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Fx Male Madi's Most Recent Musings


Apr 28, 2024
Madi’s Most Recent Musing


~ The Intro ~


Hello all! I'm looking to start some roleplays with like-minded roleplayers who are looking for longer-term plot lines that revolve around deep story. Smut WILL be included, but I much prefer the smut to be tossed in where it makes sense according to where we're taking the story.

I typically like darker themes, in particular ones that involve my character going from innocent or good girl type and being led down the long and winding path of slow debacuhery, corruption, etc, etc. The first plot i've included is an example of that (though I plan to add many more varying plots.

If you have a suggestion for a different kind of plot, please message me! I enjoy modern, fantasy, scifi, historical, noire, horror, and much more!! I love collaborating in the world building process, so expect plenty of that if you do message me!


Death Of Innocence


~ The Themes ~


Corruption, obsession, possessiveness, transformation, dub-con/non-con, manipulation, mindbreak, age-gap, demons, magic, size difference, action, dark romance, sex, drama.


~ The Concept ~


When Princess Sar'aele was captured by the evil titan Asmodeus, it was her purity of heart, bravery of spirit, and cunning of mind that saw her through an escape none could have ever dreamed her capable of. She was, of course, the pampered, protected porcelain doll of high society. Beauty like none other. A being of utter class and perfection. But it had been three years since her disappearance. Three years locked in the high tower of a demonic fortress. Three years surrounded by dark miasma, evil curses, and devilish sin.

Yes, even her holy blood could have come out unscathed.

She traveled out of the Demon Realm, ascross the Typhon Sea, and through the Witch Meadow. And with only the Khalari dessert in between herself and her home—the lush Plains of Ishtar—it was in the dead of night that she awoke not under the pale moon light and twinkling stars, but in the bed of a man whose eyes glowed a terrfying red. Hot, flushed, confused, she tried to fight, but could not. For her eyed crossed with such pleasure that the fight escaped from her very soul.

And that evil that had slowly crept into cracks and crevices of her being during those three long years finally broke something in her. A place where debauchery and corruption could begin to truly taint her pure heart, brave spirit, and cunning mind.


~ The Details ~

This plot I'm much more open to changing and modifying as me and whatever potential partner sees fit. Essentially, the crux of the plot is an elven princess who has spent eyars in captivity, constantly surrounded by evil that has begun to corrode her purity. When she escapes and finds herself entangled with a mysterious, end not very benevolent man, she begins a truse downward spiral into corruption and she joins up with that man for whatever reason. Maybe he convinces her to adventure now that they're romantically involved. Or maybe he knows the best way through the desert.

I'm looking to make this a long-term, adventure fantasy plot with a solid 60/40 story/smut ration. I love plot and need a good one to keep me entertained. But smut and corruption is a heavy part of this story and the plot as well. It won't be immediate in terms of changes to her, but I wouldn't call it slow-burn either. Just sorta depends on how it all plays out.

I will be playing the elven princess, and you would play the man opposite her.

This story has an alternative fandom/canon setting, which would be a Zelda x Ganon pairing.

Sar'aele (Sara):



~ The End ~




Shaped For You


~ The Themes ~


Corruption, obsession, possessiveness, transformation, dub-con/non-con, manipulation, blackmail, use of drugs, gaslighting, fashion, fame, age-gap, size difference, action, romance, sex, drama. Breaking her down to build her back up.


~ The Concept ~


A young college student meets an older man of mystery. He’s rich, handsome, tall, and powerful. He’s everything she isn’t. She’s a short, petite, tomboy-ish nerd who has hardly ever kissed a man. He’s a playboy who knows everything there is to know about pleasuring a woman.

But he has a secret desire that no one knows about. He doesn’t like dating the supermodels, actresses, and athletes that seem to flock around him. They’re good fun, sure, but they do nothing for his mind. What he really desires is to make his own woman from scratch. Take a boring, blank canvas, and build her into the perfect little princess to call truly his own. So when he crosses paths with her, a girl with all the potential and none of the know-how, he decides that she is the ideal candidate to take under his wing and turn into his queen, by any means necessary.

She is about to step foot into the world of the rich and the famous, a grueling process that may end up ruining her forever. But if she can endure it all, she will become everything she ever dreamed of and more.


~ The Details ~


This is a story where I will play as F, and you will play as M in a modern setting. I am, of course, open to suggestions and changes, but please don’t try to come with a totally different idea. If this doesn’t seem like your cup of tea, then look somewhere else, thank you.

I would like this story to feature a majority of plot, with a fair amount of smut mixed, as I see sex as a perfect way to facilitate much of her changing desires. Probably something like 70/30, give or take, but I do want it to be full of drama and all the fun stuff.

Optionally: I am open to futuristic, fantasy, or modern fantasy settings. If that is more your style, then let me know and we can figure out the details together.

Introduce yourself, and tell me what YCs ideal girl is that he would like to build her into, and give me a general rundown of the kind of super-rich bachelor you’d like to play. I have some ideas as well, but I’m sure we can find a happy medium.


~ The End ~

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