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Mx Female Current cravings


Oct 31, 2021
In this thread, I shall just simply post any current cravings as they comr to mind. You can check my other thread to see other stuff I might be interested in or to get a better feel for me overall.

I do third person, usually 1 to 3 paragraphs. I don’t mind short replies so long as they make sense. Response time can vary from many times in a day to once every couple.

I love casual clothing, especially socks. Exception is thongs. But typically love jeans, leggings, t-shirts, hoodies, type stuff.

WARNING!!! My cravings can be pretty taboo and dark sometimes! Proceed with caution.


A story where my character is a washed up horse trainer/racer. He used to dominate. But he hasn’t had any luck for many years. He has a new horse that comes from incredible breeding stock and was showing much promise. But recently it has gone rather lame… Somehow we find the solution is that he comes back to life when he is being stimulated. Ultimately your character would be strapped beneath him for a race, his erection buried in you as he wins a race.
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