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Mx Female Family Affairs (Both Plot-Focused & Smutty inside, Fantasy & Modern)


Sep 22, 2022
Hello there, and welcome to my request thread. To save everyone some time, this is a request thread specifically for incest plots of many shapes and sizes, where I will be writing from the perspective of the male of the pairing. This thread covers both plot-focused, long-term and short-term, and smut-focused plots alike, which I've categorized so you can find exactly what you're looking for quickly. And if you've got an idea of your own, feel free to message me with it. I'm primarily looking for son x mother or brother x sister at the moment, but will still write father x daughter or cousin x cousin as well. Step versions of the characters are also acceptable depending on your preference.

A little about myself: I'm a lit to semi-lit writer who typically writes between 300-800 words per post in plot-focused threads, but adjust depending on my partner's cadence as well as the needs of the given scene we're in. I'm easy to reach OOC and try my best not to ghost as well, and can reply as much as multiple times per day depending on my current muse. I am respectful of all limits, and in terms of kinks I don't want to write anything particularly out there save for, of course, the incest itself. And this should go without saying, but our characters are our characters, and this plot will not be an excuse to try to do something uncomfortable OOC. I will always tell you if I need a break or am not interested in the plot anymore, and I am ghosting friendly, although I prefer that you at least tell me if you need to be done with the plot.

-Sex for impregnation
-Fantasy races (elves, fae, etc)
-Risky sex
-Pregnancy & Family Planning
-Realistic Bodies (tits on the larger size of realistic, but A-cups are fine, too!)
-Breast play
-Cum on Tits & other marking
-Lotus position (sitting facing each other, so intimate!)
-Passionate Kissing & Long Foreplay
-Low-cut dresses and skimpy clothes
-Accidents (couldn't pull out in time, fell during sex, other funny/unintentional moments)

-Capture scenarios

-Bathroom play
Now for the plots themselves. All characters are 18+, and feel free to take an idea and put your own spin on it if it pleases you. MC and YC are interchangeable unless specifically listed, i.e. MC could be son/brother/father and YC could be mother/sister/daughter depending on how we envision the plot. The plot-focused plots can be as slow of a burn as you'd like. The smut-focused plots still have an actual plot, but with much more room for many smut scenes.

-The Heirs: MC and YC are descendants of a noble house, that one day is suddenly and viciously attacked by another house. Narrowly escaping this fate by riding their family's griffins/dragons, the two of them begin to travel the lands of the kingdom in search of a way to find their revenge, but find solace in each other's arms as the sole survivors of the attack, which give way to taboo feelings during their journey that they justify by saying that they need to repopulate their line...

-Curse of our Forefather: One day, a brother and sister awake to their home town being attacked by a dragon. During the attack, they discover that the dragon's rider is their grandfather, who curses them with a mysterious spell. The two then journey together to find a way to break the curse, and seek revenge on their grandfather for destroying their home, developing feelings along the way, as well as strange new abilities granted by their curse.

-The Voyage: MC and YC take a sailing ship to a new land that has been discovered in hopes of a new home, only to become separated from the rest of their family along the way due to a storm. The Empire is willing to house them after the affair, but when word spreads of a great treasure deeper within the continent, the two decide to begin a journey to find it, for the treasure is said by the natives to grant any wish to those who find it, including bringing back the dead. Alternatively, rather than take a journey, instead MC and YC could find themselves caught in the midst of a war with pirates, either aiding the Empire to defeat the pirates they blame for their family's death, or joining the pirates once they discover the Empire intentionally destroyed the other ship for political means.

-The Marriage: MC and YC are arranged to be married to a mystery suitor, a blessing given their failing house, only to discover once they are giving their vows that they are already related. Wondering how this could have happened, the two of them begin to uncover a plot to destroy their bloodline that they must uncover while keeping their identities a secret.

-Apprentice and Master: MC and YC are a master wizard and apprentice, who are a father/daughter or mother/son. When the master wizard is called one day to investigate a magical anomaly, the apprentice begs to go with them, and so the two embark upon a journey, with the master teaching the apprentice along the way.

-Plight of the Commoners: MC and YC are commoners in a fantasy city, who one night at a festival discover they are intensely attracted to one another. Unable to resist, they must keep their affair hidden as the Inquisition begins to investigate the town for the source of some rumored dark magic. As incest is forbidden in this land, the two must keep their activities secret despite finding it increasingly difficult to conceal themselves.

-The Spell: YC is a witch living in the forest, who MC learns about one day. Happy at their reunion, the two meet in YC's cottage, only for feelings of relief to turn into feelings of lust. The resulting affair leaves them horrified, yet unable to resist continuing. As a witch hunt begins however, MC and YC are suspected, sending them on the run and in hiding as they attempt to work out their feelings.

-The Refugees: MC and YC are refugees following a war in their country. Stuck in a foreign land with no one else but themselves, their mutual trust turns to lust, which gives them even more problems on top of being refugees, especially if YC finds herself pregnant now that the two are without a home... The story would begin with survival scenarios in the wilderness, followed by being branded outcasts in a new kingdom, which may have a radically different culture from their own.

-Ghost Writer: YC is a famous model or actress, who needs a ghost writer. MC, her family member, is up to the job, but when she discovers his writing, she's unable to resist the temptation of the feelings she suddenly develops.

-It's Just Business: MC is a high-ranking person in a business, when YC finds herself joining the same circle as him, with his help. The two then begin traveling together for work, finding themselves spending more time together, which eventually develop into romantic feelings, all while they need to negotiate an important merger without getting caught. Can they pull it off? Or will they be discovered and lose everything?

-Strange Small Town Detectives: MC and YC are residents of a small town in the US, who find that one day strange things start happening (Hence the title). The two begin to investigate the supernatural happenings, finding monsters, scientific anomalies that defy belief, and other bizarre oddities. However, when similar things begin happening in other towns, the two take a road trip to discover them and see if there's a connection. As a result, they begin developing feelings for one another, which they must keep hidden as they begin giving evidence to the police and press, gaining notoriety for their detective work...

-Snowed In:
MC and YC are separated from their family by a sudden blizzard, being stuck inside a lodge alone together until the snow can clear. When it gets cold in the lodge, the two of them need to get together to get warm, as they begin doing whatever is necessary to survive.

-The Beach Incident:
MC and YC are on vacation together, when MC walks into the shadowy beach house and hits on the hot woman he finds inside, whose face he can't really make out in the dark, only able to see her physical shape. Only once they're already having sex do they realize that they're actually related, but by then they're unable to stop themselves, leading to a string of secretive encounters. Hoping for son/mom or brother/sister for this one as well.

MC and YC get stuck together in their home at the outbreak of a new pandemic, with MC's father (possibly MC and YC's father/parents, if they are siblings) trapped at the airport. Being alone together, they spend time together only to accidentally get turned on by each other and give in to their desires.

Feel free to send me a message about any of the above plots, or with any ideas of your own. I look forward to your interest~
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