Mx Any The Oedipus Experiment [Unique Son/Mom Plot Threads with Wide Range of Kinks!] (NSFW Pics Inside)


Jun 11, 2024
I've been writing and roleplaying for many, many years now and among the multitude of things I've learned about myself, three things have always rang true.

Writing with a passionate partner is always more fun than writing with someone looking for a quick nut.

Taboo is the spice of life and keeps RP interesting for the long term.

LOVE older, thick, beautiful MILFS~

Hi I'm Floof and I'm looking for someone who is wanting to write out some fun and interesting Son/Mon prompts! A bit about me before we get into all the fun stuff~

I'm a Pansexual/Verse-Top Leaning Male, I'm very literate in my writing and usually can do a good few detailed paragraphs per post. I mainly play male characters though they can range from your super big, muscly gym bros all the way down too slutty femboys and everything in between. I do play against ANYONE though so bring on your characters of all shapes, sizes, and genders!

I used too do more novella replies but have since started to cut it down too 3-5 paragraphs per response. I find it keeps the flow better while also not overwhelming my partner or pushing the scene to far without them being able to react too things. I always want to make sure that I'm giving my partner something too work with though. I'd like to think I'm a detailed writer enough to give my partners something interesting to read and work off each reply. I work from home as well so I'm usually online and can respond frequently~

When it comes too kinks I'm into a lot. My limits though are Scat, Gore/Vore, Non-Con and Snuff. Everything else is usually on the table. Though because of my wide range of likes I usually mold myself around what my partner likes in RP. I made a F-List here but it's a bit sparce. It's more there to give a general idea of what I like while opening the door for us to talk about more kinks on a RP by RP basis.
My F-List

My only methods of play are here on the site or Discord. As of late I do have a small preference for Discord but I do still love writing here on the site so whichever you prefer is fine with me. Be sure to add your discord message in your PM if you'd like to move the talk over there.

Also as a side note, I don't care about your gender or sexuality IRL. If you're not a lady IRL but want to play a Momma here, by all means! I'm looking for good RP partners, that's all that matters to me.


So when it comes to prompts, all of these are open for interpretation and modification from you, my partner!
I want us both to play a story we both like. So if you see an idea that really catches your fancy but want too change a few things or you just have a completely different Son/Mom prompt you want to bring my way, don't hesitate! RP is collaborative story telling so the more you're into the story, the more I will be as well.

Also all roles will involve the son or other characters I play being at least 16 or older. The exact ages of our characters can be worked out between us but this is a hard rule of mine and the site. Nothing lower.

We zoom in on a lovely family. It's fourth of july weekend and a mother, father, and their two boys are having a BBQ at the park waiting for the fireworks to launch later. That was until the cops came. Three patrol cars with six officers, all to arrest YC. It seemed her husband had finally grown some balls and called in all the shit she was doing. It was his own fault after all, why was he looking at other women? If he didn't want to get stabbed he should have kept his eyes at home. So what she fucked his dad and made sure he walked in on it as revenge for him 'flirting' with the waitress at Applebees? "IlL tAkE tHe T-bOnE pLeAsE." She didn't know she married a whore. Then he had the audacity to get mad when she hit him with the car because he called her psycho? Was the sex not out of this world amazing? Did she not apologize after she went a little over board? Was the house not clean, dinner on the table, boys taken care of? Why would he do this?

She lunged at her husband, held back by the police officers before her husband screamed. "It wasn't me honey! I swear!" That was when her eyes met her sons, crying and looking sad at her. "I just wanted you to stop hurting Daddy..."

The court gave YC the insanity plea after their many insane outbursts in the court room. A life sentence for all intents and purposes. All because her own son turned on her.

30 years passed and she had finally got enough too initiate her plan. Setting a fire in her cell and escaping in the madness let the authorities think she was dead. Now she was free to teach her son to never turn on fucking blood!

This one would be the idea that the mother breaks out of the psyche ward and does things like dye her hair and what not so she looks different. Then her plan was too go too her son's hometown, seduce him into having an affair with this older woman, then destroying his family from the inside. Leaving him with nobody to turn too but her, just like he should have done 30 years ago.

Though as the plan goes on, she starts too fall for her boy. Him falling for her, it really does turn into a true affair. Though she's already worked at destroying the family. She gets a job at the high school where her grandkids go (16+) and tries to seduce them. She even tries to seduce his wife. Trying her best to get all of her son's family too turn to each other with their perversions. If they're all fucking each other, they can't turn on each other either.

Maybe later we deal with the truth coming out but the son is a bit crazy too and wants to keep his mother hidden from the authorities. Maybe he even helps his mother with her plans, anything to make it up to his Momma~

This RP would actually not be based around incest. It could involve incest but I'm looking for something completely different than the average Mom/Son plot here. It would be based off this image. The idea being a woman who has lived a well off life but has had too sit there being a trophy for her husband the Senator. She can never step out of line or do anything she doesn't want too without getting a 'stern talking too' like she's a child. Her husband won't give her the kids she wants. Worst of all, he's a fucking bore in bed. Zero kink at all, the man thinks of anal as taboo for Christ sake.

So from here it could go one of two ways depending on what you'd like. We could go the cheating and maybe possible cuckold route (not required if you're not into it) where she looks for a cute guy too be their Sugar Mommy. That or it could be just like in the photo where she has split from her husband and got a lot of his money so now she wants too look for someone to be their Sugar Mommy.

Either way it would focus on the relationship of a couple who isn't related but age gap wise they definitely seem like mother and son. She has him call her Mommy and introduces her as Mommy to all of their friends. It's Faux-Incest. The story would probably be a bit more slice of life where the couple is exploring everything she couldn't do before but can now do with him. If the husband is still in the picture then there can be a lot of sneaking around or even possible cucking.

The potential for incest could come from her insisting that he call her Mommy ALL THE TIME. Even when he introduces her to his parents. Maybe his mother takes offense too that and the two butt heads. The mom determined to take back her boy by any means necessary while new mom indulges his every fantasy, causing blood mom to go farther.

You ever had the pleasure of getting super into a character of yours in a TTRPG game? Thinking about them constantly, how they would react to certain scenes, how their life will go after the campaign is over? Well YC hasn't, at least not yet. A bored housewife who doesn't have any hobbies. Her life has consisted of household chores and errands around town for many years now driving her into a deep sadness. In the search for finding something too keep her entertained and give her boring suburban life meaning she spent hours and hours online. Only to come up with nothing that caught her eye. As she walked too the kitchen too grab a bottle of wine in hopes of drowning her sorrows she could hear cheering coming from her basement. Peeking her head downstairs let her see the large dining table moved too the middle of the furnished room. Her son sat at the head with a three piece wooden cover in front of him. His two friends on either side of the table and in between them a portrait of plastic dungeon pieces, minis, and a monster that they had just vanquished.

"As the Mind Flayer falls too the ground he chokes out a laugh. 'You fools! You may have stopped me but our plan is already set in fruition. This was only one of many mind altering artifacts dotted across your planet. If you can't destroy them all before the year is up, you will become cattle for our pleasure and-'...Oh, hey Mom, sorry were we being too loud?"

So the basic idea for this premise would be that YC joins MC's DnD game in hopes of finding something interesting too do. It's awkward at first but eventually her, MC, and MC's friends are all having a blast. Though it doesn't just stop at the table. She's brought into the game's discord and able to chat about her character with the others throughout the week. She starts to write stories about her character in downtime. Goes too hobby shops and buys minis, paint, books, dice and so much more. She is making new builds and asking her son if her character could do this or get this item. Him just happy to indulge her as he hasn't seen her this happy in a long time.

Though the hobby quickly becomes a obsession. She starts to make cosplays of her character, buying Dragoncon tickets for her and the whole group, she lives for game night and does everything she can too help her DM/Son make it better. Though one night while searching for a certain top that she thinks would go good with her cosplay, she comes across some more lewder sites of the fandom. Stories about characters fucking orcs and goblins. Potions that could enhance certain parts of ones body or even turn their species. She finds things like Bad Dragon Toys and how some are made too be like the monsters they've fought. Even finding a whole book that introduces sex and lewd elements into the game. She posts it in the discord as a 'joke' but then after a few jokes, eventually someone suggests they try it out.

From there would be the downfall into the lewd fantasy world. Things happen to their characters in the game. Cosplays get more lewd and someone has too take the pictures after all. Her stories in the discord are becoming more graphic. She's asking her son too go pick up her packages which include a dildo of the monster they're about to fight next week. Nothing is said between the group but everyone expects the Dragoncon trip will be MUCH, MUCH different this year.

Kinks could include many things from Incest (duh), sex toy play, cosplay, group play, public play, beast play if you want her character to have some more primal run in's, fantasy races, cheating or cucking if you'd want to introduce her having a spouse. The options are endless!

Kink is the spice of life. It keeps things interesting and the body feeling alive. Everyone has their different things that get them going. Some have one specific thing, some have a list. YC though has a few they've enjoyed but only one they haven't been able to give up as time went on. Exhibitionism.

The thrill of almost getting caught, of making the lewdest noises they could in the populated open air. Walking through a place with only shoes and a small face covering where anybody could come around the corner and see every curve and goosebump their skin hard to offer. Rubbing one out, crouched and spread eagle in the elevator knowing that if anyone is standing there when the door opens they'll she her cumming. It's a feeling that has been unmatched in all of her life and throughout the years, late highschool, college, marriage, pregnancy, now a mother, she could never stop.

One night while in the park in her city she's walking around in a trench coat, a pair of heels, her left over covid mask and a garter belt that's holding the controllers for the four vibrators taped or put into her body. Tonight's journey is more about the risk, it's about showing people her degenerate body. Flashing them her bare trembling body with her juices dripping down her thighs like a perverted river. She finally finds her target, he's on his phone and oblivious, cute too, looks like he's probably in college. After gaining up the courage she walks over in front of him. The sound of the vibrations against her body catching his attention and making him look up when she opens her coat and flashes him. That's when they both see it. His eyes are drawn too the unique birth mark on her waist that he had seen many times over the years. While her eyes are wide with shock at seeing her son.

From there we'd deal with the small fall out of the situation before the two find some sort of even ground. Could go the route that college is expensive and it's undeniable how sexy YC is. People would pay a lot of money to see this type of content. She could make it up to MC by starting an OnlyFans where she posts all this content. Helping pay off his college loans in record time. Of course she'd need a camera man so it only made sense for him too help out with making the content of course. It could be as simple as the son also has a exhibitionism fetish and wants to help her live her fantasies out. Both of them encouraging the other to do more and more. There's plenty of fun public angles we could take to develop their relationship further! Hit up my messages and we can talk it out.

It had been a few years now. The anniversary as a matter of fact. He still had nightmares of that day, everything was as clear as a video in his head. It was a very slight rainy day. MC and YC went out to practice driving. They chose the backroads where there would be few people and could safely work out controlling a car on wet roads. Everything was going just fine until that asshole was coming back from work. His truck packed with all those tools thrown loosely in the truck bed. Why didn't he put them in the toolbox? It was right there, it wouldn't have taken any more effort. He was so impatient, MC just needed to get too the turn so he could have some room too pull off to the side of the road....but the man couldn't wait. He passed on the left, side swiping the car and causing both of them too go a bit out of control. His tire hit a weird way and caused his bed to jump a little bit. Just enough for the hammer to fly out, hit MC's tire with the hook end, and blow it out....They rolled so many times. He woke up minutes later, a broken leg causing sharp pain but a warm comfort around his shoulders and face....she was holding him....pierced through the stomach with a crowbar and as she died.....she held her boy... MC could still remember her eyes weakly open and smile as he screamed for her to hold on. The sound of the sirens in the distance, the horn blaring from being stuck, and his own screams just all faded away and her last words rung out like a movie line playing on repeat in his head.

"It's okay baby....Mommy loves you...."

The man walked. The judge saying how nobody could prove that he put the hammer into the back of the truck since it was a open bed left in a parking lot. All his other tools were locked up and he claimed he didn't put those tools there. His lawyer argued that the road was built for people to pass, it was just a rainy day. Completely out of his control. He left that day in the same truck with a $5000 fine. MC left that court house still without the woman who cared most about him in this world.

He refused to accept reality. She was the only person who showed him true love. A person he could share his hobbies with. Who would pet his hair while laying on her lap after a hard day or have her cry on his shoulder when things got particularly tough. She liked to dance and had the singing voice of an angel. She was picky with her food but always tried anything if he wanted her too take a bite of. It didn't matter where, when or what was happening in his life, she was there for him and vice versa. All he had left now was a few friends who drifted away after school and some relatives who never really cared much anyways. This was unacceptable.

He spent years, all of his time on research. Getting into a college just to be able to use their resources. Talking with historians and looking into ancient tomes one after the other. All about how different civilizations saw death. Eventually he found the occult side of research. Books filled with rituals that invoked dark magics and darker entities. He did it all, from Louisiana Swamp Voodoo to Egyptian Death Ceremonies to trying to summon Eldritch Horrors, nothing worked. That was until one day he found a book in a pawn store in some crowded city neighborhood. The Guide of Sins.

It was almost the exact minute of her death on the same day just a few years later. He'd written the circle in his own blood just as it told him. Placed her belongings in the center and started the chant. The lights dimmed, the floorboards lightly shook and glass from the upstairs windows broke. The blood on the floor glowed until all that he could see was a blinding red light, knocking him on his ass. The shaking stopped, the lights stayed off and light was gone, but there was nothing. The man got on his hands and knees next to the circle, tears rolling down his cheeks like the rain from that day. "Just give her back. P-please. I'll do anything just...just give her back..."

"It's okay baby."

Looking up, he saw her. Those loving eyes, that sweet smile, standing in front of him with soot marks across her naked body. Though she was different, her body was more voluptuous. Her curves, her chest, her ass. Coming out of her head was a pair of small horns with a slim, spaded tail flicking around behind her. It was her...but different.

So this one would deal with YC coming back from wherever she was as a succubus! There could be so much fun here. Succubus need orgasmic energy to survive after all so outside of her son stepping up too feed her, he could go looking for more. Not satisfied until she's full and he knows he wont lose her again. Could be a much darker plot where yes they're chasing orgasmic energy for her but what if she came back still the loving mother but changed. She wants revenge, that man should pay, they should make him pay. It shouldn't stop there either, what about his lawyer? The judge? What about their family members who left MC alone after it all happened, don't they deserve punishment? Or we could go down a more altruistic route, maybe now that she's back they go on a journey to find out how to 'cure' her. Make her full human again. Maybe they find out that there was some demonic influence that day of the crash and that some people not only want her to stay a succubus but come back to where MC took her from. There's a lot of fun we can have with this one!

YC had been in a sorority when she went to college. A esteemed lineage of some of the country's most renown women. The storied Sigma Lamda Tau. While being apart of it did help almost every person in the future in their job field. While they were there, it was the biggest party sorority nation wide. There was no better party than a ΣΛΤ party. Though like all parties, they had to end eventually. YC spent her days partying and thanks to the sororities connections passed with flying colors. She was able to get a cushy dream job, start a family, and live her dream life.

Though dreams can be a bit boring.

They're to perfect. They don't have that raw fun ability that real life could bring. Her college days were filled with drinks every night, lewd games in front of cheering crowds, people that would whisper her name when she passed and dream about being with her. Now she had everything she had dreamed of, but was it was good as back then?

Much to her surprise as she's reminiscing she gets an email. A video from her old sorority sister. Opening it up in her office she see's that smirk on her lips she had all those years ago when she ran the sorority.

"Hey Sluts, been a while. It's me, your queen Jessica~ Bet you missed me huh? I've been traveling around the world for the last twenty years living my best life. I've done everything, and everyone~, I've ever wanted though nothing lives up to our glory days does it girls? You have so much more than most people in the world but I know you greedy bitches, you miss being at the top like I do. Well, I personally stayed at the top and the last twenty years have just been a extension of my college days but I'm not messaging you too talk about how amazing my life is! I have something you'll want to hear."

"Daddy died. I know, very sad, I'm distraught." Jessica sipped at her martini glass before grimacing and smacking something with a thump down off camera. A young man rose into frame, wiping his mouth and looking up at her. She shoved the glass into his hands. "How many times do I have to teach you how to make a simple martini? GO! DO IT AGAIN!" The man quietly apologizes before running off. Jessica rolls her eyes and readjusts herself before smiling at the camera. "Help these days am I right? Anyways, Daddy died and left everything he had too me. You remember Daddy yes? One of the biggest oil barons the world has ever seen? Well my inheritance after selling off all of his assets is something like 800 or 900 million. Maybe more, I don't know I get lost in the pennies. I don't need any of it though, I already used Daddy's money to make my own fortune! Ha ha ha ha! I'm rich as fuck! Ahahahaha! Ohh~ Anyways, I want to do something FUN! So I thought to myself why don't I hit up my sisters and relive the good ol' days. Sort of a memorial for Daddy since he funded like everything we did back then. Soooo, Drumroll please!...... I SAID FUCKING DRUMROLL!!" The sound of a actual live drumroll could be heard in the background while Jessica glares at someone before looking to the camera with her hands up and smiling.

"A NEW SCAVENGER HUNT!! I swear one of you fuckers is getting pegged till you pass out if people keep messing up.... Yes sisters! We're doing a scavenger hunt just like we did for rush week all those years ago! This one though is much more fun as I've hand picked all of the items on said list. Though this isn't some boring fucking find a rainbow umbrella list, no, you'll find that it's a bit So here's the game. You'll find the list attached too this email with 365 items! One for every day of the year. Starting tomorrow the challenge starts, you don't have too do a item a day but you can only do one a day as well. With a caveat~ Each item has bonus items. One item may have one bonus while another may have five! You can only do the bonuses while you're doing base item. Once you complete the item, no going back. Oh and so you whores don't cheat, every item you do must be recorded and sent too me. At the end of the year, the top five point earners will be flown out here to my villa in Rome. There we'll have one more set of challenges and whoever comes out as the winner, gets the big prize! What's the big prize I hear you asking? Well all of Daddy's money of course! All 1 billion or whatever it is, straight too you tax free. You'll never have to worry about money in your life again. You can live like me and keep your college days going forever! All you have too do is make sure you get enough points~ You wont know how many points the other girls have either. So it's best you just do as many as you can. I mean after all this is just for my fun really and I still get off on watching you all slut it up like back in college. Haha! Oh wait until you read the list, some of you are going to fucking HATE me for what's on there. So yes, welcome back home Sigma Lamda Tau! If you're interested all you need to do is reply too this email and you'll be added too the list. Don't wait too long! Everyday you miss out is a day someone else is getting in the lead. See you in a year! Chao Bitches! Mwah!~" Jessica stood revealing she was in fact bottomless and was holding a chain in her hand that lead to a naked, collared man who followed her eagerly on all fours.

The video cut and when YC opened the list they saw a cornucopia of the kink spectrum. It was lunacy! Though there were somethings that could be done. One of the first things that caught her eye was make out with a current member of Sigma Tau Delta. The male counter part to their sorority. That shouldn't be too hard. Her son was in Sigma Tau Delta. Maybe he could introduce her too a friend.

So from her on, this would be about the mother's journey through the list but her first mark is making out with a current member and somehow, it ends up being her son. From there it could be both of them trying to complete the list. They say it's just for the money of course but they both are loving the things the list has them doing and their relationship grows from there!

The list can be something more tame if you want but I find that the more kinky you are the better this one can go. Now not EVERYTHING needs to be like, "Get knocked up.", there can be plenty of challenges like "Do anal" and the sub challenges are like "Do anal double pen" or something a bit more kinky. All of these things we can talk about. The list will really be based around your kinks and what you enjoy. Then we can go through creating them one after another and playing out the scenes!

I'm going to be constantly updating this thread with more and more prompts so please come back to check it out and see if anything interesting caught your eye this next time around!
Thanks so much for reading and I hope to hear from yall soon!
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Still looking! If you don't like my prompts here but have your own Mom/Son prompts you'd like to try, I'd love to hear those as well!
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