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Fx Any A light in the darkness - Long term Novella RP's

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Jul 9, 2024
A thread In which I make myself known

I am Anarchia, I have been roleplaying for 15 years now and have recently returned to writing as a hobby as it seems to help quiet my mind. I tend to appreciate more
story-focused RP's as I don't find smut very interesting without a certain level of interaction between characters, that been said I am very passionate about smut when the story gets there, but it does indeed have to get there first which is why this request sits within non-sexual requests, but please don't take it as smut not been involved at all, it may just take a while to get there.

Don't feel compelled to read everything, I do tend to lose myself in my writing on occasion, feel free to skip to the parts you're interested in!

A brief summary
For those with little time to spare, I can relate.
  • Long-form story-focused RP's/novellas (Roughly 90/10 Story/Smut) with fairly dark and bleak themes set in less-than-appealing universes
  • 3rd person perspective, multi-paragraph responses (600 - 1000+ words). PMs only.
  • I aim to always respond 2 - 3 times a day if possible, although real life can sometimes get in the way of that, I'll let you know in advance if anything is delayed
  • Although I play female characters I am happy to play the role of a GM at times and add other characters to interact with to drive the plot along.
  • Everything here is up for change and I'm always happy to negotiate and compromise with my partner to make sure we're both happy except for some limits listed further down.

What I am seeking

I'm looking for long-term RP partners who are interested in primarily carving out a story together, not to say there won't be smut or it's not available, It just has to make sense in the context of the story, hence why I've added this thread to the non-sexual requests as to not mislead anyone, as for kinks, limits, preferences and everything encompassing smut, we can discuss it if we get there.

As for the types of settings and roles I would like to play, there is some inspiration below about the themes and universes I'm passionate about at the moment. I heavily lean towards smaller, more personal stories that include mystery, intrigue, and conflict, both physical and emotional between our characters and other NPCs that we can create for the story, this is not to say that our characters have to be enemies but a disagreement from time to time, differing views with professional respect for one another and in general have two distinct personalities interact always makes for more interesting roleplay, for example, two detectives investigating a crime syndicate might have radically different views on how to proceed, one might be radical and aggressive, while the other patient and calm, I adore those kinds of interactions between characters. Of course, outright hostility is always enjoyable as well, although it tends to up being far more physical conflict than emotional.

I tend towards writing in the third person for my RP's with usually 3 – 5 paragraphs per response (600 - 1000+ words depending), sometimes more or less depending on the situation and whether I need your response to move forward, I'll never try to assume or force your character to do something.

I'm happy to play the role of an individual character along with being a GM, both or either is fine with me. I'll always play female roles as my actual character, although I don't mind playing other NPC's/Characters to move the plot along, that being said I don't have a particular preference for the gender of my partner or the character they're playing, so everyone is welcome!

My work can tend to become busy at certain times of the year and sometimes I'll be required to travel on short notice to functions, if this happens I'll let you know well in advance that posts will take longer to come through to you, although it's very rare that they'll stop completely, I will not stop any rp without a reason or 'ghost' anyone with no explanation. – If it's been a few days and you're wondering where I am, poke me again - but that shouldn't happen unless I am completely snowed under.

I'm always up for compromising and discussing my partner's needs and wants as everyone should be happy on both sides of the relationship, none of my wants are carved in stone so I'm always happy to be accommodating to your needs to an extent.

What I would care to avoid
Although I am fairly open to most things there are a few hard rules I have.
  • No underage characters in any part of the RP, I feel this is fairly obvious for Blue Moon but I'm restating it here.
  • I prefer my partners to be 21+ I obviously can't enforce this as you can always lie but just letting you know.
  • I tend to avoid real face claims/references - I prefer a more painterly style if that makes sense - I'm not completely opposed to real-life face claims but I prefer to keep them to a minimum.
  • If my partner could match my writing that would be excellent and I will return in kind - if one of us is struggling to reach a good post length I'll reach out in OOC and try to work out a way to improve it and I'm open to my partner doing the same to me if I'm lacking.

Universes and Genres
To draw inspiration from

I will start with that these are not the only genres I'm interested in, but I feel they reflect the type of setting I'm after the most, if something is not listed here and you want to pitch the idea, let me know in PM's, I will probably hold at least some interest for your ideas as well!


Dark Fantasy
The end times have already come

I've always been fascinated with fantasy in the past and I'm currently quite excited about the idea of an RP set within a dark fantasy universe where every day is a struggle to survive, perhaps monsters roam the woods, picking the unfortunate soul off every so often, or the land is ruled by some kind of evil with 'good' and 'purity' been destroyed long ago, turning normal people against each other and forced into doing terrible things just to survive. When I think of dark fantasy Castlevania springs to mind (the animated series, I don't know much about the games) As well as things like Dark Souls/Elden Ring to an extent.

Warhammer 40,000
To suffer is to live

Warhammer 40,000 is a depressing universe by design, although I bring this universe up not because of the grand battles or galactic conquest despite their intrigue, I raise it because the life of an average imperial citizen and worker is the perfect place for RP to flourish. Millions of planets reside within the Imperium of Man's borders, each as unique as the next, from crushingly claustrophobic hive cities where the average person will never see their planet's nearest star, or any star for that matter to the feudal worlds where it appears closer to fantasy than sci-fi, there's so much room for opportunity and growth in the universe, and lore-wise is probably one of the most expansive universes. I know many people are unfamiliar with 40k so I would be happy to do a lot of the world-building and GM for the story if it helps people settle in!

High-tech, low-life
Cyberpunk has seen a resurgence since the release of 2077, and it remains just as appealing now as we creep forward in time to see more elements of the genre in our own lives. Fixers form groups crews from crime-ridden streets to do their bidding, sometimes against other fixers, gangs, or even the mega-corps that run the city. Cyberpunk comes in a few different forms, there's the obvious form which is based around 2077 and has dragged Cyberpunk into a more modern light, there's also Shadowrun which could be a genre in itself, essentially bringing fantasy elements into Cyberpunk and then what I like to describe as 'old cyberpunk' which dates back to what originally inspired the genre (W. Gibson's and Philip K. Dick's Novels) but the themes that run through them are all the same, rampant unbridled capitalism, a general disregard for the quality of life and cities akin to hives.

To start our adventures with

These are some plots that I would like to explore with a partner, as you read through them you might find they're more akin to the beginnings of a book or short story, and the characters are left deliberately vague or left out - I would like our characters to be able to mesh together or conflict depending on what type of RP we're going for so I hope that these plots can give you some inspiration for what character you would like to play, I have my ideas for how each story will progress and what characters we could potentially play as, so please reach out if you're inspired by any of these!

Within the once mighty city of Queen Mab, now weary and exhausted from years of war, is a grand conspiracy that threatens the Imperium at large.
Within the deteriorating city lies the Maze Undue, an unremarkable building that lay at the top of Highgate Hill, much like the rest of the city in which it resided, it was in desperate need of repair, drafts hurried through its corridors, floorboards squealed under the weight of its residents and the occasional roof tile would come down and shatter on the cobblestone street below, but this appearance was, like the role of many of the inhabitants inside, an illusion, for the Maze Undue was an unremarkable school for remarkable people.

To earn a place in the Maze Undue one needed to be selected from the Scholam Orbus, a neighboring school as well as a home for orphans, outcasts, and the unwanted. Almost all of those plucked from the Scholam are soulless, this is not an insult to those chosen, merely an observation that almost all those who come to study at the Maze Undue are what are referred to as 'Blanks'.

Those who trained in the Maze undue are molded to be infiltrators and illusionists, they carry out what are referred to as 'functions' these can be simple tasks but all include a level of manipulation and disguise on their part, it could be as simple as entering a merchant's house at night and learning the code to their lockbox. Some can be more intricate such as taking on the role of a waiter(ress) for one of the city's dukes and learning the pet name he bestowed upon one of his many mistresses.

Almost all of these functions are practice for the initiates, a 'game' they play to sharpen their skills and make them ready for work in the Inquisition, of course other schooling is perfected at the Maze, all skills you would expect of an infiltrator: History, language, Etiquette, Swordplay, Tracking, Hunting. The list goes on and on… Or well… It used to.

….Until the Maze Undue was razed to the ground and its Blanks scattered into the city.

This plot is heavily inspired by Dan Abnett's 'Pariah' and 'Penitent' books set in the Warhammer 40k universe but in all honestly, you don't need to know much about the universe, the plot is purely set in one city and I have ideas for a few directions we could go with it, whether we want to be part of the 'blanks' that have fled the Maze Undue or even before it's destruction, on the flip side we can be the ones who brought it all crashing down.
Between the lands of two kingdoms, an isle by the name of the 'Tempernus Ring' sits within a cloud of fog. home to an order of healers that can soothe the wounds of the body and soul alike.

The island was once a lone mountain, surrounded by 7 siblings on all sides. Now it is one massive structure, houses ring the mountain to its very peak where the monastery of the order of The First Flame sits upon the rest of the city. For centuries life went on uninterrupted, the sick would flow to the island and the rehabilitated would leave, the politics and war of the world were forgotten here and although storms continually battered and tested the resolve of its residents, it was ultimately a place of calm and respite, or so it once was.

In recent weeks the ships returning from the Tempernus Ring have become few and far between, and the ships loaded with supplies embarking to journey to it have not returned. Myths and rumors are rising from the coastal cities that darkness has overcome the Isle, that its rulers consort with dark whispers in their minds, and that monsters pluck people from their homes in the night and drag them into the darkness of the lesser mountains, others blame roaming privateers silencing any ships that they raid, the rumors go on and there are perpetually more been spun upon the lips of superstitious sailors but the kingdom's of the land grow tired of the spreading falsehoods and myths surrounding the sudden disappearances.

A small fleet of ships has been dispatched to discover the source of the unrest of the isle and put an end to the rising unrest, These ships are made up of some of the most diverse crews one could imagine, sell-swords share their ships with so-called 'sorcerers' that believe the evil is of the arcane nature, others such as geologists and those school in the ways of predicting the weather dismiss the superstitious all together, blaming the disappearances on shifting tides and particularity bad storms in the past year.

Whatever the cause, life on the Tempernus ring continues to grow bleaker and the paranoia of the residents heightened, only to be more exasperated when the hordes of investigators disembark at the docks looking for shelter from the torrential rain that the ever-growing storms bring to the accursed island.
It is the year 2116, if there was a term coined to refer to this century, it would be Corporatocracy, all governments are either run by or in the pocket of, global mega-corporations. The majority of humanity lives and sleeps under the command of one corporation or another, either directly or indirectly, private ownership by citizens is not outlawed necessarily, but in all practical terms, it may as well be. Corporations own almost all housing, all land and all trade goes through them, their control is, for all intents and purposes absolute, only threatened by other mega-corporations through proxy wars that displace millions of innocents every passing year.

The poverty and wealth disparity led to riots, protests, and general unrest that persists to this day, but real change is yet to even be put in motion, with every passing day more power falls to the Chief Executive Officers of the world, although there are more akin to despots in the modern day. All of Earth's resources have now been discovered and scheduled for exploitation, although more than enough to satisfy humanity, corporations have begun to look to the stars for further profits, and the planets, moons, and asteroid fields of the Sol System are now greedily eyed by their ambitions.

Within Earth's moon's geostationary orbit is a satellite of bizarre and impossible proportions, a massive spherical shape with structures and spines splitting off from its equator, from a distance it was as though the moon has its moon, a metallic structure floating in the void, large enough to house a small countries population in its entirety, this was New Albion, home to Earth's upper class that had finally launched themselves from the planet after the famines of 2096 and the chaos that followed, this is as close to a utopia as humanity has gotten thus far, they want for nothing.

Though most of Earth's population barely believes New Albion exists, let alone what it looks like. Although one is assured in her knowledge it exists, a Netrunner simply by the name of W'ren' that works out of what used to be Chiba, although most locals simply refer to the east of Japan as 'The sprawl ' in recent times, an endless cityscape which covers much of Japan's eastern coastline. Wren had made her living off of digital bank heists and brokering information to the criminal syndicates in the sprawl, until she came across what she believed was just a myth, within sub-folder upon sub-folder of a miscellaneous server that belonged to the United Aerospace Engineering corporation the original plans for New Albion, displayed in excruciating detail, definitive proof that the orbital station was indeed real, and a refuge for the rich and powerful.

Now Wren seeks passage to New Albion, to escape the decaying and tainted atmosphere of Earth to make her way to this Utopia sitting within the orbit of Luna, the dream is ridiculous as passage to any satellite was reserved for those with deep enough pockets or widespread influence, Although with the right team of Netrunners, Deckers and Point men, as well as the occasional philanthropist, It might just be possible...

Very PM/Conversation friendly so if you're interested in anything I've talked about feel free to reach out and chat!
(None of the art used it my own, if you would like it taken down let me know!)
Last edited:
Added some potential plots and updated the formatting to make it a bit cleaner!
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