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Fx Any Fandoms and Double-Ups inside~ (Mass Effect + Avatar [James Cameron])


May 10, 2024
My F-List

A bored ROB (random omnipotent being) decides to have a little fun and transports Pandora and everything on it into Mass Effect verse. The appearance creates a massive energy burst that the Alliance notices and sends ships to investigate.

Timeline-wise, the shift occurs at the start of the Avatar movie, where Jake and Norm have just arrived but haven't started using their Avatars yet. On the ME side, the shift occurs just before the Heratic Geth attack on Eden Prime in the first game.

@ajw on Spacebattles for this brilliant idea for a role-play

I want to put my spin on the idea! Imagine you assemble your crew of various aliens to stop the geth, the reapers, and the collectors. You must also stop the RDA from overtaking Pandora and possibly going to war with the Citadel Council and other races.

It’s up to you who you want on your crew! There are themes of xenophilia, polyamorous relationships, and harems among the crew if you so choose!

This is a double-up! For both sides of the role play, avoiding clashing with the same crew teammates will be an AU.

My Crew
Garrus Vakarian
Thane Krios
Jaal Ama Darav
Jake Sully (as his avatar)

My OC is a simple concept with no name at the moment. She’s part of the Mass Effect Universe and lost her memories after being partially fused with a geth. She has a symbiotic relationship with it and is learning to work together to regain her memories. No one in the Citadel recognizes her.



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