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Seeking Role-Playing Partners with Unique Superpowers


Jul 5, 2024
I am looking for like-minded friends on this forum to join me in a creative and challenging role-playing adventure.

Role Setting:

I will be playing a character similar to Professor Charles Xavier from X-Men, responsible for selecting and guiding individuals with unique superpowers. You can play characters with various special abilities, and I will match you with suitable teammates and assign specific missions.


Our story takes place at a place called X Academy, which is dedicated to helping those with special abilities who are facing troubles. Your characters will come to X Academy with their unique problems, seeking help and working together to overcome these issues. Each mission will present different challenges and puzzles, testing our intelligence and teamwork.

Character Requirements:

Possess unique but not overly powerful superpowers, such as controlling small weather patterns, short-distance teleportation, communicating with animals, etc.
The superpowers should be interesting and niche, adding more creativity and fun to the story.
Other Requirements:

No content restrictions, feel free to use your imagination.
We will communicate openly on this forum, and everyone is encouraged to participate actively in discussions and interactions.
I hope to find some creative and enthusiastic friends to embark on this wonderful journey together! If you are interested in this setting, please leave a comment below, introducing the character you want to play and their superpower.
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