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Fx Any ǟ bushel of ideas

cutes rt you ever seen New


Apr 4, 2020
status :: open || time-zone :: ce(s)t || length :: multi-para to novella ||

thread's NSFW beyond the first slide!!!
about me
* I've been writing for quite a while now (I'm honestly not sure about the exact time, but it's at least five years now, probably a bit more).
* I'm a slut for ooc talk; don't be weird.
* This shit isn't a science, most of what I write and what I consider to be a good idea is completely based on vibes.
* I'm kind of loosey-goosey with control of my character. I'm obviously never going to control your character and I do hate it when you react as my character, but if you need to move mine to write a better/longer post (and I mean beyond like carrying {mc} somewhere..), feel free to do it; never hurts to ask, though!

* I don't really care about grammar that much, like, if you've graduated high school (and if you haven't gtfo) that's basically enough. I am a petty bitch though, once you correct me, I'll fucking pull out an AI analyzer to critique your prosaic syntax.
* I have a considerably lower 'idea-quality' bar when it comes to girlies; I'm down to just be cute together. If it's a b/g thing, I need at least like 50/50 story (don't take that ratio too seriously though).

* In general, I prefer modern and/or fantasy settings, but I do dable in things like cyberpunk and soft sci-fi.
* I don't love the 'slice-of-life' label—like, girl, is you dating the son of a mafia bossy slice-of-life?!
* I can write anything from very serious, all the way to some weird-ass camp ideas. I just like to have fun.
* I'm pretty picky about my partners and stories. I like to write well setup, long-term and story-lead thingies, but I'm not opossed to writing the occasional smut-filled goodness.


* things I don't like
* age-gaps — this one's a peculiar case; I don't mind age-gap relationships as long as the 'age-gap' part of the equation isn't an overt kink. It's fun to write a story about a young, naive guy/girl being thrust into a completely different world through their relationship, don't get me wrong; but being overly sexual about "how young {the character} looks is just off-putting to me.
* cheating —I don't really like to write 'bad-guy' characters: so, if {mc}'s the one doing the cheating, I will need to somehow rationalize why what she's doing is a good thing. And I don't mean in some kind of narcissistic, "I'm always right" way, I mean in a "I need to escape them" kind of way.

» Ideas:
rapid fire'
* fangirl / famous musician (oc)
* famous girlie (oc) / fanboy
* nurse / guy who got stabbed
* wife of a mafia guy / her lover who's plotting to coup him

@ @ @
* the good ol'
She' a spoiled princess who's been making a living scamming lonely guys on Instagram.
He's a scumbag piece-of-shit who's been (badly) trying to pose as a drug dealer.
It's a tale as old as time: love

@ @ @
* self-explanatory, lol
* g / b ; g / g ; g / GM
* the start of something beautiful?
She wanted to be one since she watch her first video on the Hub. She lived in Los Angeles—the home to many, many recording and producing studios—so, on the day of her 18th birthday, she signed up for one of them; she nervously checked phone for the whole of the next day, until—she was accepted.

It was supposed to start simple. An interview, followed by a "try-out". Bring nice panties
A week later, she was standing in front of the recording studio of one of the smaller porn studios. She nervously checked her phone. 12:57. 3 minutes. She breathed in and steeled herself, reaching for the inconspicuous doorbell. She let out a nervous sigh and pressed the button.

@ @ @
* a story about an emerging pornstar. Is her path through the industry smooth, or do sleazy executives take advantage of her?
* g / b ; g / g ; g / GM
* world's longest nap
The first ship she took and it had to end up like this. Hudson was a pretty nice dude—but painfully smart, it took him less than a week to see through her a disguise. Admittedly, her excuse for why she could only come on board during the night was weak, but she wasn't expecting him to catch on so quickly. Nor did she expect the crew to sneak up on her. Normally, she could destroy them and the ship alongside it with a wave of her hand, but somehow, they got her. Almost killed her.

And then, almost 400 years later, some dumb idiot poking around in New York underground stumbled upon her coffin. She almost killed him when they finally pushed the lid off, but then, the smell of something .. foreign wafted into her nose and she knew she would have use of them.

@ @ @
* an ancient vampire getting unearthed in 21st century NYC by YC
* can be super serious thriller or a goofy daytime TV show
* g / b ; g / g
* revenge tastes bitter
They were high school sweethearts. Promised they'd marry each other on their 1st anniversary... and they did. Tied the knot just 4 years later. Bought a house. Talked about starting a family. And then, an email from an address she didn't recognise ended up in her inbox. Normally she'd delete it, but just this time she was curious and opened it. She was alone in the house, her husband was off at a "work thing". The glass of wine she held in her hand shattered on the floor. The email was empty, aside for about 12 pictures of her husband. In bed. With 4 separate woman. And one of them looked like her best friend.

She spent the night crying. In the morning, she woke up a woman with a plan. She will make her (ex-)husband's life hell. First plan—make him feel the same way she felt...

@ @ @
* a revenge cheating story
* g / b ; g / g ; g / GM

+ whatever idea you have ♡

» Characters:
kinks, quirks & other curiosities
the big ones***
* biiiig anal gal;

* I like messy, drippy sex (and I mean sweat too);
* I really like being cummed on (guys and girls);
* I like DYI bondage (nothing elaborate, just use your belt);
* I like being almost caught (but never quite);
* love dirty talking (in a possesive, almost degrading way);

* I have a strange interest in atypical kinks, if you've got sth you like, try me!

* thing I don't like, in descending order: vore, gore, anthro stuff, the hardcore BDSM shit, any kind of incest
real kinks (click)


***please understand that i do not know myself fully and this is a journey; it is possible that there's a combination which makes me like something i generally hate, or the other way around.

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