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Mx Any And A Monstrous Time Was Had By All

Exemplary Characters

But exemplary of what?
Mar 16, 2024
Are you a monster-fucker? Do you like writing as monsters?

Your Exemplary Characters Needs You!

My professional writing has moved into monstrous territory, which means I need more practice writing erotica involving monsters. Hey, it's a living.

My other threads describe some characters I've written. They're far from the only ones I've ever come up with — for this, I'm keen to create some wholly new characters. So, do you have a fantasy character in search of a monster? Or, even better, do you have a monster in search of a fantasy character? Drop me a DM and we'll get the ball rolling.

For the essentials, please feel free to read below. And if something isn't listed on my "no" kink list, it can't hurt to ask...

  • I write pornography in a fantasy setting with a story. I write filthily and I write well.
    Anonymous former partner said:
    Exemplary Characters is a fantastic partner. Collaborative, detailed, fantastic characters with great depth. Plenty of spice, tons of fun, and one of the best times you'll have RPing with someone.
    VikingWitch said:
    As a storyteller, Exemplary Characters uses rich descriptions of scenery and character to paint a perfect picture in your head. They are very imaginative and the fantasy elements that they use/play with you can almost see. The steamy scenes are no exception. They are well-versed in describing the physical, emotional, and mental acts of a passionate sexual encounter. As a partner Exemplary Characters is incredibly patient, thoughtful, communicative, and fun. They only require the same level of energy from you.
    Are you interested? Then click through these slides to learn the essentials.
    • English language only.
    • All website rules need to be followed.
    • 18+ characters only, no exceptions.
    • I will not write sexual scenes involving bodily waste, non-consent, torture, cannibalism, death, or paedophilia. I do not wish to discuss these things.
    • Communication is mandatory! If there's an issue, talk to me about it, and we can try to find a compromise. Life comes first and I'm really laid back, so if you have problems, just tell me and we'll figure it out.
    • Boundaries are mandatory! If I explicitly say no to something, and you include it anyway, we're going to have words.
    • You're going to need a basic level of literacy for us to get on well. No judgement, I started out struggling to write sentences, but for me to have fun you need to have a fundamental degree of storytelling fluency when it comes to writing a character. If you struggle to write simple sentences, we're not a good match.
    • I expect my partners to make an effort to write well. I don't expect your grammar to be perfect, I don't expect you to be able to write out a novel on demand, but I do expect you to make an effort. You'll get as much from me as you put into it.
    • I don't put out paragraphs every time - sometimes a sentence will do the job. On average I write a good few paragraphs for each post. Do not feel you need to match what I put out, but do write enough to cover what you want to say.
    • I write in third person past tense by default these days, but I can also write third person present tense. You must write in third person, and agree the tense with me before we start.
    • I write from the perspective of an omniscient narrator. I enjoy "GMing" scenes with my collaborators (and I'm very good at it), so talk with me about boundaries for describing your character.
    • If you want me to help you with your writing or storytelling, let me know. I'm a good teacher.
  • The following is an introductory post I wrote for a role-play with a friend. Their character was called Veridian, and I was setting up the scene for them. It gives you an illustration of both the standard I typically write to, and how I write content around my partner's characters (with permission) when setting the stage for their replies.

    Travelling has afforded Veridian many novel experiences, not all of them easy, but certainly all of them memorable. As a woman of the road she makes her living however she can, and one of the easiest has been to sell her companionship to whoever has the coin for as long as she can bear their company. Being a tiefling – distantly descended from some infernal being – has meant that she is desired by many people, her novelty enough to turn heads and stir passions even before people take measure of her considerable beauty. But that same dark novelty translates to prejudice, and so it is more honest to say that she sells her companionship to whoever has the coin for as long as they will tolerate her ancestry.

    No, her journey has not been easy. But now she finds herself in an unusual situation, one threatening to be quite memorable indeed.

    A week ago she was visited in her camp by a young man, handsome enough if plain in demeanour, who brought with him a small bag of gold. She opened her caravan to him expecting that he wanted what all men who visit her want, but then he surprised her by declining to step inside. He explained that he was visiting her on behalf of another, someone who wished to arrange a protracted affair but who could not join her in camp. If she was prepared to go to meet them she would be very well rewarded for her company; the gold he carried was an introduction, a taster of what was on offer.

    Of course she took the gold. As for her questions, however, he offered few answers. The person he was visiting for had reason to be discreet. He would not describe them, save to say that they were wealthy and specifically interested in her, though why her specifically remained vague. The only point he was adamant about was that they were not avoiding visiting her publicly out of regard for their reputation being damaged by association with her – he stressed this with some emphasis.

    There was little else productive to discuss; he gave the location and left. After he had gone, Veridian counted the gold, some three hundred pieces, scoured it to make sure it was real, even looked it over with her mystical sight. The coins were true. But was the offer?

    The question nagged at Veridian for two days, until eventually she relented and packed up her caravan.
  • These vary a little for each character, with some things under "Yes" or "Maybe" becoming "Favourites" with them. Everything listed as a "No" is never acceptable. If your interest isn't listed, don't be afraid to reach out and ask, as the worst I'll do is politely turn you down.

    Anal Sex
    Casual Sex
    Inhuman Anatomy
    Internal Ejaculation
    Knotting / Tying
    Mammary Sex
    Multiple Orgasms
    Multiple Partners
    Multiple Penetration
    Romantic Sex
    Rough Sex
    Vaginal Sex

    Anthropomorphic (Dragon / Reptile)
    Demon / Devil
    Monster (Ask)

    Effeminate Male
    Queer Genders
    Anal Virginity
    Breast / Nipple Play
    Inexperienced Partner
    Large Penis
    Milking Semen
    Oral Virginity
    Orientation Play
    Rope Bondage
    Small Penis
    Swallowing Semen
    Throat Penetration
    Vaginal Virginity
    Very Experienced Partner
    Anthropomorphic (Arachnid / Insect)
    Anthropomorphic (Avian)
    Anthropomorphic (Canine)
    Ghost / Shade
    Disobedient Slave
    Drawing Blood
    Enforced Chastity
    Master/Mistress and Pet
    Swallowing Blood


    Anthropomorphic (Ask)
    Death / Snuff
    Scat / Watersports

Thank you for reading. I look forward to hearing from you.
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