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Mx Any Fragile Masculinity


Aug 27, 2023
About Me
Hello! I'm hucow; welcome to this temporary request thread 💕
I'm in my early 30s and have been roleplaying for over 15 years.

My activity may be irregular beccause of life circumstances; I can't
promise daily, or even weekly replies at the moment.

This is my first thread offering to play a man, but I have a lot of
experience writing male characters - especially in m x m settings.
My kinks differ somewhat when writing male characters, so please
disregard my f-list for this thread.

I want to write men with a sense of superiority being forced to submit
in ways that bruise their ego! Think condescending bosses, bullies,
misogynists, cheaters, exploitative shitheads.

  • What I'm offering
    • Smut / Eroticism
    • Men who bottom in erotic scenes
    • Characters between the ages of 25-40
    • Third or first person perspective
    • Illustrated faceclaims or written descrtipions
    • Posting length of no longer than 4 paragraphs

  • Favourite Kinks
    • Humiliation
    • Exhibitionism
    • Pet play
    • Forced clotheswearing
    • Feminization
    • Orgasm control/denial
    • Begging
    • Chastity
    • Coercion/blackmal
    • Non/dubcon
    • Teasing
    • Bondage
    • Speech restriction
    • Spanking

  • Hard Limits
    • Incest
    • Characters that are under the age of 25
    • Characters being referred to as "teens" or looking like teens
    • Characters being referred to as siblings, or looking like siblings
    • Bestiality or anthro characters
    • Death/gore/vore/mutiliation
    • Scat/soiling
    • Filth/wam

  • What to include in your intro
    • How you'd like me to refer to you
    • Your kinks and limits
    • Any plot ideas or general concepts you're craving
    • If you have any preferences for mcs appearance/personality
    • Your character (faceclaim, name, etc.)
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