antagonizing verseXever the victim

Jin liked to go through the world as though he owned it.

Others caught in his way learned his philosophies soon enough. Even if he preferred to do as he wanted, when he wanted, a flock of boys started following him. Even as a kid, he'd had this effect. And it wasn't their better instincts that gravitated toward him. It was his animal nature, though it was well woven with a street-laden intelligence. He just wanted to tear other things apart. Not just physically. He thrived on any kind of big reaction, and he thought it was better to wring it out of people when they were unwilling at first. It was sweeter to take something from them that they hadn't known they wanted to give. And to put whatever he wanted in its place.

As an equal opportunity villain, he had a gallery of people from all walks of life on his victim list. He couldn't remember them all, their faces when they cried or came or both, but some stuck. Lately he'd been tormenting a guy with a rather weak constitution. Just a few things around the neighborhood and classes, since they frequented the same college and lived in the same neighborhood, not to mention it was a legacy victim from back in high school days that had resurfaced. He'd beat the guy up once or twice, had him buy snacks, even stripped him down and taken photos. In all honesty the guy had gotten away pretty easy, given as Jin ran with a rather rough, organized crowd these days. What's a few bad pictures when you could be dead with a butcher knife up your ass?

But it was when the feebly boy, though aged to be a young mann, was talking amicably with a girl that Jin also recognized that things got more interesting. He spotted the male first at a café, nursing a few scratches from their latest run-in, but sitting across a pretty girl. Jin, passing by the window of the small eatery, realized as he threw a quick look that not only did he know this girl, but he also knew how her pussy squeezed your cock and how sweetly her mouth liked to say no even when she was soaking wet and bawling her eyes out.

It was interesting and ill fated enough that Jin, all the massive height on him, leaned against a wall in the adjacent alley to have a smoke and wait the few minutes the couple had left until they stood up and exited the café. In his black jacked on his broad shoulders, though otherwise rather slender build, the towering Jin could blend right into the background, if he stayed close to the wall and near the shadows. His black messy hair helped, and he'd crushed the cigarette and left it behind so the ember wouldn't call attention to him.

Once he caught up, he thrust himself between the other two and threw an arm around the smaller male, like they were good friends. "Heeyyyy, Joey!" he exclaimed and rocked the nerd a bit, then looking at the girl, finally, up and down. Her hair was short and reasonable, but even her carefully chosen clothing couldn't hide that she had some massive tits under there. He didn't make much of a secret out of staring at them. "You never told me you had a girl!" and then he squinted and leaned closer to, letting go of Joey. "Hey, don't I know you?.." he started, though he damn well remembered her.
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