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NBx Female Victim hunting

Ever the victim

Jul 3, 2024
I'm female and made a thread about playing a male, but I think it'd be much easier to roleplay playing a female with male genitals! Turnsb it those are called futa. It actually sounds fun. I'd probably roleplay a rather thirsty and careless futa who's looking for gorgeous young girls (16 and up), hopefully with a boyfriend, and find a way (or force my way) into claiming them as my own. I'd probably be athletic, a little tomboyish and punk, a couple piercings, and very proud of my footlong cock. If you're interested in experimenting with me, I'd love to try this out!

Sci-fi would also work with this so I'm open for that.

Unless you're willing to roleplay as a reluctant character, it won't work out between us.

Blackmail is fun, it is reluctance but allows autonomy so there's back and forth more than give/recieve.

Shady deals is the same idea where YCs compromising morals for something or someone, again allowing some autonomy.

Force is welcome but I'd be focusing more on exploring pleasure at the same time so it's not just trauma but explorations of sensations.

Giving into temptation: it's a shameful reluctance with immediate regret but curiosity, so it's really enticing. From there it becomes regret and trying to avoid doing more but falls into it while resisting. Kind of iffy for me.

Cheating: Always always loved because it's spicy and messed up.

Cuckold: if you add this I LOVE it. It adds SO much drama, her boyfriend knowing what's happening but powerless to stop it, it's super hot.

As for kinks I'm a size queen and know it's unrealistic but don't really care, I like really masculine features, big dicks like a foot long and huge balls. At the same time I do love (and envy) extremely feminine women with gigantic breasts and huge butts.

I'm happy to do a lot more, things like anal, public, rough, oral, outfitplay, etc, just ask if you have something in mind.

I'm wanting to play young naive characters, as young as 16, but if there's an age minimum feel free to share. I don't play milfs, I'm not a milf yet and want to delay that as long as possible. (Yes I'm over the age of 20 so don't freak out)

I don't do toilet stuff, mind control stuff, or consent/casual sex, I find them boring.

Pairings are generic but I like them

I'd be the futa:
Boyfriend/girlfriend dealing with
Hot ex
Bfs futa mom/sister
Gfs futa mom or aunt
Bf or gfs boss or coworker
Bfs bully or evil best friend


Boy/his mother dealing with
Her futa bully
Her ex girlfriend
A dirty cop
The landlord
His older sister
His best friend
His bully
All the others listed above
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