Mx Female In a world where Alphas were exiled, your instincts lead you to betray the betas, your significant other and your ideals


Feb 10, 2024
Generations ago, men split into subtypes: Conqueror and Frailians. The Conquerors, known informally as Alphas, were almost superhuman in their strength, dominance, and their almost unnaturally hypnotic power to seduce women and bend women and lesser men to their will. Those lesser men were the Frailians or "betas" (the more… derogatory term,) weaker, smaller, often spineless and naturally compliant. Although some believed that a growing fertility crisis was strictly due to these weaker men, the reality was that the female body had evolved to *reject* them. Even artificial insemination proved entirely unreliable. The only fully effective method of conception was to be dominated and driven into heat by an Alpha…

But we didn't know that, when we cast them out of society for their unruly behavior. It's been that way your whole life, and well before you were born. Only now, is the government secretly trying to find a solution to this unsustainable problem. That is going to be a challenge, when these Alpha traits have been demonized for so long. When identified, the young Alphas are sent away, never to be seen again, leaving the girls and the betas behind. You were raised to feel disgust at the thought of their toxic, masculine behavior. That was… until you met Alphas, and began communicating with them and interacting with them. That changed everything.

Our story will chart the rise of the Alphas back to supremacy over this society… from a seemingly utopian but repressed world run by the betas and women together, to the revolution where the Alphas clearly restore the natural hierarchy: Alpha > Women > betas. But how did this all unfold before your eyes? And how did you end up caught up in all of this? From a feminist, anti-Alpha, to Alpha sympathizer, to perhaps even doing your part to betray everyone and surrendering to these dominant, naturally more capable overlords?

I am imagining a number of little episodes in this world. Perhaps we can just play one or a few out together. But I would also love it if we could tweak and accommodate all of this into an ongoing story…

1.) THE ALPHA EXPERIMENT. We start with a social engineering event, in which Alphas are brought back in to attend a university with betas and women. Although their powers are secretly dampened, they still absolutely dominate in athletics, leadership, socially, even in some more will-powered academic pursuits. The girls started fawning over them, the betas were ruthlessly bullied… even your own, sweet boyfriend, who you were at the time forced to protect in more and more compromising ways.

You tried to resist their charms, despite some failures. But as student president, you gained access to the control panel, to the machinery in place that was limiting their Alpha traits (even though you'd been forbidden to go anywhere near it.) One night, an Alpha who had been pursuing you taunted you into disabling it. You didn't believe the stories of what they were really capable of, and you were determined to prove that even with their supposed "powers," you would still resist him. You were wrong… and worse, across the whole campus, the kind of chaos that would later require a massive government cover up ensued.

2.) ENSLAVED BY DESIRE. You'd been forced to forget what you'd experienced, that weekend that the Alphas seized total control at the university… but it still weighed heavily on your subconscious. Nothing could be the same with your then boyfriend, now fiancé. He remembered on some level as well… in traumatic, repressed memories. As an ascending leader in your local government, it would be an absolute scandal if anyone ever found out that you were using your necessary access to the AlphaNet, the forbidden Alpha side of the internet, to learn their "truth," as they were slowly radicalizing you, even making you their plaything from a distance and drawing you away for secret meetings with them…

3.) THE BREEDING GROUNDS. A program secretly allowed by the government is the seemingly "black market" smuggling operations… which second as a breeding program. These barbaric outsiders, operating separate from both Alpha and beta society, seize women they lure away and take them to Alpha territory. But they also provide certain secret "services" for women, a hushed topic many believe is only a rumor, and all are too afraid to admit they engaged in. Where do you *really* think most of the new babies in the beta territory come from? Naturally, to admit that you were snuck out to be gang raped by these forbidden monsters is not something one would want to openly admit… let alone that you maybe even snuck off to subject yourself to that willingly.

Maybe this program plays into your story. Are you maybe one of the girls tricked into this, and then gaslit into secrecy? Or perhaps you're corrupted and loyal enough to the cause that you're part of all this now… helping to get these girls for them to take away, breed. Maybe you're even hoping to help convert some new girls to be Alpha loyalists like you…

4.) BETRAYING THE BETAS: HIERARCHY UNVEILED. Finally, you and your beta husband have ascended to leadership in your government. A political power couple. Perhaps you're the elected official, or your husband is and you are his trusted assistant. Regardless, no one knows that you're already corrupted by the Alphas. No one knows what that choker necklace around your neck really is… some whispers about it being a "collar" are regarded as a crackpot conspiracy theory. And so, slowly, the Alphas are able to seize control with you as their willing servant. Soon, you are dominated and mindfucked into giving them anything they want and letting them take charge. In time, they will restore the natural order, as your rightful kings… Alphas over all, betas serving women and Alphas. Everyone, in their proper place, and women and betas alike will learn to love it. Or… I'm sure they'll be reprogrammed, if any of them prove to be defective.

Of course, this is just an outline of how things could go! If you would like to play out your character a bit differently, or tweak any of this (or all of this,) let's discuss! I like things to be as collaborative as possible! But I would like to build a dark, unapologetically twisted world together for us to play around in with different characters.

Kinks: BDSM, corruption, teasing, humiliation, rough sex, edging, forced orgasms and denial, degradation, cheating, torture, sadism/masochism, breeding, dubcon, cuckold, voyeurism/exhibitionism, mind fucks, power dynamics/hierarchy, betrayal, light bondage, and more.

Limits: animals, vomit, incest, fecal matter, inappropriate ages
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