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[CS] My NSFW Characters!

Character Sheet


Subby Star Ready to Please~!
Jul 3, 2024
Making this thread so people (including myself) can refer back to it to understand the characters I rp as or mention better!​

Jake Polyan
Main rp character
  • Usually 18, but is often 16 in min age settings
  • Short king (5'0)
  • Very submissive (like me, wow!)
  • black-haired anime protagonist (but with depth of character)
  • Shy, but very friendly and energetic
  • Oftentimes too trusting of women
  • Wants to become a knight. Not to fight people, but just so he can protect those close to him and have cool armor
  • Loves deep blues and purples
  • Works as either a bartender, chef, butler (more like a boy maid lol), or hotel clerk
  • Innocent as a bean
  • Afraid of snakes
  • huge cock (1-2ft) that he CANNOT hide no matter what he wears. There will always be a bulge there for girls to grope and tease
  • Relentless stamina and can cum multiple times before losing his erection, but is balanced by low sex drive (unless you arouse him~!)

Samantha Polyan
Jake's toxic sister (Just for lore purposes, not for rp!)
(You can choose whether or not she's included in rps)
  • Often 20-30
  • Average height
  • Extremely possessive of Jake, sometimes to the extent of stalking and threats to those around him
  • Violently distrustful of every woman except herself and her best friend
  • Often abused Jake when they lived together, but she thinks she's grown past it
  • Caused numerous breakups in not only Jake's but her own relationships as well
  • Spontaneously attempts to sabotage Jake's job in an effort to change his career path
  • Works as a tour guide
  • Likes the color green
  • Hates clowns
  • Likes going to parties on her off time

Reedlen Scarthy
Alternative rp character
  • 25-35
  • NBA Player of the Sea (6'7")
  • Mostly vanilla/dominant, but he knows his place against a greater force
  • "The Last Pirate" (Mostly just a treasure hunting sailor)
  • Loves to tell tales of daring expeditions and adventures at sea
  • His ship is named the Heartstrike
  • Leaves behind a trail of broken hearts wherever he goes (Big fan of no strings attached sex)
  • Has a magical blood-soaked scarf that heals his wounds (Don't question it. It came to me in a daydream)
  • Often confused with his identical twin brother Irom Scarthy, despite their completely different personalities and occupations
  • Favorite food is lemon cake
  • Hates having to stay in one place for too long
  • Deathly scared of deserts and scorpions (to some extent spiders)
  • Reliable, but not punctual
  • Favorite color is coffee brown
  • It is rumored that he had sex with a personification of the moon one time

Irom is coming soon!
Untill then, PM (forum rules) me any critiques or improvements that you have!​
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