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Mx Female Porn Podcast With Big Tit Guest Star


Jun 27, 2024
This is a fun/smutty/casual porn podcast roleplay! You’ll play as a rising porn star/OF model getting some heat for how big your breasts are! They’re so big, plump, and round they’re famously known around the world, catching everyone by storm, and you’ve been invited to a podcast where we get to dive deep into your character. Afterwards, podcast host and pornstar/OF model hookup per tradition of the podcast ;)

This is how your breasts will look:

Bust Reference Photo

You can face claim or write a description on how the rest of your character will look as well.

About Me
I'm 25 years old

On a typical day, I like to write multiple times a day and love to just send responses back and forth depending on if we get into our story or not for sure. Though, I understand some days might not be as frequent or at all since life happens. For any reason, I like to just let my partner know!

I tend to write a good paragraph or two at least with every post, sometimes more.

I can play multiple characters as well. Though, I prefer the smut to just be one on one.

I love a good bit of senseless casual smut in the roleplay as well ;)

I'm Male, so I like to play male characters mostly.

I like making original characters.

My kinks are rough sex, spanking, spitting, hair pulling, vulgar name calling, being dominant, exaggerated big tits, tit fuck, casual sex, degradation, heavy ageplay, some story and drama doesn't hurt too, etc. those are just some and open to more!

My limits are rape and feet. That's pretty much it.

What I’m Looking For
A slice of life, fun, sex podcast roleplay.

Someone 18+

Someone willing to play female

Long or short term is fine with me.

Roleplay Starter
"Bro Talk: After Dark" was quickly becoming a staple in the world of casual, guy-centric podcasts. Hosted by the charismatic duo Michael and Jeremy, both in their mid-twenties, the show had a laid-back vibe that appealed to a wide audience of young men navigating their way through life. While not the most popular podcast out there, it had carved out a loyal following thanks to its humorous take on relationships, personal anecdotes, and the occasional deep dive into more serious topics. This week, however, the podcast was set to reach new heights as the hosts prepared to welcome their most high-profile guest yet: an acclaimed adult film star known for her incredibly large and natural breasts, whose name was a sensation in her industry.

Michael and Jeremy had been buzzing with excitement all week. They'd spent hours planning the episode, brainstorming questions that were both respectful and engaging, while also ensuring they kept the fun, relaxed atmosphere their listeners loved. The duo had a natural chemistry that translated well over the microphone, and they were determined to make the most of this unique opportunity. Their guest, YC, was not only famous for her physical attributes but also admired for her intelligence and candidness about the adult industry. Having her on the show was a chance to delve into topics they'd never explored before, potentially attracting a whole new audience.

As the day of the recording arrived, the studio was abuzz with a mix of nerves and excitement. The small, soundproof room was adorned with neon signs and posters of past guests, creating a cozy yet professional environment. Jeremy, always the jokester, had brought in snacks that he jokingly referred to as "aphrodisiacs," while Michael double-checked the sound equipment, ensuring everything was perfect. They knew that this episode had the potential to go viral, and they wanted to make sure every technical detail was flawless. The producers, too, were on high alert, ready to manage any unexpected hiccups.

YC arrived right on time, exuding the kind of confidence and charm that had made her a star. She greeted Michael and Jeremy warmly, immediately putting them at ease. The pre-show banter was light and filled with laughter, a good sign that the actual recording would go smoothly. YC’s openness and willingness to discuss her career and personal experiences promised a fascinating conversation. As she settled into her seat, adjusting her headphones and microphone, the anticipation in the room grew palpable.

With everything set, Michael took a deep breath and glanced at Jeremy, who gave him an encouraging nod. He leaned into the microphone, ready to kick off what could be their most memorable episode yet. "Welcome back to 'Bro Talk: After Dark,'" he began, his voice steady with excitement. "Today, we have a very special guest with us, someone who's not only a huge name in the adult industry but also a person we've been incredibly excited to talk to. (YC’s name), thank you for joining us." The recording light blinked on, signaling the start of an episode that was sure to make waves…

*If interested, send me a private DM with what you would like me to call you, your age, timezone (I'm EST, USA), and anything else you think is important.*
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