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Mx Female Fight with me (NSFW)


Mar 27, 2022
Hey there,
I'm looking for someone to roleplay a fight scene with me where YC is taking on two or three average thugs. I'm thinking of a dark alleyway or backstreet setting, where YC (a heroine of some kind) basically tries to take down these thugs who are causing trouble in the neighborhood or who might have jumped her. At first, she's got the upper hand - she's a fairly skilled fighter with some sweet moves and a lot of confidence. But as the fight goes on, things start to take a turn for the worse.

I'm looking for a really intense, rough, and physical fight, lots of grappling, manhandling, hair-pulling, slapping , etc. - though not overly brutal. The picture below kind of sums up the vibe I'm looking for (though the fight definitely shouldn't be over that quickly).

I'm open to a variety of endings, and we can certainly play out the kidnapping that might happen in the end and all the other consequences of her loss.

Let me know if any of this sounds appealing

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