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Valorverse: Team Firestar Arc

Firestar had dropped his SEL down to one and he was now doing light sparring with Crusader. He had regenerated his helm and was focused on protecting his face.

"Your best bet for victory against Mozgus is to defeat him quickly. In order to do that, you'll need to take the Fist of Valor to a whole new level."

"You mean I should try to beat him in one shot?"

Firestar shook his head.

"Against an opponent like Mozgus, you'd have no chance of that. He has way too much experience to go down from a single shot."

"Then how?"

"Hit him with rapid-fire Fists of Valor. If you can land several crushing blows on him, you can defeat him before he has a chance to draw out his full power."

Scott nodded and took his fighting stance again.

Firestar activated his power of divine immunity.

"Alright, now focus your power and strike me."

Scott closed his eyes and focused his Soul Energy into both arms. Once he felt ready, he struck with two Boxing-style straight punches in a row. Both Fists of Valor hit with tremendous force, but left Scott winded.

"Again," Firestar instructed.
Scott and Firestar began working on his Boxing. His Muay Thai was top-tier but wouldn't help too much with punching faster. In order to do that, he was going to have to hone his Boxing. While punching based styles weren't very competitive in professional Muay Thai due to clinching, it would be essential to real fighting. A flurry of punches could take down Mozgus before he could unleash his full power. It was Scott's best chance of victory.

Firestar had Scott practice his jabs, straights, hooks, and uppercuts. They practiced them together. Using his godly invincibility, he let Scott practice them on him. His Muay Thai experience made him a quick study. His Boxing was already decent.

"Keep practicing just like that."

Once his Boxing was solid, Scott willed on his Voltari Armor and kept practicing multiple strikes of Valor. His jabs were allowing him to get more and more in. His stamina needed work, so he shadow boxed while taking breaks every now and then. Firestar respected how hard Crusader was working. If he had more time, he could definitely defeat Mozgus. With the time constraints they had, Scott had to instead rely on the punchers' chance.
One Month Later

Crusader waited in a large open field in the realm of Firestar. They were armored up and prepared for battle. Having trained all they could over the course of a month, they simply had to let the chips fall where they may. Firestar was sitting on the throne to give the fighters space. However, he would still be a referee for this fight. Even if Crusader lost, he would not allow Mozgus to kill them.

Mozgus appeared and gave Crusader a smirk.

"Well, let's see if you live up to Firestar's hype."

Crusader took a Muay Thai stance.

"Come and get it."

Mozgus spread his arms.

"If you insist."

Mozgus closed the distance in half a second and began battering Crusader with a flurry of punches. His power was making it hard for Crusader to defend himself. Keeping his head, Scott waited and countered with a left body uppercut to the solar plexus. Mozgus was shocked, being so confident that he was winning that he had left himself open. It was Crusader's best chance to end the fight. He took a deep breath and focused his SEL into his fists.

Punches of Valor!!!

Crusader unleashed ten Fists of Valor directly into the face of Mozgus. He cried out, blood spurted from his nose, and he fell on his back with his arms outstretched. Crusader stayed in his stance but was smiling hopefully. Had the plan worked? Had he won?

Mozgus clenched his fists and slowly got to his feet. His face was twisted in rage.

"You little BASTARD!!!"

Crusader was knocked back several steps as the power of Mozgus exploded out of him. His hopeful expression turned to fear and concern. The worst case scenario had happened.

At a SEL of 100, Crusader stood no chance against Mozgus. He couldn't even see the punches that beat him to the ground. His helmet was shattered and his face was covered in blood. On his back, he was helpless as the Archdemon planted a foot on his chest. He raised his fist to deliver a crushing blow to Scott's throat. Sadistic glee turned to surprise on his face as Firestar held his wrist in an iron grip.

"I'm not going to let you kill him."
Mozgus looked back at Firestar, scorching fury burning in his eyes. He went to take a swing at him, but the God of Fire countered by throwing him off into the distance. An orange portal to Hell opened and closed after Mozgus went through it. Firestar stepped through his own portal to Hell. Mozgus had stopped his flight and looked around at the familiar surroundings. Firestar planted his feet as he looked at Mozgus with conviction.

"As promised, I will fight you."

Mozgus grinned in bloodthirsty glee.

"Then show me what you've got, God of Fire!"

The Archdemon closed the distance between them in a blink. Firestar had raised his own power to 100 SEL in order to match Mozgus. The two exchanged punches at a furious pace, though neither could break through to hit the other.

Mozgus attempted to throw a kick aimed at Firestar's head. The God of Fire moved his head back to dodge it before countering with a kick under the chin that launched the Archdemon into the air. He rocketed after him and the two exchanged punches again. Their final clash of fists sent a shockwave ripping through the air. Mozgus grinned as Firestar fell into his trap. He dug his claws into Firestar's hand, making it impossible for him to pull away.

With a shout, Mozgus unleashed a massive red energy blast. At point blank range, the damage should have been extensive. When the energy dissipated, though, Firestar was gone. Thinking at first that the God of Fire had been destroyed, he had no time to react when Firestar suddenly appeared behind him.

"Too slow, Mozgus."

Firestar landed a horizontal chop to the back of his neck.

The Archdemon seized up and his vision began going black.

"Damn you..."

Mozgus fell face first and went unconscious on the ground. With the fight settled, Firestar returned to his own realm. He sensed that Scott had been moved to his palace by attendants. Firestar used a portal to step into his throne room.

An unused room in his palace had been turned into a makeshift infirmary. One of his green flame servants had constructed a bed and used her green flames to heal Scott's injuries, including the broken nose he had sustained during the battle with Lone Wolf. Firestar approached the bed, looking down on Scott, who appeared to be asleep.

"How is he?"

The green flame servant turned to him.

"He has recovered from his injuries and is resting now, my lord."

Firestar nodded.

"Okay. Send him to me when he awakens."

"Of course, my lord."

Firestar returned to his throne room and sat on his throne. When Scott recovered, the next phase of their plan would begin.
Scott opened his eyes a little, flinched at the bright light, then closed them again.

What...What happened...?

Scott? How do you feel?

I...feel okay, I guess. How about you, Valor?

There wasn't an immediate response. Scott put together what happened after a few moments to think.

We lost the fight, didn't we, Valor?

In a monumental way. We didn't stand much of a chance after he got serious.

Scott clenched his fists so hard that they shook.

Dammit! I know I nailed him with Punches of Valor! He was completely downed!

Yes, but that wasn't enough to keep him down. We can do better.

Scott's eyes snapped open and blazed with determination.

"And we will."

Scott sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He stood up and walked purposefully out of the room. When the green flame nurse approached, Scott's expression softened. Her compassionate and meticulous treatment had made him feel like a new man. His smile toward her was bright and heartfelt.

"Thank you."

That simple phrase carried many emotions and genuine gratitude. The green flame nurse needed no explanation or elaboration to understand the words unspoken.

"Firestar wishes to see you."

Scott excused himself and walked with vigor and excitement toward his mentor. Undaunted by defeat, he wanted to get back after it and be better than the him that lost to Mozgus.

When Scott appeared before Firestar, no words needed to be said. The God of Fire looked into his protege's eyes and saw everything that he needed to see. With a smirk, Firestar stood and erupted into an inferno of Soul Energy. He flash stepped forward and threw a punch with conviction. Scott instantly put on his Crusader armor and met that punch with one of his own. These clashing fists symbolized not only each man's unyielding spirit, but their willingness to overcome tomorrow.
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Chapter Ten

Ferndale, California

In the desert outside this small northern California town, two motorcycles were parked. These belonged to Nick and Eric, who were the very picture of different reactions to what was happening in front of them. Nick was so excited that he looked like he had just drank a gallon of espresso. Eric, on the other hand, was so calm that it was spooky. Fifty bikers belonging to a local club called the Desert Mongols were pulling in across from them. They did not have friendly intentions.

This had all started while Wild & Free was making their way down the Coast Highway. They had no particular destination in mind, just going with the flow. Every now and then, the two would look at each other and reinforce the joy of total freedom. Everything was uneventful until they ended up in rural northern California. That was when the Desert Mongols came upon them and started acting like jerks. Never one to take shit from anyone, Nick slugged the leader of the outfit so hard that it damn near knocked him off of his hog.

Wanting to avoid a scenario in which someone literally hit the road at high speed, Eric calmly pulled into the desert sand and Nick followed after him. Now they were staring down a pack of angry bikers with blades and chains.

"Let's try to settle this without powers," Eric said.

"No problem. I'm itchin' to smash some faces the old fashioned way."

The calmer man chuckled at his buddy's enthusiasm, knowing that situations like this were where Nick truly shined.

Without hesitation, the two charged side-by-side, completely unafraid of these bikers. The closest one to them was punched in the face by them simultaneously and went down immediately. The two then divided their foes and started fighting their own ways. Nick was highly aggressive and violent, mercilessly headbutting and punching in the throat whenever he could. Eric was a calm and calculated counter fighter, dodging and smashing cheek bones with full force at every opportunity. No matter which side the Desert Mongols were on, they weren't a match for these military trained men who brought their own particular x factors to the confrontation.

Nick landed a headbutt that completely obliterated the nose of a Mongol. Blood splattered in his face and he whooped in excitement. The smell and feel of blood during a fight excited him in ways similar to a primal warrior. The Mongols left were openly afraid, realizing by now that they were dealing with a beast. A vicious uppercut from Nick dropped the last one on his side. Nick was jittery, still buzzing from the adrenaline rush of combat.

By contrast, the Mongols fighting Eric were backing off but not terrified. They knew he was tough and serious, so they tried to give fewer openings. That didn't help much as Eric could work around their guards and knock them down with combinations of body and face shots. The last on Eric's side lashed out with his chain. He ducked to avoid it, but it flew within Nick's reach. He grabbed it with both hands and yanked on it with both hands.

The last Desert Mongol flew forward, catching a body uppercut to the solar plexus that put him down for the count. Nick whooped in excitement.

"God that felt good!"

"Oh yeah."

They walked side by side back to their bikes and exchanged high to low fives. Not long afterwards, they were back on the highway.

It took Nick a dozen miles to burn off the adrenaline rush. Once he had calmed down, they rode in silence for a while. Eventually, Nick turned to Eric with a cocky smile.

"That was fun but not challenging enough to kick me into high gear. We need to fight our own for that."

Eric showed no reaction, but Nick knew him well enough to know that he was listening.

"Let's go to Europe. Those mutant gangs need a serious taste of Wild & Free."

Nick extended a fist for a bump.

"You in, brother?"

Eric thought it over, realized that Nick was serious, and bumped his buddy's fist.

"You're gonna need someone to watch your back, you crazy bastard," he laughed.
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Chapter Eleven

Hokkaido, Japan

Lone Wolf stood in a stone arena enclosed within a large building on the eastern side of United Clans. Today was the day that he would defend his title of King of Fists. The challenger was Stalking Tiger, his hated Chinese rival. Lone Wolf tried to keep his composure as the bastard entered the ring opposite him. His eyes flamed with hatred, a burning desire to kill igniting in his chest every time he looked at Stalking Tiger. It took Herculean effort to dispel his hatred so that his eyes once more resembled placid pools of still water.

Before the fight to the death, Raging Wolf would say a few words. As the representative of the most powerful clan, it was his responsibility to act as the master of ceremonies.

"Today, my son defends his title of King of Fists. He fights to defend the honor, legacy, and way of life of the Wolf Clan. He also fights to defend his personal values and chosen path moving forward. His two fists are symbolic of these two paths."

Raging Wolf gestured to Stalking Tiger.

"But his challenger has also walked these two paths. His Tiger Clan is no less honorable and has no less of a legacy than my own. Today, Stalking Tiger seeks to bring honor to both his clan and himself by becoming the King of Fists. Who will prevail is up to their skills, desire, and dedication. Only the result will prove whose is greater."

The fight began the very instant that Raging Wolf ended his ceremonial introductions. This was no match with a referee and start time. This was war and would be settled as such. Lone Wolf took his Karate stance and stood his ground. Stalking Tiger was too dangerous to rush in on like a hungry wolf. He would wait patiently for the tiger to come to him.
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Stalking Tiger took his Wushu stance and slowly stepped toward him. He was also smart enough not to rush in. Once within kicking range, Stalking Tiger threw a front kick with his toes pointed forward. It was aimed at Lone Wolf's solar plexus and was meant to act as a spear. Lone Wolf sidestepped to dodge it, though he was not fast enough to counter strike Stalking Tiger's leg. His opponent was staying on the outside and launching precision kicks, knowing full well that Lone Wolf was extremely dangerous within arm's reach.

This forced Lone Wolf to close the distance. He would pursue, but cautiously. Stalking Tiger was continuously backing away to strike from the outside. Lone Wolf absolutely hated when his opponents did that. He considered it cowardice and questioned the fighting spirit of any who refused to exchange 'in the pocket'. Stalking Tiger was goading him, trying to make him angry so that he would make a mistake.

Lone Wolf thought a step ahead and began moving laterally to cut off Stalking Tiger. Though his opponent tried to circle, he forced him to continuously back up toward a corner. Eventually, Stalking Tiger was out of space to back up. Lone Wolf grinned and prepared to launch an assault on his trapped foe. However, Stalking Tiger had also been strategizing. With smooth movements, he turned, jumped, and pushed off of the wall to sail over Lone Wolf's head.

Stalking Tiger landed in his stance.

"Did you think you could trap me with such an amateur strategy? For my style, the wall is merely another surface to use."

Lone Wolf's eyes blazed with fury and he struggled to maintain his composure. The bastard was pressing his buttons and it was working. His cowardly tactics were more than he could stomach.

Lone Wolf began backing him up again, but this time, his strategy was different. He leg kicked at the legs of Stalking Tiger, hitting his calf at times and missing others. He also countered Stalking Tiger's kicks with elbow blocks. If he was going to strike while on the run, Lone Wolf would simply damage his legs until he couldn't run away anymore. The damage would accumulate over time and force Stalking Tiger to change strategies. After all, he would be a sitting duck if he couldn't use his legs.

After absorbing twenty leg kicks to his lead leg despite his attempts to check or dodge them, Stalking Tiger did change strategies. He began executing a flurry of hand strikes. Lone Wolf stayed calm and parried them while striking back with confidence. Though neither were landing blows on the other, it was clear that Lone Wolf was in control of the fight. Even so, Stalking Tiger was not to be underestimated. If he could land even one blow, he could land a dozen more right after it.

Stalking Tiger kept throwing hands relentlessly. He had thrown almost one hundred strikes and wasn't stopping. Lone Wolf no longer had time to counter. It was a risky strategy, but Stalking Tiger was betting on himself to hit Lone Wolf clean before his stamina ran out. Lone Wolf was no longer in control of the fight. A sudden leg kick to his calf hammered that point home.

Stalking Tiger had unexpectedly used a leg kick while distracting Lone Wolf with his hands. Breaking his concentration allowed him to land three rapid punches to the face of the King of Fists. He grabbed his shoulders and executed a knee strike to the solar plexus. With smooth precision, Stalking Tiger then pushed him backwards and landed a jumping back kick to Lone Wolf's sternum. With his opponent's back against the wall, he rushed in and began flurrying on him once more. Stalking Tiger was going to finish Lone Wolf while he was still damaged and disoriented.
Lone Wolf kept his hands up to protect his head. His arms were getting battered, but he could hold out. In his rush to finish the fight, Stalking Tiger had made one strategic mistake. His heavily damaged lead leg was forward and exposed. Without hesitation, he threw a leg kick at the side of Stalking Tiger's knee as hard as he could. The textbook perfect kick completely snapped Stalking Tiger's leg in half.

He screamed in pain and went down. He was writhing around and holding his leg. The spectators all had looks of empathy from knowing exactly how painful that injury was. Lone Wolf shook out his arms and walked menacingly toward him. He dropped a knee directly onto Stalking Tiger's windpipe, which was almost enough to kill him within itself. Raising his hand, the King of Fists prepared to put a spear hand strike directly through his face.

However, his arm was stopped just as he began. His father had his arm in an iron grip.

"That's enough, son. The fight is over."

Lone Wolf was in utter shock. This quickly turned to rage as he threw off his father's grip and whirled on him.

"What is this, father?! First the American and now this!"

Raging Wolf slapped him in the face. Though he did so, his eyes remained soft and understanding.

"You're right. I'm sure this is very confusing for you."

He motioned for attendants to take Stalking Tiger to the hospital. He would likely need urgent care followed by months of rehab. Lone Wolf was shocked to silence. He couldn't understand his father at all. Raging Wolf placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It's time for the next phase of your training, Lone Wolf."
Raging Wolf and Lone Wolf were sitting in the living room of their house. They each had a cup of green tea, though Lone Wolf had shown no interest in it. He was instead sulking in silence. Raging Wolf took a sip of his own tea before speaking softly to his son.

"You have spent your entire life honing your skills as a warrior. But now it is time for you to hone your skills as a man."

Lone Wolf looked at him with puzzlement.

"Someday, my son, you will meet a woman who will capture your heart. You will need to know how to treat her right. You will need emotions and skills that I cannot teach you. Skills that are beyond the scope of martial arts. This is a job best left to the women of United Clans."

Lone Wolf still looked utterly confused.

"You will never be a leader if all you can do is fight. You must be able to use your mind and your heart. The good news is that you aren't the only one to need help socializing with women. Our country has businesses known as 'hostess clubs', where men can sit down to talk with women. Thankfully, several young women have agreed to help simulate this for you. Your job will simply be to understand women and learn to know them."

Lone Wolf seemed to grasp the idea.

"I...see. If this is what you wish, father, I will do so."

Raging Wolf grinned.

"I'm sure you can handle it. I bet you'll even have fun."
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Chapter Twelve

One Month Later

Planet Hell

Mozgus had exited his home in the Fire Quarter on Planet Hell's southwestern continent. Although Mozgus was not a fire demon, actually being an ice demon, he found more in common with the fire demons. Ice demons were by and large cunning and strategic. They were more like chessmasters and loathe to get their own hands dirty. Mozgus was the opposite, loving the feeling of causing death and destruction by his own hands. He was identical in personality to the fire demons and so shared a community with them.

As an Archdemon, Mozgus had some degree of privilege in the Fire Quarter. He lived in a large mansion and had a small staff of fire demons working for him. He also had a small harem of fire demon females. Mozgus had no hand in the local politics of the Fire Quarter, as he had no interest in that kind of thing. When not terrorizing Wintergreen, he trained or relaxed at home. Today was a training day, so he traveled to his favorite canyon in order to get in a work out.

As Mozgus reached the canyon, he detected a familiar SEL nearby. He smiled a bloodthirsty grin of amusement.

"Have you come to die?"

Crusader stood up from his seated position.

"I came to get my win back."

Mozgus turned to face him.

"I guess you'll do as a warm up."

The Archdemon closed the distance in a second, being right in Crusader's face.

"Just don't blame me if you die!"

Mozgus threw a punch and Crusader caught it. The Archdemon only had a second to register confusion before he caught a counter left uppercut under the chin. This was quickly followed up by a punch directly in the nose that knocked him back a few steps.

Mozgus recovered and was no longer amused.

"Insolent worm!"

He kept striking at Crusader, but was countered every time. The Archdemon began raising his SEL, no longer holding back. Crusader also raised his SEL and kept dodging. On the last dodge, he landed a Fist of Valor to the Archdemon's face that embedded him into the cliff wall.

Theme for this fight

Mozgus screamed in fury.

"Enough! I'm going to kill you, human scum!!!"

He began raising his SEL rapidly. In a matter of moments, he had reached his full power of 1000 SEL. Crusader raised his SEL, as well, and took his Muay Thai stance.

"Come and get it."

Mozgus closed the distance and began throwing strikes rapidly. Crusader had trained relentlessly to fight at this level. Whereas before he had been unable to even see the punches coming, now he could see them and meet them with his own strikes. The two exchanged punches rapidly. They were pinballing around the area, moving at higher and higher levels of speed. They clashed fists and the resulting shockwave destroyed several rock formations.

Crusader took the initiative and hammered Mozgus with Boxing combinations, working off the jab to nail him in the face repeatedly with hooks and uppercuts. He had worked tirelessly on his Boxing to make sure it flowed into combinations like fine art. Mozgus continued to fight back, but his counters weren't slowing Crusader down. His Voltari Armor was thicker and more resilient than a month ago. Crusader nailed Mozgus with a hard body uppercut to the solar plexus. This stunned the Archdemon and left him open to a follow up assault.

Clenching his fists, Crusader began charging SEL into his arms. His soul caught fire and he began shouting with conviction.

"Hundred Punches of Valor!!!"

He unleashed a flurry of punches on the Archdemon's face. The assault was so fierce and voluminous that Mozgus could not fight back. On the final punch, he took Mozgus to the ground and embedded him six feet into the rock.

Crusader jumped out of the hole and stood triumphantly before it.

Beautiful job, Scott. Mozgus never knew what hit him.

Crusader turned and walked away. The fruits of his training were plain to see, with all of the hard work clearly worth it. Scott smiled behind his Voltari Helmet in pure joy.
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