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Mx Female The relationship of submission.


Mar 18, 2024
This is a prompt with hardcore bdsm with heavy physical torture and humiliation. If this isn't your thing we aren't compatible.

You and I are married or dating and living together living a vanilla life. Your character decides she wants to try bdsm. Perhaps my character was a dominant before meeting your character and she finds an old whip or toy.

In this roleplay she loves submitting to him. I really want to play around on the aspect of what this means for her friends and family. How she mixes the two. Does she hide it, only let on a little or completely come out with it?

Ideally I'd like mc to be rather controlling over her life and how she spends her time. We can discuss the specifics but would like to see some denial of interaction with her family, plenty allowed and definitely not near the level of no interaction. Mostly though this is a bdsm couple and I want a secnd focus on her and her personal relationships and how she handles/interacts after changing.

Likes/kinks: I also really enjoy RPs featuring nonconsent and dark, violent story lines. My hottest buttons are definitely prostitution, verbal humiliation/mockery/contempt/mindfuckery/corrosion of self worth and domestic type violence/battery/choking.. I use unpredictability and caprice, to truly be at the mercy of another's cruel whim, to never know what the right answer or action may be. My kinks include (but are by no means limited to) coercion/blackmail/abduction/slavery/captivity, rough sex/rape/sexual violence, domestic violence, tattoos/branding/marks, humiliation/obctification/psychological torture, corporal punishment, Nipple torture, Domestic servitude, piss play etc, choking.

Hard limits: scat, animals/furries/whatevers, necro, vomit, graphic gore, atrocious , rushed/unedited posts and finally - switching.
Availability: This is often a point of contention with my partners. My schedule varies from week to week and sometimes I can get called away on short notice.Sometimes I can post once and other times I can go back and forth for an hour or so. I generally make the commitment to post once a week but it's usually 2-3 times a week.
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