across the top of the file. Thirty-eight-year-old first-time mother, due for a routine checkup. Easily enough overseen, routine pregnancies were exactly that. Absolutely routine. Next was Maria Hernandez, a high-risk case that required a bit more consultation. His brow furrowed as he reviewed the notes, a small bit of concern regarding potential complications. Eric scheduled her for a follow-up in a week with Dr. Rodriguez. Maybe he should notate that he wanted an additional ultrasound done before she left, making a small note in the case file for the nurse before dropping it off at the station. The clock on the wall ticked steadily, but he paid it no mind. As any doctor soon realized you just had to move at the pace you had, and to not fret so much. You would get to people when you got to them. Next on the list was Fatima Ali, a nineteen-year-old college student seeking advice on…

…and it was now nearly three o'clock and he absentmindedly grabbed the case off the nurse's station before moving down to room 3 and stepping inside without even bothering to note the name on the file. And then he heard his name, his head coming up to note the woman that was there, and his eyes blinking as he reconciled the past with the present. To say he was non-plussed was an understatement. He could not quite fathom how so much had changed in so short a time, Amber having gone from a lovely young teenager into a full grown and beautiful woman. There was the briefest of hesitations as he glanced back down at the folder and flipped it open, reading through the notes with a skim of his eyes, and his heel caught the door as he stepped into the room, giving it a small kick as he spoke.

"Amber, it's good to see you. Please, tell me about what's brought you in?"

He shut the door behind him.

It took a few moments for Amber to wrap her head around what was happening. If he was there, it meant that Dr. Rodriguez wasn't. Which could only mean that he was her replacement, and there was simply no way she was going to tell him why she was there. Even if this had been five years ago, she wouldn't. Seeing him again now, brought back old memories - memories she'd tried to forget. Memories she couldn't quite understand. Memories, that didn't always make sense.

Amber had been six when her mother married Eric and he came into her life. And she learned to love him like a real father. He was amazing. At least, at first - at least to her. It wasn't until she overheard a heated argument between him and her mother during her early teenage years that she started wondering if things weren't as great as they appeared to be, after all. She'd seen and heard things before that too, but she'd been too young to understand what it truly meant. But after overhearing a few arguments, and seeing and hearing her mother cry - sometimes even scream - Amber knew something wasn't right. She'd seen bruises on her mother's skin too, but never asked her about it. She didn't have to. So, when her mother eventually decided to divorce him, Amber knew why. She didn't have to ask, her mother didn't have to say anything - Amber just knew. Which was why, when her mother didn't want anything to do with him anymore, Amber kept her distance as well. It wouldn't be fair to her mother if she kept Eric in her life, despite how fond she was of him.

Because Eric had always been kind to Amber. He'd never harmed a hair on her head. Yes, he had raised his voice on a few occasions, and a couple of times, he had scared her. But he had never physically hurt her. She had never seen him hurt her mother either, she just knew he must have. There was simply no other explanation. But seeing him now, made her wish she had asked her mother about it. If only to get a confirmation. Was he dangerous? Did she have to be cautious around him? Probably not. A lot could happen in five years. A lot had happened. Chances were he had changed, just like her. He might even have remarried. . . But she doubted it.

"Yes, hi," she stuttered, her cheeks changing color. What exactly was she going to say? They hadn't spoken in five years, and Amber didn't know if she should try to catch up or just pretend nothing had ever happened. "Uhm. . . actually," she began, resting her hands and her phone in her lap. Her eyes landed on the folder he was holding. What exactly did it say? Did he already know why she was there? Her pulse quickened just thinking about it. She considered getting up and leaving, but that would definitely make him ask questions. "Just a headache, really," she lied, meeting his gaze and praying that he couldn't see through her lies the way he used to. "That - eh. . . That won't go away." She'd come back later with her actual problem, when Dr. Rodriguez could help her.

If Eric could just prescribe her something or tell her she'd be fine, she could leave. She didn't have to be there a second too long - wouldn't have to find out whether or not he had changed. And he didn't have to know that there was something wrong with her pussy.



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Huh,” he said.

And that was all he said as he moved over towards her, his foot catching the wheel of the rather typical rolling stool that was often found in the medical setting. He caught it with a tap of his foot, settling down and flipping through the paperwork with an idle air of a man who was not about to let her go on her way without at least reviewing what notes had already been taken. And the notes did not correspond with what she was discussing, not at all, which he supposed if he were really considerate on the subject was something that he would easily let go. It was natural for a woman to feel uncomfortable with a male doctor, even more so when that male was your gynecologist, and even more so when that male was not just your OBGYN but at one time your Stepfather. Eric made the smallest little clucking sound in the back of his throat, an idle gesture that Amber had heard numerous times through her youth. A gesture which hinted at his disappointment, but even more personally that he was directly disappointed with the individual. Not that they had failed, but that they had done something related to him. It was the kind of sound only a parent would make with a child, and certainly he should not be making with her, a woman who was no longer a child and more importantly no longer his child.

His voice was idly musing as he responded to her. “
Yes, well, that’s not what the nurse wrote down, so I am left with the unenviable decision as to either fire her for falsely documenting the problem, reprimanding her for giving me the wrong patient file, or just assuming you’re not quite sure you want to talk to me about what’s going on. I think I’m going to lean towards the latter.”

And then his eyes raised, and he gazed at her, a calm directness that was startling. His hand came out to touch her thigh, giving a small squeeze of familiarity, but there was something definitively strong in those fingertips. Something that hinted that maybe he could never be kind to a woman if she was in his grasp, but such a thing could not be true, not when he followed it up by letting go of her leg and giving a pat where he had just gripped, and that pat had the ring of nostalgia to it. Of days when he had sat next to her and watched shows, of nights when he had been a confidant and given her his attention, and of proud moments when she had made him happy. And most decidedly there was no ring on that hand that he had patted her with. Or maybe he had just removed it so that he could work, after all his hands were going in quite private areas on a woman, and it was important not to have any potential avenues of infection.

And to that point he stood up as he continued to talk, walking over to the nearby sink to pull out two latex gloves, his voice holding a measure of professionalism in it but there was an undercurrent of something unmistakable. A sincere certainty that she would acquiesce. “
Now, I get why you want to wait and shrug this off, but the symptoms you are describing could be something serious. So, I am going to examine you. Taking unnecessary risks with your health isn’t worth a little discomfort.

Lie back, Amber.

Amber could feel her pulse increasing as he seemed to read whatever was written in that folder. She knew what it said - she was the one who had scheduled an appointment, after all. And she knew exactly what she'd told the nurse earlier. Would she have lied if she'd known he'd be her doctor? Absofuckinglutely. But it was a little too late for that now. So, she watched him read in silence, praying that he would catch up on her attempt to not make this more awkward than it already was. But he had never been afraid to confront her in the past, so she didn't know why she thought it would be any different now.

Her cheeks turned brighter.
"I - uh. . ." She blinked at him, contemplating what to say. She did not want the nurse to get in trouble, she really didn't. But spreading her legs for the man who used to kiss her goodnight wasn't exactly on her bucket list. Now, it wasn't like he hadn't seen body her before - he had. Countless times, even. He'd taken her to the pool, the beach, kept her company on their porch. . . He'd seen her in a bikini. He'd seen her in her underwear. But he had never seen her naked and she would like to keep it that way. Especially now that her body had changed. Him seeing her perky breasts would have been one thing - but her pussy?

She hated that he was right, her expression probably giving it away too. When he reached out to touch her thigh, giving it a light squeeze - just like he'd done numerous times before - something flickered in her eyes as her gaze fell to her lap. It might be easily mistaken for discomfort, perhaps even shock, but really, it was fear. It didn't hurt, not like that anyway, but she could tell there was a hidden message behind his fingertips. Or maybe she was imagining things, her mind playing tricks on her since she knew his past.

The pat he gave her next used to make her feel comfortable and safe - loved, even - but now it only made her stomach turn. Her eyes managed to take in his ring-free hand before she raised her gaze to meet his again. The lack of a ring on his finger proved absolutely nothing. Perhaps he had a new stepdaughter now? She felt a sting of jealousy as that thought appeared in her head. Yet Amber had no reason to feel that way, not when she knew what he'd done to her mother.

When he got up, increasing the distance between them, she let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding. A sigh of relief, of sorts. Amber leaned forward as if getting ready to get up. She actually thought he was going to let her off the hook, so when he turned to face her again, latex gloves in hand, dread filled her entire body.

"Honestly, it's nothing," she said, lying through her teeth. She wouldn't have been there if it was nothing. "I can just come back. I'm sure -" Her breath hitched at his direct order. He might not have meant it as one, but it made every cell in her body send out a stress signal as if trying to tell her not to do it. But what exactly would happen if she didn't? Amber hoped she didn't look as uncomfortable as she felt as she leaned back a little. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her pulse so fast her throat was throbbing. "Eric, I'm serious. It's no big deal," she said, her tone indicating that she was on the verge of panicking. The thought of him making her strip out of her sweatpants and remove her panties made her insides squirm. And not in a good way.



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He turned towards her as those gloves came on and the look in his eyes would stop a deer in its tracks. Those eyes were cool, not just calm, and cold determination to them as he stared at her. They pierced Amber’s soul, like laser beams that scoured her very existence, picking up each piece of her, judging what she was, and then sitting them down with a dismissive mental gesture. Was there anything about her that Eric approved of, anything about her that he found worth his time and effort? Or was it merely the face that she had bothered him by daring to question what he wanted out of her. By daring to voice an opinion that in any way differed from his own. The look he gave was patriarchal, the certainty of a man who knew far better than she did, and the tiniest bit of motion came to his head as he shook it like was surprised that she would do so. Though as he began to shake his head there was the briefest of flickers in those eyes as his mind recognized something, some small part of him, that realized how beautiful she truly was. Amber was uncertain about undressing in front of him, and that was reasonable for anyone to feel, but how did Eric feel about that possibility? Was there part of him that realized how much he might appreciate seeing more of her?

The voice that spoke was condescending, the kind of voice that many a woman heard from medical professionals that were rather tired of their so called “hysterics” and that it was time to listen to the doctor in the room. And lets face it, the man in the room. “
Amber, I am going to go through this with you and explain it to the best of my ability. Once I am done though you are going to do what I told you, are we understood?

The question was obviously rhetorical.

Eric moved back towards her to gaze down at her from his height, a height that seemed frighteningly greater than it had been mere moments before. His hand came to rest on the side of the table, a closeness of their bodies that hinted he could touch her at any moment even though he did not. The action created a shadow from the light overhead, casting Amber in the position of subordinate, inferior, and reminiscent of her childhood. How had she ever seen him as anything other than that imposing figure? Even now he seemed remarkably large, a goliath of a man, and the years had done nothing but been kind to him. The older man had aged like fine wine, discarding any kind of whimsy and easy-going nature that his younger self had in favor of a distinguished air. It lent a weight to what he did, a sincere influence on reality itself that this man could and would do whatever he chose.

That stern voice continued. “
There are many medical conditions associated with the symptoms you have described. Some are serious, some are not, and some are even life threatening. Ectopic pregnancy, Uterine fibroids, Hormonal Imbalances, Infections, Polyps, and more. Now, I understand this occurred during intercourse and so you want to shrug it off as being related to the endeavor, and it might be. I also understand that there is a measure of embarrassment involved. But, let me do my job so that we can take care of this.” Underneath that tone was the hint of something else unsaid, a simple statement that did not need to be heard but that Amber certainly could notice. Don’t make me tell you a third time. What would happen if Amber decided that she was going to leave? Would Eric stop her from doing so?

It wasn't hard to see that Eric was displeased with her behavior. And she couldn't exactly blame him. He was the doctor, after all. And. . . she'd been lying. How many times had he caught her lying in the past? He'd probably lost count a long time ago. When she was a child, she used to lie about stealing cookies from the cookie jar and about hiding his keys. When she was a teenager, she used to lie about everything. Where she was, where she'd been, where she was going. Thankfully, he hadn't been around when she started lying about having sex and drinking alcohol. Eric had always been able to tell when she was lying. How he did it, she had yet to uncover, but she'd certainly gotten better at it throughout the years. But even she could understand how foolish her attempt had been to lie about her medical condition. It might have worked on someone else, but Eric had once been her father. Early on, she even called him daddy. Not anymore though. He was no longer in her life and he was definitely not her father anymore. What would he even say if he knew she was having one-night stands with strangers? Would he ground her like he'd done so many times before? He could try, but Amber was no longer a child, and more importantly, she was no longer his child. The only thing he should do was examine her. Not that she really wanted him to.

She watched him closely, her eyes observing him from the short distance.
"Hmm?" She'd barely paid attention to what he was saying, so it took her a few seconds to process his words. "Oh, of course," she muttered, even though she wasn't sure she understood. She never took her eyes off him as he approached her. He towered over her small frame, and it was like she was seeing him for the first time - and in some way, she was. It was five years since she'd seen him last, and they had both been younger then. Smaller too, probably. Because she could have sworn he wasn't this big back then. And not the kind of big like the fattie who had tried to hit on her last week at the club. No, this had to be pure muscle. It made her wonder how many hours he spent at the gym. It made her wonder how easily he could lift her up. How easily he could overpower her. Her mind was going over all sorts of scenarios when he placed his hand next to her, causing her heart to beat even faster.

Eric was so close. Too close. Sure, they'd hugged countless times before. Hell, she'd even been curled up against him on the couch during movie nights. But this, this was very different. Her eyes glanced at his hand before meeting his gaze.
"I'm not fucking pregnant, Eric," she snapped as soon as he mentioned that that might be a possibility. But what did she know? She knew condoms weren't one hundred percent safe, and with her forgetting to take the pill at least once a week, there was a tiny possibility that she might be. She doubted it though. But if he wanted to run tests to confirm it, she'd let him, only to rub it in his face. But Amber was only there to get confirmation that her inner walls were torn and for the doctor to tell her exactly how long it would take to heal. So, as soon as Eric had given her an estimated number of days or weeks, she would leave.

He just had to do his job first, and she had to let him.

"I'm not embarrassed," she muttered, sounding almost offended that he would even accuse her of being so, but it was just another lie. She was embarrassed. The last thing she wanted was to pull down her pants for him. But Amber knew better than to argue with Eric Sullivan. And it wasn't like she was not going to test his patience right before he was going to check her pussy. So, eventually, she leaned back, pulling her knees up a little so she could pull her sweatpants down her thighs. Her cute lace panties were still on, covering her clean-shaven pussy. "I'm just saying, it's no big deal," she repeated. The back of her head found the headrest. "I know what caused it," she said sharply, tilting her head to the side to glare at him. Her expression alone should be enough evidence that she had no plans of providing him with any more information. "I just want to know when it will be back to normal." Amber kept her knees up - her sweatpants resting over them. She spread her legs, if only enough for him to access her private parts between them. "So, if you could just tell me how long I have to wait, that would be great, thanks." She couldn't help but sound a bit rude. It shouldn't come as a surprise to him, as Amber often used sarcasm or fake confidence to cover up her true feelings. And he seemed to already know how she felt about this, so she wasn't going to pretend she was fine with it.



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He almost rolled his eyes at her.

Nothing could have told him that Amber was still an immature child than her response to this particular situation. It would have been perfectly acceptable if she had been embarrassed. Embarrassed and not comfortable with someone that she had known previously being the doctor who examined her. It would have been very reasonable if she had simply requested to wait for another doctor or requested a nurse to step in to be in attendance while he examined her. But that was not the response that she was giving him at all. The behavior, the defensiveness, the attitude radiated petulance and it caused him to raise his eyebrows at her as he had often done when he had reprimanded her, and she had thrown a tantrum in her youth. She was not the only one who remembered the past, of a young girl staring up at him with her hands on her hips imperiously, or when she had become a teenager and had tried to hide her face and grown skittish under his direct stare. If she felt some innate need to prove herself, to prove to him that she was an adult and capable of making her own decisions, then she was most definitely correct that such a time was long past for both of them. Worse though, now as it had been then, were the moments when he made absolutely no response to the actions in which she was engaged. Merely staring at her until she stopped her antics and listened to the parental authority, and so he stared at her until she laid back and adjusted her clothing to be examined.

Eric did not touch her in any manner other than professionally, though there was something in the way his hands moved that seemed to hint at something more. What was it that made it uncomfortable? Was it the silence in which he acted, only prompting her for answers on occasion to the simple medical questions that he had or was it that his fingers always seemed to linger just a moment to long in the spots where they were. As if a split second was enough to tip the balance between a proper medical examination and an inappropriate exploration of her young body. With someone who completed of vaginal bleeding there were multiple possibilities, and while they both knew the true nature of what caused the symptoms (gleaned with ease from how she had defensively stated that she knew exactly what caused it), Eric was not willing to let her go without doing a cursory checkup. His hands touched her lower abdomen, pressing mildly, querying if she felt any discomfort. Afterwards, and without asking any permission whatsoever since he considered it already given, he tugged her panties to the side.

This time he came down to press lightly on her mons pubis, noting that she kept herself clean shaven, and then took the time to examine her labia majora and labia minora. Even though it felt improper, even though it felt wrong, there was never a moment that it seemed Eric was trying to provide her pleasure or molest her. It just seemed to border on some strange ephemeral barrier between a man doing his job, and a man taking liberties he should not. And then with a suddenness that seemed stunning, Eric's finger slipped inside of her. Normally most doctors turned their head away while doing so, using the tactile sensation of an expert who knew what they were doing to come to a conclusion concerning their patient. But Eric looked down directly into Amber's face, his eyes growing almost hard with that authoritarian air that Amber knew from her youth. It was almost like his voice filled her ears. Do not move, he was saying to her. Turn around, stay put, and put your face in the corner.

The finger was removed, a small hint of blood on the latex glove, and he gave a small nod of his head.
"Well, you are correct, there are abrasions. Obviously from sexual activity, and I am assuming you used protection, if not you need to let me know. These are not minor abrasions, Amber. Otherwise, they would have healed a few days afterwards. Severe abrasions might take several weeks to fully heal, and they need proper cleaning to prevent infection. I might give you a mild analgesic for the discomfort. I would also recommend sitz bath for hygiene's sake, and to avoid irritants," he paused, his eyes searching hers as he took his gloves off and threw them away.

"Are you sure there is nothing else I need to know?" The insinuation was clear. Had she been raped?

Amber clenched her jaw when he pressed her lower abdomen. Not because it was particularly painful in any way, but because she didn't like the idea of him touching her. At this point, it was impossible to avoid it. If she'd been smart, she would have asked for another doctor as soon as he stepped foot in the room. If she'd been smart, she would have demanded another doctor - a female doctor - who shared no history with her. But Amber had done no such thing. Why? Because she didn't want to admit that she had an issue with him examining her. And in all honesty, did she? Eric had never hurt her. She doubted he ever would. He might have hurt her mother, but that was ages ago and Amber didn't have any proof. And it wasn't a big deal. . . Was it? He must have seen countless pussies before, especially after the divorce. He knew how to deal with them properly - he was a doctor, after all.

But when he tugged her panties to the side right after she had muttered a no to his question regarding any discomfort, her pulse started racing. She resisted the urge to close her legs. To get up and leave. To tell him to stop touching her. She focused on the ceiling, trying to think of anything but where his fingers were - but it was fucking impossible. His touch didn't hurt, but she'd be lying if she said it wasn't uncomfortable. But it wasn't the touch itself that was uncomfortable - he was nothing but gentle - but more the fact that it was his fingers. His fingers explored a place they shouldn't and he seemed to have no problem with it. But then again, he was only doing his job.

She didn't know what she had expected, but when he slid a finger inside of her, she let out the faintest of whimpers. If it was due to the surprise or any discomfort or pain was hard to tell, perhaps a combination. Her eyes widened and her eyes found his. He didn't have to open his mouth to speak the words he wanted her to hear. She knew what those eyes said. Don't move. It was more than enough to bring back memories from the past. The countless times he had made her face the numerous corners of their house. Amber didn't dare look away as he explored the depths of her, but she prayed she didn't look as uncomfortable as she felt.

Amber knew it was inevitable, but having his finger stretch her made her want to squirm - but whether it was in a good or bad way, she couldn't tell. His finger couldn't compare to any dick - real or fake - she'd put up there, but she could still feel the stretch. Or maybe it just proved how sore her inner walls truly were. She tried to focus on her breathing without giving it away. She didn't want him to know she was struggling with this. In. Out. In. Out. He is only doing his job. He is only doing his job. She repeated the words over and over. He is only doing his job. But that didn't make her any less relieved when he eventually pulled his finger out.

Her heart was still pounding in her chest when he talked to her. She tried to pay attention to what he was saying, but her mind was still going over what had just happened. Everything he said made sense, but she didn't like what he was saying. Weeks? It had already been weeks. Or, maybe she couldn't really count those since she had used a dildo at least six times since then. She watched him throw the gloves away and she reached out to grab the hem of her pants to pull them back up. She knew exactly what he was insinuating and she didn't like it.
"I'm sure," she said sharply. The look she gave him next should indicate that she would not answer any more questions on the matter. If it wasn't already obvious, she was so ready to leave."Don't worry though. I'll make sure to be more -" She paused, trying to figure out the right thing to say. "Careful, in the future."



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"I didn't say you could leave yet."

The words were said with a calm air of simple authority, of a man who expected that what he state was going to be obeyed and obeyed instantly, but what came next added a dangerous uncertainty to what he could and was capable of. Eric stood up again, he stood up and he towered over her but now she was vulnerable. Still slightly spread, still with her clothing askew, and now this man she had known for so many year of her life had not just told her what he thought she should do, he told her what she should do, a command that fell from his lips like a rock into a pond, disrupting the placid peaceful surface. The motion also placed his waist at the height of the table that she lay on and there was simply no denying perhaps Eric was aroused in seeing her in this state, in having touched her shaven mound and pushed his finger within her tight hole. Though, as a doctor, he certainly would understand that any further sexual contact with her would only exacerbate the state that she was in, harming her further and prolonging the injuries she had already received. Would Eric, the man who had once been her stepfather, dare to do such a thing? Here in the place that he worked? Or was it simply a shadow that she saw, the movement of fabric that hinted at erection, and the true nature of reality?

His hand came out and touched her knee as a reminder that he wanted her to remain in place, but even more pointedly that closing her legs was not necessarily an option. He did not do anything to force her to keep her panties pulled to the side, or to even jerks her pants down further, it was simply a physically imposing action that had his hand tightening on her skin to remind her that he would be the one to tell her when he was done with her. His eyes remained on her face though, locked on her gaze, wanting to see her do exactly what she had done in her childish youth. Though she was not far removed from that time, no matter what she thought. He remembered how Amber would try to keep her gaze on him, tried to show how mature she was and how she would not back down, but every time she would eventually glance down to the ground and run up the white flag. It was yielding, not just to someone stronger than you but someone who knew better than you did, and he wholeheartedly expected her to do so. It did not hurt his case that he had practically raised her, and that kind of dynamic most assuredly gave him the advantage.

His voice was direct, cutting through any of the acrimonious response he knew that the young woman would give. It was time to address the elephant in the room. "Being careful in the future won't do much considering what has happened. Maybe you aren't telling me everything, maybe you want to keep your secrets, and that is fine. But I am not someone to just simply ignore. You want to live your life how you choose, you're more than welcome to do so, but don't act like a petulant child about it…," his voice trailed off as he considered her more fully, his eyes narrowing as he spoke again, the air in the room growing thick with tension.

"Though, you certainly are no longer a child…are you."

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Eric's next words made her blood run cold. Pure panic flashed across her eyes as she looked at him, confused. What was he talking about? She'd done her part; he'd done his. He'd even given her answers - instructions on how to get better. What more could he possibly do? He'd already examined her pussy, sliding one of his fingers deep into her. Thankfully, that hadn't lasted long, and he'd been nothing but professional about it. But now, Amber wanted to get the hell out of there.

As he got to his feet, she watched him. He looked even more intimidating now than he did before, and for a brief moment, she could have sworn she saw a bulge in his pants. But Amber knew better than to stare at his crotch. She concluded that it must have been the lighting. She looked up at him instead, trying to hide her fear. Her small hands that were wrapped around the hem of her pants, ready to pull it back up, stopped moving.
"What do you mean?" she asked, holding his gaze despite feeling his hand on her knee. Amber froze, her body going completely still - but it wasn't like she was moving a lot to begin with. Her breathing became heavier when she felt him tighten his grip. He did not make any attempt to spread her legs further apart, but he didn't need to. His stare alone, along with his imposing hand was enough to keep her locked in place. "I thought you were done." The way she said it made it obvious that she did not want to stay.

Amber held his gaze for what felt like half an eternity. She held it long after she felt her cheeks flush and after her eyes got sore from focusing. This was a game they'd played so many times before, back when she'd lived under his roof. Amber had never won nor would she win now. There was just something about him, something about his demeanor - or maybe it was the way he looked at her - that made her insides squirm. Eventually, she had to look away. Not because she wanted to, but because she couldn't take it anymore. They both knew what it meant. She had surrendered; he had won.

Her cheeks burned as she moved her gaze away from him and to her knee. Or more specifically, the hand he had placed there. The hand that prevented her from moving - from leaving. She kept staring at it while he spoke, growing mildly frustrated by every word that left his mouth. Of course, she wasn't going to tell him everything - why would she? She was not obligated to tell him anything. Amber didn't even tell her mom everything, so why on earth would she tell him even the smallest detail of her life when he was no longer in it? Did he not believe that she was capable of being careful? Or did he think she wanted her pussy to bleed forever?

But he was right about one thing. She was no longer a child. In fact, she hadn't been one in a while. He just hadn't been around to watch her blossom into the young woman she was today.

Her head tilted slightly to the side and she looked up at him again, an annoyed expression spread across her pretty face.
"Then maybe," she said coolly, pausing dramatically, "You should stop treating me like one." She placed her hand against the one he kept on her knee, shoving it gently as if to indicate that she wanted him to let go. A part of her wanted to just get up and leave, but deep down she knew that was a bad idea. But if he thought she was sticking around to catch up, he was dead wrong. "Just write me that prescription. I've got somewhere to be." She really didn't, but she didn't want to spend another second on that table. At least not with her legs spread and her pants down. But she didn't dare to move too much without his permission, not after he'd given her that look.



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"Stop treating you like one?"

The way he said it was the first hint that what she was doing would lead to trouble for her, even if it was completely unintentional. Sometimes a human being does not understand the consequences of their words, or the impact that they would have. If there was a coldness in the older man's eyes before this, it certainly grew now, a wintry and frozen landscape that revealed she had said something to him that perturbed. Maybe it was the kind of dismissive attitude that she had, so reminiscent of her mother and the last conversation he had with her, that brought it out. The last argument where he had been told quite succinctly how he was no longer wanted, no longer necessary, and to just sign the divorce papers and be done with it. That she had somewhere else to be. The hand on Amber's knee tightened infinitesimally as a reminder that the was more than capable of hurting her if he so chose, and if motivated she might find herself rather harshly reminded of the kind of punishments he could mete out. Though Amber still did not move, still did nothing to disobey him, and that at least kept them from having things go awry. The thrill of power over her, thick tension in the air grew, and his voice continued the statement as he gave a small nod of his head. "You want me to treat you like the lady you are? A lady who sleeps around, a lady who feels a need to fuck so hard she hurts herself? Is that what you want, Amber?"

The hand on her thigh ignored her entreaty, sliding down her skin with calm deliberation as he leaned over her, his other hand coming up to rest against the edge of the table right next to her head. It let him lean over her so that she had nowhere to go, the large body seeming otherworldly as the light was completely engulfed by his frame and she was left to sit in shadow beneath. Eric's eyes glistened, hard, and cruel as his voice whispered intensely, intimately, and intimidatingly. "Should I treat you like those men? Uncaring about you, willing to make you suffer for me? Willing to just be selfish…," and as those words left his mouth the hand moved with unerring certainty, the hand of a mature experienced man who was completely in control of what he chose to do. The fingers were determined as they traversed along her inner thigh before cupping the edge of her buttocks, unconcerned about any protestations she might give. Why would he be? The glittering eyes he locked her with were like a snake's, hypnotizing, as if she were his for the taking and absolute prey.

A finger found its way to the crack of her ass, caressing, though he did not push yet between her cheeks as a small snarl touched his face. The hand on the table tightened, a small creak a reminder of the pressure he could apply, and his head leaned forward so that she was forced to retreat or have his lips touch hers. Forcing her so that her back was flush, and he could loom over her. What would he do if she tried to resist, what would happen if she dared speak to him again like she was his equal. Or would she understand that in his presence she would always be desperate for approval, and afraid of what failing him meant. And that finger continued its exploration, finding its way closer to its goal, pressing against the edge of her bottom. If he could not penetrate her one way without hurting her, then it seemed Eric would choose another.

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Amber could feel him tightening his grip around her knee, but she pretended she didn't notice. It still didn't hurt, but she knew what it meant - it could. And that scared her more than anything. Eric had never hurt her before - at least not physically. He had hurt her when he'd denied her to go to Hannah's sleepover in 6th grade. He had hurt her when he'd taken away her phone during a camping trip when she was fourteen. He'd hurt her several times in the past, but never with his hands. Only with his words and actions. This was very different. Perhaps it was because she was older now, or maybe it was because she was no longer his child. Whatever the reason, it was obvious that he'd have no trouble hurting her now, should he choose to do so. But despite her previous outburst, Amber was now actively trying not to give him a reason.

She held his gaze, trying to conceal how his words affected her. If he'd been a stranger, she wouldn't have cared. Hell, she'd even tell him to fuck off. But this was the man who had put her to sleep, driven her to school, thrown her birthday parties. . . After all these years, his opinion still mattered. Obviously more than she'd realized. A lot more than she wanted to admit. Amber's cheeks turned red. He wasn't right, but he wasn't exactly wrong either.
"No," she muttered. "It's not like that." She didn't sleep around. Not really, at least. But this guy had given her attention when she needed it the most and her friend hadn't been there to stop her. And now, she was paying the price for her own foolishness.

When he leaned over her, she didn't move. She didn't dare. Or maybe her body was too shocked by the sudden intrusion. His hand slid down her thigh, but she kept her legs still. Amber didn't move a muscle as he grabbed the edge of the table next to her head. She just kept her gaze on him, fear reflecting in her eyes. What exactly was he doing? He was too close. So close she was afraid to breathe. He held her breath while his hand traveled further south, held his gaze while her eyes widened when she realized where it was headed. When he cupped the edge of her butt, she couldn't hold her breath any longer.
"Eric," she whispered, eyes widening. Whether it was a plea or a warning wasn't easy to tell. Did he even know where his hand was? What he was doing?

A whimper escaped her lips when his finger found her crack and she tried to adjust her position so he couldn't access it. That might have been easier if he wasn't leaning over her, making it almost impossible to move any other way but further back. His finger was only caressing it - teasing her - but he might as well have slapped her. She heard his grip tighten around the edge of the table, the sound filling her ears as he leaned forward - over her - forcing her to lean back until the back of her head rested against the table cushion. There was no escaping him now. She looked up at him, panic written all over her delicate features.

His finger was dangerously close to a place it shouldn't be, yet Amber was too afraid to move. She lay completely still, her breaths warm and uneven against his face.
"Eric," she repeated, her voice a true replica of how vulnerable she felt. "This is not what I came here for." He knew that. He'd already finished his examination. He’d even given her a solution for it. Not once had she mentioned her perfectly fine ass, and yet he seemed determined to examine it. "Eric, seriously," she said, a little harsher this time. She clenched her butt as if that would somehow prevent him from finding the right hole - hiding it from him. In reality, it hid absolutely nothing. "There's nothing wrong with my butt."



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The word was said with that same reprimanding tone, as if she were a wayward child in need of a reminder of who had authority and who did not. Though in this instance it was a bit obvious in their interaction, considering his finger was ever so slowly working its way efficiently up her anus. Why had he chosen to do such a thing? Was it simply because he wanted to violate her? No, there was something more to it than that. So many viable reasons as to his actions and why he chose to do so. There was the simple fact that vaginal insertion did not medically seem possible without exacerbating her condition, which was one. Secondly, in this manner he could lay claim in a territorial light to an area that other men might not have been privy to partaking in. And third, there was little doubt that she had irritated him, and he wanted to punish her in some strange manner. Punish her and remind her that no matter what she might think, no matter how she might feel, she was still underneath his power, and he could do whatever he might choose. That was certainly evident, and at this stage Amber was left with very few options as to what she could do to stop him. Was she going to get physical and fight him off? Was she going to scream for help and get him in trouble? Or was she going to succumb to the inevitable and know that Eric had been, and always would be, right?

"I know exactly what you came here for, Amber. You came here because a man rode you until you were in pain and left you to deal with it yourself. And that is fine, you're allowed to live your life like that. It's exactly what I would have expected from a girl without a father figure in her life. Desperately trying to get attention, craving it, hoping someone would show her the tiniest bit of affection, and willing to do whatever it took to get…it…"

And then suddenly that finger popped completely inside of her, pushing past all resistance so that he could press deep into her backside. It let him come closer, inhaling the scent of her, his eyes seeming to grow wide and lambent. The eyes of a predator, an animal lying in wait for the prey animal to try to make a run for it so that he could pounce and partake in his supper. There was a feral nature to Eric, a side of him that Amber had never known but perhaps her Mother had. Why had her mother left him? When she had been a teenager there had always been an insinuation, a hint, but never a true statement of fact that Eric had been an abuser. Never doing so with Amber, never hurting her, but maybe he had hurt her mother. Maybe he had taken out his sadistic needs on someone else and only now that Amber was older was she being subjected to his sick fixation. Whatever the reason made no damn difference in the end because he was not just pushing that finger into her bottom, he was actively fingering her. And what was his other hand doing?

It seemed that Eric wanted to participate in a far more direct and visceral manner, though he did nothing so outrageous as unzip his pants and pull himself free before her very eyes. Though that might come eventually. Instead, he moved just slightly so that he was no longer leaning forward and over her, his hand not required to brace himself any longer, and she could see that tent of his erection underneath his dress pants. His hand wrapped around the shaft, gripping the heavy weight as he rubbed himself, stroking, and his voice held a small measure of hunger beneath its professional tone.

"Now, you're going to do what I say, and then you can leave. And only then."

Panic and desperation grew inside of her as she felt him push that finger against her entrance - the wrong entrance. "Eric, stop," she pleaded, using a tone she'd never had to use in her childhood years. She did not want that finger up her ass, or anything else for that matter. Amber squirmed underneath him, trying to get his finger away from her butt, but she could barely move at all. His finger was already inside of her, but barely. She wanted it out. Right now, there was nothing she wanted more than to leave this fucking room - this table. But Eric was in her way, leaning over her as a heavy blanket.

Her anger towards him grew as he spoke, not just her fear. And before he had finished his little speech, she interrupted him. Her eyes narrowed and her tone was venomous - until it wasn't.
"I'm not some attention-seeking -" As he buried his finger deep into her, her last word sounded more like a whimper than anything else, "whore." That sound alone could have fooled anyone into believing that she liked it. And to be honest, maybe a part of her did. Because to Amber's utter surprise, it didn't hurt like she had expected it to. But it was still Eric's finger. It had no business exploring the depths of her anus. In fact, he had no business exploring any part of her.

Amber kept whimpering while he fingered her tight ass, letting his finger almost slip out of her before he plunged it back in, deep. For some sick reason, she wanted it to hurt - that would have made it so much easier to hate it. To hate him. But it felt strangely good - a sliver of pain mixed with a larger dose of pleasure - and while a part of her was horrified by the fact that he was fingering her butt, another part wanted more. Amber decided to listen to listen to the most logical part.
"Please stop," she whispered, her pleading eyes meeting his.

When he removed his towering frame from over her small one, she followed his moving hand - straight to the front of his pants. She didn't know how she'd missed that little - or quite big, actually - detail, but seeing her former stepdad stroke himself through his pants while he fingered her ass was an image she'd never dreamed of seeing. Nor was it something she wanted to partake in.

She started shaking her head.
"No," she said, trying to make her voice sound more confident than she was. Amber had heard the hidden threat behind his words, but she wasn't planning on sticking around to find out what he wanted her to do. It couldn't possibly be something she wanted to do. "I'm leaving now," Amber didn't need to ask for permission or even give him a heads-up. He had no power over her - not really - and yet a part of her was afraid of him. Of what he might do - what he was capable of. But as soon as those words left her mouth, she reached down to pull her sweatpants up. Or, at least as far up as they went with his finger still in her butt. Her body stilled as she looked up at him with pleading yet terrified eyes. "Remove your hand, Eric." She tried to sound convincing - demanding - even though they both knew she was in no position to make demands -

And that was exactly why she had to try - otherwise, she'd never get out.



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What happened next happened in a flash.

The hand he had been using to provide himself pleasure suddenly came up to grip Amber by the throat, pushing her back into place as a small measure of domineering anger touched his features. Was Eric sneering, giving her a look of absolute incredulity as If she were some wayward child that had dared to attempt to correct him once again? His fingers wrapped around her slender neck, and the most amazing sensation accompanied that fact, because they were dexterous and soft. The skilled hands of a doctor, a man who was blessed with a depth of knowledge concerning human physiology. What could he do with that information? How easily could he decide to hurt her if he chose, in ways that might be undetectable by most. Yet there was something innately arousing for him as he held her there like that, as if it had always been his intention to one day touch her in such an intimate fashion, a sickening lurch in his own gut as he realized this was a young girl that he had once raised. A young girl who seemed to require a reprimanding hand to remind her of her place.

Intense eyes gazed down at her as he frowned, his voice demanding but low. There was something decidedly different now in the room, a completely different tension, and it was because she was on the verge of making a scene. A scene which could draw unwanted attention to a man who most decidedly did not want it. That would have given her a measure of power if she were any other woman, and he were any other man, but instead it brought out an ugly side to Eric. A side that was willing to hurt Amber, a side that was willing to make her understand that she needed to fucking keep quiet or else. He was not about to allow her to disobey him, pride demanded that of him, but he was also not about to let her endanger his job and the life that he had created for himself. And so, when he spoke each word was clipped, harsh, enunciated perfectly so that there would be no misunderstanding between the two of them. "You keep misunderstanding, and it seems that your mother raised you to be a dullard, because I have already given you the answer. You…are not going…anywhere…," he hissed.

"Not until I am done," he once more reiterated.

And considering the circumstances there was no longer a reason to continue being coy, or even kind, because now there was no longer even the guise of professionalism. A second finger joined the first as he looked down into Amber's beautiful face, his hand tightening just minutely to remind her that he meant what he was doing. Achingly that second finger joined the first, stretching her young bottom to accommodate the exploration, though luckily Eric's fingers were slender and supple, easing in with an astonishing expertise. Then again, Eric spent his life exploring the nether regions of women, it was no wonder that he might know exactly how to approach the act he was performing upon her. But what came next was shocking, as his thumb came up to press across the folds of Amber's sweet slit. Slowly he moved it upwards, caressing across her labia, before coming to rest against her clitoris. One of his eyebrows raised as he watched her, though there was nothing but possessiveness within them, and the pad of his thumb began to work her with swift brushes. Unhooding her clit to begin rolling it with exquisite strokes.

Eric gave her no warning before his fingers wrapped around her slender throat and pushed her back onto the table. A surprised - or perhaps frightened - whimper escaped her lips as her eyes widened in terror. She let go of her pants in a flash, her fingers wrapping around his wrist. Panicked, she tried to sit up, but Amber was no match for a full-grown man. Her fingers dug into his skin in an attempt to make him loosen his grip. Panicked eyes met his. "Please." There was absolutely no confidence in her voice this time. The word she spoke was nothing but a plea - a prayer. This was not the man she'd once known, the man who had raised her. Gone was the sweet father figure who used to kiss her forehead goodnight, who had dried her tears whenever she was hurt, who had comforted her whenever she was scared, who had helped her with homework every week. The man who stood over her now was not the same man who had done all these things - it couldn't be. That man would never hurt her. He would never scare her, not like this. And she couldn't help but wonder. . . how many times had those fingers been wrapped around her mom's throat?

If she thought she'd wanted to leave earlier, it was nothing compared to the urge she felt to leave now. Amber had been scared many times in her life, but never like this. Growing up, she'd been afraid of the dark - of the monsters hiding in the darkness - so Eric had let her sleep with the bedside lamp on. Little did she know that Eric was one of the monsters she'd been afraid of. The only difference was that he wasn't hiding. Amber had stopped being afraid of the dark a long time ago, and she'd stopped believing in monsters. But gazing up at Eric, she realized she'd been naive to believe there were no monsters in the world. They were just hidden in plain sight.
"Eric, please," she repeated, her voice low and pleading. She hated how powerless she felt. A part of her wanted to scream at him, or just scream in general - that would certainly draw attention from the outside - but she did not want to anger him further. The last thing she wanted was for him to choke her. His grip alone was terrifying enough, without him increasing the pressure.

No, scratch that.

What he did next turned out to be far more terrifying than imagining being choked ever would. Still holding his gaze, Amber winced when he added a second finger to spread her ass. As if one wasn't uncomfortable enough - or was it? It didn't hurt like she'd expected it to, but it didn't feel that good either. Or. . . maybe a little. But the second finger wasn't what made her blood run cold. It wasn't what made her heart gallop in her chest. Nor was it what made her body freeze completely. No, it was the way Eric's thumb separated her folds and caressed her in a way a doctor should never caress a patient. And it certainly didn't help that she'd once considered him her father. When his thumb eventually reached her clit, she drew in a sharp breath, trying to conceal the flicker of arousal that ignited in her core.

She wanted to look away, she really did. But if she did, it meant he had won, and she was not giving up. Not yet. So she held his gaze, trying to force her face to remain a neutral expression while he started rubbing her sensitive nub, sending all kinds of tingles through her body. But even if she tried her best, it wasn't hard to tell that what he was doing had an impact on her. With her eyes wide - focused - and her jaw clenched, her expression was a dead giveaway. This felt good.

A part of her wanted to buck her hips so she could set that spark of pleasure ablaze - his thumb being the match and her pussy a can of gasoline. It took everything she had not to move right away. To remain still. To act as if it didn't feel as good as it did - because it did. It felt fucking amazing. But she would never admit it, never reveal it. Instead, she took a deep breath and served him another lie.
"I don't know what you're trying to do, but it's not working."

Like hell it didn’t.



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Her entreaties did not seem to illicit much in the way of a reaction from the man above her, and why would they. Speaking to her further seemed a waste of time and effort, the helplessness and powerlessness of her situation making the moment even more arousing for him. A small smirk touched the side of his face, a knowing look, understanding that her words were spoken in defiance but in no way reflected the truth. She was wet, her lovely little cunt starting to drip as he worked her with calm determined motions of his thumb. Those fingers remained embedded deep, not needing to move now, holding inside of her rear so her muscles could contract with each pulse of pleasure the young woman was feeling. It seemed Eric had his fingers, quite literally, on the pulse of her desire, and his voice held a measure of humor to it as he whispered for her ears alone.

"Something wrong?"

The intercom crackled to life, its sharp, static-laden sound cutting through the quiet focus of the examination room. "Code Blue, Labor and Delivery," the voice on the other end was clear, yet tinged with urgency that made the air seem heavier. The words dropped into the room like an atom bomb, immediately obliterating any chance of privacy that Eric required to continue what he was doing, shattering the growing power that he had over Amber. The silence that came afterwards left the two of them staring at one another, as if there was something unspoken that needed to be said, and it seemed like Eric was going to take the initiative himself to say it. His mouth opened, his eyes locked on hers, as if he were going to perhaps reprimand her once more and remind her that this was not over. It did not seem like he was going to be content to do a single thing other than have his way with her. "Emergency C-section needed in OR 3," the voice continued, the tone now a taut wire stretched to the breaking point.

"Dr. Sullivan, please report to OR 3," the voice intoned. The sounds of shuffling outside in the hallway grew louder as others responded to the call. Nurses' footsteps quickened, the hurried shuffle of wheels on linoleum floors echoing in unspoken urgency. The calm professionalism that ruled their lives now had a razor-sharp edge to it, a desperation to respond to a crisis, and Eric was needed. To his credit he did not hesitate, not any longer as his name was called once again over the intercom, leaving no room for hesitation or delay. Amber was no longer any his thoughts as he moved his hand away, not bothering to wash them because he knew when he got the operating room he would be required to sanitize before ever doing anything else. Quickly his fingers dropped to his pants, adjusting so that he could properly hide any evidence of his erection without catching himself in his zipper, and he turned to hurry out of the room. He did not even bother to have the decency to close the door behind himself, leaving Amber uncomfortably in a state of undress on the table.

And he did not bother to say goodbye.
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