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Mx Any I want to rip some corsets.


Jul 18, 2024
First of all, the title is a reference to the fact that my character hails from the Victorian era but is brashly dominant and uninterested in Victorian sensibilities and standards. Not that he's from that region anyway, but... Onward.

OOC Basics.

  • Player is a 33 year old agender kinky weirdo IRL. Any pronouns will do.
  • Alt account: @likola . You may have seen me around, we are the same person. I tend to let my subby side out there, and my Dommy side out here, as Toko is my Dominant character.
  • DM or thread are both fine. Your preference.
  • My average post size is between 200-500 words, but I have written longer or shorter posts depending on the storyline, pacing, and level of detail my partner provides. I do not wordcount other people obsessively. I enjoy detail and people who can provide me 'actionable content' (i.e., don't write a bunch of filler, give my character something to react to.)
  • I generally reply multiple times daily, but I have a life and may not always be able to. Communication is key!
  • I like to be friendly OOC~ Especially when it comes to plotting and making sure we are going in a direction both players enjoy. Don't be a stranger!

Character. (F-List)

  • Toko is a cisgender, Dominant/Top man who hails from the Bayaka tribe, a group of hunter-gatherers in Central Africa. They are short-statured, so at 5'1'' he is average height for his ethnicity. I will not change his height, this is not up for discussion, I do not mind if you play a shorter character to ensure yours is smaller, but do not ask me to change mine.
  • He is a consensual dominant. He is not going to dominate someone who doesn't want it. That said, if they act bratty and snarky about it, he is less likely to engage. Bratting is a waste of his time. Obedient submissives are his preference, but strong and worthy prey is incredibly appealing. Just don't come at him with theatrics and tomfoolery.
  • I do enjoy Dubcon from time to time, but Toko is not a rapist,to be clear. A reason for them to physically fight would need to be baked into the plot, and both characters becoming aroused as he overpowers them... That type of thing is nice. As is consenting with body language rather than words because of either a language barrier or being too stunned to articulate their want.
    • I hope that gets the point across of the types of submissives I'm looking for. :3
  • I like dark themes. Dismal settings, peril, trauma, psychological exploration.
  • Setting-wise, I prefer historical (1800's works well), modern (he could be in college on a scholarship or still out in the forest living hunter-gatherer style), or in a low-fantasy setting (similar to Earth, but with fantastical creatures.) Some creatures I would be interested in playing him as or against include: Human, Vampire, Werewolf, Incubus/Succubus, and other vaguely humanoid mythical creatures like this. Suggestions are welcome.
    • If you know me, you may notice this is a companion character to Likola! They are from a film called Man to Man (2005) but I have made them my own.

If you are interested, please fill out this form and I will get back to you!

What type of submissive do you plan to play?:
Kinks and Limits?:
Threads or DM's?:
Discord (For chatting, if you are willing to share?):
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