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Fx Male Professor and Student (Seeking Romance, Conflict, and Plenty of Smut)


Mar 12, 2023

Hello! Welcome to my thread!

Call me whatcha like [: I have been roleplaying on-and-off for years. I enjoy creating a world, characters, and a story with someone that satisfies both our curiosities. Adding some raunchiness never hurt anyone, either. Anyway, the actually important thing to note in my introduction is that I am a busy person. I try to reply once every three days or so. I cannot give an exact response schedule, however, I will post multiple times per week. My writing style is literate and detailed. I do not hold myself to the standard of perfection, nor do I expect it. As I said, this is a fun hobby for me and little more. Regardless, I will put effort and thought into my posts and I ask that you are capable of doing the same.

Professor and Student​
This is more of an idea so far, though I would love to workshop it with someone. Let me know if you have any ideas!

YC, a professor, has hit rock bottom. His life has always been a struggle, now more than ever. He’s depressed, burnt-out, sluggish, and tired. Little if anything brings him a smile and he feels engulfed by a seemingly unending loneliness. Until MC shoves herself into his life. It isn’t easy at first. He’s anxious, avoidant, and skeptical of anything she tries with him. As if he can’t accept anything good could come his way. Despite his outward indifference, MC notices the subtle cues that show his attraction, and she desperately wants to see how far it could go. But it’s no secret why YC is so alone: he's an obsessive, aggressive lover. Often times to the point it seems he’s someone else entirely.

Let me know if this sounds interesting and I’ll go into further detail. I have an idea for how things could get started between the characters, though I’d like some opinions!

Kinks and More​
- Acarophilia. (Scratching. Lots of it. Both the act of scratching and MC being scratched.)
- Age differences. (I plan for MC to be 19-21, with YC being 35-40.)
- Bondage. (Light use. Things like handcuffs, blindfolds, gags, etc.)
- Breath play. (Nothing extreme, unless the scene warrants it, but I like a detailed description of MC being choked.)
- Frustration. (YC has been a very lonely man. He’s been out of it for a while, MC awakening a deep desire he’s forgotten he had.)
- Clothing. (I really like button downs, ties, belts, slacks, the works.)
- Cock worship. (Detailed blowjobs, verbal praise, detail in handjobs, etc.)
- Degradation.
- Drug use/Intoxication. (Follows a few ideas I have story-wise. Use of drugs as an aphrodisiac.)
- Fingers/Hands. (Choking, fingering, rubbing MC, having YC’s hand over her mouth, spanking, etc. Literally anything and everything that could involve YC’s hands.)
- Praise/Encouragement. (Praising MC. Names like good girl, words of encouragement, etc. MC praising YC.)
- (Risk of) Pregnancy. (Purposeful unsafe sex, with the intention of risking pregnancy. Not planning to do this right away, but could definitely be fun later on. I am not comfortable with MC actually being pregnant.)
- (Risk of) Being caught. (Could be fun to play around in his class a bit.)

- Noncon
- Feet
- Bathroom kinks

- I really want to play into the cliches here. The forbidden-ness of their relationship, the cliche of an older man’s life being magically fixed by some manic-pixie younger girl, the romance and the steaminess, all of it. Don’t be shy to lean into the cheesiness, the depression, or the sexy parts of what we’re writing.
- I’m planning on this being more like 60/40 smut to plot, but that’s entirely negotiable.
- I have two face claims in mind, however it isn’t at all necessary that either are used! I’m happy to look at any face claims you suggest for MC, nor do I mind searching for some!
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Hope to hear from you! Feel free to ask or suggest anything!
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