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NBx Female A new life

Jun 25, 2024
Katherine May O'Dell is a beyond compare by most masses and she knows it. What the masses don't know about Katherine is that there are two things about Katherine that set her apart from every other woman she knows about: 1. She is a pureblood vampire from an ancient bloodline going back a millennia and 2. She is a futa. Of course in vampire society it was more accepted for mixed gender individuals to be about, power cares not who holds it but only that it was indeed held. If a male was found wanting, there were equal or more powerful females lying in wait.

For several centuries she ruled as Countess until witch and vampire hunters came into her dominion seeking to end her. Her people were killed, lands ruined. She had never been so enraged as she committed atrocities not seen since Vlad Tepes had born blood curdling horror on the Ottoman empire. She faked her own death in the aftermath, wounded severely and tired.

Now she wakes in a world so different from what she has known. She needs to adjust to living in this modern time or risk her proud lineage doomed to obscurity. And what was the maddeningly sweet smell that ceased to never leave her nose?!

This one is pretty simple but I thought that I'd see if I got any interest hits. Katherine awakes from her slumber in modern times and everything is toody turvy for her. She has to figure out how to make it in this time where everything is foreign to her. On top of that that maddeningly sweet scent in her nose. A smell that indicates her mate is near. Is she a witch descendant? Is a witch hunter or vampire hunter descendent? How will they handle a relationship?

If anyone is interested, DM me.
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