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Mx F or NB Doubling Up Beasts (M x Beast/F x Beast, Pokemon and other creatures available as well)

Corrupt Trainer

May 16, 2021
While beast based prompts are easy enough to find in the forum, it’s almost always the woman paired with the animal or monster. So for this, I thought I’d seek out a double up proposition!

What I’m looking for is a partner willing to play not just a girl getting paired up with dogs, horses, pokemon, and various magical creatures, but one who’s willing to play a dog or mare or feral Pokemon as well!

I tend to seek out longer term stories with a good bit of plot and build up to them. Leaning into corruption and training angles is always a plus. We could have early smut scenes of course but the important thing for me is it’s not just 100% sex from start to finish.


Neighbors: Our characters have known each other for a while. We both get new pets at relatively the same time and MC offers to help yours with the training. I use this opportunity to convince you of other ways we can bond with our new friends.

Uncle or Stepfather: YC comes to stay at her uncle’s farm, or the one owned by her new stepfather. There he takes the time to teach her about all the fun that can be had with the various farm animals.

Fantasy Adventure: We play a pair/group of adventurers in a D&D style setting, dealing with the monsters we meet along the way in far less conventional means.

Pokemon Trainers: Either we both start the journey as fellow trainers and build up our team, or MC is an already accomplished trainer/former champion who offers to mentor yours.

Feel free to bring in your own ideas as well please!

Kinks: I have an F-List in my signature and a simplified kink list below. The main ones for this would be bestiality, corruption, and age/size differences. My hard limits are shit and sounding.

I’m looking to play this out either over Discord (corrupt_trainer), email, or DMs on here!
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