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Fx M or F "X," but in reverse!

brenda brunette

May 21, 2017

Let me start by saying I don't know much about the movie X. What I do know is it is about a group of young people who want to make a porn movie and then scary stuff happens. What if we reverse that? A group of young people (played by you and me) are making a horror movie and sexy stuff happens? Could be fun? Maybe? Sounds lame now that I write it. But what do you think?

I don't care about your RL gender as long as you're a good writer. I don't expect perfection (please don't expect it from me). Just give me something good.

I prefer playing in PMs, and I do my best to write three or four paragraphs. Sometimes it might be two, though. I try to reply every day, but I may miss a day here or there. If I must miss more than two consecutive days, I'll let you know. Again, please try to do the same.
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