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A good old fashion request thread


Jul 3, 2024
Hey there,

It's your friendly neighborhood woolf! Thanks for swingin’ round. And since I don’t know how to make this look as fancy as some people, I'll keep this to the point so you don't get bored.

A quick about me:

[x] I consider myself a pretty advanced writer and pride myself in being highly-detailed in my word-smithing, as well as hyper-attentive to my partners character(s), ideas, dreams, and desires. That said, I give what I get. Quality over quantity. I don't need fifty pages of words that could be said skillfully in one or less.

[x] Smut-friendly. With or without complex plot, but I will probably get bored after a while of that, so let's mix it up at some point.

[x] I am a little slow to post, but I will make it worth your while. I have a plentiful and busy life outside of this hobby and like to keep it all balanced. We can stay in touch in between (I prefer that) but I will keep you in the loop regardless.

[x] In general, I'm a friendly dude and I don't take anything in life too seriously. This is all for fun. Just don't be a dick.

Limits/things I won’t do:

[x] Underage themes (that means for me, anyone under 18) including those implied in looks or behavior. Swinging from the family tree ('step-members' may be ok if the plot is convincing enough). Animals or anything too animal-like. Anything that belongs in a toilet. I prefer human on human(oids) but this can be expanded to supernatural/magical/alien/monsters. I just need characters to look and most definitely act (mostly) human.

[x] Everything else is probably a go for me. Just ask if you're not sure and I'll say hell yeah or hell nah. Easy as that.

What I would like/general preferences:

[x] PM's or off-site only. I do not write in threads.

[x] Someone also as highly-detailed and attentive in their replies. Above all: quality, quality, quality. Did I say quality yet?

[x] Consistency preferred. You ain't gotta be a quick-draw. I can be patient, as long as you are with me. I think a month between replies is probably excessive, and I'll assume you left after 2+ weeks with no contact, but if you do disappear and come back and want to re-hash, just say the word.

[x] I would say I'm semi ghost friendly. I think respect is very important. Just be an adult and say something if you're not feeling it, I won't hold it against you. If it becomes a habit or I can see it already is one, I probably won't entertain you further.

x] I like to plot a lot, it keeps the brain juices flowing and muse flame lit, so I would prefer someone who also enjoys that part of it.

[x] Male x Female pairings only. I would be writing the male role, save side-characters as needed.

[x] I like any kind of genre. There isn't much of anything I won't write, or at least attempt. I do not like fandoms though. I want us to create our own characters/stories/settings.

[x] Anything else we can just chat about. I would like to exchange writing samples before we decide to move forward, so just please keep in mind what I am truly looking for and if you fit the bill before you reach out. If I decline, do not take it personal. I do not tolerate dramatics of any degree. Writing with another person can be fickle. It needs the right ingredients. You can be a great writer but our styles just don't mesh, or our personalities are too different and we won't be able to plot comfortably. It happens all the time. It's happened to me too. The beauty of this world is that everyone is different, and that's alright.

If all that looks good to you, hit me up!
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